Chapter 1474: Patrick fortress

More than 800 metallurgists are the seeds, the seeds planted by Lu Chuan. They will teach more people, influence more people to engage in this industry, and make this industry an important part of civilization.
   Once the seeds are planted, time is left to germinate.
   Lu Chuan has always been racing against time in the early stages. He needs to put this civilization at the bottom and lay a solid foundation for them. Once the foundation is laid, everything will be a matter of course.
  Only when everything is on the right track, can Lu Chuan relax, eat and drink in this world, and walk around.
   The affairs of Portland City, Lu Chuan didn't intervene at all. It was no different from before, and it was still managed by the affairs officers here. The difference is that the commander of the Portland Fortress has now become Lord Fashen. He is just a replacement, and he didn't shout any slogans. Naturally, Portland City has not broken away from the Bit United Kingdom system in the sense.
  So, everything is fine.
   The fortress originally sent soldiers to garrison in Portland, but now it only slightly increases the number of soldiers.
   For the residents of Portland, no major changes were felt. The biggest change is that in these two days, they almost went to the Portland Mountains before they were free and looked at the shocking flat ground.
   The Portland Mountains were formerly owned by the United Kingdom of Bit and the Principality of Lerwick, and did not belong to a nobleman or the like, but now they have become flat land. These flat lands can be said to be landless.
  A large number of clerks are busy making statistical surveys of this land.
In the past, most of the food in Portland was solved by a part of the supply from the rear, but now the Portland Mountains have disappeared. This unseen plain is also a new land. It does not even need to be reclaimed and can be directly cultivated. Will make Portland a real grain-producing city.
  In any era, the importance of food cannot be overstated. The status of a big food-producing city is very high.
   These lands will be taken back to Portland and then sublet to residents.
   used to have this natural barrier with the Principality of Lerwick, but now it doesn’t exist anymore. Don’t even think about it. They must also be staking the race, conflicts of interest, the day is certainly not far away.
   The Portland Mountains suddenly disappeared, no one dared to move rashly, at least the Principality of Lerwick did not dare, they need to investigate and confirm.
   In contrast, Portland has no such concerns. The Portland Mountains were destroyed by Lord Fashen, supported by Lord Fashen, their courage naturally became fat, and they carried out this race very thoroughly.
   Needless to say, everyone was also surprised by Lerwick’s counterattack.
   But they don't have to worry at all, and they don't want to think about who is standing behind them is Lord Fashen. How many people came from the other party just gave their heads to see how the hundreds of kilometers of Portland Mountains disappeared.
  With the power of Lord Dharma, I am afraid that it will not take too much time to turn the country into a land of ruins, right?
A forbidden curse is hundreds of kilometers, and a country can withstand how many times the Dharma and God can show his might. Even if this forbidden curse can only be restored once in ten days and a half a month, a small country may have several forbidden curses and then completely disappear. Even scum will not be left, absolutely thousands of miles away.
  In this way, I know how terrifying the forbidden curse of the gods is.
   At this time, the Principality of Lerwick is carefully exploring the disappearing Portland Mountains. For them, this is absolutely a frightening thing. God knows how the mountain disappeared?
   In the entire Principality, most people don’t know it, because the news hasn’t spread so quickly.
   But the military fortress set up by the Principality of Lerwick is full of scouts, and they rushed to the land of the disappearing mountains. As for the reconnaissance troops riding the flying beasts, they did not dare to make it in one step and appear in the Portland Fortress area, but it took two days to appear near the Portland Fortress.
   In the sky, you can see that the disappearing Portland Mountains have become an endless flat land, forming a super flat area.
   It was the residents of Portland Fortress that surprised the scouts. Like locusts, they were already plowing this flat land. Looking at them, it seemed that they wanted to turn this place into an excellent granary land?
   When the news was brought back, the reaction that elicited can be imagined.
  Without the mountains, the barriers between each other have been lost. With such a huge area for them to attack, it is still unknown who is in charge of this flat land.
   Knowledgeable soldiers, already anticipating the coming of war.
   In order to fight for the ownership of this endless land, the United Kingdom of Bit and the Principality of Lerwick will inevitably fight. You can never decide the right of ownership if you don't fight it.
   The Portland Fortress in the United Kingdom and the Patrick Fortress in the Duchy of Lerwick are all famous military fortresses on this continent. A country that can compete with the United Kingdom has good natural strength.
  Patrick’s Fortress, its structure is similar to Portland Fortress. It was originally set up at the other end of the only mountain pass, but now the mountains have been flattened, leaving only the remaining part, which immediately made the fortress useless.
   A vast area, you can burst in at any time, there are holes everywhere, it is impossible for Patrick's Fortress to defend so many areas.
   Behind Patrick's Fortress is the huge Patrick City.
