Chapter 1246: Life reshaping

Lu Chuan chatted with them, and said, "I will give you a gift."
Uncle zombies, naturally, they don't know what Lu Chuan wants to give away. In their opinion, as long as the boss is willing. What to send is the same with them.
Their zombies' identities and their material enjoyment are almost the same as if they were there or not.
Take what they eat, they don’t care how it tastes, as long as they can eat it to provide them with energy. And they only need to eat once a week, not to mention that they need to eat every meal.
Aside from this, they cannot have human feelings. Although they have thoughts, they always remember their zombie identity.
Among them, not all of them can be defended, and some other thoughts may be moved. For example, self-defeating, some have thought of reporting on Lu Chuan, some have thought of leaking, and some have thought of implementing certain exercises against women.
The number of zombies Lu Chuan brought to this world is as many as hundreds of thousands. It is impossible for everyone to be a good-minded person during his lifetime. It may also be a bad person or a variety of villains.
Enabling intelligence is actually just restoring their memories during their lifetime.
It's just that Lu Chuan doesn't worry about this at all, because if the pretender system, it is not vegetarian. As long as any zombie has other thoughts, the pretender system will automatically start the erasing program and directly erase it.
The harshness of the pretender system is by no means joking.
Anything that is disloyal to Lu Chuan cannot escape the pretender system. Any thoughts are under the surveillance of the pretender's system and will not give a chance.
The creatures in the world cannot fake their thinking, because a person’s thinking can never be faked. Whether you think good or bad, it needs to go through your brain.
By monitoring the thinking, all possibilities are ruled out.
Lu Chuan knew that the pretender system had become vicious, and the number of zombies he had brought over had been erased. The number was at least 50,000 to 60,000.
It is with such a huge erasure rate that the zombies brought by Lu Chuan in the later period no longer activate their intelligence, but can treat them as pure robots.
Without intelligence, there would be no betrayal and other ideas, they would only execute every instruction of Lu Chuan.
It is a little more rigid, but pure zombies are more handy to use.
There are not many zombies in the earth now with intelligence turned on, about one hundred thousand. Most of these 100,000 have entered various departments of the Baichuan Guihai Group Company, acting as a spy.
Don't think that they are corpse position vegetarian meals. In fact, they are not. They can be selected by Lu Chuan, and they are all elite zombies.
It is precisely because of them that Baichuan Guihai Group Company will remain unmoved no matter what it experiences, because no one can get Baichuan Guihai Group Company in turmoil.
Lu Chuan blinked, and the transformation of his mind was already in motion.
In silence, this gift was given out. The transformation of ideas does not require the so-called grand ceremony, it is so simple and casual.
"Well, the gift is here, I hope you like it." Lu Chuan smiled lightly.
At this moment, Uncle Zombie and them immediately felt the difference in themselves. It is no longer the feeling that the soul and mind are trapped in the body, as if the soul and body are perfectly fused together.
When I breathe, it is no longer the hollow air coming in and turning around and then spitting it out, but breathing in, and I can feel the strong smell of oil in the air.
Everything became different, making them stunned for a while, then looked at their hands and touched their faces.
"Boss..." Uncle zombies were all stunned.
Lu Chuan smiled lightly: "Congratulations, you are back to what you were before. Now you are human, very normal people. You are free to fall in love, get married and have children..."
Hearing this sentence, Yang Ping'an and the others all looked excited, and each had a feeling of difficulty in themselves.
And the boss, in their eyes, is no different from reborn parents.
"Boss, I'm not dreaming, am I?" Yang Biao said in a "hum" voice. He showed off his muscles. That sense of strength is completely different from before.
Lu Chuan shook his head and said, "Of course it's not a dream. The best way is to twist yourself. Don't you know?"
The zombies had no painful nerves before, and they couldn't feel pain.
Yang Biao's character is simple and straightforward, so he did not hesitate to twist his thigh forcefully. Then, a sour scream made Lu Chuan laugh.
However, Yang Biao showed a stunned look after the scream, and then burst into laughter, jumping and jumping like a child.
Yang Ping and the others also stretched out their hands and twisted their thighs, but they would not use such force as Yang Biao. The pain that came from was so real that after they froze, tears flowed out of their eyes.
It is hard to imagine how many years this feeling has been separated from them.
Lu Chuan stayed here for an afternoon, which is absolutely luxurious for Lu Chuan's identity and time.
Zhao Hu and Zhang Lin arrived at the first time. When they saw Lu Chuan, Zhang Lin was respectful, and Zhao Hu was restrained at first, but as Lu Chuan opened his arms, he smiled and hugged Lu Chuan. Together.
"Brother Lu Chuan."
It was the same name, Zhao Huhan smiled.
