Chapter 1538: Is your majesty

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Thinking of his passivity, thinking of the 20 million federal citizens who died in New York City, Lu Chuan was angry.
What are these things?
Lu Chuan in the anger was not a soft-handed person. He searched for this Coker King's information, and suddenly all the information about him appeared and appeared in front of Lu Chuan.
I have to say that the background of this Coker King is indeed very big.
The senior academician of the Federal Research Institute is concurrently the minister of the Department of Space Exploration. He is also a member of the Federal Earth Council. He was born in the Kirkl family, a new top family. Their founder is a ninth-level new human. Commander of the Three Fleet.
There are not many new families of this kind in Federation Earth, and due to family reasons, the children in their families will hold high positions.
Koker King’s background naturally does not need to be said. He is indeed a genius, but he is extremely arrogant and often a little unscrupulous in doing things.
Lu Chuan stared at the information in front of him and sneered.
People who are shit-like have excrement in their heads. If there is no such thing, Lu Chuan estimates that he will definitely cause serious trouble to humans. And now, unfortunately, it has caused a lot of trouble for mankind.
Human trouble is our own trouble. In this matter, we need to wipe our for humans.
What kind of person is Lu Chuan?
The entire Federation Earth was laid down and founded by Lu Chuan. He was the first emperor, possessing the power to reach the sky, and could decide the life and death of anyone. The opponent's play completely disrupted Lu Chuan's plan.
When he found the address of Coker King, Lu Chuan didn't even hesitate. He was already in the new city while his mind was moving.
As the capital, Xincheng has many consortiums and families, and almost all important people are here.
Except for the ninth-level new humans, the people who followed Lu Chuan in the past have almost withered. After several generations, there are almost no senior officials familiar with Lu Chuan. From the president to the ministers and so on, they have almost changed over again.
But Lu Chuan did not need to go through these things at all.
Lu Chuan gritted his teeth and sneered.
This Coker King was actually holding a celebration banquet, with a large number of reporters coming, and he himself, standing on the stage, was talking about his feat.
"In the future, human beings will come into contact with aliens to build a new cosmic order."
"Humankind will learn more science and technology through contact with aliens, and will also be inspired to open up a new era of human understanding of the universe."
"I think that unnecessarily races will be a great fusion. You have me in you and you in me, forming a new civilization."
"Only with this kind of great integration can human civilization continue better and the level of civilization can be improved. Like now, human beings are enclosed in the solar system, and the development of science and technology has been stagnant. This is a very dangerous signal."
"Only by breaking the current deadlock, can mankind usher in new hope."
"Based on this, this is the original intention why I invested so much in this research."
Koker King kept throwing out his concepts and speculations.
Naturally, the reporters present will ask some questions.
"Mr. Cocker King, according to the law of the dark forest of the universe, will the human coordinate position you provide lead to wolves entering the room? If the alien races are not as you imagined, they have a strong desire to invade, and they should How? Will you become a sinner of mankind at that time?"
A reporter asked a very sharp question.
Koker Gold’s face was pale, and he said angrily:
First of all, the law of the dark forest is just a concept put forward by some people who have no information about the universe. It does not exist, it is just a speculation. In addition, it is really outside. When the stars caught this information, how could they lead wolves into the room? The glory of mankind in the age of voyage was due to going out and getting to know the world. It is the same now, only going out can make mankind progress. I have credit How can human beings be human sinners?"
The reporter seemed unsatisfied. He said, "Mr. Koker King, should your theory be based on the premise that humans have certain strength and can protect themselves? With the current level of science and technology and military Even the solar system has not gone out, how can it resist the invasion of alien races?"
Questions like this are in fact disputed by the outside world.
Some people support and some oppose.
Those who support it believe that humans need to face the wind and rain, they need to understand this universe, and the alien races, in order to be able to face themselves and know the strength of humans in the universe.
Opponents think that human beings are too weak now, and if they are really exposed, they will lead to annihilation.
Weak human beings, once discovered by alien races, may be launching a war, most likely a slaughter war.
The level of civilization of an alien race that can cross such a long distance into the solar system can be imagined.
It is precisely these issues that have been paid attention to by the outside world that this reporter dared to take the risk to raise them, and at this juncture of celebration, it was difficult for Kirkl.
"Next..." Koker King didn't answer this reporter at all. In his heart, he had already written a little black book for this reporter, and he dared to ask such a drill at this celebration banquet. Question, is this deliberately having trouble with him?
