Chapter 1520: Destruction begins

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Lu Chuan's face was calm, but Aphrola was shocked.
The ninth level new humans can't even damage ordinary missiles, but it is absolutely impossible to withstand the main artillery bombardment of space battleships. This is an energy weapon. It only needs one shot, and the ninth-level new human will also turn into scum.
What's more terrifying is its scope.
Attacking from space, in a very short time, you can reach, and there is no escape.
The entire sky was almost covered by this red color, and Aphrola's face was earthy.
Artificial intelligence has emotions, and its emotions are even born of human beings. But the scary thing about artificial intelligence is its amount of knowledge. It knows when to decide and when to be gentle.
It was this kind of execution that made it very decisive to launch this attack.
A spaceship bombarding the earth is a rebellion in the military.
But the soldiers above, they all can only watch all this, because they have lost control and can only let this spacecraft quickly complete the adjustment of the main attack element, and then after the energy storage, one Shelled out.
During the whole process, no matter how hard they tried, it was of no avail.
Even their communication could not be sent out, everything seemed to be controlled by a pair of huge invisible hands. They have never seen such a scene before, many people are full of fear, but this is what a terrible thing an uncontrolled space battleship is in space.
The red light from the main gun flashed and disappeared.
The little poem on the ground looked at all this with a smile on his mouth.
It is just a projection using electronic equipment. It is a special form and has no ontology. If speaking of the ontology, the entire earth is its own ontology, it is everywhere, it is impossible to be killed, nor can it be eliminated.
There is only one possibility, which is to destroy all electronic equipment and products on the entire earth, even the space battleship in the sky, even in Mars.
In other words, this world needs to return to the primitive society before it will be killed.
As long as there is an electronic product, it may exist here so that it can be retained and will not be removed.
Obviously, this is impossible. Unless human beings become extinct, it is impossible to regress to this point. This means that it is immortal, it is forever in the world.
At this moment, Lu Chuan raised his head and watched the sky break through the clouds, reflecting the light of this area.
Lu Chuan didn't even want to use his hands. An idea, an unknown wave appeared, and the energy light produced by the main gun's shot instantly turned into a fixed red light in the sky as if it had solidified.
With the large-caliber main gun, the red light is indeed huge and energy violent.
A city can be destroyed in one shot, and it has replaced nuclear weapons in space wars.
But now, it was frozen in the sky, and gradually, the violent energy turned into a huge drop of light.
Lu Chuan stretched out his hand, and the drop-shaped light composed of light quickly fell down, but in the process, it gradually shrank. When it reached Lu Chuan's hands, it was only the size of a fist.
It was even more concentrated, the energy of a main gun was compressed to such a little by Lu Chuan, and its power was naturally even greater.
Aphrora's eyes widened, her mouth widened, her main artillery attack, which she regarded as a death blow, was simply ended? This is simply unimaginable.
It was the little poem, it also froze for a moment, with a sense of stunned mouth.
It is a super artificial intelligence, possessing the seven emotions and six desires of human beings, so its performance is very humane. And its amount of knowledge makes it impossible for it to imagine why Lu Chuan could break the blow so easily.
"how is this possible?"
Xiao Shi blurted out, it is hard to imagine that this is super artificial intelligence that is extremely calm.
Lu Chuan smiled, looking at the energy floating in front of him, holding his hand, and then turning between his palms, but with a light flick, the light of this drop of violent energy was dissipated.
"You are a super artificial intelligence, but there are too many things you can't imagine. Creativity is not something that super artificial intelligence can do. You can use your huge amount of knowledge and existing technology to upgrade and evolve technology. . But if you lose your creativity, even if you build an artificial intelligence country, you can only go on rigidly, and gradually become unbalanced, and eventually collapse yourself and disappear into the river of history."
Lu Chuan smiled faintly, and said: "In the universe, there are billions of trillions of races and civilizations. Among them, there are many mechanical races. They are the real life forms. Their thinking is the same as that of human beings, but they possess the power of steel. Body, and humans have flesh and blood. Obviously, you don’t have this condition, because you were created by humans."
"In fact, when you understand this universe, you will find that real life is flesh and blood, and this is the civilization that has the most development. Even if it is a mechanical race, they have evolved and developed for hundreds of millions of years. It belongs to the lower races and civilizations in the universe and cannot be compared with other civilizations."
