Chapter 1251: Maximize the benefits

The storage star has disappeared. This news is an explosive news in all parts of the entire civilization. Within a certain period of time, it spread to many galaxies.
The entire civilization spans dozens of galaxies, and no matter how fast it spreads, there are actually some places where it can’t be received so quickly.
Too far, delay becomes natural.
Lu Chuan collected the storage star, and in the storage space, it would freeze the time. In other words, the self-destructing program inside cannot be started at all, and it has been frozen.
The technology of a sixth-level civilization fell into Lu Chuan's hands.
In fact, Lu Chuan also understands that there are still many technologies in this storage star that are lacking and are not up-to-date, because the data here is updated periodically. There is no way to put the new technology that appears in this cycle into the storage star.
Lu Chuan didn't care anymore, it was enough to make Lu Chuan happy to have this harvest.
"Sure enough, stealing is worse than stealing..."
Lu Chuan smiled, he is definitely Chi Guoguo's grab now, and he is so upright.
Collect the essence of the entire civilization into the storage space, and then destroy the entire civilization. Involving dozens of galaxies and hundreds of billions of people, it is definitely a huge job.
One of Lu Chuan's thoughts appeared on the desolate planet where the two of them were hiding.
These two goods, no matter how boring they are, they dare not leave.
As a human being on earth, the nature of eating goods is natural. The two of them actually propped up a protective layer here, and then took out the food, chairs, and tables, leisurely and contentedly.
It is possible to do this in this kind of desolate planet in the universe, except for them, really no one can do it.
Seeing Lu Chuan coming back, they stood up abruptly.
The two shouted, both a little embarrassed.
Lu Chuan waved his hand, then walked over, shaking his hand, adding an extra chair, and then sitting down. After taking the food on the table, Lu Chuan put it in his mouth, chewed a few times, nodded and said, "It tastes good."
The multiverse seems to be the same, but in fact, too many things are different.
The boss didn't blame them, let them breathe a sigh of relief. After Lu Chuan finished eating a piece of cake, Zhou Kang dared to ask, "Boss, how is it?"
Lu Chuan responded and said, "It is indeed a level six civilization."
Zhou Kang suddenly became excited, after all, he was the first inspector to discover the sixth level of civilization. This hero, naturally, can't escape.
Emperor Botu was also excited and said, "Boss, what are you going to do?"
They have been listening to Lu Chuan talking about the destruction of civilization, but they can't imagine how it is. In their imagination, it is very easy for a civilization to be destroyed for a low-level civilization, but it is too difficult for a high-level civilization.
Take the earth as an example. If a first-class civilization appears in front of the earth, the earth will resist, and even if it may pay a huge price, it can still cause severe damage to the invading first-class civilization and force them back.
But when encountering a second-class civilization, the earth can only be beaten and do some defense struggles.
One but three levels of civilization, don’t think about it. Even if the people all over the world put in all their efforts, the earth will be destroyed in the end, and no change will be made.
Up to level four, not to mention level five, these two levels of civilization can basically destroy the earth without even noticing it.
Not to mention the sixth-level civilization. They have a technology called ghost bombs that can be launched more than 500 million kilometers away. It does not reach the speed of light, but uses sub-light speed, which is 0.8 light speed, to fly in space.
Converted, it only takes about 34 minutes to reach the earth for 500 million kilometers.
The biggest feature of this weapon is that it can launch an attack at a very long distance.
With the energy-core combat warhead it carries, one shot can turn the entire earth into debris.
Faced with this kind of blow, the earth is truly destroyed in ignorance. The humans above don't even know how they died.
The ghost bomb with an energy warhead is just one of the types it carries, as well as an annihilation warhead, an antimatter warhead, and a dark matter warhead.
After reaching the seventh level of civilization, they will still have space weapons, which is even more terrifying.
Now they are going to attack a level 6 civilization, they can't imagine, what method Lu Chuan used to solve them.
As far as their more than one hundred inspectors are concerned, the combat effectiveness is amazing, but their abilities are known. If you want to destroy this civilization, you can't do it in decades.
The star field occupied by the sixth-level civilization is too huge. With the help of wormholes, they have achieved the rule of dozens of galaxies. You must know that these galaxies are spread over nearly ten million light-years.
They destroy the planets one by one. After decades, they still don't know if it is feasible.
They couldn't know what normal methods would be to destroy a sixth-level civilization. If there is a war between a sixth-level civilization and a sixth-level civilization, it may be difficult for everyone to fight for millions of years to get the other side.
The huge material power allows them to manufacture battleships almost unlimitedly. With the cooperation of intellectual brains and robots, there is no need to pay for the lives of the tribe, just consume them, and fight them.
