Chapter 1290: pioneer

   It is not difficult for Hughes to convene an inspector. From the moment it was born, it has served Lu Chuan and others.
   Let him be able to reach the sky, but his background determines everything.
   Lu Chuan actually discussed these issues with Hughes, but Hughes had no dissatisfaction, or helplessness. It is like being suppressed here, unable to move at all.
   Because of this, it can communicate with Lu Chuan. For Hughes, this is its happiness.
   To destroy a civilization, sometimes the time it takes is indeed calculated in years. Lu Chuan destroys the central galaxy of an empire. At present, it will take at least two to three years.
   madly make neutron stars and black holes, and then let them bloom everywhere, the time will not be less than two years.
Like now, when Lu Chuan returned to the city of competition, he found that one year and two months had passed. In other words, it took Lu Chuan a year and two months to create neutron stars and neutron stars throughout the galaxy. Black hole.
   "Perseverance is good."
   Lu Chuan satirized himself a bit, using the buffer that the inspectors needed some time to return, it was rare to spend a few days with Victoria, and it was a little bit better than a newlywed.
   Xiao Luhao has grown a lot taller. He has been four and a half years old, and he is almost the same as a seven or eight-year-old kid. He is also skinny, but he is absolutely brilliant.
   Now in the city of competition, the most famous little devil in the world is Xiao Luhao.
  Occasionally, Victoria and Hughes would indulge him and let him play outside the floating island. No matter how smart he is, he is a child after all, and playfulness is there, so I don’t know how much trouble and jokes he makes.
   Fortunately, with Hughes there, nothing major happened.
  Other biochemical plant users, what else can they do except helpless?
   This is the son of Supervisor Lu Chuan. In this city of competition, he is definitely a super special one, because in the city of competition, he is a child, and no one else is qualified to give birth to children here.
   When I saw Lu Chuan, this kid was scared and became a good baby.
   Perhaps it was Lu Chuan's power and the aura that radiated from him, or Lu Chuan had been away for more than a year, which made him feel unfamiliar and became timid to Lu Chuan.
   Lu Chuan understands this kid, don't look at him like this, Lu Chuan can guarantee that as long as he turns around, he will immediately become a demon king.
   a week later.
  Almost all the inspectors were on the scene, and a crowd of black people was almost crowded in the open space in front of the floating island castle.
   "Hughes, make this place bigger."
   I thought it was spacious enough before, but now it’s far from enough for people to stand like this.
   Let alone the current patrol agents, the number of people who can become patrol agents over the past year has exceeded 30,000, and they will all be new patrol agents.
   This place is far from enough.
   "Sir, are you at the 100,000 level?" Hughes asked.
   Lu Chuan nodded: "Let’s do this for the time being, and it’s not too late to expand when there is a shortage."
   Hughes responded: "Understood, sir."
   Under the eyelids of almost all the inspectors, the numerous rocks and trees in front of the castle disappeared, gradually turning into a huge square, covered with blocks of bricks, smooth and complex stone.
   Such a change, the inspectors still felt a little shocked.
   The boss can make planets, but they don't have this condition yet. They can easily destroy a planet, but they can't make a planet.
The existence of    level, the gap in ability, this is their motivation to move up.
  In my heart, I don’t know how many people are fantasizing that they can create a planet. This is definitely an extremely exciting thing.
   "First preside over the affairs of the new inspector." Lu Chuan ordered.
   The first batch of inspectors, including Emperor Botu, are now in the same roles as veterans, and each of them has become a leader. Although they are both inspectors, they have management and command powers.
   No matter what race it is, the power structure of the pyramid will never change, but the shape is different.
The 31,137 people who had been informed by Hughes long ago were already waiting outside the floating island. After obtaining Hughes’s permission, they flew off the ground one by one excitedly towards the floating island. Come.
   In the eyes of countless biochemical plant users, the floating island where Lu Chuan is located is like a holy land, and they now have the qualifications for pilgrimage.
   More than 30,000 people flew in the sky, absolutely magnificent, as if the sky was full.
   is in the city of competition. I don’t know how many users of biochemical factories look at these flying people with envy. They know that this group of people will become new inspectors, leading them to a higher position.
   Under this kind of stimulation, the crazy energy in the city of competition, I don't know how many people will go crazy thinking of a way to penetrate the ninth level.
   The first time that more than 30,000 people arrived on the floating island, they saw a crowd of black people. You don't have to think about it. This is the inspectors in front, that is, their predecessors.
  Under the guidance of Hughes, they all fell down one after another, with a nervous state of mind.
