Chapter 1364: Planetary consciousness

In the universe, there are no surprises, there are too many planets beyond common sense, or beyond human imagination, or the existence of cosmic phenomena.
Lu Chuan didn't expect that he could appear on a planet full of water when he moved randomly here.
There is nothing wrong with it, a planet all water, not even a piece of land.
Lu Chuan appeared on the periphery of this Mercury planet, very secretively. He didn't have gravity like other planets, but had a rebounding force.
This force is so strong that no aircraft or meteorite can approach it easily.
When Lu Chuan appeared, he happened to see a meteorite flying towards this Mercury, but after approaching, it was continuously pushed by the rebound force, and finally it was ejected out of Mercury.
Ordinary planets will have tremendous gravity.
The bigger the planet, the greater the gravity.
The star in front of you is tens of thousands of times larger than the sun in the solar system, which shows how big it is.
On the contrary, this planet has no gravitational force, not to mention that there is a rebound force, which really makes Lu Chuan call the hall, which is rarely encountered.
The divine sense swept across, and Lu Chuan knew this planet instantly.
The terrifying governor's ability is vividly manifested at this moment.
"It's really amazing."
Lu Chuan exclaimed, this Mercury is somewhat similar to Hughes, the whole planet is a consciousness, a magical life with the planet as its body. It is limited by the planet itself and cannot move, but within this planet, it is no different from God.
There is life in Mercury, but it is some low-level life.
During the long years, Lu Chuan didn't know if the consciousness of this planet suppressed the evolution of life, so no intelligent life was born here, let alone a manifestation.
According to Lu Chuan's understanding of the universe, it can only be a life star that will show up over time.
The Ming that appears may not be a high-level Ming, it may only be a low-level Ming, but it will appear after all. This is a process, an evolution, and cannot be changed.
Lu Chuan's heart moved, and a faint smile appeared.
In the universe, he is absolutely lonely. When encountering such a fun and interesting planet, how could Lu Chuan pass by?
Right now, Lu Chuan didn't hide his breath anymore.
When Lu Chuan released his breath, Lu Chuan clearly knew the consciousness of this Mercury, and it was also the first time he discovered himself.
The difference is that the other party is very big and does not regard Lu Chuan as an invasion, but as a kind of intruded life, similar to a meteorite.
In other words, in its concept, it is truly omnipotent.
The reason that attracted its attention was still because it was a living body.
Like a cannonball, Lu Chuan rushed towards the planet. After approaching, a powerful rebound force formed a kind of resistance, which seemed to stop Lu Chuan from moving forward.
At this moment, the consciousness of this planet focused its attention on Lu Chuan.
In its imagination, the outside world will always be some inanimate and unconscious meteorites, or asteroids, there is almost no external life, and it can't explore, and it is completely limited to the surrounding area.
An outside life hits here and makes it feel fresh.
As if thinking of something, this consciousness moved in his heart. This kind of rebounding force of this planet gradually disappeared, and then turned into gravity, suddenly sucking Lu Chuan in.
Lu Chuan penetrated this mysterious atmosphere with an ultra-fast speed and appeared inside the planet.
What catches the eye is indeed endless water and sky, without a land.
"Ha ha!"
Lu Chuan smiled lightly. When he first entered, Lu Chuan felt a slight resistance. It seemed that the other party had eliminated this kind of protective layer and allowed himself to enter.
It can be seen from this that this consciousness is really strong, and it can control this planet to form gravity and rebound force.
Put yourself in, maybe it is to study yourself?
There are a lot of life on this planet, but all of them are life living in water. Many of them are huge. It is like the ocean of the earth, but it is too huge here.
After Lu Chuan came in, gradually, what Lu Chuan saw in his eyes began to change.
It was originally a water world, but it has land.
"This is the earth? Is it the city of Handong?" Lu Chuan was dumbfounded. He was still in the sky of this planet a moment ago, but how could he be in Handong City the next moment?
Everything I see before my eyes is so real.
The streets are full of traffic and people are weaving, and various sounds are intertwined with each other, as if Lu Chuan really returned to Handong City.
Even Lu Chuan found out that he appeared at the decoration company when he graduated, and he was still working.
Lu Chuan grinned. He really underestimated this consciousness. It can affect people's thinking, thereby reading people's memories and regenerating the scenes in the memories.
The consciousness of a planet cannot be resisted by humans. Any person or life form that enters here will be read by it and cannot escape its influence.
On this planet, it is the ruler and the well-deserved god.
What Lu Chuan is seeing right now is not real, but a kind of brain illusion, which is generated by the influence of the consciousness of this planet.
Through this method, it will understand Lu Chuan.
To be honest, this consciousness is really strong. If you put it at the earth level, human technology really has no way to deal with it. Because it can generate rebound force, missiles and other strikes will be disintegrated by it, except for energy weapons, it is difficult to deal with it.
Really break into the planet, this is the beginning of disaster, it can control people's consciousness and thinking, it will only become its plaything.