Today, Zhao Hu, as the president of a group with a market value of tens of billions, is definitely of high weight. The momentum developed over the years is naturally no longer the Zhao Hu of the year.
Under the rush of time, anyone will change, and Zhao Hu is no exception.
Lu Chuan is more delighted, because Huzi has finally grown up, he no longer needs to protect him everywhere, he can be alone.
Instead of going outside to eat, in the open space behind the repair shop, a group of big men started to burn.
Zhang Lin and Zhao Hu didn't feel much, but Yang Pingan and the others, eating the barbecue they personally grilled, they almost cried with joy. God knows how many years they have not had this kind of delicious experience that has passed their taste buds?
Huzi and the others are naturally confused. Isn't it just barbecue? Is it necessary? It's just like they are torturing them and don't give them food.
Only Lu Chuan knew what was going on. He smiled and leaned back in the chair, enjoying the moment extremely.
Lu Chuan returned to Somalia again. Like Ma Xifeng, they had already followed Ye Lingwei to Mars. In China, most of Lu Chuan's zombies had been withdrawn, and only a few were there.
In Somalia, Lu Chuan summoned Shui Lingxuan and Xia Min.
Both of them, one is delicate and the image of a female officer indifferent. Somalia, the two of them are in control together, Shui Lingxuan is the highest commander, and Xia Min is the deputy commander.
Baichuan Guihai Group is responsible for all the armed forces here.
After the rise of the Baichuanguihai Group Corporation, the obscured ones, especially after occupying Somalia, were noticed by people all over the world. The reason is simple because they are all women.
Xia Min was better, but Shui Lingxuan was really not like a soldier, and it was so weak that it was difficult for people to connect it with the commander-in-chief of a huge military force.
How strong is the force in the hands of Baichuan Guihai Group Company at least? It is no exaggeration to say that it may be a global alliance, not necessarily an opponent of Baichuanguihai Group. As for the war potential, in front of the Baichuan Guihai Group Company, there is no need to talk about this one.
Imagine that a huge space battleship is dispatched. What kind of war potential is all nonsense. The Baichuan Guihai Group Company can completely knock you down in one wave and cannot get up.
It only takes one day to push you equally. What war potential do you need to discuss?
If you use a nuclear bomb, then you can use it. Now that the Baichuan Guihai Group Company has Mars, it doesn't care. The current Mars has become an easy-to-habit planet, with plants everywhere. A large number of scientists have gone to study and have confirmed that Mars has the conditions for habitation.
In this case, using a nuclear bomb would only blow up oneself and not hurt Lu Chuan's hair. Sadly, human beings have not been able to have weapons capable of hitting Mars, so how do they play?
Therefore, the Baichuan Guihai Group Company is now daunted by countless countries. How can the two beautiful women who control the military power of the Baichuan Guihai Group not be noticed? God knows how much
It can be said that Lu Chuan still needs to make them theirs, and they are the only ones left.
They represent zombies, monsters, and do not belong to humans. And they are human beings, with flesh and blood, life, and soul.
"Actually, in my heart, I only need to strengthen you to level 8. And your zombie identity is more consistent and beneficial to me. However, now think about it, if you strengthen to level 8, and half a superman It's almost done, bombing with missiles may not be able to kill you, this zombie's body, don't worry."
Lu Chuan said quietly, after the communication, Shui Lingxuan actually refused to become humans, because they were soldiers and needed to face life and death, as well as being concerned by the world.
But Lu Chuan still decided to make them humans, isn't it just death? If they are really dead, Lu Chuan can also resurrect them, so it can be said that there is no life worry.
The only bad thing is that if it is attacked by a missile, it will be very painful and painful. It will no longer feel like a
But compared to the senses of the owner, these injuries that may not necessarily occur can be ignored. With the defense system built by Baichuan Guihai Group Company, Shui Lingxuan's safety can still be guaranteed.
Of course Shui Lingxuan and Xia Min want to become humans. It can be said that they are dreaming, or something that they can't even dream of, but now they are in front of them. How can they miss it? They refuse because of responsibility.
The transformation of ideas can only be completed in milliseconds. It is estimated that the arrival of God in the human imagination cannot have this speed.
Easily a thought transformation gave the zombie life, and sometimes Lu Chuan felt incredible. But the facts are in front of him, and Lu Chuan can't tolerate it.
In contrast, Shui Lingxuan and Xia Min felt the most incredible right now, and even froze in place because of excitement, their heads blank.
Lu Chuan smiled lightly and left the office.
He didn't want to do the same thing as Yi Ran. Although it was called Yanfu, Lu Chuan really didn't want to go too far. With them, Lu Chuan still felt a little hairy in his heart.
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