Chapter 1394: cheat

Lu Chuan was already dissatisfied with secretly paying money in the early stage. Baidu search, read more good-looking novels for free.
Now the miracle company has completed a series of foreshadowing, has a powerful fleet, and has established a good relationship with the upper echelons of the Northwest Alliance, and the source of this piece of land is absolutely fair and just. No one can pick out the slightest fault.
This is Lu Chuan's motivation to grab money openly.
Before the advancement of science and technology, funds are naturally ranked first, and Lu Chuan needs a large enough source of funds.
In this world, what is more valuable than resources? Especially the pumice stone and the energy stone, this is the core of this world, until the money is dug up.
With planetary consciousness in hand, the pumice veins, which are difficult for others, are too simple in Lu Chuan's eyes. It can be done with one command, and you can confirm the place as you like. There will be as many as you want. .
The land at the foot of Lu Chuan is a super twin vein, and it is also an extremely rare twin vein in this world. If it is known to the outside world, it will definitely cause a sensation like a tsunami.
Lu Chuan is not stupid, how could he let the outside world know?
With planetary consciousness, you can conceal the reserves of this vein at any time, just dig hard. Anyway, what I want is the name of a mine to sell pumice and power stones openly, and let myself use it without fear.
By the time the outside world discovers the quantity and time of this place for a long time, the miracle company has the ability to protect the comprehensiveness of this vein.
Lu Chuan was not afraid of being worried, and had already opened up the upper layer. If the bottom of this vein is not exposed, there is no need to worry that someone will target this mine.
The fleet arrived, and then the transport spacecraft landed on the ground, opening a large number of machinery from the opened hatch.
This time Lu Chuan spent a lot of money to form this mining team. The current scale is still very small. This is just the prototype of the Miracle Mining Company, which can be regarded as a cornerstone. In the future, the Miracle Mining Company will monopolize the resources of this world and influence the development of civilization.
Under the money, the recruits are naturally very experienced engineers and workers.
The machine boomed and began to detect.
Lu Chuan clearly knows the distribution of the underground through the planetary consciousness, so under the command, only a few hours, with a cheering, found the pumice stone material from the collected samples.
In other words, under the ground, there are indeed pumice veins, but the reserves and specific distribution cannot be determined yet.
The reporters who followed were in a state of perplexity, wouldn't this miracle company be so magical, more than a dozen detection companies eyed it, but it detected it all at once?
At the scene, some reporters scrambled to interview the engineers of this exploration. Baidu search, read more good-looking novels for free.
This engineer, through the collected samples, was excited and explained in detail why more than a dozen detection companies failed. This is due to a layer of interference here, which makes people lose their judgment. What's even more amazing is that they missed the opportunity to touch the pumice layer because they had too few holes to drill.
Once such news was announced, the outside world thought it was too dramatic.
Of course, it is not absolutely impossible, but the possibility is small. There are not many things like this in this world, limited by technology and experience, it is easy to miss.
It is judged that there are pumice veins below, and the remaining thing is to confirm the reserves and purity.
What the outside world thinks about, Lu Chuan doesn't care about these things. He has the name. The next step is to establish a mining company, and then mine here, to continuously channel funds for the miracle company. The high-purity pumice stone and energy stone are almost equated with currency. There is no need to find sellers, and sellers will flock to them.
When the outside world recognized that the miracle company had stepped on dog feces to obtain this mine, it meant that Lu Chuan had solved the early-stage funding problem of the miracle company, and no longer used the secretive selling of mines as before.
No matter how big the black market is, when the output is too large, it will also cause trouble.
Owning your own mining company is only the first step, and the second step is to own an aircraft manufacturing plant.
After discovering the mineral veins here, Lu Chuan's mission was completed, and the rest was handed over to the newly formed mining company. Lu Chuan assigned the company's fleet to the mining company, and this fleet will be stationed at the mine to ensure normal operations here.
There are two main methods for the existence of aviation pirates, one is to looting the mines, and the second is to target the transport spacecraft on the transportation line.
Many mines are far away from cities, and they are the easiest to spot them. Almost every two days, there will be reports of how much pumice or power stones of pumice or power stones have been lost in a catastrophe.
Air pirates are mostly principled, killing less, grabbing more pumice stones and energy stones, and seldom damage equipment.
In their eyes, the mine is their cash machine. You can withdraw money, but you must never smash the machine. This is like killing a hen. How can you lay eggs? If the movement is too great, it will easily lead to a backlash from the mining company, or even abandon this mine, which will not be worth the gain.
