Chapter 1244: Physical body

In a good mood, Lu Chuan asked Hughes to put away some of the chairs and tables before leaving.
He needs to adapt to this ability and understand this ability.
The first thing Lu Chuan thought of was to go back to the modern earth and pretend to be a heaven. No, it's not pretending to be. Lu Chuan is more apt to say that it is already the way of heaven, representing the way of heaven.
But this time Lu Chuan, the god, is truly worthy of his post.
In one idea, Lu Chuan has already returned to the modern earth.
When Lu Chuan returned, Xiao Wei listed a lot of important news in front of Lu Chuan. The most important news was about the changes in Mars. The other was that the twenty-four planetary converters had been deployed on Venus and were working normally.
Lu Chuan has seldom paid attention to the matter of Baichuan Guihai Group Company, because Lu Chuan no longer needs funds to support himself, so the development of Baichuan Guihai Group Company is inertial.
A company of this size, with strong inertia, can also affect the world.
Like snowballing, Baichuan Guihai Group Company is now rolling faster and bigger, and it has reached the point where it can’t stop and can only move forward.
Not to mention the Baichuan Guihai Group Company, like the procurement company that made great contributions to Lu Chuan before, there is no need for it, because Lu Chuan no longer needs material support.
Lu Chuan stood in the towering office, staring at the distant street.
With his eyes locked, Lu Chuan showed a faint smile: "Give this popular luck a day."
As soon as his mind moved, nothing changed, but Lu Chuan knew that this man's fate on this day would be completely changed.
Sure enough, the other party just walked a few steps forward and got kicked. When he checked, he found that a gold ring nearby was covered with dust. This unexpected joy made him almost cry out.
If this is the end, I would look down on this luck. The other party avoided a car accident perfectly. In addition, when passing a lottery shop, he just bought a random bet, but Lu Chuan knew that this was tonight. The first prize of the draw.
It was just a small experiment, which gave Lu Chuan a little excitement.
This ability is too unbelievable, and too mysterious.
Lu Chuan's thinking changed again. People already appeared on a street. There was a guy here, who was constantly running through the red light, driving a supercar with the wind, and carrying a beautiful big ocean horse.
With the rise of Somalia, too many people from other countries flocked in here to pay for money, and some people quickly accumulate wealth. In this golden age, there will always be people who become millionaires.
Lu Chuan didn't know whether the young man in front of him was the rich second generation or one of the lucky ones, but his actions were destined for a result.
Lu Chuan watched the other person go away, showing a devilish smile, and a thought came up.
But ten seconds later, this sports car was unable to grasp the ground due to a stall during a turn. The consequence was that it hit the barrier. This was not over yet, the barrier snapped, and the sports car flew out under the screams of the two of them, and plunged into the river in the city.
The sports car is definitely finished, and the people in it won't die, but Lu Chuan probably will be choking.
The story will not end, the other party will be unlucky during these twenty-four hours, even if they are not dead, they will peel off. If you want to get up, it will be at least half a year later.
With the blessing of bad luck, his behavior will definitely revoke his driver's license.
The two small experiments all illustrate the terrible transformation of ideas.
Lu Chuan had another idea, he had already returned to the office, and it was only two or three minutes before and after. But no one knows what Lu Chuan has done.
"Many people in Huaxia are asking for what they want to achieve, but in this world, how is it possible to achieve what they want? But the transformation of their minds is really what they want to achieve."
Needless to say, it is almost like that.
There was a knock on the door of the office. No need to think about it, Lu Chuan also knew that it must be his secretary An Tong. It has always been at the headquarters, but Lu Chuan has rarely come here, and the number of meetings with it is very small.
"Boss, your hot coffee." An Tong said, putting a cup of coffee made by himself on Lu Chuan's table.
For An Tong, every time the boss arrives, she is used to making a cup of hot coffee for the boss.
Lu Chuan picked it up naturally, took a faint sip, and looked at An Tong. The years left no trace on his face.
Unknowingly, Lu Chuan laughed blankly. An Tong relied on the pretender system. Not to mention the past few years, even hundreds of years. An Tong will always be like this, without the slightest change.
As his secretary and the first group of zombies to follow him, Lu Chuan still has feelings for them, and does not want to really abandon them.
Suddenly, Lu Chuan's heart moved, staring straight at An Tong.
"in case……"
Thinking of this possibility, Lu Chuan was also excited. He stared at An Tong, then stood up, walked in front of An Tong, and squeezed An Tong's face with his hands.
An Tongjiao yelled, her eyes were already glaring like silk.
Lu Chuan squeezed a few more times, feeling a sensation that seemed to be real, but in fact feels ordinary. No matter how powerful the pretender system is, it will not be able to detect the abnormality like a real person after all.
Facing An Tong's coquettishness, Lu Chuan smiled and said, "An Tong, do you want to become a real human being?"
