Chapter 1362: Defensive is worse than offensive

The internal affairs of the earth can come to an end.
Federal Earth has laws and systems, even if Lu Chuan is not there, there is no need to worry. For example, the military power of the Federal Earth is in the hands of Lu Chuan, and Lu Chuan handed over part of the power to the headquarters to suppress the noisy areas around the world.
Don't look at the federation has been established, but it has many internal parts.
In any country, there will always be some diehards, they will do something out, but there are still many brains who join in the fun.
These people were initially handled by the police, but they couldn't handle them before they applied for the army to dispatch.
Liquid robots are naturally a military force that suppresses everything. Resistance in any situation only needs one liquid robot, which can basically be solved. This kind of fast-moving, secretive and invulnerable robot, even if the main battle tank fires a shot, it won't hurt it much.
In fact, facing the liquid robot, who has dominated the law enforcement on the earth for more than two decades, is absolutely desperate.
How many people flinched because of the existence of liquid robots.
The deterrence brought by liquid robots is really too much. When Baichuan Guihai Group Co., Ltd. first intervened in global affairs, the shadow they brought enveloped the world.
Faced with this invulnerable, unbeatable, unreasonable guy, all you can do is raise your hand when you see it, do nothing, and obediently let it buckle and take it away.
How many people have been killed by liquid robots in the past two decades?
When suppressing the war chaotic, the liquid robot implements the destruction command. Hundreds of war chaotics are killed by the liquid robot. It is very easy. It will advance all the way to the command center, and it will be eliminated from top to bottom, absolutely. Kill the gods.
I don’t know how many counter-judgment troops in war-torn countries have launched wars, but they are greeted by hundreds of liquid robots, blood washed from beginning to end.
Under this evil name, what has brought is more than two decades of world peace.
Nowadays, in the Federal Earth, liquid robots still play the role of the world policeman. Who dares to act as a world policeman who is justified?
The clamoring group of people immediately closed their mouths.
The presence of a group of world policemen, liquid robots, is enough to calm the world and enter the era of peace. Lu Chuan also believes that there will be no major turmoil on the earth, and even no careerists or conspirators will launch any plans.
The reason is simple. The five-hundred-year lifespan given by Lu Chuan is not a one-off, but a lifespan increase every five years. If they want to have a life span of five hundred years, they must be honest.
In the Federation Earth, they have the same wealth and status. In contrast, life span is what they value. What is the loss of some power?
Xiaowei, the super artificial intelligence, was announced in Federal Earth and shocked the world. It will also be a great weapon for monitoring the world, belonging to Lu Chuan.
Only Lu Chuan has the right to mobilize the huge fleet in space. It is also Lu Chuan's card, a super deterrent.
No matter how hot it is inside the earth, when facing this space fleet, they are paper tigers. Anyone with a little wisdom will not be foolish and think they can succeed.
The federation is already a general trend, why do they still want to be a car?
The existence of President Lu Chuan, even if he does not show up, will not cause trouble and can deter everyone. You must know that outside the earth, Venus and Mars are also divided. Venus controls the Federal Earth in these two regions, while Mars still belongs to Lu Chuan's own words, and the Federal Earth is not allowed to interfere at all.
Yes, in the Federal Earth Constitution, Mars is Lu Chuan's private property.
In this world, only Lu Chuan could do this, and it was recognized by Federation Earth.
All kinds of measures can also control the entire earth, and there will be no accidents or accidents. Lu Chuan can leave with confidence, and only needs to come back once every once in a while.
Lu Chuan's ability, even if the earth is at its worst, Lu Chuan can turn around.
Are the various battleships that you see on the surface really Lu Chuan's trump card? I am afraid that many people are aware that Lu Chuan is not simple, and the mysterious ability that Lu Chuan has shown makes people hard to see or think through.
Not to mention that they rebelled, it was the destruction of the earth and the extinction of mankind. Lu Chuan could also use time to resurrect them all, and then create the earth.
People on earth never think of what kind of existence Lu Chuan is.
After dealing with the earth's affairs, Lu Chuan could finally withdraw.
A full month, all time was spent on the affairs of the Federation Earth. But this time, at the cosmic level, it's really nothing, it's a blink of an eye.
Lu Chuan, who was thinking about his responsibilities, appeared in the city of competition for the first time.
This month, the responsibility of Emperor Botu the Great was to let all the inspectors learn. The first is clear knowledge, and the second is one's own ability.
Lu Chuan exchanged a set of technology from the first level to the sixth level from the shopping mall of the City of Competitiveness, and then copied it so that they could have one share.
"Defensive is not as good as offensive. Defensive is too passive, and the points won are not many. Of course, the advantage is that there will be a certain increase in ability, and you can stand alone and save worry and effort."
