Chapter 1431: Governor Level 2

It took half a month to convert the 30 million biochemical plant users into inspectors.
Lu Chuan finally had some decent power in his hands.
130 million inspectors, they need to go through at least one month of study and adjustment period.
At this time, Lu Chuan was staying in the castle, leaning on the chair, tapping the table top with his fingers. At this time, he called out the biochemical factory, which listed a lot of data.
As the governor, Lu Chuan knows that everyone's strengths are also different.
The first-level governor and the second-level governor are really not one level different from each other, but they are definitely better than the first. When it comes to life and death, the second-level governor will undoubtedly have a greater chance of winning.
It is the performance, that is, the points that determines whether or not to be promoted.
How the points are earned depends on how many civilizations you have eliminated and created.
There is only one point for destroying a sixth-level civilization, and two points for creating a sixth-level civilization.
It can be seen from this that one point is precious, one point is based on the death of billions of creatures, the destruction of a sixth-level civilization, a race that has reached this level after hundreds of millions of years. Perish.
But from the points rewards, it is not difficult to see that creation is more difficult than destruction, so the points created are doubled.
For level 7 civilization, destroy one to get 50 points, while the opponent increases 100 points.
But there is a huge pit here. If the opponent increases 100 points, he will be deducted 100 points instead. In other words, even if you spend great efforts to destroy this seventh-level civilization, you will lose 50 points after the final offset.
This means that the seven-level civilization is the most critical factor in determining the ranking of many governors.
Sixth-level civilization can accumulate less and more, but seventh-level civilization is the factor that changes the situation.
Lu Chuan frowned and kept thinking.
If you know the points of the eighth-level civilization and the ninth-level civilization, you will know that they are a hundredfold improvement. Level 7 is 100 points, level 8 is 10,000 points, and level 9 is 1 million points.
If you are focusing on level 6 civilization, you may be exhausted, and you can't compare to others doing an eighth level civilization.
Lu Chuan had experienced the promotion of Level 7 Civilization, and it was really difficult to know Level 7 Civilization.
It is not that the development of science and technology is difficult, but that after level 7 civilization, the other party will find you...How to ensure that level 7 civilization can advance to level 8, the most important thing is not to let the other party destroy this level 7 civilization.
How to escape?
Hiding is definitely not possible, the only way is to be able to withstand the opponent's attack, abruptly in this period of time, to promote civilization to the eighth level in a very short time.
"In other words, the eighth and ninth levels of civilization can only be achieved through the cultivation of civilization. The advancement of scientific and technological civilization cannot be achieved in a short period of time. The promotion from the seventh to the eighth level, no matter how many times the effort is made, There is no such thing as impossible in two or three hundred years."
Two or three hundred years is simply unrealistic.
Lu Chuan narrowed his eyes, and his thinking returned to the points.
Earlier points can basically only be used on the sixth and seventh levels. Only after becoming stronger and able to be in the upstream ranking will you be qualified to think about the eighth and ninth level of civilization, because your strength allows you Do it.
What really fights is a time difference.
When the opponent does not have enough points to become stronger, you first become stronger, then suppress him, and force a civilization to break through to level 8 before he becomes stronger. If the other party cannot stop you, it may even make you reach level 9.
This is the only way and a rule in the game.
Lu Chuan didn't know if other governors had thought about it, but there were certainly many people who thought about it.
The competition for points has become a race against time.
If you are strong, others will be weak, because the seventh-level civilization will reduce points, as long as you achieve it, you will weaken the opponent in disguise.
In a few hours, Lu Chuan finally sorted out some of his thinking.
Trial points: 1077.
Looking at this integral on the panel of the biochemical plant, Lu Chuan was still a little surprised. Among them 100 points are contributed by oneself, that is to say, the inspectors and supervisors in their hands have contributed nearly 1,000 points.
For more than a hundred years, all have been spent in the creation and destruction of the sixth-level civilization. There are nearly a thousand points, which is nothing strange.
Behind the trial points, there was an additional + sign, Lu Chuan swept through his mind, and the information in the + sign was immediately presented, which turned out to be the source of every point.
The first-level governor is given by God, but the second-level governor can be obtained through himself.
The second-level governor only needs 1,000 trial points to redeem.
"It took more than a hundred years to accumulate to the second-level governor. Was it a rapid promotion or was it not satisfactory?" Lu Chuan really didn't know. He had just returned from reincarnation and had not visited the transit star's palace. He didn't know other governors. What's the situation.
There are too many things Lu Chuan has to do now. After more than a hundred years of absence, there are so many things that Lu Chuan feels need to sort out.
Being able to improve himself is the most urgent, Lu Chuan will not foolishly wait for these points to rust here.
"Exchange the second-level governor."
Lu Chuan's thoughts arose, and the biochemical factory popped up a confirmation prompt, and then in Lu Chuan's mind, something similar to a computer bomb frame appeared. After Lu Chuan confirmed it, it disappeared again.