   Although everyone knows that as long as they penetrate the ninth level of space, they can become inspectors as long as they want, but they are still nervous when things happen.
   This square in front of the castle, Hughes was very thoughtful. It designed a unique high platform for Lu Chuan, which can highlight Lu Chuan more and also allow Lu Chuan to have a panoramic view of the entire square.
   What is a square that can accommodate 100,000 people?
   Lu Chuan stood on the high platform, also full of emotion.
   From scratch, it only took less than four years to move from the first inspector to almost 50,000 inspectors. In comparison, this change is really too big.
   "To make a long story short, you first look at the rules that the inspectors need to follow. If you think it can be followed, you can stay. If you can't, you can withdraw."
   Lu Chuan said, Hughes has automatically sent these rules made by Lu Chuan to the smart terminals of each of them.
   So the people below, their light projectors ejected the projection.
   The entire square was quiet, and Lu Chuan was not in a hurry.
   Emperor Botu and the others were relaxed, each with a smile on their faces. To be honest, they do not regret becoming an inspector, it should be said that they are fortunate to be an inspector. This universe is really incredible, full of so many unknowns, for them to appreciate and satisfy their curiosity.
   The endless universe is like a treasure. The feeling of opening a box can’t be imagined by people who have not experienced it.
   Now, they are more eager for more and stronger abilities, such as reshaping life, making planets, and playing with dimensions.
   This kind of species, they know that Lu Chuan has it.
   Maybe when the boss goes up again, some of them will become supervisors, and then possess some beyond imagination abilities that make them crazy.
   After about a few minutes, these 30,000 people all finished watching.
Lu Chuan nodded and said, "I will give you five minutes to think carefully. If you don't become an inspector, you won't die, because if you violate these regulations, you will be a capital offense. Even if you escape to any corner of the universe, you can't escape. "
The people below    all had a heartbeat.
   Lu Chuan's words were very plain, but they could still hear the murderous meaning.
   In other words, Lu Chuan is definitely not joking.
   On the spot, dozens of people hesitated, or saluted Lu Chuan, and then chose to quit. Their courage made them retreat, because they knew what they were like.
   If they really become an inspector, they will endure it for a while, absolutely can't endure it for a long time, and they will definitely offend.
   They are able to come to this day, they are already superhuman beings, with immortality, they can enjoy endless glory and wealth, there is no need to take this risk, someday let Lu Chuan take his head off.
   Dozens of people rose to the sky and left the floating island.
   Lu Chuan did not force him to stay. In his eyes, these people had become patrol agents, and they were just a dead end. They were left alone.
   Lu Chuan once again glanced at the people below, and said: "Think clearly, is there any more?"
   This time, no one moved below, but stared at Luchuan with fiery eyes.
Lu Chuan waited for a while, then smiled contentedly, and said: "Very well, you can stay, you are warriors, able to explore and discover this universe, and appreciate all kinds of civilizations you can never imagine. Everyone. Imagine the era of great voyage, you are the characters inside, but this time you are exploring the universe and pioneers."
  There are not too many passionate words in the words, but it makes everyone excited.
  The era of great navigation, as long as you are a person, you will know how magnificent this period of history is.
   Now that they can participate in exploring the universe, why not let them be excited. When Lu Chuan turned the words, they were already unable to bear it. Many people feel that I am so old and so easily incited.
   Without making them wait for a long time, Lu Chuan stretched out his hand, and then snapped his fingers at the moment when countless people were staring.
   An invisible power passed over them, and immediately they felt a completely different power emerging from them.
   This kind of power is novel, and there are many unprecedented things in their heads.
   Everyone who became a new inspector closed their eyes and felt all this quietly. This is a process, and it is also a process for them to accept this new power.ァ78中文ヤ~⑧~1~ωωω.7~8z~w.còм
   After a while, the inspectors opened their eyes, with joyful expressions in their eyes.
   Lu Chuan laughed and said, "Welcome you, new inspectors."
   "Welcome you to join this big family." Emperor Botu and the others shouted in unison, which can be regarded as a welcome ceremony. From now on, everyone will eat in the same pot, so naturally they can't play the predecessor's score.
   The new inspectors are naturally excited.
   Lu Chuan stretched out his hand and pressed it down, and the entire square quickly became quiet from the noise. 78 Chinese debut
"You are lucky, but it is also a test, because now there is an opportunity for you to grow rapidly. Soon, we will drive into the universe where Huang Jing is located, and then destroy a sixth-level civilization. There is no time for you to get familiar with Your abilities, everything is growing in the flames of war."
   Lu Chuan said loudly. He raised his finger and pointed at a distant place.
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