Chapter 1191: Born of God

   Until this moment, the human beings in the world where An Yuran lived, did not realize the terrible Lu Chuan.
   This is still a little white face, simply fear of the devil.
   For the first time, countries in the world realized that there would be such an exaggeration in this world, beyond their imagination. A person can do what they can imagine, which subverts their understanding.
  All physics, in front of Lu Chuan, all lost their function.
   "Tell them that the law of nuclear fission in this world has been changed by me. Their nuclear weapons are just a pile of scrap iron, so they don't need to pay such attention and waste their power."
  Lu Chuan Shi Shiran returned, without any expression of joy, anger, sorrow, and joy.
  It is not difficult to understand, after you walked out of your house as a human being and trampled an ant to death, what excitement would you have when you came back?
  In Lu Chuan's eyes, it was indeed like pinching an ant to death.
   To be precise, Lu Chuan just took a breath of air naturally, effortlessly.
  An Yuran was dumbfounded, she would not doubt what Lu Chuan said, but this result was too shocking. What kind of ability is to change the law of nuclear fission?
   Before, she knew that Lu Chuan had solved this huge combined fleet with just a few seconds.
   Facing An Yuran's dumbfounded expression, Lu Chuan smiled slightly. He would not tell An Yuran, let alone to change this rule, it is to create a planet, which is also in his own mind.
   It is no exaggeration to say that in this universe, he is the omnipotent god, transcending the existence of the creation god.
   When receiving An Yuran’s message, all countries in the world were directly frightened.
   So in the experiment, they were shocked to find that what An Yuran said was true. The law of nuclear fission has changed. Its fission does not produce the effect of a nuclear explosion, but is transformed into a kind of mild electrical energy, which is continuous and far exceeds the previous nuclear energy.
   An unprecedented energy method is like opening a larger door to mankind.
   Lu Chuan is such a god, closing a window for humans, but opening a door for them. Under An Yuran's guidance, human beings in this world will no longer be troubled by energy. They already have the ability to explore this world.
   The universe is so big, if there is no more effective energy method, it will not go far.
   The new fission law will allow humans to study sub-light thrusters earlier.
   Maybe in the future, they will read Lu Chuan well.
   But now, one by one, they are so scared to death, their incredible ability has subverted their understanding. In front of Lu Chuan's incredible ability, they gave them 10,000 courage, and they didn't dare to have any more thoughts.
   Just kidding, such a powerful military force will disappear at the first thought. The laws of this world say that changes can be changed. As long as Lu Chuan is willing, can more laws be changed?
   The destruction of mankind may be in one of his thoughts.
   Now they discovered that An Yuran actually hugged an unimaginably thick thigh.
   Things about the joint fleet and the air force have been concealed by all countries in the world. Although it is not completely complete, the outside world cannot know much.
  Luchuan, countries around the world have even issued bans.
   There is no way, Lu Chuan's existence transcends this world, and no one wants to cause panic in this world because of Lu Chuan.
   Lu Chuan didn't care about this either. Just as the outside world criticized, he became a little white face. Every day he accompanies An Yuran to eat and play as he should, and brings enough happiness to An Yuran.
   But no matter how happy you are, there are times when you can go away.
   "Are you really leaving?" An Yuran hugged Lu Chuan tightly after the passion, a little bit unwilling.
   Lu Chuan scratched her nose and said with a smile: "I'm leaving. You should know that I am not only the identity of the universe, but I also have other loved ones."
   For this, Lu Chuan generously admitted.
  An Yuran doesn't matter. In her understanding, as long as Lu Chuan is alone in this universe, he is the greatest loyalty and happiness.
   transcended the boundaries of the universe, she didn't need to ask Lu Chuan to do anything. What's more, by all accounts, he might be the role of a junior, because before that, Lu Chuan must have had a woman and a family.
   Therefore, An Yuran really has nothing to ask for, just want Lu Chuan to spend a little more on himself.
   It's a little sad to think about it, or let the outside world know that you are just a junior, what kind of sensation will it cause? In this world, she is a good existence like a queen. She is the goddess dream lover in the minds of hundreds of millions of men. She should be able to pick out all the men in the world, and can treat men as playthings at any time.
  Facts, it can only be said that there is a mountain high.
   Lu Chuan is the kind of existence that can treat her as a mustache and can break through the barriers of the universe. What kind of woman does he want? Among the hundreds of millions of users of biochemical factories, there are also many women. Are they all queens? But once Lu Chuan appeared, they would become ordinary.
Lu Chuan seemed to see through An Yuran’s careful thoughts. He smiled and said,
Don’t worry, your man is not such a casual person. Moreover, it’s easy for me to leave and want to come back. Bad trips are fine."
   was seen through by Lu Chuan, An Yuran was a little embarrassed, and angrily made a circle on Lu Chuan's chest.
   Lu Chuan kissed her forehead and stroked her back. This was the only way to fade away in An Yuran's arms, and then leave in a fruitful manner.
   Crossing the multiverse, there is no such mysterious sensation as imagined.
