Chapter 1349: There is a day outside

This meeting room is not luxurious.
It is almost a meeting room dug out of the rock, and the amount of work is not small. There are some rocks all around, with a lot of retro lamps on them, and the metal like fences hold up the heart of the lamps.
On the rocks, a large number of medieval reliefs make it full of European style.
The materials of the conference table are naturally very particular.
Any person in charge here, when placed outside, is a person who stomped his feet, one or even several industries that caused a major earthquake. Some are even more powerful in their own country.
They are all about people. Although they can't be perfect here, they are not what the outside world can imagine.
Lu Chuan was not polite, walked to the top of the conference room, and then sat down.
None of Monroe and others dared to have an opinion.
In fact, seeing Lu Chuan coming alone, they were also afraid to move. God knows the space-based weapon station in space, is it locked here? I am afraid that if Lu Chuan has any problems, they will be buried with him.
It seemed that it was a cost-effective business, but they knew that Baichuan Guihai Group had a plan similar to Polar Bear, which was also named the Doomsday Plan.
Once Lu Chuan died unnaturally, this plan will be activated. Dozens of space-based weapon stations, huge space battleships, and an astonishing number of liquid robots will immediately begin to wipe out high-level officials, families, and consortia in various countries. .
Under the Doomsday Plan, at least 80% of the people in power will be killed.
It is precisely with this plan that when the Baichuan Guihai Group Company is gaining momentum, no one dares to hit Lu Chuan's idea. Even if there are such desperate people, once they learn that they don't need Baichuan Guihai Group to take action, they have already solved these idiots.
Really let these idiots do something, and if they show up, they will be buried with them.
"I'm here this time, I want to show you something."
Lu Chuan's character has always been courtesy first and then soldier. What he likes most is to yield to others without fighting. This world is always made up of interests, choices, and situation.
With enough benefits, enemies will become friends.
In the face of interests, they will know how to choose and what to choose.
Needless to say, the families who have come to this day are the most familiar with this way. They are the masters of playing with these four words. In history, how many families are in fact a horror.
Those who dare to invest their capital to gamble, of course, can be more beautiful if they win, but if they lose, they end up miserably, and it is normal for the entire family to be slaughtered. Under the ancient Jiu Clan, the entire family disappeared completely.
In chicken soup, Qiangtou Cao is despised, but in the family, it is regarded as a classic rule.
It is simple to make them surrender, but Lu Chuan does not want to be rough or threaten them.
At the status of Lu Chuan, there is no need.
Show them how big and wonderful the universe is, and let them realize the smallness of human beings, and they naturally know what to do. Maybe there will be selfishness, but Lu Chuan believes that this is only a small group of people.
If this small group of people are still stubborn, Lu Chuan will send them where they should stay.
Monroe and the others all set their sights on Lu Chuan.
They would not doubt that this Lu Chuan was fake, because they had studied Lu Chuan so much and were very familiar with it. What's more, there is no one who can replace Lu Chuan's momentum.
As for how Lu Chuan appeared here silently, now is not the time to be investigated.
Lu Chuan smiled and snapped his fingers. A holographic projection appeared in the sky above the conference table. The background was a galaxy with the universe as the background.
"This galaxy, I call it the JX213N6 galaxy. It's a bit complicated, but it doesn't matter. You only know that there is such a galaxy. It is 1.6 million light years away from our Milky Way." Lu Chuan explained with a smile.
The people present still have a certain understanding of space.
They also knew about these units in light years. But they didn't understand. Why did Lu Chuan mention a galaxy 1.6 million light years away?
In front of the universe, human beings are so tiny. So far, human beings have not been able to get out of the solar system, let alone explore the Milky Way.
It is meaningless to mankind to go outside of the galaxy.
Everyone looked dumbfounded, and Lu Chuan just smiled. No matter how awesome they are, they are nothing at the level of the universe.
Lu Chuan didn't speak, because the screen started to move during the holographic projection.
The holographic projection expands, covering the entire conference room, and people feel an immersive feeling in it. And the picture taken in this section is absolutely true, because Lu Chuan personally shot it.
Only Lu Chuan can shoot this kind of video, because no one can move with this kind of perspective.
The galaxy gets closer, and you can see densely packed planets.
This is not the point, the point is that after zooming in, in the outer space, I saw the spacecraft between the planets. These huge spaceships are very mysterious in shape, and from the perspective of people on Earth, there are too many brain-dead designs.
But now, these brain-dead designs shocked the hundreds of leaders present.
A civilization that can span galaxies, how could the design of others be brain-dead? The design of these warships definitely has other people's functions, but they are not understandable by humans.
The camera zoomed in continuously, accurately to a battleship.
