Chapter 1118: conquer

"He is a lunatic."
The Turkish president roared, he was gaffe. The constantly reported intelligence let him know that Turkey has collapsed, and the people who have lost everything will tear him up.
This is not as simple as going back twenty years, it is completely ruining Turkey.
A country has no electricity and water, no network and communication, and even its own savings have disappeared. You can imagine how crazy people will be.
The lack of electricity and network for each company is a disaster.
No savings, no jobs, no electricity, no water... The whole of Turkey has almost returned to primitive society.
Even the army has collapsed. It can be said that it has lost order. God knows what will happen?
As long as you are not stupid, you know the current situation and the consequences for Turkey.
And the person who caused all this was Lu Chuan, a terrifying artificial intelligence. The destructive power it caused was a hundred times more terrifying than a nuclear bomb. In this way, a country was destroyed in an instant.
The people around were all flustered.
The president’s office loses the network, and then the communication is interrupted. It is electricity, and only standby electricity can be used.
They were allowed to grab their cellphones and yell on the phone, but blind voices came from them, and they lost the ability to communicate. You must know that there are several types of communications at the president's office, and it is impossible to interrupt them all.
But now, no matter how hard they tried, they tried everything, but they couldn't make the call.
Everyone's complexion was pale to terrifying.
In their mobile phones, the text messages that had been cleared because of their savings are still there, seeming to break their hearts. Without money, even if there is cash in the bank, they cannot get it, consume it, or buy anything.
In other words, they can only look at food and so on, but they have no money to buy.
"President, some citizens have already attacked the bank. They shouted to return their money, and there are more and more people. They all hope to get their deposits from the bank."
A staff member rushed in hurriedly. He panted and said loudly.
Originally, it was a phone call, but now he can only use the method of rushing over to inform the president.
People who have lost everything, under the panic, must be unwilling in their hearts. They think that the bank has hacked their money and they need to get their money back in order to survive in this turbulent situation.
And some people who had nothing, they are more straightforward. Anyway, all the data in the bank has been cleared. They insist that the bank has tens of millions of dollars in it. Who can confirm if it is right?
Taking advantage of the chaos, if they can rob the bank, they will get rich.
In this kind of chaos, people's greed makes them crazy. This storm that swept across Turkey is now unfolding.
"The army, send an army to suppress it." The Turkish president shouted, and the worst result still occurred. It must be suppressed in the shortest time, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.
The assistant next to him trembled and said, "President, I can't contact the army at all."
At exactly this time, a major general rushed in with several soldiers and quickly said something. They were soon taken to the Turkish President: "President, the headquarters is paralyzed, the fighter planes cannot be activated, and the radar cannot even be activated. ..."
The major general was panting. He drove a military vehicle all the way to this place, and ran all the way, sweat wet his uniform, but he could no longer take care of so much.
The Turkish president just feels that his head is about to explode. At this time, the army is unavailable, which means that their crimes are not suppressed. When they find that no one cares about them, they will become even more crazy.
Even now... the army may fall into chaos, the headquarters will be paralyzed, soldiers in other military districts, God knows what will happen?
Even the fighter planes can't be activated right now. This method is really incredible and beyond understanding.
The cold sweat couldn't stop flowing down.
"Is there any way to stop this?" The Turkish president sat down on the chair, his eyes became apathetic, and the consequences now were beyond his dream.
There are a dozen high-level people gathered here, and there are several generals here. In a very short time, these high-level people are almost all there, all of them desperately rushing over.
"President, even if we have a way, it will not be possible in a short time. Communication is paralyzed, we have lost command, and our army can't move at all." A high-level executive said, with helpless despair on his face.
And a general, he was silent for a while, and said: "President, there is a way."
"Say!" The Turkish President came in spirit.
The general said: "Promise all the conditions of Baichuan Guihai Group. Since Lu Chuan can do all this, then he can restore everything."
Whether it is electricity, water supply system, communication, etc., as long as they are given time, Lu Chuan's artificial intelligence is powerful, but they can also recover in a small range through some physical methods.
But their speed will not be fast. God knows what has become of Turkey when they recover?
Taking advantage of this is just a sign, there is still room for recovery.
If it is delayed for a few days, there will be no recovery, and it is no longer what the army can suppress. The whole Turkey will fall into collapse, and no one can save it.
There was a fierce light in the eyes of the Turkish president, but then it turned into depression. In the current situation, there is only one way.
The chaos caused in the short term can be suppressed as long as the army intervenes.
As long as the bank's data is restored, everything is no longer a problem, and the loss can be controlled within a tolerable range.
