Chapter 1483: select

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What Lu Chuan likes most is to ask the other person to do multiple choice questions.
Because at this point, it means that he is in control of the winning ticket, and he is comfortable enough to sit firmly on the Diaoyutai. And how they choose is what they do, not themselves.
Throwing multiple-choice questions at the opponent, Lu Chuan has already done his best.
Just like now, Lu Chuan trapped them to death, instead of strangling them, but giving them a choice. Whether they choose to live or die is entirely up to them, Lu Chuan will respect their choice.
And what I can do now is just watch a show.
They will not make a choice so easily, and they will definitely need to struggle before making a choice.
What do you say?
By the way, if you don't struggle a bit, you don't know what despair is.
This place of death in Lu Chuan made them still desperate after struggling, which completely smashed their morale. In this way, it is easy to receive them.
"If it's not because they are seeds, why bother?" Lu Chuan was standing on the tall fortress wall at the moment, looking at the place where the black pressure could not reach the end of the army.
From the latest intelligence, the other party has already started camping.
"Watch them closely, even a bird can't let it fly by." Lu Chuan smiled lightly and gave instructions.
"Yes, Master Fashen."
The entourage answered immediately, and then passed on Lu Chuan's order.
In the trapped army, the soldiers also felt something was wrong, but they didn’t know what was going on. As well-trained soldiers, even though they did not have much combat experience, they were meticulous in discipline. carried out.
The officers, all restrained the soldiers.
On the first day, of course there will be no problems, everything is business as usual.
The only difference is that the flying monsters keep flying up, but they are beaten back again and again. The magicians who possessed the aerospace technique wanted to break through, but they couldn't do it. The opponent's crossbow troops were locked in and forced them back abruptly.
Their bodies are weaker than the soldiers, and being hit by this crossbow is far more good.
The next day, it was business as usual and nothing changed.
Many soldiers thought they would take some action on this day, but who knew that there were no instructions at all.
There is a one kilometer wide crack ahead, which is impossible to cross. Consumption here is not a solution, it is definitely necessary to find a new breakthrough, such as retreat, detour, etc.
However, this method does not seem to be a good one.
Even if the other party makes a detour, what should happen?
On the third day, the soldiers felt something abnormal, such as the beginning of a limited amount of water supplied.
There is no shortage of water here, but why should we limit water?
You must know that the weather is scorching, and their tents are already hot enough to make people break down, sweat all over, but at this time there is limited water? Some soldiers quit, just this little water, they drank it all at once, how could it be enough?
The place where the camp is set up, not to mention water, not even a tree, is completely barren, and it is extremely hot here.
I really don't know whose idea was to choose to camp here. It's just an idiot. You won't retreat and camp near some water sources?
Obviously, the amount of water is now limited, but the thirst can still be quenched. The soldiers are just dissatisfied, but they have not really made trouble.
On the fourth day, the water was limited again and the amount was even smaller.
Some impulsive soldiers were already in an uproar, some of them rushed to the chief, wanting to ask for an explanation. After all, on such a hot day, just this little water makes it difficult to quench your thirst.
It's just their commander, who even they don't understand, can only comfort the soldiers under him.
On the other hand, they can only report the current situation upwards.
If this continues, I am afraid the soldiers will be mutiny. When their throats are angry, they won't care so much.
Generals at a higher level, in fact, they already know the current plight and the situation of their soldiers, but what can they do? After several meetings, there was no agreement on why.
There are only two options now, one is to surrender, and the other is to starve and die of thirst here.
Obviously, this is a multiple choice question with no choice.
As long as you are not an idiot, you will never starve to death. Even if some prefer to do so, most people do not. If you really decide to be loyal to the kingdom and the principality with death, you will immediately turn against the sky.
The fifth day.
It is rare that there are dark clouds in the sky, but after giving hope, they float away and become despair again.
The soldiers who were slow to react also realized that something was wrong, because their water supply was cut once again, and only a pitiful pot could survive the day without drinking. But in this place, in this weather, in such a hot, one pot is not enough to drink in one morning, how can you be satisfied with water? 596
How many soldiers carried them until the afternoon, and their lips were chapped, and their throats were about to burst into flames.
Some stabbing heads are already carrying some soldiers, and they are arguing for logistics supplies.
This kind of situation is very dangerous. If this situation continues, within two or three days, if the water supply is so limited, I am afraid that a large-scale soldier mutiny will occur. Don't treat the soldiers as idiots. They can also feel the changes in the outside world, but they have little information and it is difficult to judge the real situation.
