Chapter 1453: Support and destruction

Lu Chuan curiously carried this jet of black liquid. The life in this world was filled with magic everywhere. He couldn't understand why this liquid was a living body.
Liquid means that it can change into countless forms.
It can be big or small, so that the parasitic tribe can even become a giant of tens of thousands of meters. Its cells will instantly enter the cycle of division when needed.
In theory, it can even grow bigger and wrap an asteroid in its own body.
A warship of hundreds of kilometers is not enough to swallow it directly.
And the source of all this was the liquid in Lu Chuan's hands, not a large liquid.
The opponent was an inspector, and he still had the ability. He was struggling in Lu Chuan's hands, but Lu Chuan's power suppressed and locked the opponent, and he couldn't get rid of it no matter how much he moved.
The power that is not on one level makes its struggle pale and weak.
Don't underestimate it. This is an inspector. At the level of a life race, this is an existence that can easily destroy a race and civilization. It is a god-like existence in the eyes of billion trillion lives.
The other party's plan is indeed very good, using the spider tribe patrol agent as a bait to approach her, and then sacrifice the spider tribe, its former host, in exchange for it to parasitize on her body.
It seems that the other party is superfluous, but for the parasitic tribe, changing to a new race parasite and replacing a stronger race parasite is the root of their growing stronger. They will wander around in the universe, looking for suitable races to parasitize, and make themselves stronger and stronger.
Lu Chuan is undoubtedly a race that it considers to be even greater. The breath that Lu Chuan exudes makes it crazy. This is why they fight against each other, and the other side tried every means to parasite Lu Chuan even after discarding the former host.
Lu Chuan can't say the real specific reason. In the eyes of the parasites, humans may be sweet steamed buns.
Lu Chuan shook the lump of liquid, and the opponent was very Q bomb, a bit like rubber candy.
In contrast, the parasitic inspector was caught in a state of horror. It couldn't struggle. The power that enveloped him was like a mountain that made it out of breath.
It is an inspector, a god-like existence in this universe, why is it not at all in the hands of the clansmen of this unknown race, so easily rubbed by others?
"No, let me go."
The parasite inspector struggled and yelled, but in Lu Chuan's eyes, its voice was no different from a bunch of garbled characters, and he didn't know what the other party was talking about.
Lu Chuan didn't care too much, he was just curious to just look at the parasites.
Now the curiosity is satisfied, and the essence is to be investigated. In fact, it is the special difference of the race. There are too many races of this type in the universe. For example, the metal family is somewhat similar to the parasitic family. It is a flowing metal, a metal with life.
However, in contrast to the parasitic tribe, the metal tribe is the real steamed bun in the eyes of countless races, because as long as a small amount of metal on their body is used as an additive, it will have an incredible reaction when it is put in other metals. Unimaginable metal material.
For a race, this is definitely a disaster.
The metal race is definitely a rare race in the universe.
Of course, once there is a galaxy with a metal family, it is like blood attracting a school of sharks.
There is also a liquid family, all of which are composed of energy liquids, which are very similar to the parasitic family, but they are not capable of parasitism, essentially having a gap between heaven and earth.
It's not surprising that a race like this kind of weird, there are so many stars in the universe.
Satisfaction is satisfied, the rest...
Lu Chuan is not the Virgin Mary, he has kindness in his heart, but he also needs to look at the person, instead of always treating the Virgin Mary. Therefore, Lu Chuan's hand shook, and he didn't know how many times the opponent's mental power had enveloped him, suppressing the opponent's consciousness, and then Lu Chuan frantically plundered the opponent's memory.
Parasites are mysterious, and few can understand it.
Naturally, Lu Chuan has to make good use of such a good opportunity now. At least he has to figure out some things about the Parasite Race, right?
As for whether the mental storm he formed would be discovered, Lu Chuan didn't care at all. Even if the Governor of Cyclops came in person, Lu Chuan didn't need to be afraid of it, let alone other inspectors.
If you don't take the advantage of getting a good understanding of the Parasitic Race, the next time you meet the Governor of the Parasitic Race, Lu Chuan will be unreliable.
This kind of pain, which is similar to the peeling of the soul, is also unbearable pain for the parasite race. However, Lu Chuan didn't care about the other party's pain, no matter how much it trembled, he didn't stop.
In this way, basically, the object must be destroyed. Even if Lu Chuan spared it, it would be no different from a fool.
This violent separation is the price.
After a while, Lu Chuan completed the copy, and after obtaining the memory of the opponent, he wiped his hand to completely liberate the opponent. With power far beyond what it could bear, its body turned into ashes and disappeared into Lu Chuan's hands.
There is no possibility of resurrection, because it was Lu Chuan who completely erased everything from it.
