Chapter 1252: Novices

Including Emperor Botu and others, all looked cautious, and no one saw ease on their faces.
As they continued to deepen, they felt more and more the terrible level of civilization.
It is not an exaggeration to say that at the sixth level of civilization, if there is not a higher level of war surpassing their civilization, they will hardly die.
It should be said that they are invincible in this star field.
Whether they can get them, everyone is actually a little worried.
For an hour, they all read the information very carefully, for fear of missing something. These data are really detailed, including countless warship data and weapons data.
Victoria also looked carefully. After reading it again, she approached Lu Chuan and asked quietly: "Your information is too careful. Some of them can even be made according to the instructions. You will not be robbed. Has someone’s database?"
Lu Chuan smiled and said, "You really got it right."
Lu Chuan's previous behavior was more than just robbing the database? It's simply a pan of the essence of other people's civilization.
Lu Chuan didn't understand why they wanted to establish storage stars.
However, the geographic location of the storage star is indeed an ideal place to store these civilized technologies and prevent faults. Easy to defend and hard to attack, there is only one way to reach.
Anyway, it only stores data and does not require sunlight, so its lonely one is the most suitable choice.
Victoria shook her head slightly, she knew it.
After everyone had read the information, Lu Chuan didn't hesitate anymore, and said, "This battle is your novice battle. Don't think that you are like Superman and you can attack arbitrarily. Have you seen the anti-matter cannon? It may not be possible to carry it down.
Mobility is your greatest advantage.
Mind movement can make you almost omnipotent. However, we still need to be vigilant, otherwise there will be casualties.
It is not easy for you to get to this point, and you should cherish it.
This battle is just the beginning. In the future, there will be more battles waiting for you. If you want to keep going and go further, it's not how brave you are, but whether you can live.
Only by being alive can we have the opportunity to go further and have a broader world. "
This was considered a mobilization before the battle, and Lu Chuan would not say too much.
If you want to grow, sometimes it’s not what you say, and you need facts to change them. The danger in the battle is their best growth teacher.
After experiencing it, they will know how to do it.
Emperor Botu and the others were all serious faces, and they were not stupid or arrogant. At every step, they walked carefully to today, thus occupying the leaderboard and establishing their unshakable position.
May I ask, if they are arrogant, will they be today?
"Understood, boss." Everyone shouted in unison.
Lu Chuan nodded and didn't say more, but in the movement of thoughts, people had already appeared on the desolate planet that had appeared before, and this was the bridgehead of the octopus race, the sixth-level civilization.
This galaxy of the octopus race belongs to the outer galaxy.
Don't underestimate the periphery, but there are as many as thousands of planets, almost all of them are much larger than the earth. A few are bigger than the sun.
With so many planets, the number that can be accommodated is huge.
After reading the information, Victoria and the others already knew the information about this location. Next, let's see how Lu Chuan did it.
"The criterion for destroying a civilization is to have no trace of this civilization."
Lu Chuan paused, then continued: "But if we started from their central galaxy, we would only be stunned and prepare them, so that we need to spend more time to solve them.
The best way is to shrink from the periphery step by step to give them hope, so that they can continue to concentrate their forces on defense.
Like a frog, if you throw it into hot water, it will immediately struggle and jump away. But if you use warm water, it will stay there forever, and only think about leaving when it can't bear it. But by then, it was already too late.
We just want to give them such an illusion and make them think they have a chance.
After they cannibalize step by step, it is estimated that only a few galaxies in the center will remain. In this way, we can easily deal with them. "
Lu Chuan explained his strategic thinking, in fact, this was to train them. If it was Lu Chuan himself, there was no need for this.
But in the future, it is impossible to do everything by yourself. Some of them will grow up, and then provoke the leaders to perform the duty of supervisory agency instead of themselves.
"Boss, what if they run away or hide?" a white man asked aloud.
Lu Chuan smiled lightly: "The sixth-level civilization is still unable to create wormholes, let alone use folding space, let alone subspace. Their technology can only operate within this million light-years. Struggling is nothing more than spending more time. Do you think we lack time?"
Everyone laughed.
For those who have eternal life, the last thing they lack is time.
Without further ado, Lu Chuan pointed to a galaxy far away and said, "This is a huge galaxy. Let's start with this one."
