Chapter 1455: Seize

This palace is more like an empty shell, with nothing.
The whole palace was silent.
If you were an outsider, you would definitely not know the mystery here, but Elder Lun knew it. This is the entrance of a teleportation array, but it is just a palace to cover up. As a member of the royal family, cultivation will naturally not be here.
The current royal family members only returned to their home planet because of this meeting.
As Luen's voice fell, the main hall of the palace was twisted, and then a huge black dragon appeared. It had two pairs of huge flesh wings, which was different from ordinary black dragons.
After becoming the patriarch, he will evolve a second pair of flesh wings, which is a special patriarch, irreplaceable.
This pair of flesh wings will bless their strength and make them stronger after being promoted to patriarch.
The giant non-black dragon patriarch appeared, and the fleshy wings did not move, but it floated in the sky.
"Elder Lun, what's the matter?" The Black Dragon patriarch made a dull voice, seeming to be a question: "Just in the realm of fantasy, you were forcibly ripped out by a force. What is it?"
This matter, it is trying to investigate the cause, after all, it is impossible for this kind of thing to happen without a reason.
It supports the illusion, and every move in the illusion can't escape its surveillance. This kind of abnormal exit is immediately noticed. Had it not been for hundreds of thousands of powerful people in the illusion territory, it would have tracked it long ago.
Now that Elder Lun saw it, it naturally appeared for the first time.
Elder Lun smiled and said, "Patriarch, borrow your throne for a use."
Patriarch Black Dragon couldn't imagine the first words of Elder Lun, it turned out to be this great rebellion? It froze for half a second, and then roared angrily: "Lun, you are the following crime. This is a capital crime."
"Patriarch, I am thinking about the entire civilization. Your thinking is too conservative and not suitable for civilized promotion." Lun is not afraid of it. He stared at the patriarch's eyes and slowly said: "Go, this It has been the rule of the Black Dragon clan since ancient times."
The patriarch of the black dragon was extremely angry. It stretched out its paws and pointed at Lun En: "Lun, I didn’t expect you to be such a generation. Before losing your money, the patriarch tried his best to oppose the public and promote you as the great elder.
"Patriarch, at that time, at this time. The power that appeared before, you have not realized what, in fact, this is the beginning of the destruction of civilization. According to our current strength, the entire civilization can only be killed by Tukong. Only when it becomes stronger can it be done. Only by resisting fate can we get rid of the destruction of civilization." Lun said calmly.
"Guard, where's the guard?" The Black Dragon Patriarch didn't want to talk nonsense with Ronduo at all. In its eyes, this elder Ronn was already crazy.
In the palace, the space was distorted, and dozens of black dragons appeared. They wore specially made armors and had no weapons... For the black dragon clan, there was no weapon comparable to their claws.
Elder Lun was not afraid, and glanced at the dozens of black dragons that appeared, and his claws crossed the sky, but they pressed the dozens of black dragons under the palace.
The terrifying power made dozens of black dragons immobile, and the ground was cracked, holding them firmly.
At this time, the space was constantly distorting, hundreds of black dragons appeared, and then thousands...These were all the black dragon elders who rushed back to the palace.
"Elder, what do you want to do?"
The second elder of the black dragon clan, a black dragon that was not inferior to Lun screamed.
The black dragon elders who appeared were all staring at Lun, and they fought violently when they felt inconsistent.
Lun didn't pay any attention to these elders who came. It stared at the patriarch and said, "Patriarch, according to the rules of the clan, I want to challenge you."
There is a rule in the black dragon clan that has existed since ancient times, this is the challenge system.
As long as you think you are strong enough, you can challenge the patriarch. If you win, you can automatically take over as the patriarch. The patriarchs of the Black Dragon clan in the past are the strongest. Able to become the strongest, almost after becoming the patriarch, using the resources of the Black Dragon clan, will maintain the highest power, until the twilight years, will hand over the scepter.
Throughout the history of the Black Dragon tribe, there are countless challenges like this one.
The Black Dragon patriarch is in the highest position and needs to accept the challenge of the patriarch below. Once a patriarch initiates a challenge, as the patriarch, he must fight and cannot escape.
The black dragons present saw Lun actually launching a challenge, and suddenly fell silent. They respected the rules of the black dragon clan since ancient times.
The Black Dragon patriarch narrowed his eyes and stared at Lun En. It seemed that he couldn't understand why this Lun had changed so much in a blink of an eye? However, it is not afraid of being challenged. The moment it becomes the patriarch, it is ready.
The last time he challenged his tribe, he was seriously injured by it, and he could not heal it for thousands of years. It can be said to be extremely miserable.
The struggle for power has always been the cruelest.
"Okay!" The Black Dragon patriarch uttered a low roar. It could not refuse. If it did not accept the challenge, it would not be worthy of the leader of the clan. It would need to beat this elder Lun on the ground and lift all its scales. Drop, let it have a long memory, in this black dragon clan, who is the patriarch and who is the who controls the billions of creatures in the entire civilization.
Challenges, immediate results.
The black dragons who just came to support all retreat, and whoever wins will be their patriarch, and naturally there is no big treachery.
The Black Dragon patriarch floated above the palace. It stared at Lun, suddenly opened its mouth, and issued a huge dragon roar, shaking the entire holy city as if it was sinking.
Having just experienced that terrifying aura, and now hearing the dragon's roar of the powerful Black Dragon clan, the people in the holy city feel uneasy, they have no idea what happened.
