Chapter 1247: Hangman

Lu Chuan suddenly felt that he had no regrets for the "heritors" who had always followed him.
Lu Chuan is not an indifferent person, otherwise it would be impossible to do this.
In the future, Lu Chuan will give the zombies some gifts every time, that is, give them life. They have thinking. Although they will force them to be loyal to them all the time, Lu Chuan wants them to be grateful.
Whoever gets his own approval can regain his life.
Perhaps with this expectation, the zombies can also burst out endless efforts. In this world, only Lu Chuan can give them this one, so there is only one person they really need to work hard for, and this is Lu Chuan, their boss.
After leaving Somalia, Lu Chuan thought he was on Mars again.
I had a meal with my family, and then handed in the public food.
Ye Lingwei and the others are now devoting themselves to designing their own city, and they don't seem to care about the fact that they are already superhumans, as usual.
Mars City has a variety of industries and is a complete human social structure. Here they can go around freely as they want, and their life is absolutely chic.
Lu Chuan only took a look at their designs, but didn't comment. Anyway, they like their city. With Xiaowei, a super artificial intelligence, if there is any problem, it will be revised in time, and there will be no design mistakes.
Not only Ye Lingwei and the others, but Lu Chuan's parents were also involved.
What is luxury?
Lu Chuan's parents and the others sent a spacecraft to the earth in order to pick up their friends and give them reference.
How many countries on the earth now want to lift off once at a cost of billions of dollars. The cost of a trip to the moon is more likely to be tens of billions of dollars.
But now, they just send out a spaceship just to design their city.
But Lu Chuan doesn't care about them, just be happy.
In fact, the tens of billions of dollars on the earth are just because of their backward technology. The spacecraft in Lu Chuan's hands is already mature technology. A flight only consumes a small amount of energy, and it's really not worth much.
Seeing that they were all used to the life here, Lu Chuan was relieved.
The city of athletics.
A hundred inspectors are standing in rows, and there are absolutely no fat people who can get to this point. They are just different in height. People who have been genetically fortified will never get involved with ugly.
Beautiful and handsome, and beautiful women.
Don't look at the people here are all old monsters, but from the appearance, you can't know this. Because they seem to be the oldest, that is, 40 or 50 years old.
As the big boss-level figures in the universe, their auras are naturally different, and they are arrogant. The weight of power, the aura of the power of life and death, is not something that everyone has.
But people of their level are standing respectfully now, not daring to move in the slightest.
At each level of difference, there will always be superpowers who are strong, but they must also obey the existence that is stronger than them. The consequence of resistance is death.
In their world, they can be arrogant and can say one thing, but here, they can't.
Lu Chuan stood in front of them and looked at these people with a faint smile.
With a hundred inspectors, the power in Lu Chuan's hands once again increased. In other words, there are more universes that can be monitored, and it is more convenient for oneself to act.
Lu Chuan now seems to be more than a hundred people, nothing great.
But is it true?
How many humans will there be under them in front of them? No less than 10 billion in each hand. And these one hundred people are just one hundred of the billion users in the city of competition.
Integrating these data together, you will discover how terrifying Lu Chuan's power is.
In fact, Lu Chuan was also very embarrassed, one step difference was a world of difference. If I didn't work hard at the time, maybe I was one of a hundred people.
This made Lu Chuan realize that everything needs to be done, and if you try your best, maybe the result will be completely different.
"Let’s go. Let’s start by inspecting their respective universes. Both the modern universe and the apocalyptic universe are needed. Remember, all civilizations above level 3 need to be recorded. Find out the level 6 civilization, don’t act rashly, wait for me To deal with it."
Lu Chuan said quietly, but his tone was harsh.
All the people below were shocked, but they knew how cruel Lu Chuan was. Everyone present, who hasn't been beaten by Lu Chuan? There was only one light one, and three heavy ones. They have today, it was completely beaten by Lu Chuan's fist.
In fact, for Lu Chuan, their hearts are absolutely complicated.
However, they are not children. They naturally understand the gap between them and Lu Chuan. If they dare to resist, they are simply looking for death. Lu Chuan will erase them without hesitation.
Mozak, Zhao Qingtan...These people never appeared after they emerged from Lu Chuan.
Think of Lu Chuan being able to enter and leave the universe at will, it is not difficult to imagine what their ending will be.
"Yes, the inspector." Everyone answered in unison.