   The gateway fortress represents a busy business road. The only safe and feasible business road in this mountain range has made two cities. Countless merchants came here, passed the fortresses at both ends, and entered two countries. Dog
   At this time, in Patrick's Fortress, Barry was sitting on the upper head. He supported his chin and listened carefully to the report of the reconnaissance captain.
   A group of high-ranking officers in Patrick's Fortress stand below.
   "Is the news confirmed?" Grand Duke Barry narrowed his eyes. He was not a magician, but a paladin. The mount was the fierce demon dragon that was also famous throughout the continent.
   With his powerful mobility and his terrifying combat power, if a magician of the same level does not pay attention, he only needs to get close to easily slash the opponent.
   The reconnaissance team leader nodded: "Grand Duke, we saw it with our own eyes."
   Grand Duke nodded.
The following high-ranking officers, some of the highest status, were already agitated and said: "They are already farming? Unreasonably, our Lerwick Principality also owns half of the Portland Mountains. Why do they dare to occupy them all? "
   More officers became excited. If this extra flat land could be occupied, this credit would be enough to raise their title by one or two levels.
   Grand Duke Barry, he is not so impatient and superficial, such a huge plain, what is the reason for it? Leaving this aside, the danger of the mountains is lost. The contention here must be fierce. God knows how many soldiers will be ruined, and how many rounds of negotiations will there be a clear ownership?
   The former Portland Mountains did not care about the two countries, after all, it was of little value to the two countries.
   After thousands of years, the definition has been blurred, and neither side paid attention to it.
   has suddenly become flat ground, and it will definitely start a war between the two countries. For this piece of flat land, God knows how many people will die? To be sure, every inch of land here will be stained with blood.
   "Continue reconnaissance." Grand Duke Barry said in a deep voice, and the reconnaissance team leader nodded and retreated.
   After thinking for a while, Grand Duke Barry said: "Mobilize our soldiers and be ready to fight at any time. For the time being, don't worry about why the Portland Mountains are going on, deal with the people of the United Kingdom, and guard against their sneak attacks."
   "In addition, send a messenger to let His Majesty the King know the news here."
   The words of Grand Duke Barry are naturally a final word.
   Don't look at this simple instruction, the entire Patrick's Fortress will act. The soldiers who had been on vacation before were all recalled and entered into battle preparations, while the flying beast troops and magician troops were completely unstoppable.
   On the other hand, the worry of the residents of Patrick City should be controlled, and panic should not lead to chaos in the city.
   In the city, there is a very market for the theory of gods and ghosts.
   In the eyes of ordinary people, this mountain range is gone. Who can do it except God? It must have been the gods who had descended their magical powers and took away this mountain range. It should be that some beast in this mountain range offended the gods.
   About a week later, the Grand Duke of Bari received news that a small group of troops from the United Kingdom appeared in front of Patrick's Fortress.
   "What do they mean by coming here?"
   Can't guess what the other party is coming from, Grand Duke Barry didn't guess deeply. A small group of troops has no effect on the fortress. Now the news should just reach His Majesty the King, and he will not act rashly before the Central Committee has made a decision.
   Right now, Grand Duke Barry appeared on the tall fortress wall with hundreds of guards.
   Under the view, it is really a small part, about 3,000 people. They are riding warcrafts, not flying beasts, but terrestrial beasts Seeing their excellent preparation, they are obviously not ordinary soldiers.
   Archduke Barry had a deep understanding of the enemy of Portland Fortress. He just glanced at it. Although it was far away, he still confirmed that this was the guard of the opposing commander, a force with terrifying combat effectiveness.
   Of course, this person, Patrick Fortress is let them attack, and there will be no results.
  Like this kind of fortress, if you want to attack, you don't know how many siege tools are needed, and how long you need to mobilize. Once launched, the inevitable enemies will be overwhelming. It is very difficult to win a fortress with nearly 600,000 soldiers, less than twice the force.
   To mobilize 1.3 million soldiers, the United Kingdom has not had the courage to do so.
   A pure personal guard has arrived, and there is only one answer, that is, the opposing fortress commander has arrived. With Grand Duke Vader of the United Kingdom, the two have known each other for a long time. I don't know how many times they fought each other. They are familiar with each other.
   What the Grand Duke of Bari saw, is the person protected in the middle, a young man? The opponent's magic robe didn't have the mark of the magician level on his body, so he couldn't see the strength, but his age, presumably, his magic skills were not good.
   Then, why the other party came?
   Almost when the Grand Duke Barry was guessing, the young magician floated in the air, and soon flew to the ground level with the tall fortress wall.
   There is no need for Duke Barry to say that the soldiers on the fortress are already aiming their crossbows at the young magician flying in the sky. Once the opponent moves, they will shoot directly without hesitation.
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