Chapter 1505: Statue group

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"Thank you boss, long live the boss."
The shocking shouts in unison can be imagined.
Everyone here, they are at least as inspectors, and they are the real masters who are in charge of the lives and deaths of hundreds of millions of people when they are placed on the earth of the universe where they are. But here, they were just a soldier under Lu Chuan, an unremarkable soldier.
No matter how proud people are, they are nothing in front of Lu Chuan.
Lu Chuan now has only 210 million inspectors, but in the future, it will reach a heyday of one billion.
In this way, the inspector was really just the most ordinary member of Lu Chuan's subordinates.
No matter what position or power you have in the universe earth you belong to, as long as you are a human being and belong to the bead universe where Lu Chuan is located, you are a dragon in front of Lu Chuan.
When you reach the level of Lu Chuan, you can kill people in your mind, ignoring how powerful you are now.
It was precisely because of this that Lu Chuan was so powerful in the eyes of the inspectors that he did not dare to violate it in the slightest.
Batch after batch of inspectors were resurrected by Lu Chuan. In the past few decades, the losses of inspectors were still great. Some of them could not be resurrected, but inspectors who died on defense could be resurrected.
Why it is said that being a reincarnation is risky? This is the price to be paid.
The greater the return, the higher the risk.
Compared with the resurrected inspectors, their gratitude to Lu Chuan is heavier. This feeling of escaping from the dead and being able to live is the most treasured.
What wealth, what glory and wealth, how can it be comparable to living?
People who have never experienced death cannot imagine what it feels like to come back from the dead. The sense of fear that arises at the time of death makes them understand that when facing death, they may not be able to face it lightly.
After the experience, the current resurrection makes their souls feel like they have been tempered, become fearless, and can face death calmly.
They cherish life, but they will not fear death.
Lu Chuan stood in the middle of the sky with his hands in his hands, and the changes in the inspectors below were in full view. This change was absolutely positive and would make them stronger.
If we talk about growth, in Lu Chuan's view, this is growth.
These people who have come back from the dead will grow into elites, and they will be the most combative group of people and the backbone of their own hands.
There is a popular saying: If you don't die a few times, you are not worthy to be called a fighter.
For some inspectors, it is now the second time that Lu Chuan has resurrected them. This is like a kind of feat. For them, two resurrections are not called weak, but brave. They are fearless and are the real strongest fighters.
In the local area, they will be very strong if they feed out fearless inspectors and take advantage of the local advantages.
The reincarnations who appeared in their beads cannot be resurrected after they die. As a result, they are born with fear when facing local inspectors. One side is crazier, and the other side needs to give in... Between one plus and one minus, the resulting combat power gap will be larger.
What Lu Chuan wanted was this effect, and only in this way could he suppress the reincarnation who entered his beads.
After resurrecting all the inspectors who could be resurrected, Lu Chuan asked Hughes to count it, and his mood seemed a little depressed, because in just a few decades, more than one million inspectors entered the space of reincarnation and became one. The body was sent back.
This is a heavy number, which means that millions of people have died, and it also means that millions of people have been re-selected by biochemical factories, become users, and become lucky.
Death and rebirth have always been accompanied.
This kind of loss, for Lu Chuan, the number of people will not change, but there is a difference in time. It takes time for a new biochemical factory user to grow up. It takes several years as soon as possible, and it may take decades to become an inspector.
Lu Chuan shook his head. In addition to the previous deaths, the loss of the inspector was still a bit big.
Most of these inspectors did not have time to escape, and were forcibly intercepted by inspectors from other beads. It may be a group attack that prevents them from escaping, or it may be facing a supervisory envoy or even the governor, which caused the death.
Disasters and accidents in the universe cannot kill the inspector.
Even when black holes can come and go freely, do you say that gamma rays will kill the inspectors? Totally impossible.
These more than one million inspectors can no longer be resurrected. Their deaths are heavy, and the price paid is indeed too great. The space of reincarnation can be said to be the battlefield of gods. Judgment points are the core and must be fought for.
After the fifth-level governor, you can use the judgment points to obtain more divine powers beyond your imagination, including the benefit of the following inspectors.
"Hughes, sort out their list, and then open up a separate venue in the city of competition, and erect the statues as they were before they were alive. They can't live forever, but I want them to live forever. "Lu Chuan ordered.
"As you wish, sir." Hughes still obeyed Lu Chuan's will as always.