Many officers have tried their best to restrain the soldiers, but the effect is mediocre.
People's need for water is much more urgent than food. You can skip eating for a day, but you can't skip drinking.
Faced with this kind of situation that was a little out of control, the officers all reflected upward, and finally all the information came to the hands of Prince Sally Derrick and Grand Duke Norman.
At this time, among the commander-in-chief account, hundreds of generals gathered here.
Prince Sally Derrick and the Grand Duke of Norman sat in the top positions respectively, and sat in two rows according to different countries at the bottom. The hundreds of generals all looked a little anxious. It can be seen that they are not at this time. Better.
In the center of this big account, stood a middle-aged man with a plain face, ignoring the hundreds of generals here and two commanders holding more than two million soldiers in their hands.
"Prince, Grand Duke, Lord Fashen asked me to come over this time, because he wants you to focus on the overall situation, and you must not delay in making a decision, but it will cause a disaster." The middle-aged man spoke with persuasion.
In fact, no matter whether he was standing in his current position or the other party's position, he hoped that the other party would choose to surrender to Lord Fashen.
If they refuse to be loyal to the king, are they dragging millions of soldiers to bury them?
They have been trapped to death and have lost their bargaining chips. These are millions of soldiers. If they were to explain it in this way, it would definitely feel pity and worthless.
Now they are not messed up because the soldiers have not yet known the truth.
If the truth is known, these mutinous soldiers alone can overthrow all the generals present. No kidding, how many similar lessons in history?
After changing the usual times, they were already angry.
But for a moment, they did not dare, because of their situation.
This middle-aged man was an envoy sent by the North and South City.
"Master Fashen knows that you need a step, so I will give you a step. Otherwise, relying on your current drinking water and food supply, you can only last up to three days. At that time, you don’t need to do it. You will collapse on your own." Rory Faha said, mercilessly.
He represents Lord Fashen and is naturally the strong side.
Prince Sally Derrick and Grand Duke Norman, the two have actually discussed how many times in the past few days, and they have enough knowledge about them. There is no need for the other party to say, they also realize that no one can solve the current dilemma.
In other words, no one can save them, because they want to save themselves, and they have only one choice, which is surrender.
In fact, Prince Sally Derrick had already made a choice before Rory Faha arrived. If they don't want to die, and don't want more than two million soldiers to die, surrender is the only way out.
It's impossible to take everyone to die, even if they are willing, the soldiers below cannot agree.
Prince Sally Derrick was silent for a while, and then slowly said: "Please go back and tell Lord Fashen, this prince is willing to surrender."
This is just a wish. When it comes to surrender, some conditions must be negotiated. If the opponent is sleepy and does not fight, he knows the idea of ​​the fight. This should be their only bargaining chip.
Rory Faha looked at Grand Duke Norman, with questions in his eyes.
The Norman Assembly smiled bitterly and said: "My father is also willing to He needs to be responsible for more than one million soldiers. After surrendering, he will bear the main responsibility. In this way, these soldiers are just By passively surrendering, family members in the Principality will not be implicated.
Unexpectedly, he would lose in his later years, and his reputation would not be guaranteed.
The army of more than two million was defeated by one person, trapped here, and had to surrender.
The opponent doesn't need to fight at all, just an earth magic beyond imagination can make them fall into a dilemma. This strength, I am afraid that no one in this world can suppress the opponent.
"Maybe it's not a bad thing, this strong man named O. Marvin can create an era far beyond imagination?"
Rory Faha got the answer he wanted, and he laughed immediately and said, "I will go back and report to Master Fashen. Specifically, there will be a team coming over and handing over with you."
Rory Faha made a levitating technique and quickly left.
Both Prince Sally Derrick and Grand Duke Norman showed a silent and solemn expression on their faces, and the generals under them were silent, but one could clearly see the lightness in their eyes.
Being in their position, it is the most clear what will happen to the soldiers below.
Having made a choice now means that they are no longer in a dilemma.
"I want to open up some, maybe this is a good thing." Grand Duke Norman patted Prince Sally Derrick on the shoulder and said: "This is definitely the strongest. Maybe next, the world will It's going to be exciting."
Prince Sally Derrick nodded, a few days, enough time for them to figure out the problem transparently.
The decision now is the result of their deliberation.
Prince Sally Derrick sighed slightly: "I hope."
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