Of course Lu Chuan would not be affected by it. What Lu Chuan showed him just now was actually what Lu Chuan wanted him to see. Things like the acquisition of a biochemical factory, it simply cannot read it.
In the light of laughter, Lu Chuan thought, all the illusions disappeared, and he returned to the appearance of Mercury.
When Lu Chuan broke free from this illusion, there was a clattering sound on the water. The surface of the originally calm sea had formed a huge and incomparable human form. It was composed of water, but it was a human appearance.
"How did you break free of my mental illusion?" The water giant said, but it was in Chinese.
It is absolutely jaw-dropping and incredible to be able to hear Chinese in this planet that is not known how many millions or tens of millions of light-years away from the earth.
Lu Chuan believed that it was normal. This consciousness was really abnormal, and he obtained human information from the appearance of human beings to the social structure of human beings and Lu Chuan's language by affecting his consciousness in just a moment.
If this consciousness is on the periphery of the earth, the entire human beings on the earth will probably become its slaves and be controlled by it forever.
Lu Chuan stretched out his hand and pinched the void.
The water giant disappeared instantly, and the sea was calm again.
Everything that just appeared was also an illusion, and the other party really had a lot of routines.
It's definitely impossible to get rid of ordinary people, but in Lu Chuan's eyes, the other party's methods are too weak. Who am I? The demigods of the universe have abilities that can be compared to the consciousness of a planet?
After the water giant was erased, the originally calm sea around Lu Chuan suddenly stirred up huge waves and shot Lu Chuan fiercely.
This time, it is no longer an illusion, but a reality.
The consciousness of this planet, it is not surprising that it possesses this ability, controlling the ocean on the planet is like controlling its body, sending and receiving freely.
"If you don't surrender, then go to death." An empty voice rang, coming from all directions, making people confused.
And these huge waves suddenly shot countless water arrows, and after breaking away from the huge waves, they turned into ice arrows.
Hundreds of millions of ice arrows are as fast as lightning, and under the special acceleration, their power is terribly powerful, tearing this space apart. It is an ice arrow, but the kinetic energy it generates at this moment is like hundreds of millions of tons of thrust. Lu Chuan is sure that a warship of hundreds of ranks will be destroyed with one arrow.
It is not an exaggeration, but the kinetic energy it contains is too great, and the impact force is the effect of a billion-ton nuclear explosion.
Lu Chuan still smiled slightly and said, "I want to play with you."
Lu Chuan stood with his hand in his hand. In his mind, the water of the entire planet disappeared directly. I don't know how many trillions of life in the water, at this moment, wade onto the muddy surface of the ocean, struggling desperately.
These sea creatures, they couldn't imagine that they would stand on land one day.
The planet’s deepest ocean is more than 100,000 meters deep, but it is true that the entire planet’s water has disappeared and turned into a land planet.
What huge waves, what ice arrows, disappeared at this moment.
Lu Chuan didn't move, looking at the countless struggling aquatic life under his feet. They have different shapes, some are very tall and some are microbes. Leaving the water will be a fatal blow to them.
And the countless aquatic plants originally contained in the water, after losing the supporting power of the water, collapsed weakly in the soil.
"How could this happen, who are you?" Planet Consciousness, the voice stammered, all this was beyond its imagination, it felt like it was stripped naked, Chi Guoguo stood in front of Lu Chuan.
Lu Chuan smiled lightly, stretched out his hand, and grabbed it in the void, but a light spot formed in his palm.
The entire planet seemed to collapse at this moment, and endless natural disasters appeared. First from the earthquake, and then the volcanic eruption tore the earth apart, and the inner core was operating violently.
The light spot in Lu Chuan's hand is the consciousness of this planet.
This consciousness is pulled away by Lu Chuan, and the planet loses its control. It returns to the rules of operation under the laws of the universe. The entire planet will enter a non-rank state. It may take millions of years to finally calm down and form the ultimate nature. form.
Needless to say, all life on this planet will die.
It may take hundreds of millions of years to give birth to new lives.
At this moment, this consciousness understands what kind of existence it encounters, and it becomes a plaything. This feeling of being pulled away is really horrible. Although it doesn't feel pain, the feeling that may dissipate at any time makes it struggle.
"Let go of me, I take it, I take it." Planet Consciousness begged for These things are all learned from Lu Chuan's brain memory, and are now learning and applying.
With a flick of Lu Chuan's hand, this consciousness flew out and disappeared instantly.
The next moment, the planet that was still in violent motion just stopped, and was controlled by consciousness again.
Lu Chuan shook his head and smiled bitterly. He didn't know that some of the billions of trillions of marine life could no longer be held at his feet. After leaving the water, some of them would die within ten seconds, and many would not last for a few minutes.
"Water comes!"
In Lu Chuan's soft voice, the ocean that had previously disappeared appeared again, turning this planet back into Mercury. The countless lives of all kinds that almost died just now are really like fish returning to the water, and finally they have been carried over.
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