Chapter 1517: Not worthy to live

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Seeing the zombies solidified and motionless, and I walked by them, as if passing by the most terrifying statue, they were lifelike, as if they would pounce on themselves in the next moment.
This kind of feeling, even if Aphrora passed through the end times, still felt the excitement.
The last days experienced before are more terrifying than the present, but the current experience is not before the last days.
In the last days, when you encounter zombies, you will fight to death or life, or you will turn around and use your best efforts to escape. Apart from that, there are no other possibilities, like observing zombies, so there is no need to think about it.
The sense of smell of zombies is far beyond human imagination.
The higher the level of zombies, the more sensitive their sense of smell, and you will get closer, it has already found you. Zombies will not have any hypocrisy, they will launch the most violent attack on you in the first time. No need to pay attention to tactics, no other means, just so rudely and desperately pounced.
If you want to observe the zombies, you can only observe them with a telescope from a distance.
In this way, how does it compare with the present?
Aurora walked in front of a huge biochemical beast, because it was just evolved, on its body, it was still bloodstained and hideous. Until now, Aphrora couldn't watch them in such detail.
Now, they are all frozen, let Aphrola look at them.
Lu Chuan walked along these passages with Aphrodite, and what he kept seeing was the hell-like scene here. An underground research base with thousands of people, not one out of ten, is estimated to be around a hundred people alive now. These people are in the isolated area and are sealed, otherwise there will be no more than ten of them alive among the thousands.
Not everyone has a certain degree of immunity to the virus. Viruses spread through the air have a mortality rate of more than 70%, which shows its abnormality.
In the last days, 20% died of the turmoil of death and the hands of zombies, and the remaining 10%, only one-tenth would change and become new humans.
With a human evolution rate of one in a thousand, it is really difficult to make yourself lucky.
Walking on this passage, you can see some labs, there are scattered glass potions everywhere, and countless virus leaks started from these places and then spread to the entire underground base.
Those who were not in the quarantine area all won.
Lu Chuan stopped, frowning, but waving his hands in the air, thinking together, the virus here disappeared in an instant, and was erased by an incredible power.
Leaving these viruses is a trouble after all, and it is impossible for Lu Chuan to let them leak out to the outside world.
Going back to the viruses in the last days, their origin was not humans, but meteorites from outside the sky. After it fell, it took only half a month to plunge the world into this virus crisis.
How the meteorite comes from is naturally a punishment mechanism caused by death in office.
From this we can see how fast the virus is spreading in the air.
Before the change, Lu Chuan didn't have these abilities at all, but now it is different. Lu Chuan, a three-level governor, can change everything with a single thought and remove these discolored viruses that everyone talks about in an instant.
"Let's go, we will meet these people."
Lu Chuan smiled. He really wanted to take a good look at these people's distorted ambitions so that they could do such things. Don't they know that once they make any mistakes, not talking about all human beings, but talking about themselves, with an evolutionary probability of one in a thousand, they may not be the lucky ones.
What's more, the mutated virus will reduce the probability of human evolution by another level, possibly one in ten thousand.
Only one new human will appear out of 10,000 people. The probability of this one is so low that they are dying.
Regardless of the actions of all mankind, in Lu Chuan's eyes, it is definitely a crime against humanity.
In this category, there is only one and this is death.
In fact, this underground research base would have this kind of consequence. Lu Chuan deliberately did it. If it weren't for his instructions, the planetary consciousness would never have caused such a big shaking inside, which would lead to the beginning of disaster.
In Lu Chuan's eyes, anyone in it was sentenced to death, and letting them enjoy everything was punishment for them.
Lu Chuan wants them to taste the fear of being attacked by zombies, what the predecessors experienced, Lu Chuan wants them to experience it once. Not to regret them, but to let them die in despair. Only in this way could Lu Chuan's suffocation in his chest be relieved.
During the whole process, Lu Chuan had already let Xiao Shi deal with it, and it would be recorded. At that time, every senior official would send a copy for them to look at.
The zombie virus on the last-day earth has been eliminated by Lu Chuan through his terrifying magical powers. There is no such virus in this world. In other words, no matter how crazy people are, they will no longer be able to research viruses and no longer threaten the survival of mankind through this one.
To show them is to give them a warning.
When Lu Chuan took Aphrodite and penetrated the alloy gate here in an unbelievable way, he entered the isolation area. There are still human beings here, which is naturally one of the culprits.
Their expressions were extremely frightened, and some of them even looked distorted, showing the fright they are now receiving.
Regret and regret can be seen in the eyes of a person.
Lu Chuan glanced at Aphrola and said, "I want to get rid of time constraints."
Aphrola nodded.
Lu Chuan snapped his fingers, and the whole world seemed to be alive again. Some people here screamed in panic and hysterics.
The biochemical beast was still knocking on the door, and it seemed that it would not take long before it would break in.
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