Lu Chuan did some analysis and made up his mind.
It's not Lu Chuan's character to wait for the other party here. Taking risks and seeking wealth and wealth is the style of Lu Chuan's rise all the way. Among them, there are naturally risks, but the gains are also the greatest.
Nothing in this world is risk-free. To put it bluntly, this is a game for the brave.
Defense is naturally passive, with few tricks.
But the offense is different. It can be full of tricks, as well as the offenders. In the case of full of scheming, the defending party is only busy dealing with it and running around.
Since it is an offense, whether it is an inspector or an inspector, they all need to know the existence of rule breakers and the rules of the game.
Floating island.
Naturally, it is impossible for all the inspectors who have been promoted to four million to appear here.
The existence of class is forever, regardless of race and ethics.
Among the inspectors, some inspectors with greater potential will be selected to become captains. Now on the floating island, there are four hundred captains gathered, and in their hands, they are leading 10,000 inspectors.
Four hundred captains, every one hundred, will be returned to a supervisor.
Currently there is no one under Victoria's staff, but this is only temporary, and an inspector will soon be added to her. Victoria should be special. After all, she is Lu Chuan's wife, so she has less chance to charge into battle.
When Lu Chuan disclosed the details of these rule-breakers, everyone suddenly felt a sense of shock.
"It's incredible, interfere with Ming."
"In other words, we have the opportunity to develop a Ming from scratch, from level one to level 6, or even higher?"
"Cultivation is clear, technology is clear."
"Just how it sounds makes people excited."
"Hahahaha, this is just like a simulation."
"I like this gameplay."
One by one the inspectors were startled, then ecstatic. Simply patrolling the universe is too boring. Once and twice, it is fresh at first, but when you see the countless stars, you will find that it is just like sailing in the sea, and even makes people collapse. .
Many times, they will choose to make mistakes in this kind of boring, such as killing some races with ugly human aesthetics to relieve the suffering of boring.
From this point, we can see that in the universe, the "Law of the Dark Forest" does exist. Between Ming and Ming, between races and races, there is no such thing as peaceful coexistence. It is not you who kill me when you meet. Kill you.
Lu Chuan knew about the behavior of the inspectors, but he chose to close one eye.
In addition, Lu Chuan also made regulations.
For example, it can be slaughtered, but it cannot be annihilated. Moreover, after the killing, it is necessary to disguise the scene and cause a mysterious death, without leaving too obvious traces.
As for how to detect and crack these mysterious deaths, this is their business.
For races that have already produced Ming, it is stipulated that they cannot be killed.
In the universe, there is also the theory of clear laws. As an inspector, he was originally meant to protect the universe, so he couldn't guard himself from stealing and destroy these laws by himself.
Lu Chuan looked at the people below with a faint smile, they may not have realized the difficulties.
However, they are excited and passionate, which is good for work.
Analog Ming?
Indeed, it really looks like this.
Lu Chuan pressed his hand, his face became serious, and he said, "You treat this as a game. There is nothing wrong with it, but the Governor mainly reminds you that any carelessness may cost your lives. What you have to do is Unconsciously, the opponent pushes a Ming to make it reach level 6."
"In addition, it needs to be explained that reaching level 6 will cause the collapse of the opponent's universe, and the opponent will know the existence of this Ming. At this time, all you have to do is to leave. The sooner the better."
"In the opponent's universe, our abilities will be suppressed, and we have a disadvantage compared with them."
"Develop secretly." Lu Chuan laughed, and said, "It doesn't matter if we say that it's awkward or shameless, we just need points and don't be polite. There are many ways to do it, and we can use it. The governor doesn't care about it. The governor is concerned with results."
Lu Chuan waved his hand and set a character for everyone.
In war, it is not you who die or I live. In this case, how to play with demeanor and justice is simply bullshit. What Lu Chuan wanted was the result, no matter what the process was like, it was completely left to them.
Hearing Lu Chuan's words, the inspectors' eyes lit up.
At this time, Emperor Botu said: "Everyone has played the strategy game in the This is actually a test and training, but too many of you don't like it. It has appeared on the earth. With countless military strategists, their strategies are absolutely unparalleled in the world. As long as they are used well, how can these aliens play with us?"
Lu Chuan nodded with a smile, and said, "Yes."
All the inspectors present are all veterans. Naturally, they know that there are too many races in the universe that are stupid enough to be blamed. Their clear ratings are up, but in terms of strategy, they are really not very good.
Many races, everyone present can hang them.
Some races were chosen by God, and they were indeed involved in this game of God, but their abilities were really like pig opponents.
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