The next moment, Lu Chuan's trial points were deducted.
At the moment when the trial points were deducted, Lu Chuan only felt that his whole body was like an electric shock, with countless electric currents flowing through his body, wantonly for every cell. As if these cells were activated, there was a mutation that Lu Chuan had never seen before.
These feelings disappeared in an instant, and it was more like an endless force appearing on Lu Chuan, and Lu Chuan became stronger.
It's so direct and explosive, you don't need to play too mysterious things.
Now Lu Chuan has been promoted to the second-level governor, but the third-level governor’s promotion judgment points have reached 100,000. It seems that there are not many, but when you know that a point is precious, you don't think so.
How many bones does it take to be promoted to the third-level governor?
Take a sixth-level civilization as an example, the number of its races is definitely more than one trillion.
And this sixth-level civilization only contributed one point. If there were no surprises, it would take 100,000 sixth-level civilizations to give Lu Chuan the strength of a third-level governor. More than a billion trillions of dead creatures?
Every advance is made up of billions of trillions of bones.
Lu Chuan only felt that he was suffocating bursts of suffocation in his heart, but after only a moment, Lu Chuan calmed himself down, and his xinxing returned to a dull time again.
"I can only protect the people of my tribe, regardless of the external floods? Besides, if I don't become stronger, human beings are a string of numbers in these billion trillions."
Lu Chuan's heart became firmer.
Becoming a second-level governor, as Lu Chuan thought, the second-level governor is only about 20% stronger than the first-level governor.
Don't underestimate this 20%. Think about it. When you become a reincarnation, your abilities will be compressed by 20%. It is this kind of compression that allows the other governor to sling you. But if you are a second-level governor, you are completely on par with the opponent and you can leave calmly.
If you add the bonus of Shuo Jin, you may still have an advantage.
This kind of joy of becoming stronger caused Lu Chuan to abandon this exhausting mentality.
The 20% increase will not make Lu Chuan unable to adapt to these forces, so there is no need to adapt.
Lu Chuan just became happy, his expression sank again, because he also realized his current weakness. Lu Chuan has more than 130 million inspectors in his hands, but he is still too weak compared to other governors.
When he only had millions of inspectors, the other governors were already tens of millions, hundreds of millions...even the top ones had hundreds of millions of inspectors, and their current points would not reach the third level of Governor Lu Chuan. doubt.
Compared with these governors, the second-level governor of Lu Chuan is not insurance.
"If you want to overtake in a curve, you have to take risks, otherwise it's impossible to go on schedule." Lu Chuan's eyes squinted slightly, flashing fierce light.
Lu Chuan thinks that he is not a good person, and will be ruthless when he should be ruthless.
In order to achieve the goal, the necessary effort is certain.
How many inspectors have died in more than a hundred years? The data in Lu Chuan's hands is 270,000, and as many as 800,000 retreated. It can be said that the loss rate is as high as about one-sixth, which is a terrible number.
If you want to overtake on a curve, there is only one, increasing the number of reincarnations.
To become a reincarnation, the risk of death becomes very high, and the best result is to escape back and give up reincarnation. Save yourself and come back in a hundred years.
But in a hundred years, they are equivalent to losing their effect.
With 800,000 retreats, these 800,000 inspectors can no longer be used within a hundred years, and they need to wait until the failed cooldown time before they can become inspectors again and serve them again.
"The rise of civilization requires sacrifices, and this road of promotion also requires sacrifices. If you don't dare to fight, you will be crushed forever, lose resistance a little bit, and finally become prey in the eyes of others." Lu Chuan Clenching his fists, he did not allow this to happen to him.
In his heart, Lu Chuan already had a plan. This is to put 100 million of the 130 million inspectors into the space of reincarnation this time, let them become reincarnations, and create and promote the sixth level of civilization. Come out The seventh-level civilization will be discovered for the first time, but the sixth-level civilization will not. They can do better, hide their shadows, and leave immediately as soon as they reach level 6, which is still very safe. "
Becoming a reincarnation is dangerous, but not as big as you imagined.
If a civilization is only level three or four, the inspectors are not interested at all. Only when the civilization reaches the fifth level will they be marked, and they will be inspected from time to time, and only after they have reached the sixth level will they be destroyed.
The impact of level 6 on the universe is almost equal to zero, and it will not cause fluctuations and destruction of the universe.
Lu Chuan is now based on this seemingly loophole method, so that all inspectors can use this method to have the ability to retreat. They only need to be promoted to the sixth level of civilization, and then leave immediately, the danger is still very small.
The seventh and sixth levels are a watershed, two concepts exist.
Promoting the rise of a sixth-level civilization will have 2 points, which is definitely more tempting than destroying a civilization, and more importantly, this method will put the initiative in your own hands.
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