The huge battleship, the camera gave a lot of close-ups, and the camera slowly passed the battleship and placed it in this fleet. The scale of the space fleet with thousands of warships is jaw-dropping.
In the future, it is a resident star, with the advanced technology and high level of civilization in it, beyond imagination.
It's not a human being, but a kind of alien race covered in green, they walk on two legs like humans, but their appearance is very different.
The picture flashed again, appearing in the race and race war.
First is the battle of warships, the two sides are torn apart in the beyond-vision range, in this space, what can be seen is that battleships are blown up in the exchange of fire. The losses on both sides are very staggering. A warship of hundreds of kilometers, often withstands a dozen or so main guns, has become a part of the universe.
When the fleet decides the outcome, it faces the planet's land-based guns.
The landing forces on the fleet, under the release of the huge battleship, almost filled the entire space. Millions of various types of landing spacecraft, facing the dense energy beam, rush towards the planet.
The entire landing battle was equally tragic.
I don’t know how many racial soldiers and robots were destroyed and what the price was.
After landing successfully, the first step is to paralyze the land-based main gun.
After controlling the land-based main guns, the fleet entered the planet’s atmosphere, declaring a complete occupation of the planet.
Arrived here, it absolutely gave Monroe an unprecedented shock to them. Even if they hardly watch movies, it does not prevent them from marveling at this level of battle.
"Let's watch." Lu Chuan smiled and said calmly.
The occupied planet is filled with orcs.
The Green Stars raised their butcher knives high and began to kill wantonly on this planet. The corpses piled up into mountains, and blood flowed into rivers. City after city was directly razed to the ground under the gunfire of battleships, and the tens of millions of orcs in it were wiped out without even resisting.
This scene definitely made them feel shocked, deeply shocked.
Of course, in their position, you know more secrets. Just as in the great voyage era, did their ancestors slaughter tribes by holding up the butcher knife in Africa, South America, etc.?
The whole video is not too long and not much.
After the broadcast ended, Lu Chuan said: "You should realize that this is one of our neighbors, a highly civilized race. They are in their galaxy, conquering other races. Maybe a few years later, this galaxy is theirs. There will be no other races in the world."
"1.6 million light years, it seems very close to you, but what I want to tell you is that this one is very close."
"The existence of wormholes can be used by the other party soon. It is not a big deal to span millions of light years. Maybe they will appear in the solar system sometime."
"The law of the dark forest, you must be aware of it, how vulnerable are human beings in front of their butcher knife?"
"What does the earth have?"
"There is nothing on the earth. Have you seen a warship of hundreds of kilometers in their civilization? To put it bluntly, with the current resources of the earth, even ten ships can not be built. And they will fight thousands at a time. A battleship of this class."
"More desperate. Battles at this level are really ordinary. A super-large battle involves a million-level battleship. With the current situation, what can human beings compete with each other?"
"The universe is so big that countless races are beyond your imagination. There are also some, far more powerful than the Green Stars. The 100,000-kilometer-class warships challenge your imagination?"
"Human beings are too small in front of the universe."
Lu Chuan said word by word, but the content made everyone feel desperate.
"Internal fighting will only consume the earth’s limited resources. Once the earth’s resources are exhausted, without the support of technology, humans can only wait to die, because even the resource stars in outer space cannot be developed. ."
"With the strength of the Baichuanguihai Group Company, I can fully implement my will to every corner of the earth. But I don't, because I don't want to bring war to mankind. After seeing the outside world, this kind of internal fighting is true. It's ridiculous."
"Now, my patience is limited. I want to lead human beings forward at high speed instead of consuming time forever."
Having said that, Lu Chuan showed a faint smile on his face. He leaned back in his chair and said, "Everyone is here today. You have 60% of the world's voice. I only need an answer. Do you support me or want to vote against it? I only give you half an hour. Come consider how to answer me."
Every person in charge of looks hard to look at.
They feel that they are being threatened, but they have difficulty resisting.
The head of the Rockefeller family frowned, tried to calm himself down, and said, "If we support you, what good do we have?"
"The advantage of supporting me is that you are still eligible to board the ship. With your current resources, the big family will be a big consortium in the future." Lu Chuan smiled lightly, and would not promise more.
Just kidding, Lu Chuan came here this time, just to inform them and let them be safe. With or without them, the results will not change.
If they are really interesting, Lu Chuan can allow them to have a place.
Lu Chuan stood up and said with an air of looking down, "But if you don't support me, I will leave you with nothing, and then throw it into the mine to experience the life you haven't experienced."
There is no need to be euphemistic or threatening. In Lu Chuan's eyes, his words are more like commands.
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