Chapter 1396: Manufacturing plant

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Accumulation is what the miracle company is doing now.
The biggest investment now is the Miracle Mining Company, where a large amount of data has been smashed, and it has entered the mining at the fastest speed. It only takes one month from land purchase to discovery of mineral veins to mining output.
There are naturally many people jealous of mineral veins worth ten trillion.
Here in Yilan City, there are many people who think they have hands and eyes and want to get a share. But they were only about to reach out, and they received a call from the alliance's senior officials, suppressing all their thoughts.
Now they realize that this miracle company is not simple.
The dignitaries in this world act absolutely arrogant, anyone who dares to go against their will, they will send each other on the road as fast as possible, and there will be no ambiguity in their shots. Whoever dares to move the unified protection policy of the high-level is to go against the entire high-level, and it will inevitably be dealt with by the Thunder.
Unless you think the other way around, still weigh how many catties you have.
The entire senior management is the platform of the miracle company, so that no one in Yilan City dares to move. They don't understand if they want to break their heads. What background does the miracle company have, so that the entire senior management will platform for it?
It is not an exaggeration to say that with the entire high-level platform, the Miracle Company can already walk sideways in the Northwest Alliance.
Many people want to break their heads and don't understand, what is the origin of this miracle company, and why is it supported by the entire senior management? You must know that the top is a class, and the people inside are opponents to each other. It is really not easy, or even impossible, to get their opinions unified.
But now, the miracle company has done it.
In this world, there are too many people who see the wind and make the rudder. They know the incomparable background of the miraculous company Niucha. Numerous companies, large and small, whether they are Chinese or private, all have expressed the intention of cooperation. Established a relationship with Shenji Mining Company.
Mineral veins with a purity of 99% naturally do not have to worry about the market.
After being put into production, the pumice that was mined on the first day was not large, but the daily sales still reached more than 30 billion. It was dug out, and it was bought in the first place. The price was higher than the market, but there was no counter-offer.
All this was in Lu Chuan's expectation.
Yilan City can be ranked in the top ten in the Northwest League. It is a military city with more attributes. It has three of the top ten manufacturing plants in the Northwest League. I don’t know how many other large and small manufacturing plants are. There are hundreds of seats.
In addition to military industry, the ore mining industry in Yilan City is also among the top ten.
Lu Chuan would choose Yilan City because the conditions here meet his own requirements. The core of this world is resources first, and armed forces second.
Mastering these two things, as far as Lu Chuan is concerned, can truly guarantee the healthy development of Miracle Company.
At this time, Lu Chuan was investigating a manufacturing plant covering an area of ​​more than 10,000 mu. To say that it is big, it is indeed very big, but for the manufacturer, it can only be regarded as a medium manufacturer.
For decades, the armed forces have already passed the blowout period.
Alliance orders have decreased. Although private forces are on the rise, orders have fallen sharply after all, and life for many manufacturers is not easy. With such a huge competition, it is inevitable to eliminate the inferior and save the superior.
I don’t know how many manufacturing plants have been losing money year after year. In fact, if you pay close attention to it, you will find that a number of manufacturing plants close down every year. They only have two endings, one is liquidation and the other is acquisition and reorganization.
The manufacturing plants in this world are generally for both military and civilian use ~ top manufacturing plants. They are the top arms dealers and have the qualifications for top-level weapons of science and technology. The real big head is naturally eaten by them. Drop.
And small manufacturing plants are more engaged in the manufacture of civilian aircraft, and also take into account the modification business, such as modifying the weapon system of the aircraft, which can be considered as weapon manufacturing.
"Minister Huo..." The owner of this factory came to accompany him personally.
Huo Dong is still Lu Chuan's name in this world, but he has an extra title directly from the scientific researcher: Director of the M&A Department of Miracle Company.
This title is absolutely bluffing, and with this title, Lu Chuan's treatment is immediately different. Especially after the confirmation of the direction of the miracle company, a 360-degree change in attitude.
Now this industry is not easy to do. In addition to a small order for an aircraft brand developed by the manufacturer, more than 80% of the production lines have been stopped. Last year alone, there was a loss of more than 6.7 billion for the whole year, and the losses for consecutive years have reached more than 30 billion.
No matter how big a family is, they can't hold it.
If there is no buyer, the owner of the manufacturing plant has already planned to liquidate and go into bankruptcy. In this way, he can sell some scrap iron money and reduce losses. The wealth in his hand can also ensure that generations of people can live a prosperous life.
Lu Chuan nodded and said, "Polite remarks, public relations, or other commercial methods, etc., are not needed. The basic investigation has been completed. Then, if you quote a price, I will do it if it suits you. Find the next one."
Lu Chuan's words made the boss feel like a dog.
What's more, this is a super acquisition involving 50 to 60 billion assets. Putting it in Yilan City is also a big news, a big acquisition. But how did Minister Huo’s mouth become a street vendor selling vegetables?
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