Chapter 1508: Learn to say goodbye

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The next day, the children came with their lovers.
Lu Chuan was young. They were not surprised. In the new era, the human beings on Earth, who have entered the interstellar age, have long been accustomed to this look.
Young appearance does not mean age.
In order to solve this problem, the empire that Li Qi built has developed a biochip, which can truly reflect a person's age. Age cannot be concealed, this is stipulated by the empire.
If you don’t care about your age, you can even find someone who is over a hundred years old to get married at the age of twenty.
The empire compulsorily reveals age for this one. It is protected by law and no one has the right to change it.
Therefore, Lu Chuan can easily see the lovers of his children, at least not a person who is an old man in age, but a person of a similar age.
"You love each other, I have nothing to object, I just hope you can cherish each other. Especially those who want to marry my daughter, you should be psychologically prepared, if you don’t love her, you can let go now. If you Love her forever, because when you don’t love her, the price you have to pay will be very high."
At the family banquet, Lu Chuan said solemnly.
"Father, thank you for your blessings." Lu Chuan's three daughters were all happy. They respected their father because he was once the first person in the federation and controlled billions of creatures, so great that he was beyond imagination.
At night, Lu Chuan naturally stayed with Annie again.
After Annie went to sleep with fatigue and happiness, Lu Chuan got up and walked to the balcony. With a slight movement, she disappeared, and when she reappeared, it was in the sky.
Looking up at the night sky of this earth, Lu Chuan felt a little comfortable.
Li Qi appeared next to Lu Chuan for the first time: "Boss."
"Investigating the identities of the people who contacted my daughter and son, I need to know them more in detail than they do." Lu Chuan replied flatly, his children, Lu Chuan would not be careless.
Li Qi is not curious as to why the boss did this. After changing himself, his children's objects also need to be investigated clearly.
The entire empire is in Li Qi's hands. In this super-intelligence era, all this is really not difficult.
Li Qi, who has always been in charge of Annie's safety, actually already has the information of these people in his hands, so Lu Chuan doesn't need to tell who they are, Li Qi knows, he nodded and nodded a few times on his wrist. Don't underestimate this small move. The entire empire's intelligence department has entered the highest working state and has become busy.
The intelligence department of hundreds of thousands of people is fully operating, and the top secret level is the same as the level in wartime.
"Drink with me."
Taking advantage of this time, Lu Chuan took the lead to land on a mountain on the edge of this city, then took out the tables and chairs in the storage space and set them down. What Lu Chuan took out was Liquan Beer, an absolute street-level product.
On the table, Lu Chuan placed a barbecue.
Food is placed in the storage space, and time is static, which means that what it looks like when it is put in, it is what it looks like when it is taken out.
In this way, these barbecues are steaming hot.
Lu Chuan sat down, and Li Qi sat down flattered. He could sit down with his boss and have such a chance to have a barbecue and drink beer. I am afraid that among the hundreds of millions of inspectors, no one has this opportunity, right?
"This was something from the old earth, and it can't be found now. Well, maybe the barbecue will still be there, but it shouldn't have this smell." Lu Chuan smiled, he opened a can and poured it in one mouthful, absolutely refreshing through.
Li Qi is born in the 80s, so he is naturally familiar with these things and has experienced them. It's just that it is now 2,300 years later, more than three hundred years away from something in my memory.
The earth is developing, and there are too many things that cannot be found.
Li Qi is absolutely pleasantly surprised to be able to eat some of this, but this is a memory that he can never go back to.
Looking at the starry sky and enjoying the scenery of the city below, Lu Chuan felt more comfortable than ever. When I came back from the space of reincarnation, now is the real relaxation.
This meal, the two ate for two hours.
Li Qi also received the information at this time, and then passed the information to Lu Chuan.
Lu Chuan opened these pieces of information and read them one by one.
Ten minutes later, when Lu Chuan finished reading the huge information, he took a long breath, a smile appeared on his face, and said, "No problem, I hope they can be happy."
In the message, it was confirmed that they were really in love with each other, and the background was very clear. It was definitely not approaching them with any purpose.
From this, it is not difficult to see that Li Qi's protection of Annie and the others is in place, and no one realizes their particularity. Maybe this is what really allows them to live like ordinary people.
Li Qi smiled and said, "Congratulations, boss."
"They don't know when the wedding will be held. Anyway, you are familiar with them. At that time, you will stare and let me know if you have something to tell me in the City of Competitiveness." Lu Chuan shrugged, and his children got married. Just a moment.
Like Ye Lingwei and their children, Lu Chuan missed it.
Li Qi nodded and said, "Don't worry, boss, I won't miss it."