What is Hughes, you can think of it as photons and quantum computers, and it is the top. Its computing power and its function are far beyond imagination. Be more careful, it is the omnipotent god, a trapped in this planet.
Almost after Hughes answered, in the southwest of the city of competition, this was originally a desert land, but at this moment, under Hughes's mind, earth-shaking changes have taken place.
First, an Asian with black hair and black eyes appeared. He didn't really want it, but a large statue that was 17 meters high, a lifelike statue, and a statue that was indistinguishable from a real person.
As if at this moment, he seemed to be alive, just standing here.
From his eyes, you can even read his feelings and what he wants to express.
Under this person's feet, there is an engraved with his name, from that universe, contributions to mankind, the time of death, etc., all displayed on it. As long as you stare at him, this information will appear in your mind, and you don't need to look at it.
In addition to these, there will be a picture of this person during his lifetime.
Everyone who has been to the city of competition, Hughes will have all his information, and everyone who has been active here will be recorded by Hughes. So getting this is really nothing to Hughes.
Through this, you can know this person more truly.
It is estimated that only Hughes can do this kind of ability.
First, there was one person, then the second person, a handsome and sunny boy with blond hair, an inspector from a certain universe, Earth, North America...
The light covered this invisible area, and lifelike statues appeared one after another, just like real people. In the blink of an eye, tens of thousands of statues have appeared, and then they continue to emerge in a larger scale.
One hundred thousand, two hundred thousand, three hundred million, two million.
As long as the inspectors who have made contributions to mankind, they all appear here.
For each statue, Hughes increased their height tenfold. At 1.7 meters, it is a large statue of 17 meters high, and if it is two meters tall, it is 20 meters high. A statue stands here.
They have been sacrificed, but here, they seem to have come alive and live forever.
More than two million statues appeared here, one after another large statues, occupying a large area and can't see the end.
And these things quickly attracted the attention of countless biochemical factory users in the City of Competitiveness. They appeared here one after another, staring at the statues, all dumbfounded.
As long as they stare, they will know everything about this statue in their minds.
Standing here, everyone will feel their own insignificance, and these statues, as if they have come to life, exude a momentum that makes people full of respect. They are heroes to humans, so they are qualified to stand here.
"Boss, it's done."
Hughes's voice rang in Lu Chuan's ears, and within a short period of time, Hughes did something that seemed impossible. This ability is absolutely appalling.
Lu Chuan nodded, and the man disappeared in the floating island. He appeared in this place specially built for the victims. Looking at the statues, Lu Chuan silently landed on the ground, then clenched his fist and placed it in front of his chest, lowering Own head.
"Thank you for your effort."
Regardless of whether they heard it or not, Lu Chuan's gratitude was sincere.
They fought for humanity, it can also be said that they fought for themselves, and they died because of themselves.
There are more and more users of biochemical plants coming here, and there are also a huge number of They appear here, feeling the shock of these sacrificing inspectors.
Death is not a factor that scares people away. Lu Chuan believes that the appearance of these statues will arouse more people's motivation.
Like Hua Xia, how heavy casualties have been, has anyone flinched? Someone said no more, surrendered? None of them, but the more courageous they fought, they put their grief in their hearts, but instead burst out with stronger fighting power.
How many troops, there is not one left, have they ever flinched?
Therefore, Lu Chuan was not worried that the millions of statues of death inspectors would make them fearful. On the contrary, this huge statue field will make them more powerful, because they know that they will not be unknown or forgotten after they die.
The history of mankind is definitely a history, but mankind is constantly moving forward.
Death is terrible, but it will never knock down humans.
Lu Chuan wanted to let the world know through this statue site that even though they were dead, they would be admired by hundreds of millions of people forever. They are heroes and will be remembered by people.
"Wait, when I become the fifth-level governor, when I can see God, I will definitely try my best to bring you back to life."
Lu Chuan shook his fist and muttered to himself.
Lu Chuan knew that the people here would not hear it, but Lu Chuan took this as a promise, a promise to them.
Since the inspectors who died in the beads can be resurrected, Lu Chuan has reason to believe that the inspectors who died in other beads can also be resurrected. It's just that this kind of resurrection will require more stringent conditions and it will be difficult to achieve.
"Relax, as long as there is a slight possibility, I will not give up. This is my promise to you."
Leaving this sentence, Lu Chuan turned and left here.
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