Don't ask, who is he?
Lu Chuan's appearance just happened to hear the other party's rhetoric, and he became angry again.
Without hesitation, Lu Chuan revealed his true body in the sky. He didn't care what people in this world thought of him. Maybe it was a or something else. Lu Chuan didn't want to pay attention to the actions of the higher level of the Federation Earth to downplay his influence, but now it seems that he still has to survive and let the world see it.
There are many reporters here, and Lu Chuan's appearance in the sky naturally attracts attention.
Lu Chuan held his hands and walked down step by step. In this void, there seemed to be an invisible staircase at Lu Chuan's feet leading directly to the stage below.
There are not few people celebrating the feast, after all, the background of this Coker King is too big, and there are many people who fudge.
There were also a lot of reporters. When they noticed Lu Chuan, they pointed the camera at Lu Chuan as soon as possible. Their first reaction was that the demon appeared in another person?
But when they saw Lu Chuan's face, all of them were shocked.
Lu Chuan's face cannot be erased in the Federation Earth. Even if you are a new born, you will not be able to bypass Lu Chuan, and you will remember Lu Chuan's appearance. After all, Lu Chuan's identity lies here.
Everyone in the entire Federal Earth will recognize Lu Chuan's face.
Now, what did they see?
The Federation Earth has always believed that Lu Chuan has passed away, and a tall monument stands tall...
But now, they have to be surprised that Lu Chuan is still there, and their Majesty is still there? God, it's really incredible.
But there are also people who doubt whether this person is a fake? For example, would the demon who swallowed the commander pretend to be the emperor and then appear here?
Don't tell me, there is a possibility.
It's just that now this demon is here, what does he want to do?
Thinking of this demon, no one shivered with fright. Everyone present had seen the end of New York City. When the other party sneezes, it is estimated that all of them will finish playing.
Cocker King was still dazed, looking at Lu Chuan with his mouth open.
In the blink of an eye, Lu Chuan was already in front of Koker King, and he did not modify his disgusting look at him.
This time the celebration banquet, many videos were broadcast live, and many people were seen. The sensation caused by Lu Chuan's appearance can be imagined. So in an instant, the online outbreak that formed led to more broadcasts.
Every citizen has a feeling of dreaming.
By their generation, no one has ever seen Lu Chuan’s true face. Lu Chuan is like the memory of a generation, which has disappeared with the passing of their parents. They are mostly in books and movies. Will understand Lu Chuan.
Now, Lu Chuan's sudden appearance, the impact on them can be imagined.
Is this person His Majesty the Emperor?
All the senior leaders of the entire federation were shocked. They looked at Lu Chuan's face on the virtual screen, and they all showed surprise. Many of the high-levels are ninth-level new humans. They are people who have followed Lu Chuan. How can they not recognize Lu Chuan?
In the current live broadcast, the picture is so clear that it can be seen clearly in every shot, how can they admit it wrong?
"It's your it's your majesty..."
Lu Chuan's every move, Lu Chuan's look, all made them sure, this is your Majesty.
Exactly as in his memory, Lu Chuan hasn't changed at all, his age seems to be frozen in his body. The overlap of this kind of memory made many high-level people feel a sense of tears of joy, and his Majesty appeared.
No wonder the demon who swallowed the commander, he would let go of this sentence, it turns out that His Majesty is really still alive.
Before they had doubts, but now, all doubts have disappeared, because Your Majesty is still alive.
Federal royal family...
The descendants of Lu Chuan stared at their grandfather on the screen dumbfounded, first in astonishment and then ecstatic. God, their grandfather is still alive. What will this look like to the royal family? Their declining power will return to their hands.
There is only one person, this is Lu Chuan's great-great-grandson. The current emperor is full of fear. He does not know whether his grandfather's return will affect his emperor's position this time.
But no matter what, what all parties have to do now is to use the fastest speed to catch up to the place where His Majesty appears.
"Your Majesty is here to rescue this crisis?"
On the Internet, hundreds of millions of citizens have all raised such questions.
Many people are curious about where exactly Lu Chuan has been hiding for more than two hundred years? Earth or Mars? Or in research bases on other planets?
There is really no answer to this question, as long as Lu Chuan doesn't say it, everyone can only wander around.
At this time, Lu Chuan was not interested in knowing the changes in the world due to his appearance. He fell in front of Coker King and stared at Cocker King, but he stretched out his hand without hesitation. Koker King picked it up.
Such a change made everyone shocked.
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