In the universe, nine out of ten are composed of dark matter. If there is no light from the stars, the universe will be pitch black and nothing can be seen.
This is a huge galaxy. Millions of planets are grouped into this galaxy. The existence of thousands of habitable planets makes the discovery here and it is the first time to be developed.
For tens of thousands of years, this galaxy has basically been developed today.
As a peripheral galaxy, this is a military galaxy, stationed with a huge fleet. Now they have almost no enemies, but the defense of the country is indispensable.
In the age of the universe, with the expansion of territories, the longer and farther distance will eventually cause a civilization to split into countless countries, fighting each other.
Take the current civilization as an example. When they have gone through two civilizations from the third level to the fifth level, there are constant wars, almost a history of war.
The distance between the galaxies, one by one, the powerful and powerful, has developed into a country.
The war between countries has never stopped.
After reaching the sixth level of civilization, the discovery and utilization of wormholes finally eliminated the factor of distance, and gradually formed a unified situation.
However, the commander of the galaxy garrisoned fleet is still a high-ranking emperor.
Lu Chuan suddenly appeared in space with Emperor Botu and others.
This is where the galaxy garrisoned the fleet, a planet with a diameter of 16 million kilometers, the size of ten suns. The fleet is stationed here, turning it into a military base.
Choosing such a huge planet is mainly because the battleship technology of the sixth level civilization already has a 100,000-kilometer-class space battleship, and only such a huge planet can accommodate it.
As a military base, its early warning system is so advanced that even fist-sized space meteorites can be found.
Similar to radars, they can be set to filter out some non-threatening targets.
Lu Chuan brought people over this time, without being invisible, let alone restraining his aura. The strong vital signs immediately caused the early warning system to issue a sharp alarm.
The reconnaissance devices placed in space instantly locked the place where Lu Chuan and others appeared.
Soon, everything about Lu Chuan and the others was transferred to the military base.
The appearance of human beings, in their view, is an alien race.
In fact, the number of alien races they have annexed is no longer in the minority, some have been destroyed and extinct, and some have become their subordinate slave races and serve them.
A race like humans has never seen it before. When the race database was given unprecedentedly for the first time, the entire military base was immediately under high tension.
The attitude of Lu Chuan and the others is not so simple to pass by here, but can be described as menacing. No matter how you look at it, they will not come with peace.
Unfamiliar races can fly freely in the universe without borrowing any equipment, which is full of threats. They are not idiots, how can they not take it seriously?
Around the military base, there is a powerful patrol fleet, and they received the order immediately as the first wave of attacking forces.
On the military base on the planet, the defensive weapons were turned on, locking Lu Chuan and others.
Being locked, Lu Chuan could sense that with Lu Chuan's understanding of this race, they would not understand the purpose of these people. The arrogance of the sixth-level civilization made them always speak with weapons in their hands.
Lu Chuan said: "Everyone, play freely."
At such a close distance, it is natural to start first.
However, Lu Chuan did not move, but stood in space with his hand held down. Their weapons can't hurt themselves yet. Today is the time for these novice inspectors to play.
Emperor Botu and the others were already ready to move, they got Lu Chuan's permission, and they became excited one by one.
"The biggest battleship is my prey."
"Grab business? No way."
"I want to explode this military base."
"The warship painted in red is mine."
"I want that big one."
One by one, in the roar of, without hesitation, they disappeared in space and rushed towards their target.
The movement of mind is really too domineering, ignoring the laws of space, and instantly where he wants to be. In this way, their defense system is nothing more than a display.
After Victoria was also unwilling, she "swish" and disappeared beside Lu Chuan. When she appeared, a patrol ship with a length of 6000 kilometers was blown by her.
The patrol envoys use space power, the most violent and terrifying power, the power of a punch, and it can even blow up a planet.
Lu Chuan has the loyalty to bring them here because he knows how terrifying their power is.
Each of them is completely the sum of the combined combat power of ten top-level battleships of level 6 civilization. Coupled with their mind movement, this combat power will be increased by a hundredfold.
One person's combat power can surpass a galaxy-class fleet of them.
The number of patrol agents with one hundred and two people represents one hundred and two galaxy fleets. What kind of effect will this strength be used now?
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