Li Qi and Annie knew each other, and Li Qi would visit occasionally. It was purely a friendship. It was just a business relationship that made the acquaintance, which was deliberately arranged by Li Qi. After he passed the disguise, Annie would never think that this was the king of the entire empire.
"Okay, bother." Lu Chuan smiled, cleaned up here, and turned back.
In Li Qi's earth, Lu Chuan didn't stay too much, but found another excuse to leave.
No way, I have too much love debt, and there are still a few yuan partners who have not given comfort. Only now did Lu Chuan realize that this is a lot of debt, which is really not a good thing, absolutely tired.
The universe earth where Huang Jing is located.
The progress here is slightly faster than the world where Li Qi is in, a gap of about fifty years, so the earth where Huang Jing is located is more advanced. Humans still can't escape the solar system, and only Mars can colonize, but under the influence of technology, humans have other planets that can drive spacecraft into the harsh environment.
Therefore, traveling to Neptune and Uranus has become one of human's favorite things.
The current technology can only toss in the solar system.
Huang Jing has no intention of accelerating the earth. This is also the practice of countless inspectors. After all, what they need is a healthy earth, a cyclical earth.
"I am back."
The moment Lu Chuan stepped into the house, he yelled.
Compared to needing a lie to deal with Annie, Lu Chuan doesn't need it in front of his true wife. Therefore, Lu Chuan can yell freely, without concealing his feelings at this moment.
Lu Chuan's return definitely stabbed a hornet's nest.
Ye Lingwei and the others have lived here for decades, and their miss of Lu Chuan is naturally crazy. Inevitably, when Lu Chuan came back, it was as if a raging fire had encountered dry wood.
Lu Chuan had to pay this debt, and he had to be very careful.
Fortunately, Lu Chuan is really strong enough, something like this has basically no impact on Lu Chuan. In this way, with this incomparable fighting power, the thoughts of the three of them were soothed.
"How long will you stay this time?"
In the restaurant, Lu Minjun asked. There are not many people now, Ye Lingwei, Man Yirou, Shi Ruoyu, and Lu Chuan's mother... the others have already moved out and lived in this city, not far away.
Over the past few decades, there have been changes. For example, Lu Chuan’s great-grandson generation has undergone several developments, and then...
After receiving this news, Lu Chuan also had a headache. It seems that they still need to stay here in the future. The next time they take them to a new place, they may only bring their parents and wives. The children will naturally have children. This Lu Chuan really Can't control it.
Actually, the number of children I have is really unimaginable.
Generation after generation...
People have seven emotions and six desires, no matter what environment they go to, something will happen to the locals. As a result, it is natural to have more family members.
Lu Chuan really couldn't stop them from this kind of thing.
After more than two hundred years, Lu Chuan found out that his children and grandchildren don’t know how much, and he won’t give up on learning. And it is impossible for me to take care of them all the time. Many things can only belong to them.
It is not completely ignored, but there is no life-threatening or major crisis, Lu Chuan will take care of It can be predicted that in the next few hundred years, one thousand years, ten thousand years... he will always be Continue, and they will go through the generations without knowing. By that time, the children and grandchildren who have the most direct relationship with him will no longer be there.
As the master of the universe, this is what Lu Chuan needs to bear.
It is precisely because of this that Lu Chuan understands that he needs to learn too much, have fewer children, and become indifferent.
Faced with his father’s question, Lu Chuan smiled and said,
Maybe stay for a month. There are too many things. After a reincarnation, there will be a backlog.

Ye Lingwei and the others knew Lu Chuan's current identity, so they were not curious about what Lu Chuan said about reincarnation.
Of course, Lu Chuan really didn't hide much from his father and his wife. During the chat, he explained the things he experienced in the reincarnation one by one. Like the second life, as if it was opened, the magical world attracted Ye Lingwei and the others.
Lu Chuan's eloquence is naturally excellent, so they are all fascinated by them.
A family of six, sitting together, seemed extremely happy and warm at this moment.
In this earth, they have the protection of yellow jingle, in fact, no one will hurt their hair. Anyone who dares will disappear inexplicably, that is, reporting a crime, etc., will enter the sea and never be seen again.
Ye Lingwei is okay. The outside world rarely knows, but Shi Ruoyu is definitely a queen, because everyone knows that she has a bright background, even if it is something extraordinary, a mysterious and terrifying force will wipe her clean.
Man Yi was as soft as Ye Lingwei. Most of them stayed at home. They were so bored that they would go out.
Ye Lingwei returned to her old career, but she played music facelessly on the Internet. She wrote all her own. The achievements were average, but she enjoyed it. It's better than just being idle.
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