   When Lu Chuan appeared in his apocalyptic universe, Lu Chuan was already wearing a casual suit, and then strolling on the emergency lane of the highway.
   The zombies in this world were cleaned up, and human beings became the masters of this planet again.
   The civilization established by mankind is expanding at a terrifying speed.
   The traffic flow on the highway is sparse. Because of the emergence of suspension technology, new vehicles have eliminated traditional fuel vehicles and electric vehicles. Today, there are still driving, but some old vehicles that have survived and have not been abandoned.
  Walking on the highway, in the end times, this is a standard zombie behavior.
Just after the end of the world, humans were still vigilant enough, so it took less than three minutes to walk in Lu Chuan, and a small patrol fighter appeared, using a clever technique of flying tails in the air, hovering in front of Lu Chuan. The sky above.
   The aerial cannon above locked on Lu Chuan, and the camera zoomed in.
   The next moment, the five patrol officers of this small fighter plane shuddered and almost opened fire because of the shivering.
   Of course, they also knew that they couldn't do it even if they wanted to fire. Because the fire control system on the fighter plane is also intelligent, it does not allow them to attack the person in front of them.
   The reason is very simple. This is especially true your Majesty.
   The patrol fighter landed for the first time, and then five patrol officers came down quickly and formed a line to salute Luchuan, with fanaticism and admiration in their eyes.
   In this world, no one is not fanatical about Lu Chuan. It is precisely because of Lu Chuan that they are able to free themselves in these last days and re-establish human order.
   If there is no Lu Chuan, maybe human beings will be extinct. There is no need to ask why, with the continuous unlocking of information, humans have discovered that the power of zombies is beyond imagination. Their evolutionary speed will only get stronger and stronger, far surpassing humans.
   When even the missiles fail, unless humans destroy the earth together, there will be no chance of turning over.
   It was Lu Chuan who made them reverse all this.
  As the founding emperor, Lu Chuan's power is unimaginable. It is not an exaggeration to say that one of Lu Chuan's instructions is death, and the soldiers will not hesitate to implement them, there will be no unwillingness or hesitation.
   Lu Chuan walked slowly in front of them, smiled lightly and saluted a military salute, and said softly: "Everyone's duty, I just want to take a walk, don't have to disturb others."
   "Yes, Your Majesty." The team leader replied.
  They are not worried about Lu Chuan's safety, just kidding, who doesn't know that your Majesty's genetic level is the highest in the world? It is the Yi commander of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces and the defeated general of His Majesty.
   From this we can see how high Lu Chuan's skill is. What's more, they know that around your Majesty, there is an invisible army that makes people hear discolored. This is the most terrifying existence in this world.
   Lu Chuan smiled, and continued his leisure pace.
   The small patrol fighter took off vertically and did not leave. Instead, it flew around at a very far distance. You don't have to think about it and know that they are protecting the Luchuan.
   In fact, Lu Chuan is really taking a break now, wanting to be quiet for the changes he has made in this period of time.
   In his heart, Lu Chuan still needs to digest and accept this big background. Who could have imagined that this big background would be so awkward, it's almost lost.
  Billion trillion cosmic planes, but there is only a bead in the hands of others. Even Lu Chuan thinks of toothache in the distance, and the ninth-level dimension is so overbearing and unreasonable.
  Think about it carefully, the Milky Way, the solar system, the earth... these people who know it all know that it takes countless coincidences to be able to give birth to life. Take the earth as an example.
   is near, look at the Venus, it is simply a on earth, the high temperature above is not for life to survive. Far away, the blazing and cold alternation of Mars is also not something that humans can survive. UU Reading
   What's even more incredible is that it seems that in the same period, there are countless ancient creatures on the earth.
   Putting aside this one, like the moon, the satellite of the earth, I don’t know how many cosmic disasters have been blocked for mankind.
   Jupiter in the solar system is the super protector of the earth, stopping almost all asteroids and meteorites from impacting, making the earth difficult to be impacted by these meteorites.
In the Milky Way, the zone where the solar system is located is the most optimal location. There are few stars and galaxies here, and it is almost impossible to affect the operation of the solar system. In human calculations, it has been determined that within four billion years, the solar system will operate in all areas Will not leave this area, and will not be hit by a super planet.
   And all this is too much coincidence.
   Scientists have always believed that it is a coincidence, or that the earth is blessed by nature.
   Is this actually the case?
   Lu Chuan used to think it was a coincidence, but now Lu Chuan doesn’t think so. This is not a coincidence, it is simply a deliberate arrangement by the "gods" in order to allow human beings to safely exist here and grow safely.
   What is all this for, of course, for their games.
   The earth and human beings, as well as the hundreds of millions of creatures on the earth, are nothing more than a game-setting need of the "gods", and they exist because of the "gods". .
   There is nothing wrong, it is that simple.
   This is the origin of life that scientists have been tracing, and the mystery of the universe can never be explained by science, because the diameter of trillions of light-years cannot cross this distance unless it breaks the dimensionality.
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