Lu Chuan waved his hand, and the number one hundred people dispersed, one by one, they disappeared directly in front of Lu Chuan. The mind moved, so that they had already stepped into the ranks of demigods.
Victoria Lu Chuan has stopped letting her go out, so she can raise her baby with peace of mind.
At present, Emperor Porto is in charge of all the chores that should be done. He hasn't come back at all during this time, but is trying to do his job well.
"It's worthy of being the number one before. With this awareness and attitude, no wonder it succeeded." Lu Chuan sighed.
No one's success is an accident.
"Ding, in the multiverse, there will always be some uncertain factors that will destroy at least five level 6 civilizations within a hundred years. Reward: retrospective."
When Lu Chuan sighed, there was a reminder that was familiar to the biochemical factory in the past.
Whenever he heard these prompt sounds, Lu Chuan always brought the prompt with him.
There are so many benefits of having tasks, and each one is a surprise. If there are no tasks, you will not only need to do the work, you will do it for nothing, and you will get nothing from your hard work.
To use an analogy, the duty of the inspector is to monitor the entire multiverse, discover and destroy civilizations that have reached the death line. This is a duty and a must.
But with tasks, it’s different. When you complete them, you can get more. Who doesn’t like it?
Seeing this task, Lu Chuan felt a little pain in his head.
"This is the rhythm to make yourself an executioner!" Lu Chuan patted his forehead. This task really tested his cold-bloodedness.
The number of level 6 civilizations is absolutely beyond imagination, several trillions, tens of trillions are possible, some races with strong fertility, even after level 6 civilizations, have tens of trillions.
To destroy is to erase all traces of this civilization. What does this mean?
It means that trillions of people have been killed.
Thinking of this number makes people shudder.
In the face of this general trend, all feelings and individuals are so small that they can be ignored. The destruction of civilization will not involve cold blood, because you need to treat these races as real numbers.
But Lu Chuan knew what this cold number meant.
In a hundred years, after erasing five sixth-level civilizations, Lu Chuan was already smiling wryly. This task is very hot, but Lu Chuan knows that he has to take this step out, because in the future, he will face even more terrifying.
Gradually, Lu Chuan's eyes became cold and emotionless.
In front of the task, how about being the executioner yourself? If you can't do it yourself, or you resist, what will happen to you? Is death.
God will not have mercy on himself, and he won't say to open a side to himself. Just like a person, if you trample an ant to death, you will ask if you will have mercy on the ant?
I walked by it naturally, and I didn't even care if I stepped on the ants.
Before God, my current achievements are so cheap and insignificant. For Lu Chuan, God is indispensable, but for God, Lu Chuan can change at any time. One of its ideas can help a supervisor. It doesn't care who will do it, but who does it well or badly.
What is the first to be qualified to be a supervisor, don't be naive. In the eyes of God, these are only rules of the game, but they are not irrevocable rules.
That sentence that mankind came up with, but it is the most reasonable saying, is very suitable to describe God: the final interpretation power belongs to God.
In fact, it doesn't matter if Lu Chuan died himself, but Lu Chuan knew that once he died, what they would face for his family, relatives, and friends, was so cruel that Lu Chuan shuddered at the thought.
The virus will turn the earth and even Mars into the end times, and everything will be re-interpreted into the end times. And there will be a lucky person to replace himself and become a new biochemical factory. The world he was familiar with became the end of the world, and tens of billions of people became zombies because of themselves.
It is impossible for Lu Chuan to allow his family to become zombies, or to struggle in this world of nine deaths.
Therefore, in front of the people he needs to protect well, let alone a civilization with a population of tens of trillions, it is millions of billions. Lu Chuan will also erase all this without hesitation.
It doesn't matter whether it is a demon or a big demon, Lu Chuan doesn't No matter what the world is like, family talent is the most important thing. In contrast, alien civilizations, how many deaths did they die, and what did they do with themselves?
Lu Chuan's heart became more and more determined.
All my pity needs to be put away and turned into a completely cold-blooded animal. Not only for myself, but also for my family, and for the tens of billions of people on the planet.
What made Lu Chuan curious was the reward this time.
What is this? Literally, like a memory?
Lu Chuan was also stunned. Many times, literally, it is difficult for you to connect it with facts. But Lu Chuan knew that when you really understood it, you would know that the ability rewarded by God would be so abnormal and incredible.
The previous conversion of reward ideas has been completely messed up.
And this reward is definitely not worse than the transformation of ideas, because in terms of difficulty, it is much more difficult to destroy five sixth-level civilizations.
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