"Isn't they human now?" An Tong smiled, thinking that Lu Chuan was joking with him. In fact, if the zombies have their intelligence turned on, they all know in their hearts that they are just a zombie.
"No, I mean real human beings." Lu Chuan said sternly.
An Tong finally didn't dare to make any more noise. It said: "Boss, if you can, who wants to be a zombie? To put it bluntly, now we are just a zombie with a predecessor thought, a different kind of walking dead."
Lu Chuan nodded and said, "Answer me, are you willing to become a real human? After you become a real human, you won't have the immortal body of a zombie. Maybe your life span will be the same as that of a human."
"I am willing." An Tong replied sternly.
Putting a person's soul on a corpse, it seems that this is a combination of people. But in nature, it is very different. This feeling is very strange, just like sealing the soul to the body, letting you struggle and you can’t escape, it makes people desperate and helpless.
Lu Chuan snapped his fingers suddenly, and then he picked up his coffee and sipped it lightly.
But An Tong in front of Lu Chuan was completely frozen as if he had been punctuated by someone. Because at this moment, she felt the changes in her body, that kind of blood connection, that kind of heartbeat, that kind of skin breathing air, and the different eyes that reminded her of the physical differences. .
An Tong tremblingly stretched out his hand and gently stroked Lu Chuan's desk. The feeling in the palm of his fingertips was so clear, that feeling was so strong and familiar.
Before she died, when she touched something with her hand, it was this feeling, a feeling that had disappeared for a long time.
She took a deep breath, and the feeling of fresh air passing through her throat and then entering her lungs was so familiar and long-lost. She felt that she had a strong heartbeat, and her blood was expanding, which made her feel real.
The feeling I haven't had for many years, it hit all of a sudden, so caught off guard.
"Boss..." An Tong's voice trembled. Now she felt that her body was so real. She felt that she was a person, an incomparably complete person, no longer a zombie, let alone a disguised person by the pretender system. With a shell.
Lu Chuan smiled and nodded and said, "As you want, you are now a complete person. You can feel this world, you have your own feelings, you can enjoy food, and you can be like a real woman. Give birth to children. Remember, you are now a real person, a woman, and a woman whose genes have been strengthened by me."
The transformation of ideas is such a pervert, beyond imagination.
An Tong not only got rid of the identity of zombies, but also possessed too many zombies' abilities. She has superb healing ability, even if the heart is broken, she will not die immediately. Her powerful genes and blood will ensure that she can live for 24 hours.
Lu Chuan directly strengthened her to the eighth genetic step, almost like a superman.
As the first batch of veterans, she deserves all of this, and deserves to own it. After they have turned on their intelligence, they are no different from real human beings, and it is time for them to regain their human status.
Nothing is more important to give them life.
An Tong's head was "buzzing", she was startled, then giggled, then laughed, disregarding her image. It is impossible for others to understand her current mood. Only when you have lost your life but recovered, will you know what truly ecstatic is.
Lu Chuan smiled. In fact, he suddenly felt a little bit emotional. The zombies under his team have been following themselves, making their contributions, and giving. Now that I have this ability, I naturally compensate for them.
The so-called one person gains the Tao, the chicken and the dog ascend to heaven, that is generally the case.
Lu Chuan had only one idea before, but he didn't expect that the transformation of the idea could also be used on their bodies, giving them their bodies, and then allowing their bodies and souls to be perfectly combined.
Everything is so magical and natural.
"Well, don't be excited, go to Zhong Hua, it is also worth having all of this." Lu Chuan smiled lightly, sips the coffee lightly, and said, "An Tong, this coffee is good."
An Tong smiled, then stumbled away, she was so excited.
She made an inconspicuous move, and then came out of Lu Chuan's office to make the employees outside naturally wonder. For example, the boss and secretary have completed a movement in the office that requires cooperation between both parties?
Zhong Hua came quickly, his face was cold and serious, but the eyes staring at Lu Chuan became extremely hot.
Lu Chuan nodded to Zhong and said, "Thank you for your dedication. I now want to know if you want to be a real person instead of what you are now."
Zhong Hua nodded without hesitation and joked. This is what it dreams of. I don't know how many days and nights it has been begging for heaven, how could it be different.
Lu Chuan snapped his fingers, then walked over, patted Zhong Hua's shoulder lightly, and said, "In the days to come, Baichuan Guihai Group will give it to you. Help me take care of it. rudder."
Zhong Hua was so excited that he was trembling all over, he felt the feeling of being a human, the feeling he once had but lost.
"Boss, never give up." Zhong Hua's lips moved.
An Tong next to him is like an immature child who has obtained a toy, but now she is studying herself, jumping and touching here, feeling the truth.
Lu Chuan just smiled, and Zhong Hua and An Tong were not the only ones who had lost their figure and needed to regain their flesh.
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