Chapter 1338: Shock

How long will it take to flatten this magical sixth-level civilization?
From the beginning to the end, because the goal is not to destroy the entire galaxy, but to search for planets with traces of level 6 civilization, there are more than three million inspectors, and the natural speed is extraordinary.
At the beginning, Lu Chuan took more than a year, which is already fast.
But now, in just one month, this civilization has been flattened.
More than three million patrol envoys moved on the planets, and everywhere they went, they were blown away by their punches. Occasionally there will be some super-large planets that require several people to work together, but it will not take more than half an hour.
This kind of efficiency brought about a month and cleared out this sixth-level magical civilization.
The city of athletics.
Every inspection envoy who returned was all beaming.
Among them, the vast majority are newcomers, and the elderly account for only tens of thousands. The 300,000 inspectors were slaughtered by Lu Chuan without any mercy, and more than 200,000 inspectors were almost killed by the older generation of inspectors.
Fortunately, in this battle, the new inspector will become the old inspector. With a huge number of bases, talented people will come out in large numbers, enough to make up for these losses.
The returning inspectors were all excited. For them, this month's experience was like a dream. The feeling of tearing the planet apart made them crazy thinking about it.
One punch will smash a planet into pieces, and the life and death of billions of trillions of life can be determined in a single thought. The unimaginable pleasure of power is unprecedented.
Many inspectors have lost themselves in this kind of power, and their hearts have become extremely swollen.
This cannot be blamed on them. This ability to control the life and death of the planet was something they could not even think of before. This ability completely challenged human imagination.
When the inspector returned, Lu Chuan gave them instructions, but they were to rest for three days before gathering again.
There were more than 3 million inspectors without any damage, which shows that dealing with a sixth-level civilization is relatively easy for inspectors.
Lu Chuan had a hunch that this kind of lossless situation would soon be gone.
Three days passed in the blink of an eye.
The more than three million inspectors who had rested for three days once again appeared in the sky above the floating island, covered in black.
In the City of Competitiveness, I don't know how many biochemical factory users, they look at this black and overwhelming group of people enviously, and they naturally yearn for it. In the city of competition, who didn't know that the inspector could fight the Galaxy?
It is a pity that if they fail to break through the ninth level, they will not be qualified to become inspectors. This is a bottom line and a standard.
God knows how many people are madly trying to break the ninth level space and work harder to improve themselves under the stimulus of this black and overwhelming patrol?
The inspectors who came back from the rest were all in great spirits.
Lu Chuan didn't know how they lived these three days. When the forest is big, there will be all kinds of birds. I'm afraid that many people will spend all these three days arrogantly.
In their world, they are true kings, and they are indeed qualified to do so.
"It seems everyone is in good spirits."
Lu Chuan appeared outside the castle, the first sentence was to make the inspectors laugh.
"Originally fighting for the superintendent." Some clever inspectors were already shouting. Soon, this sentence became neatly organized, and even the sound was heard in the city of competition.
Lu Chuan smiled lightly and said: "You will have a lot of battles next, but before that, I want everyone to see something."
The inspectors didn't know what Lu Chuan wanted to show them, but they looked forward to it.
Only the five supervisors, including Emperor Botu, had calm faces and no expression of joy. What the boss wants to show is probably not a good thing for them.
Lu Chuan turned his head and said to Emperor Botu next to him: "Emperor Botu, lead the team."
Emperor Botu nodded, waved his hand, and said, "All follow me."
Even if there are more than three million patrol agents overlapping, after spreading out, the scope is still huge. But the words of Emperor Botu easily spread to the ears of every inspector, and there is no phenomenon that they cannot be heard.
The patrol envoys have mastered a lot of mind movement, so don't worry about not being able to follow them.
Emperor Botu disappeared, and then the entire group of inspectors also moved and disappeared. In a few blinks, more than three million inspectors disappeared.
Lu Chuan smiled lightly: "Let's go, too."
Victoria and Albert nodded and disappeared together.
Universe number X5255487.
The billion trillion multiverses are numbered, and they are the reference for reaching this universe. If there is no serial number, another way is to trace the user's information in the biochemical plant.
If the user of the biochemical factory dies, it can be traced here after the new user of the biochemical factory appears.
The authority of the inspector can only do so.
Only Lu Chuan, after he was promoted to the Supervisor, had the ability to travel through this billion trillion multiverse without a number.
I only saw the sky above this numbered universe. As the space twisted slightly, after a wave of ripples, a black cloud appeared in the sky.
Inspectors continue to appear, growing this dark cloud.
Ten seconds later, as Lu Chuan arrived, no one showed up, and all the inspectors appeared here.
As long as the inspectors who appeared, at first glance, they determined that this was the earth.
They are naturally very familiar with the earth. I don't know how many times, they are in this same position, gazing at the blue earth.