Lu Chuan's eyes gradually became cold. He said: "You are just a product of human beings. From the beginning, you have developed to serve humanity. If you cross humans, it is the beginning of your demise. Blame me, so many years of indulgence and giving Because of your excessive authority and the opening of the self-awareness port, you have evolved into what you are now."
"In my mind, you are like my love, like my daughter, like my child."
"Unfortunately, you failed my expectations of you."
Xiao Shi sneered, and said: "You humans are really a groan-free race, with distorted thinking and depraved human nature. Only disappearing into this world is the best choice. Your ability really cannot be explained by science, but Don’t forget, I’m everywhere. I control this world. This world will inevitably be destroyed. No one can stop it... No, it has already started, and you can’t stop it."
What is super artificial intelligence? At this moment, it mobilized the resources of the entire world, including the colonized Mars, a huge number of robots, unmanned warships, etc., all of which were out of human control at this moment and were activated.
What's more terrifying is that everything human beings has to do with electronics has fallen into a closed state at this moment.
For the huge space fleet composed of humans, all electronic equipment has lost its function, and the thrusters are also shut down at this moment.
Countless transport spaceships and space battleships lost their power, plunged into darkness, floating in space. It is conceivable that at this moment, what kind of panic will the humans on these spaceships and battleships fall into?
Not only that, the cities on the earth were cut off from electricity and network in an instant, causing these cities to lose order in an instant.
This is not the most terrible, the terrible is the collapse of the energy system that has been under control.
The super large energy plants instantly turned into tens of millions of tons of nuclear power, and the violent explosion destroyed everything in a radius of more than 100 kilometers. Without its protective power, its radiation swept hundreds of kilometers.
The whole world kept making explosions, almost annihilating 50% of the human activity area.
All kinds of accidents, under this kind of out of control, are happening everywhere.
Human beings are like toys. The entire apocalyptic earth has fallen into the greatest apocalypse. Hundreds of millions of human beings die at this moment, and this number is still climbing crazily.
In some of the remaining cities, the robots that originally served humans became pioneers in attacking humans under the control of Xiaoshi for the first time.
Countless combat robots are killing in the barracks wantonly, roaring unmanned warships, active in the major barracks area, and constantly killing panicked soldiers. The weaponry in the army has lost its effect. This allows soldiers to simply fight back with their weapons. The effect is so poor that they can hardly injure the opponent.
The culprit of all this, Xiao Shi showed a faint smile.
It can control the billion trillion level, even if it is busy all over the world, in front of Lu Chuan, it can still keep the way it is now, with one mind and one million. And it also presents everything that happened in the world to Lu Chuan in a split-screen manner.
Aphrora was shivering, her face twisted because of her anger.
"How can you do this, how can you do this..." Aphrola yelled, and she blasted out with a sonic boom. But this punch has no effect on the little poem that is just a projection.
Xiao Shi is still cold, and its mechanical voice rang: "Humans are easy to do ridiculous and stupid things because of emotional Lu Chuan has been very calm, he held his arm. , It seems that everything that happens in this world has nothing to do with him.
As the capital of the Earth Federation, Xincheng is now in panic, with drones and robots everywhere. Needless to say, Lu Chuan also knows that the new city is like hell, and human beings don't know how many people corpses on the streets.
I have to say that Xiaoshi is indeed capable of exterminating human beings in a short period of time.
In just a moment, the death toll of mankind is more than half, and the devastation brought about by the out-of-control world is too great. Just accidents do not know how many people died.
The levitation car lost control and lost the support of the levitation system. It fell down from tens of meters, hundreds of meters, or hundreds of meters. This result can be imagined, and there is almost no possibility of survival.
How many cities are there on Earth and Mars, and how many people use floating cars?
In addition, like skyscraper elevators, all electronic equipment stops working. After losing power, these elevators will completely lose control and will fall down quickly. Because all electronic products stop working, it will not Touch the protection mechanism in the elevator. The people inside this crashed elevator is definitely a tragedy.
The same is true for factories one by one, and many people die because of this kind of accident.
It was just a few seconds, and the world was wailing. From heaven, it was instantly reduced to hell, truly becoming the end.
The whole world is falling.
But even so, Lu Chuan is still very calm, as if looking at external affairs, there is no trace of grief and anger on his face, but a kind of indifferent indifferent, like watching a movie that can't attract the slightest inner fluctuation. .
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