Chapter 1250: plunder

What is the essence of a civilization?
The security here, without thinking about it, is the most advanced and strictest in the entire civilization. Its geographic location, only a wormhole can be reached, means that it is almost without loopholes.
Not only that, the entire planet has built a shield to isolate all possible leaks.
The fleet garrisoned here has integrated the most advanced technology, and it can be said that it is the strongest warship.
The storage star is completely the highest security level.
For others, they would definitely not be able to enter, but for Lu Chuan, it was nothing.
"A civilization that is about to disappear, no matter how much movement it makes, how can it be prevented?" Lu Chuan smiled lightly, holding this thought, Lu Chuan completely swaggered out of the storage star.
Just floating in space, staring at the storage star.
The storage star has a self-destruct procedure, and anything wrong may make it self-destruct and become worthless.
To say it is a storage star does not mean that the entire planet is full of things. In fact, it just built a huge storage base inside it, and the storage equipment inside it is amazing. There may be dozens of storages that can house the entire civilization's technology.
In fact, the storage star is just a name. There are several huge underground bases in the entire planet. One is the cloning technology base, which contains the genes of their race. Once the race is destroyed, it will not be reset for a certain period of time. , This base will start on its own, cultivating tribes through genes to make the race immortal.
Aside from this, there are several huge underground factories where more than 100 million robots can be manufactured from the stored parts.
Among the storage stars, there are also several most advanced and strongest warships.
It can be said that even if the octopus race is destroyed with the existence of storage stars, they will reappear after a few years. With such a powerful warship and complete technology, they will soon rise again.
This kind of retreat of ten thousand steps, in fact, every race will have it.
For humans, the most obvious is the seed bank, which stores the seeds of almost all plants on the earth. The most important thing is the seeds of human crops. This is to ensure that after a disaster caused by some reason, this seed bank can be used for recovery.
Lu Chuan appeared here, he was not invisible at all, he was just exposed in space.
With the security level here, the huge fleet stationed here immediately discovered Lu Chuan.
What is certain is that Lu Chuan's identity as a human being, and his sturdiness standing in space, surprised the clansmen of this fleet, and Lu Chuan could almost imagine their horrified look.
For the first time the stern sirens sounded in the fleet that hadn't moved for how long, then every crew member returned to the combat post.
The main gun of the huge battleship moved and locked Lu Chuan.
This is a fleet of thirty warships. They are placed in space, almost filling the space. Being pointed at by the numerous main guns of this fleet, Lu Chuan was calm.
Lu Chuan laughed and waved his hands at the fleet.
Lu Chuan does not have a communication terminal, and the other party must be unable to establish a connection with Lu Chuan.
However, in a huge mothership, several carrier-based aircraft flew out and approached Luchuan. According to their strength of force, several carrier-based aircraft are very worthy of Lu Chuan.
As the so-called killing mosquitoes, there is no need to use cannons, and a carrier-based aircraft is enough.
Don't underestimate these carrier-based aircraft, the sixth-level civilized carrier-based aircraft, only one is needed to completely sweep the entire planet.
It is not an exaggeration, it is powerful, beyond imagination.
What Lu Chuan finds the most funny is the science fiction film made by Lao Mei. Alien civilization will always rush into the earth to give mankind a chance, or will always fight with mankind, or even break out of the battleship to fight with mankind.
Moreover, alien civilizations can span the entire solar system. Once the Milky Way reaches the earth, missiles are used.
God, is this a joke?
Lu Chuan doesn't know how many civilizations he has seen in the universe, but any civilization that can reach the earth can easily sweep the earth without allowing the earth's military forces to resist. Moreover, the warship that reaches the earth easily has a strike capability of hundreds of thousands of kilometers away.
Alien civilization really wants to conquer the earth. It only needs to bombard the moon, wipe out the military power on the earth, and then swagger in. It is possible that people will still have zero casualties.
Of course, Lu Chuan didn't want to criticize too much. After all, Huaxia's dramas were too many, the legendary Yan Shuangfei... is simply scorching.
Lu Chuan was still suspended in space, watching these carrier-based aircraft pounce.
Entering here, according to the laws of the storage star, Lu Chuan is an illegal invasion, and they have the power to kill. Not to mention Lu Chuan's appearance as an alien, let alone being polite.
In fact, with ordinary human beings, it is impossible to see the fleet and these carrier-based aircraft in this position, because they are too far away.
But Lu Chuan is different. His perception ability makes everything within this range appear in his eyes.
With a distance of tens of thousands of kilometers, the carrier-based aircraft launched an attack for the first time, and they would not be polite to Lu Chuan. Their civilization doesn't know how many civilizations have been annexed or destroyed, and they don't care about killing Lu Chuan more.
A beam of light erupted from the main gun of the carrier-based aircraft, at a distance of tens of thousands of kilometers, in front of this kind of energy beam that matched the light, it really arrived in an instant.
Don't underestimate this energy beam, the energy it contains is no less than a nuclear bomb with the equivalent of 10 million tons.