Lu Chuan withdrew his hand, twisted his brows, and showed a wry smile. He had just acquired the memory of the other party, but a different race had already formed in Lu Chuan's mind, and he understood the parasitic family Lu Chuan better.
It is this kind of understanding that allows Lu Chuan to understand why every race he has experienced changes when talking about parasites.
To put it simply, it can actually be the same type as the spore, but the parasite has a life form, and its life form is extremely powerful. After hundreds of millions of years of evolution, it has formed a race and has its own civilization.
The horror of a parasitic tribe, it can live in the host's body, from win-win to control, and then become its own body.
If this is over, they will be underestimated.
They also have a terrifying ability, which is division. A single parasitic tribe split into dozens of hundreds, and then continue to split, until the formation of a huge parasitic tribe group.
How many races were parasitized by a parasitic tribe. During the split, they gradually parasitized the entire race, forming a powerful parasitic tribe group in a short time.
Of course, it is difficult for ordinary parasitic people to stay away from their parent galaxy. They float in the universe depending on their particularity, but this kind of speed can only rely on the gravity of celestial bodies to move, and they do not have acceleration. Ability. So, it’s really hard to escape the universe where they are,
Like inspectors, they can move at will, and can be split... is executed by their own death. They can become inspectors, representing incomparable luck, how can it be so pointless to sacrifice themselves for reproduction?
Therefore, races far away from the parent galaxy of the Parasitic Race still have a certain degree of security.
Lu Chuan smiled bitterly. The parasitic races nowadays are different from the past. With the leadership of the lucky ones who became the inspectors, the parasitic races on each plane have become stronger. They have the power of science and technology and can build huge space warships beyond imagination. , You can use wormholes, etc., with the ability to leap over light years.
In this way, the parasites are a source of danger to the universe that cannot be ignored.
Lu Chuan was standing in front of a sixth-level civilization, touching his chin, thinking about some questions.
The purpose of rule-breakers is to create more advanced civilizations, such as letting some civilizations grow to level 7 civilization.
However, Lu Chuan found that it was still too difficult for rule-breakers to make a civilization level seven, because it was difficult for them to span such a long time until they were promoted. The omnipresent inspector would first discover the level six civilization and destroy it.
"A rule-breaker must be supported? Can't it be destroyed?"
A level 6 civilization, after the opponent is destroyed, will get 1 trial point.
Without this six-level civilization, they would not have earned this 1 trial point. Don't underestimate 1 point. How many races become crazy for this 1 point. This 1 judgment point is the destruction of a sixth-level civilization.
"If you destroy this sixth-level civilization, you won't get any more points for your convenience?" Lu Chuan pondered this question.
The sixth-level civilization is not Chinese cabbage, and it is also rare in the universe. In a billion trillion-weight universe, there may not be 10,000 sixth-level civilizations in the same period. It's one thing, and it's another thing to find.
The last time Lu Chuan reincarnated for more than a hundred years, humans had found how many sixth-level civilizations, the answer was more than 300, and the remaining points were almost brought by the reincarnation.
"In other words, rule-breakers can also destroy civilizations and leave them empty? As they ebb and flow each other, their strength will naturally be weakened."
Lu Chuan came to this conclusion, and he also sorted out the problems that he had been pondering during this period of time.
With this conclusion, Lu Chuan suddenly found that everything became more cheerful.
If the reincarnation is single-choice, the rule-breaker is multiple choices...Don't care about what kind of result, no matter what kind of result, it is beneficial to the rule-breaker.
Supporting the development of civilization and destroying civilization seem to be contradictory, but rule-breakers can have them all.
Some civilizations can be supported, and if the mud cannot support the wall, it will be destroyed.
Take a sixth-level civilization, if Lu Chuan encounters it, it can fully support it to grow to the seventh level. If they don't live up to it, Lu Chuan will destroy it again. Cheng is also Lu Chuan, and destruction is also due to Lu Sometimes construction is necessary, but destruction is also necessary. "
Lu Chuan laughed. It seems that the next inspectors need to be divided into three batches. One group is reincarnation, one group is rule breaker, and the third group is guardian.
With the three-pronged approach, Lu Chuan saw the possibility of overtaking on the curve.
The first thing Lu Chuan thought of was the family of ten thousand races. If they were given a little more time, it would not be a problem to break through the seventh level of civilization. This is a cultivation civilization, and promotion is the easiest. It may be possible to break through in three months.
Cultivation civilization is not a technological civilization, and its civilization promotion can be opened.
I helped them to stop the inspectors. They were safe for the time being, and they could be promoted according to their wild ways. It could be hundreds of thousands of years. This time was too long.
"The laws of the universe are originally cruel and ruthless, and they are all destroyed as soon as possible. It is better to squeeze their use value before they perish, and then destroy it..."
This thought flashed in his mind, Lu Chuan disappeared in the next moment, and he wanted to return to the family of ten thousand races.
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