Chapter 1203: The formal way of falling in love

Victoria didn't know why Lu Chuan spent so much time and effort to persuade herself to take risks. Anyway, she couldn't figure out what Lu Chuan's purpose was.
If there is any benefit to Lu Chuan during this process, she would not believe it.
It's really good, Victoria can't think of it.
Could it be that some people like yourself have entered the ninth level space, what benefit will Lu Chuan have after death? Arena ranking? Don't be funny, Lu Chuan is now number one. He doesn't need to worry about the lives and deaths of the rankings below. The absence of existence makes them dead so as to occupy the ranking.
Between the universe and the universe, at least between the users and users of the biochemical plant, there is no interest connection, and there is no other way of saying that the user is dead, and there is another benefit.
In a short period of time, Victoria thought a lot, but didn't have a clue. Why did Lu Chuan have such a request?
I changed someone else, crossed the universe, and used this ability to do something bad. Why do I have to make this request?
Looking at Victoria's expression, Lu Chuan is also painful. What she can think of, and of course Lu Chuan also thinks of it, but can you say this? Since I can't say it, it's just like that. Can I have a fart?
At this moment, Victoria suddenly smiled. She put down the milk glass in her hand and looked at Lu Chuan with her arm in her arms: "Why should I listen to you?"
Indeed, why do people listen to themselves?
This question caused Lu Chuan a headache, and he really didn't know how to answer it.
If you want a horse to run, you must have grass to eat, right? It's no good, why should people listen to you, and just go ahead if you say it? Nine-level space is not a child's play, it is deadly.
Such a risky move depends on your own words, don't be naive.
Lu Chuan is helpless, why is it so difficult to talk between people? In other words, do you have to use extraordinary means yourself?
At this moment, Victoria laughed. She put her chin on her hand and said, "It's okay if you want me to listen to you, as long as you promise me one condition."
Lu Chuan was immediately happy, and promised a condition, yes, what does it matter?
There are not many things that can be done for Victoria. After careful calculation, it is really not much. What's more, she has nothing to be lacking now. What conditions can she ask for?
"Yes." Lu Chuan is calm, what conditions can Victoria offer?
Victoria stared directly at Lu Chuan with a sweet smile. She said seriously: "You may not believe it. Apart from talking to a boyfriend in college, I won the award soon after graduation. The right to use the biochemical plant."
Lu Chuan raised his brows slightly and said, "Just talk about your conditions."
Victoria smiled and said, "What are you anxious about, you must at least understand me first, right?"
"Okay." Lu Chuan made himself patient.
"You don’t need to think about the next thing. At the beginning, I was always busy with apocalyptic things. Then I set up a company in modern times, recruiting people, and step by step from weak to strong. In this process, there have indeed been many outstanding ones. Men have appeared and pursued me, but I rejected them all. You should know what it means to own a biochemical factory.
After that, things just dragged on.
Gradually, my eyes began to look down on ordinary men, and my eyes became higher. More importantly, the pressure that I always thought made me unable to distract, so I kept going.
When I was able to relax, I looked back and found that almost a hundred years have passed. I am a 100-year-old old woman. "
At this point, Victoria’s eyes became fierce and said: "My condition is very simple, to be my boyfriend, boyfriend in this world, I don’t need you to accompany me every day, but please come and see me occasionally, Let me realize that I have a boyfriend."
Lu Chuan opened his mouth, almost spit out a word.
No way, Lu Chuan felt that something was wrong when she heard Victoria talked about her love, and then this Victoria's mouth was so...Lu Chuan's egg hurts.
Fateful peach blossom?
After thinking about it carefully, this Victoria is a woman in her three hundred and twenties. This... Lu Chuan really cared a little.
Lu Chuan set his sights on Victoria, and the face he saw was naturally not an old woman, but a young woman of twenty-five or six. The femininity exuding all over her body is incomparable to ordinary women.
Regardless of her age, Victoria should be one of the best in the world and the most attractive woman.
Lu Chuan admitted that he would definitely agree to ignore her age.
But now, Lu Chuan doesn't know if he wants to agree or not, or... the age is not an important factor, as long as the appearance is not an old woman?
Well, it's easy to convince yourself of the reasons.
"I agree to your condition." Lu Chuan replied very righteously, as if to promise what a sacred thing.
In his heart, Lu Chuan gave himself a little comfort: "I am not because of her beauty, but because of the task. Yes, it is a kind of self-sacrifice under the task."
Everyone is an adult. Once the relationship between men and women is established, regardless of whether it is sincere or not, the first thing is to test each other's physical fitness.
Lu Chuan ignored the madness of a woman who didn't know the smell of meat for three hundred years. No matter how strong he was in combat, he felt that his waist would be broken.