In fact, the main reason for the existence of aviation pirates is that the population is scarce here, and the other is the legal existence of private armed forces. Many routes are very remote...too many factors have caused their existence.
In any world, there will always be a group of unstable people. Take the earth, is it not the same as having pirates?
The richer the mine, the stronger the fleet it needs.
Lu Chuan stationed such a huge fleet here. From the outside, it was a fuss. How much ore can you have in a place of 100,000 hectares? It's dead, and the ore that may be dug is not enough to earn the cost of the fleet you are garrisoned. This is a big joke.
A high-profile company advertises itself as a high-tech company, but from the perspective of its behavior, it has nothing to do with high-tech. If it is not for the establishment of a scientific research center, there will be a bunch of great people joining, I don’t know how many people have started.
After Lu Chuan returned to Yilan City, he became a salted fish.
On the road of science and technology, it takes time, and things that happen overnight are not like cultivation. Every technological breakthrough here is a breakthrough in several industries, even dozens of industries, and a breakthrough made by combining the top technologies of these industries.
The current miracle company is using time to perfect the cornerstone. It seems calm, but the liquid robot No. 1 and Xiaowei are already working together to make the miracle company run efficiently.
There is nothing to see at the moment, but when the first result appears, it is the time to shock the world. With a breakthrough and a chain reaction, Lu Chuan is confident that this civilization will break through to the first-class civilization in the first wave.
Lu Chuan was also helpless. In this period of waiting, Lu Chuan could actually do not much.
As a reincarnation, Lu Chuan had many ways to speed up all this, but Lu Chuan would not do it rashly. This involves the fluctuation of cosmic energy. The more you use magical powers, the stronger the fluctuation of cosmic energy will be, and the possibility of discovery will continue to enlarge.
If it weren't for this one, with Lu Chuan's ability, he would be able to make this civilization break through to level seven within ten years.
Perhaps in the first year, people discovered the extremely strong cosmic energy fluctuations, and there is no need to play at all, and they will respond as they come. Failure is certain.
Every reincarnation will do his best to suppress the cosmic energy fluctuations in his body. Even if it is used, it is used carefully, in key places, rather than lavishly.
Like Lu Chuan, what he can do is to create six liquid robots and at the same time construct a space network that controls the world. The other is the existence of a super artificial intelligence, Xiao Wei.
Apart from these, Lu Chuan hardly uses cosmic energy, doing his best to minimize the risk of being discovered.
Now, Lu Chuan had to be grateful that he was able to obtain planetary consciousness, so that after he put aside his supernatural powers, he could influence the progress of this civilization to the greatest extent. With planetary awareness, such as this time mineral vein, it will be so handy.
If there is no planetary consciousness, it is really not easy for Lu Chuan to want such a vein. After all, most of the mineral veins that can be detected have been found, and the few that have not been found are so easy to find?
When I was a salted fish, my former parents were the happiest, because Lu Chuan had been with them.
The miracle company can be said to be famous in Yilan City, and it has shown the first aura since its appearance. And his son's job is to enter a scientific research center where big cattle are everywhere. Although he is just an ordinary scientific researcher, he is already proud enough.
Everyone, they always announce their son's job, with pride on their faces. For them, this is definitely a job that makes them feel that everything is worthwhile.
Lu Chuan told them that their monthly salary was about 50,000 yuan every month with various subsidies. This made them marvel at the wealth of the miracle company and at the same time urged Lu Chuan to work hard.
Through the mouth of his parents, what made Lu Chuan helpless was that the people in the entire community knew that he was working in the miracle company. This also caused everyone to look envious and think that Lu Chuan was lucky. When they were only two or three thousand wages, why did this kid Huo Dong already get more than fifty thousand yuan?
We must know that this kid Huo Dong has been a mercenary for a year. Where can I remember any knowledge that he deserves to be a scientific researcher?
Of course, they only dared to complain inside and behind, and they still greeted with smiles in front of their From this point, it is not difficult to find that the influence of the miracle company on people, the first high-profile behavior, let People have formed a consensus, which is that the miracle company is very big and very big.
In a month's time, what people were concerned about before finally had results.
Shenji Mining Company officially announced the experts’ appraisal results. They have a twin high-purity vein with an astonishing 99% purity. It is the highest-purity pumice and energy stone vein found so far. The only drawback is that its reserves are not large.
Despite this, the 99% ultra-high purity also caused a sensation in the entire Northwestern League and attracted the attention of the world.
Even if the reserves are not large, the estimates given by experts still reach the scale of ten trillion. Just a mine, made the miraculous company become the top 30 companies in the Northwest Union valuation.
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