Lu Chuan's reaction was naturally quick.
Reaching out and pinching the void, these energy beams were mysteriously frozen in the universe.
Lu Chuan swung his hand slightly, and the energy beam hit the carrier plane backwards.
This kind of change was completely unexpected, and this kind of attack was really too fast. They hadn't reacted yet, and they were hit by the energy beams emitted by them in the sound of the alarm. In the explosion, the carrier aircraft was torn to pieces.
The scene that happened caused all the commanders on the battleship to be taken aback, showing an unimaginable look.
Technological civilization cannot explain many things.
It's just like this one. Why can this alien just swing his hand to make the energy beam go backwards?
Carrier-based aircraft have weaknesses. This means that there is no energy shield. As long as they are hit, they will only be blown up. Unlike a battleship, which has an energy shield, as long as the energy is sufficient, or the power of the energy shield is large enough, it is possible that after a battle, the energy shield will not be broken.
If the battleship is against the battleship, it can be bombarded with the energy of the main artillery at least a dozen times.
Every time you hit, the energy shield will replenish the consumed energy at the fastest speed for the first time, and continue to prop up the energy shield.
As Lu Chuan had expected, after the carrier-based aircraft was destroyed, one of the warships whose main battery had been charged, launched an attack immediately.
The attack speed of the main gun is completely at the speed of light, 300,000 kilometers per second, which means that within a tenth of a second, the energy attack of the main gun reaches Lu Chuan.
The terrifying energy cannon, the energy storm brought by it, and the area it passed through, all formed a spatial distortion, and then the resulting shock wave spread to the surroundings.
Lu Chuan also raised his hand, propped up a transparent shield like a shield in front of him.
The next moment, the energy cannon arrived, blasting heavily on the transparent shield, and energy exploded, wantonly in this area, there was an illusion of being torn apart in the distortion of the space.
"At least 10 billion TNT equivalent."
For the first time, Lu Chuan made an estimate.
What is this concept? At the beginning, the Soviet tsar bomb was planned to be only 100 million tons equivalent, but after consideration later, it was halved to 50 million tons equivalent. At the time of the explosion, the exploding storm wind sent a full range of nearly 1,000 kilometers outwards. How exaggerated?
If compared with the current artillery, the equivalent of 10 billion tons can completely destroy the earth in one shot.
Lu Chuan took the shot, in fact, just want to give it a try, what kind of performance does his ability have in front of this kind of attack power.
"Hehe, it's so ordinary." Lu Chuan smashed his mouth, showing a smile. A shot is worth 10 billion, but Lu Chuan only felt that the corners of his clothes hadn't blown.
After the light had dissipated, Lu Chuan was still standing in space, not even moving because of this kind of attack power. Even the shield that Lu Chuan was supporting, there was no trace of broken.
Such a scene is too shocking. The people on the fleet are all dumbfounded, and they dare not see what they see. But in fact, this scene is so clearly displayed in front of them, under the holographic projection, everything that happened in Lu Chuan is presented close at hand.
The advancement of science and technology has allowed visible distances tens of thousands of kilometers away.
The commander of this fleet has fallen into a sluggishness. It wants to break its head, but also can't understand why this alien can do all this?
"Okay, the game is over."
Lu Chuan shook his head. He just tested it. The strength of the demigods is really terrifying for this universe. Lu Chuan can already be called the of the universe, how could he be injured by this mere shot?
Lu Chuan, who was no longer polite, narrowed his eyes and slowly stretched out his hand. In this void, he squeezed his palm into a fist at the position of the fleet.
However, this fleet tens of thousands of kilometers away, was gathered up in this moment, and then collided with each other, erupting the sound of metal crashing. A force beyond imagination used these huge battleships as toys, squeezed together and turned into a pile of scrap iron.
This was not over yet, the huge fleet was instantly pinched into a huge metal sphere by Lu Chuan's void.
"Ha ha!"
Lu Chuan used this great supernatural power for the first time, UU Reading www. uukahnshu. Com just feels that that feeling is really cool. No matter what you do, it seems that you can do it with a single thought. All you need to do is to imagine.
The entire fleet was twisted into a metal ball in Lu Chuan's hands. With Lu Chuan's slap on the ground, the metal ball was slapped flat, and then turned into nothingness and disappeared without a trace.
Without the fleet, Lu Chuan faced this storage star.
In space, Lu Chuan stretched out his hand and tapped a few times on the storage star. The base for racial genes on this storage planet was completely erased, and the seeds of this civilization were buried.
How could Lu Chuan keep the gene factory? This is a root, and Lu Chuan doesn't want it to sprout again.
After erasing the gene factory of the octopus race, what is left is the technology about the octopus race that Lu Chuan needs. They are stored in a storage device, and the special material will not be damaged or lost for 10 billion years.
After clearing away the unnecessary and remaining storage stars, Lu Chuan was not polite. With a touch of the void, the entire storage star disappeared, and was collected into the storage space by Lu Chuan as a planet.
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