"But how do we get in touch with each other?" The Turkish president closed his eyes in pain, and when he was able to communicate, they couldn't do anything.
Now the Turkish president regrets and is afraid. If he knew this, give him a hundred guts and dare not attack the Nozomi transport spacecraft. He had never thought that the consequences would be so serious.
Even if the chaos subsides this time, he, the president, will come to an end.
Yes, how do you contact the other party?
All the people present were dumbfounded. They used to have a phone call problem, but now their communication network is cut off and they can't make the call. The current situation is that the outside world does not know what happened in Turkey, and Turkey does not know what happened outside.
When they were at a loss, they only saw a holographic projection appear in front of them, but Lu Chuan appeared in front of them.
Seeing Lu Chuan, everyone present had an angry look on their faces.
But Lu Chuan only smiled. He said, "I heard you want to talk to me? Of course, if you are not welcome, I can still go now."
No matter how angry, no one would dare to really let Lu Chuan go.
Now they don't care about why Lu Chuan can always know their situation. The most important thing now is how to quell this chaos that has swept the country?
"Lu Chuan, you won, we promised all the conditions you made." The Turkish president did not go around the corners, and did not discuss each condition. Instead, he agreed to it all.
If you have already lost, it is better to lose completely and buy more time.
This point is decisive. The Turkish president still has the situation. The situation is better than others. They have no bargaining chips to talk to Lu Chuan.
As for what Lu Chuan has done, how to judge the future, this is the future, not the present. They only care about what is in front of them now, just want to solve the current chaotic situation as quickly as possible.
Lu Chuan laughed, did not spend time with them, and said quietly: "Okay, I have videotaped, remember what you said. I am not afraid that you will regret it, because you know that next time, I won't give you another chance to turn around. ."
"Yes, yes..." The Turkish president said without a trace of hardship, bending over and nodding.
Lu Chuan nodded, and then the holographic projection disappeared.
The next moment, the phone in the office rang frantically, and each of the high-level mobile phones came in. The electricity here is also restored in the first time.
And they found that the text messages on their mobile phones reminded them that their previous balances in the bank had all recovered, and their savings had been lost and recovered in just half an hour.
"Now, contact the police station and ask them to maintain order in the city at all costs. Contact the army and ask them to send soldiers into the city, disperse all the crowd, let them go home and stay at home."
For the first time, the Turkish President issued an order.
The most important thing is to suppress and eliminate chaos.
Lu Chuan’s punishment was only half an hour, but the Turkish President knew that Turkey’s losses were too heavy, and it would not be said that it was a retrogression of 20 years, at least five to ten years. The economy will be hit hard, and it may be out of breath for more than a decade.
There is no doubt that if a country’s finance is destroyed, what will the world look like?
And the nationwide power outage is fatal to some factories. For example, in a glass bottle manufacturing plant, the entire production line was almost scrapped after a power failure. This kind of loss is really too great.
Like the traffic accidents and so on, I don’t know how many people will lose their lives in this chaos.
It is the bank. From the information obtained, many people rushed in and wiped out the bank. These losses are not as big as imagined.
The real hard hit is Turkey's economy and finance. God knows how many years will it take to get over?
If Lu Chuan’s sanctions only need to be maintained for more than an hour, Turkey may go backwards 20 years. If it is maintained for one day, Turkey will completely collapse and there is no room for recovery. In other words, even if order is restored, it is no longer what Turkey is today.
With the restoration of communications and networks the current situation in Turkey has also been presented to the world for the first time.
A large number of stationed reporters reported everything that happened here for the first time, which caused panic around the world. For the first time, they faced Baichuan Guihai Group Company so squarely. For the first time, they realized that there is such a domineering force. Can destroy a country in an instant.
Everyone who saw the report was as cold as an ice cellar.
The tragedy in Turkey now makes them all stunned. They need to re-examine the strength of the Baichuan Guihai Group.
The live broadcast of Lu Chuan continues, but now the number of viewers has exceeded one billion.
Throughout history, Lu Chuan is definitely the first in the history of live broadcasting.
During the live broadcast, Lu Chuan casually swiped, and another world map appeared. Lu Chuan smiled and said, "Just now, I have conquered Turkey, so...what is the second goal?"
Lu Chuan flicked his finger across, then placed it on Syria, tapped a few lightly, and said, "Just it, a country that has been plagued by war for many years, and I will return it to peace. Well, within half an hour, positive and negative All military forces lay down their weapons, and countries that do not belong to Syria have only been withdrawn from Syria in half an hour, no matter who it is.
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