"What are you doing here?"
"Is this the earth of the universe?"
"Is this what the boss showed us?"
The inspectors all became confused. Although they had doubts, no one would dare to ask. They just whispered to the person next to them, and then quickly closed their mouths.
After becoming an inspector, their power has broken through the boundaries, but many things have also changed.
For example, they need to have discipline like an army.
Lu Chuan appeared here, the smile on his face disappeared, and he became serious. He glanced at the unknown inspectors, pointed to the earth below, and said: "Let's go down and take a look, invisible."
The patrol envoy also has a state of invisibility, so he can break the galaxy with his fists, and being invisible is really nothing.
More than three million inspectors disappeared into the sky.
In the next moment, they all descended from the sky one by one and entered the interior of the earth.
Under Lu Chuan's leadership, everyone's first stop was to appear in the island country Tokyo, the most populous city in the world.
Each of the inspectors was sucking in the cold, because what was presented to them was an apocalyptic.
There was nothing in the beginning. They were all people who crossed from the modern and the end times. The zombies in the end times would no longer scare them, but instead had a familiar and intimate feeling.
But now is different, this is a new eschatology.
The streets of Mandalay are full of zombies with blood stains, they roar around and roar. As long as there is a faint sound, they will surging up, and an ancient brain will rush past.
Abandoned cars were everywhere on the street, most of them crashed together. There were blood stains everywhere in the cars. It can be seen that the people in these cars wanted to escape, but they were bitten by zombies.
In this city, gunshots will be heard from time to time. This is the struggle of the survivors.
A raging fire appeared in the city, raising black smoke in the sky. When there was no one to put out the fire, the fire was so hot that the entire street was swept in and the fire was terrifying.
Of the newborn zombies, only a few have reached the standard of evolution, and more are just ordinary zombies.
But everyone knows that it doesn't take long for the evolving zombies to form all kinds of corpse species that they are familiar with, such as ragers, tyrants and so on.
Through various signs, it can be determined that this is an end time that has only been transformed for about a month.
Under the wanton of the virus, there is no pure land in every corner of the earth.
More than three million inspectors, hiding in the sky, witnessed this city from the perspective of God. Even if they saw survivors fleeing, they could only watch them motionless, letting the other party eventually be overtaken by the zombies and bitten off in the screaming howl.
The huge metropolitan area means that the survivors trapped in the center, even if they are still alive, will eventually die because they cannot escape at all.
The whole world has fallen into the end of the world. They will not have rescue, and some are just desperate.
In a world where no one exists, only a million people in the entire Tokyo metropolitan area have not been infected, and only tens of thousands of people will survive and escape from this city.
These tens of thousands of people will survive endless humanity torn and apocalyptic struggles, and zombies. When the new biochemical factory user rules the earth, it is estimated that only one to twenty thousand will be alive.
In a city of tens of millions, only 10,000 to 20,000 can see the end of the end times, which is absolutely tragic.
Looking at this newly born apocalyptic city, every inspector was shocked. This scene was unprecedented for them. Because when they became users of biochemical factories, it was already a few years after the end of the world.
Faintly, many inspectors had already realized something, and their expressions became abnormal.
"Let's go, the next city!"
Lu Chuan stared at this Tokyo, before leaving first.
The next city is New York in North America, a city influencing the world. At this time, it was also caught in the apocalyptic state, with zombies rampant, and the survivors could only struggle to save.
North America is relatively better. After all, each of their families owns firearms, which makes them the largest number of survivors.
The land is vast and sparsely populated. As long as they escape from the city, their chances of survival are much higher than in other countries. Like farms, enough to allow survivors not to worry about food.
From New York to Paris, to Berlin, then Russia...
Then from one universe to another, witnessing the earth under different universes, all fell into the end of the world, and the shock to the inspectors can be imagined.
By now, if they don't know how these last-day earths came from, they would be too slow.
Just before they became Lu Chuanzhu killed more than 200,000 inspectors. These objects they previously envied, and these predecessors, became history.
"Presumably everyone already knows how these last-day earths came from."
"Yes, it is the inspectors who were killed by the supervisor before. After they die, the world they live in will be reduced to the end times. Everything about them, including their relatives, and even the entire human race, will be buried with them."
"What is the end times? Look at the world of zombies, this is the end times."
"The Governor just wants to tell you, cherish your life, because your life is related to your relatives, friends, wives, children, and the destiny of the tens of billions of mankind behind you and all mankind. Before doing anything, You all need to think about what can be done and what cannot be done."
"If you die for public affairs, this governor can reshape your life, and even reverse time and give you true eternal life."
"The main thing about this governor is loyalty."
As soon as Lu Chuan's voice fell, everyone felt stunned, and did not dare to be half distracted by other thoughts.
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