The black dragon clan powerhouse, an angry dragon chant, has not appeared for a long time. Could it be said that something happened to the royal clan?
Lun is actually a puppet now, but Lu Chuan is the real leader.
Don't look down on this clone, but it's a puppet loaded with your own thinking. Its strength is no longer comparable to any strong in this civilization.
"The patriarch wants you to die for the above offenders."
The patriarch of the Black Dragon clan also no longer cared about his own status and status. The other party's rebellious behavior had already touched its inverse scales, and this race must die. Otherwise, the clansmen will challenge themselves, what is the majesty of the patriarch?
Only saw a torn vortex formed in the sky, and under its call, a thick lightning struck down.
This is just the beginning. Countless lightnings are released in the whirlpool at this moment, forming a tens of thousands of grids, and turning into hot white light, covering the location.
The terrifying energy, if the power of this strike hits the city, it is enough to destroy a huge city into ruins.
The strength of the top power, the performance is vivid.
Lun was not afraid at all. Its claws cut towards the black dragon patriarch, and the two floated in the sky. The hundreds of meters long body was indeed shocking.
A surging power appeared, and the Black Dragon Patriarch suddenly discovered that it was actually suppressed in the sky and could not move at all. At this moment, the black dragon patriarch's eyes were full of amazement. It couldn't understand why Lun En was so strong.
This kind of strength is beyond one level.
"Could it be that Lun En has broken through the level limit that has been plagued for thousands of years?" This was the first thought of the Black Dragon Patriarch, and only in this way can it be explained.
It's a pity that Lun's power is too strong, leaving it with no resistance, it is torn into countless pieces in the sky, and its life is directly terminated.
Strength that is not at the same level is this kind of crushing.
The spiritual connection that had just been established with the Black Dragon Patriarch was interrupted, causing the violent lightning to disappear suddenly. This kind of ability is actually the use of spirit to communicate cosmic energy, and it is presented in this form.
After completing the blow, Lun's tone was calm: "According to the rules of the clan, I am now the patriarch, and you all must obey your patriarch. I believe that the patriarch will lead you to a new level of civilization."
The black dragon elders at this time were still immersed in the shock of Lun's blow.
The strength of the previous patriarch has always been the best in the world, with few opponents. But now, Lun actually dismembered the patriarch with a single blow. They believed that it was definitely not the previous patriarch who cooperated with the acting, because this was the ending at the cost of death, unable to cooperate, let alone acting.
In addition, the power displayed by Lun was just felt by them, and it suffocated them.
"I have seen the patriarch."
Black dragon elders, the strong is king. Although they are a bit dissatisfied with Lun En's dominance, after all, Lun is now the patriarch and they can only obey. The death of the previous term will naturally be handled by other members of the Black Dragon tribe.
Lun nodded, lifted his claws, and said: "The elders, the source of the power of this clan leader, is a mental method that has improved on our clan's cultivation system. It can make it easier for our people to practice and break through. you guys."
Lu Chuan's purpose has always been so simple and rude. Anyway, it is to find the strongest, and then let them practice the optimized mental method to break through in a very short time.
A level 6.8 cultivation civilization, using this brutal method, within three months, Lu Chuan is confident that he can break through.
Lun will become the new patriarch, and only if he stands in this position can he promote the cultivation of civilization. The patriarch of the Black Dragon clan, the king of ten thousand clan, under its orders, everything will come naturally.
All the elders who had complained to Lun just now were all delighted when they heard that there was no such kind of criticism long ago. There is nothing in this world that makes them more heart-warming than this one.
"You practice first, and if it is effective, then promote it to the entire civilization." Lun said, his tone of voice is naturally irrefutable.
The Heilong tribe has always been very fraternity, like practicing exercises, they don't care about the unexpected tribe's cultivation. In this world, there is no race that can compete with them in cultivation. This is where they rule this civilization.
In the Black Dragon clan, the replacement of the patriarch will not cause too much disturbance, but it still informs the entire civilization.
By using transmission, it only takes a few days to spread to thousands of planets.
Just like the new emperor ascended the throne, a few days later, the patriarchs of all races sent messages representing surrender. In this way, Lun's status has been recognized. Before a new challenger succeeds, Lun will be the patriarch of the Black Dragon tribe and the king of all races.
Within a few days, the elders of the Black Dragon tribe were delighted to discover that according to this new cultivation method, they felt a sense of leaps and bounds. Unlike the old bull carts before, it was a bird flying now.
Lun's implementation of is very fast under the influence of Lu Chuan.
First, starting from within the Black Dragon clan, the whole people practiced and became stronger in a way that was visible to the naked eye.
Half a month later, he began to pass on his cultivation mentality to the race closest to the Black Dragon tribe, allowing them to practice for the whole people.
This cultivation method is fast and has no side effects. It makes many old monsters ecstatic. When they reach their strength, every growth is extremely difficult. This world is like an invisible world. The ceiling, for thousands of years, no one from the tribe has been able to break through.
But now, they see hope.
No matter how strong they are, they can feel that kind of improvement beyond imagination.
Many powerful people have stopped before the new realm, but now with the help of this cultivation mentality, they are constantly growing and becoming stronger, and are moving towards breakthroughs. They will step into the Mahayana realm, and after breaking through, they will become powers that can come and go freely in the universe.
This civilization has plagued the ceiling for thousands of years, and there is a feeling that it is about to be broken.
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