After several days of testing, that kind of crazy energy made Lu Chuan understand what a Great Yangma is.
Fortunately, no matter how crazy there is, there will be a degree.
"With your beauty, there is no man in the city of competition?" Lu Chuan couldn't help asking, enjoying the peace after this passion.
Victoria leaned her head on Lu Chuan's chest and said, "I don't see it."
This sentence is not arrogant.
Victoria is the second place in the competition list. How powerful? There should not be many men who can be regarded by her.
Lu Chuan became curious and said, "Don't you look down on Emperor Botu?"
"I don't like black people. It's not racial discrimination, but an aesthetic problem." Victoria smiled lightly. She looked at Lu Chuan's face: "You Asians, just barely."
Lu Chuan became angry when he heard it, and said, "What is reluctance? I think you are looking for a fight..."
Said, overturned Victoria.
So a battle that saved tens of thousands of words was another exhibition [Long Teng Novel Network].
Boyfriend, it's not just as simple as rolling the sheets, Lu Chuan also recognizes it anyway, these days they have been shopping with Victoria, and then eating and drinking, just like other male and female lovers.
Occasionally, I will go to the cinema to experience movies in the era of holographic projection.
Eating popcorn, the two kissed me and I...
Anyway, this movie theater is full of people who spread dog food, and no one can hurt anyone.
There are also cinemas in this era, mainly because the holographic projection technology here is more content, and the area environment it projects is not comparable to that of the family, and it brings greater shock.
"Tsk tusk, the movies of World War II are all ancient times." Lu Chuan sighed.
Victoria laughed and said, "This is normal. It has been almost 400 years since World War II. Do you think he was a modern war or an ancient war?"
"That's right." Lu Chuan nodded, because he had not yet transformed from his own world.
As a latecomer, Lu Chuan's world cannot be compared with Victoria's cosmic timeline on the time axis.
Each universe has a different time axis. In addition, in history, many things are difficult to learn from, because certain factors will change its trend and have no reference value.
Take Victoria's world as an example, her existence is completely unrecognizable.
"Your current Victoria Group, I'm afraid the world is greedy." Lu Chuan grabbed a handful of popcorn and threw it into his mouth, chewing, not to mention that it feels really good.
No wonder movies and popcorn are a perfect match.
Victoria smiled and said: "The greedy people are good, but the thoughtful people, they are not worth mentioning in front of the ghost guard."
Lu Chuan shrugged, this is true.
Ghost Guard is in this world, as long as you don't play nuclear warfare, it has almost no solution. Victoria wanted to know that super artificial intelligence must have been deployed in this world. Whoever has the mind can't escape her eyes.
"But you also know that I rarely pay attention to this, otherwise I will be too tired." Victoria smiled lightly. She, an old monster, rarely manages the group, and some of them are through the zombies under her.
In the outside world, there is no final conclusion about her life and death, whether it is dead or alive.
Lu Chuan nodded. He didn't discuss these things anymore. He enjoyed this kind of relaxation now.
After a movie, the two went to the top western restaurant in Paris, and they ordered the top ingredients here. For Victoria, this amount of money is not worth mentioning.
Lu Chuan regards himself as a little white face and eats comfortably.
In a hundred years, Lu Chuan is not in a hurry, he should have relaxed here.
At Lu Chuan's current status and level, for Ye Lingwei and the others, they are no longer two worlds. Lu Chuan still loves them, but in the face of this kind of level that transcends the universe, there is no way to give them all the love.
Here, Lu Chuan did not think too much.
The feeling that Victoria gave to herself is indeed very good. People who have not tasted the taste of the Great Yangma cannot understand it.
"In the eyes of outsiders, the two of them must be male and female." Lu Chuan sarcastically, but it did not prevent Lu Chuan from cutting off a small piece of top-quality steak and sending it into his mouth.
There are only four things in the day of love
Roll the sheets, go shopping, eat, play.
Victoria is not afraid of a woman, and Lu Chuan is naturally not afraid.
After letting it go for more than a week, as an independent Victorian, she finally stopped her madness. After an enjoyable battle was over, she stood up, held her arms at the door, and said quietly: "Lu Chuan , I think we should be apart for a while."
Lu Chuan was taken aback, but he said, "Okay."
I'm not bored. The main reason is that Lu Chuan is not a procrastinator. Besides, Xiaobie wins newlyweds. This is the right relationship.
"Don't worry, I won't forget what you want me to do." Victoria's words made Lu Chuan smile bitterly. This girl really turned her back and didn't recognize people. It seemed like a deal between them?
Lu Chuan put on his clothes and nodded as well: "Actually, it is not a bad thing to be self-motivated. Of course, when you enter the ninth level, you must pay more attention. I believe you will return triumphantly."
Victoria smiled slightly.
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