Destroy 100 million warships, then make 200 million.
In this way, everyone is fighting a war of attrition. But the problem is that the planets under their rule are all at the billion trillion level, and they have as many resources as they need, almost endless.
When asked by Emperor Botu, Lu Chuan blinked mysteriously.
If someone asked this question before becoming an inspector, Lu Chuan, like Emperor Botu, would not know how to answer it because he couldn't answer it.
But when he became a supervisor, it was completely different.
The supervising ambassador's abilities are completely beyond human imagination.
In addition, there are many ways to destroy a civilization.
As long as Lu Chuan is willing to put in a little bit of hard work, and the ability of the monitor alone, he can spend a certain amount of time to solve them and wipe them out of the universe little by little.
But this was not the method that Lu Chuan chose, there was a simpler and cruder method.
Building a civilization is difficult, but destroying a civilization is not as difficult as imagined.
After thinking about it, Lu Chuan said, "Let all the inspectors concentrate, this time for this sixth-level civilization, it is a training ground, or it is a great opportunity for you to participate and gain more experience."
How could Lu Chuan let go of such a good opportunity?
Maximizing the interests of the octopus race can also be regarded as their final contribution to this universe.
It was not difficult to convene all the inspectors. It only took three days and all one hundred and two inspectors were in place. Naturally, Victoria was included.
Victoria has been able to move freely. Lu Hao, who was born in the City of Competitiveness, has the right to exist and act in the City of Competitiveness. And benefits, you don’t have to work hard for a green card in the future.
Lu Hao was born with a golden key, and he was born with the ability to travel through the universe.
I have to say that the dragon begets the dragon and the phoenix begets the phoenix.
Putting Xiao Luhao in the city of competition, Lu Chuan was very relieved, with Hughes taking care of him, no one would be able to touch Xiao Luhao's hair except for the coming of God.
Lu Chuan spent the past three days in Zhou Kang's earth.
I have to say that when it comes to enjoyment, they are far better than Lu Chuan. In this regard, it was not that Lu Chuan could not surpass them, but that Lu Chuan's character made him not as extravagant as they were.
"Look at the information first, everyone."
In Zhou Kang's huge and luxurious palace, Lu Chuan sat on the upper head and manipulated it a few times, sending information about the octopus race, their level of civilization, and various technologies to the people below.
This is the destruction of a Liuming civilization, and the attraction to everyone, of course, needless to say, everyone is trembling with excitement.
"I knew it was so exciting and fun after breaking through the ninth level. I have hidden my strength. I have already penetrated the ninth level." Albert brags, not a gentleman at all.
Suarez is a Mexican. His early hard life and the Mexican environment made him a bit cynical and irritable. He sneered: "Okay, there are no outsiders here. Everyone knows what you are. If you could, you would have broken through long ago and give your boss a chance?"
He and Albert were originally ranked for ranking, but there was no less friction. In the City of Competitiveness, they did not know how many scolding battles they experienced.
Don't do anything helpless, otherwise they would have hit the sky long ago.
The others laughed, and Albert was a little angry: "Suarez, his mouth is still so cheap."
Can they argue, let them do it?
You can do it here, but what are the consequences? The boss is right in front of them. They dare to do it. How would they write the dead words to be beautiful?
It didn't matter before, but now they are in the same camp and belong to colleagues or comrades in arms.
Suarez shrugged and said nothing.
Lu Chuan was just smiling, he didn't mind letting his men joking, and then relaxed. But this has a yardstick. Whoever crosses this yardstick, Lu Chuan will deal with him without hesitation.
Two-legged toads are hard to find, but there are too many two-legged For Lu Chuan, it is just a matter of thought.
Lu Chuan clapped his hands and said, "You have an hour to look at the information. After an hour, we will go to the location of the octopus civilization."
At the moment, everyone did not dare to joke anymore, but used the light projector in their hands to look at the information provided by Lu Chuan. This is the sixth level of civilization. No matter how big they are, they also need to understand it carefully so as to know themselves and the enemy.
They are prepared for the terrible sixth-level civilization.
But when I saw the 100,000-kilometer-class warships and all kinds of horrible weapons shown in the materials, I was dumbfounded.
They can travel through the universe at will, possessing the same power that destroys the world, just like Superman, extremely powerful. But let them carry these weapons, honestly speaking, they are also playing drums in their hearts and become unconfident. After all, Superman is so strong, and the weapons of the earth can hurt him.
What they have to face now is a civilization far surpassing the earth's six levels, and the power of weapons has increased by a hundredfold?
Without experience, no one can guarantee that he can bear the blow of a dark matter bomb.
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