Chapter 1566: Within the law

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Insignificance has nothing to do with magical powers. If an ant controls the power of destroying the planet, humans will become insignificant and humble in its eyes.
Just like the current Governor of the Parasitic Race, it is parasitic on Lu Chuan. It is indeed small, but it does not mean that it is not strong.
The characteristics of the parasitic tribe can be large and small.
If it is parasitic on a creature of hundreds of thousands of kilometers, it can become a creature of hundreds of thousands of kilometers.
The universe is so big that creatures of tens of thousands of kilometers are just like dust.
The Superintendent of the Tree Race is indeed huge and powerful, but the power of the Governor of the Parasite Race has crushed it. The combination of the Governor of the Parasitic Race and Lu Chuan brings the strength that it brings, like slapping a fly.
One level higher is the gap between heaven and earth.
Especially among civilizations, civilizations one level higher than you can easily destroy you.
The current Superintendent of the Tree Clan was so easily crushed by the Governor of the Parasitic Clan, he did not give him a chance to resist. When the movement of the mind is locked and the existence of space barriers makes it impossible to escape, the result is death.
Its ability is not enough to break through space barriers.
Killing a tree clan inspector is trivial to the parasitic clan governor.
The Million Tree Clan inspectors who emerged here realized that things were absolutely different from what they thought. Some of them reacted quickly. The first thing was to escape. It was not their cowardice, but their relocation tactics.
How could the Parasite Governor give them a chance? The coverage of the space barrier makes them seem to have fallen into a trap, and there is no escape.
There was no sound in the universe, the energy was constantly fluctuating, and then the death of the inspector of the tree tribe.
The incarnation of the parasitic governor became a ghost, constantly blasting his fists, and every punch was the destruction of an area, the space collapsed, and the tree clan inspectors who existed here could only be bombarded and killed in despair.
They fought hard, but they were crushed like a praying mantis blocking a car.
The cosmic energy keeps on exploding, starting at one point, and keeping up with the next point. The Governor of the Parasitic Race uses its ghostly speed, combined with his mind to move, and starts a crazy killing.
At this moment, the Parasitic Governor showed his cold blood to the fullest, without blinking its eyes, countless Tree Clan inspectors were killed by it.
The supervisory messenger is much stronger, but in front of it, they are treated equally.
In the entire space, there are all energy remnants generated when the tree tribe inspectors die. The energy bodies, after death, will not be left with flesh and blood, but become wandering energy.
The peculiar life form, even death, is quite different.
It is not a simple matter for a million inspectors to kill. After all, there is no dimensionality reduction attack, and it will take more hands and feet.
The space barrier laid by the parasitic tribe's governor is really abnormal, and all the patrolling envoys that rushed in were blocked by the net. In this space, they can't break through and can only let the parasitic tribe's governor slaughter.
Millions of inspectors continued to be slaughtered, and the remaining tree tribes were panicked, and their faces showed horror.
After becoming the Chosen One, they went smoothly, and after they became the head of the ten thousand races, they were the only ones in the universe, and they were extremely proud, and they had never seen other races in their eyes. Especially after becoming an ombudsman, this kind of power that controls the power of the universe makes them lose themselves.
This day is their sky, and this earth is their land.
And now, the appearance of the governor of the parasitic tribe has taught them the fact that there are days outside the sky and there are people outside the world.
Unfortunately, it is too late for them to understand all this, because they are just lambs waiting to be slaughtered. No matter how they struggle, they cannot break this space fortress.
"Join forces, join forces to break the space fortress."
A tree tribe inspector roared, and transmitted it to the ears of every inspector through a special frequency.
It is impossible to break this space fortress by individuals alone, and the only thing that can be tried is this method.
The current crisis does not allow them to give more consideration.
For the first time, tens of thousands of Tree Clan inspectors led by this inspector, violent cosmic energy emerged, and then concentrated a little and blasted into the void. This energy is definitely certain, if it is placed in a galaxy, it is enough to destroy a galaxy.
The parasitic tribe's governor sneered, but he ignored the combined force of the inspectors, turned his head, smashed out with a punch, the void was distorted, and an unknown number of inspectors became victims and died in the distortion of space.
The universe almost shook, and the turbulence caused by the impact of terrifying energy might even cause the planet to fly.
However, the space barrier constructed by the parasitic governor remained unmoved.
Faced with this situation, every inspector of the tree clan panicked.
"Come again."
The inspector who had just called out roared again, trapped here, it was a unilateral massacre. If they couldn't rush out, they would all die. Whenever there is a chance, it will not give up.
"Hehe..." The voice of the Governor of the Parasitic Race rang, but he already appeared in front of the inspector.
Reach out, squeeze the void tightly.
Simple means, but this monitor didn't even struggle, the huge volume exploded and turned into floating energy, which was directly killed by the Parasite Governor. 69 school bag
Those who jumped out to take the lead are the excellent goals of the Parasite Governor.
Without hesitation, the Governor of the Parasitic Race slammed out again, and the numerous inspectors who followed this inspector were blown up, turned into light blue energy, and dissipated in the universe.
The killing is still going on.
This space is full of blue residual energy.
From a human perspective, it is indeed energy.
But if you change your angle and stand from the perspective of the tree tribe, there are corpses all over the place, all of which are tribe corpses. The killing of the parasitic governor has slaughtered millions of inspectors here.
Kill one by one, and one million cannot be killed.
The parasitic governor kills one by one, hundreds or tens of thousands. It doesn't take much time for a million to kill.
In the universe, there is no concept of time, time is just human time. Calculated in human time, it was only an hour or so, and a million tree tribe inspectors were slaughtered.
The Governor of the Parasitic Race stopped and just stood quietly in this void, as if he had done nothing.
The life of a million inspectors did not cause any waves to it.
The next moment, the Governor of the Parasitic Race lifted the space barriers, he sighed heavily, smiled, and said, "Careful."
Lu Chuan smiled bitterly. Under this invigoration, there are a million bones. The Parasitic Governor is invigorated, but these million lives...maybe they are absolutely frustrated because they don't even have the ability to fight back.
The one-sided slaughter is so cruel.
The Governor of the Parasitic Race seemed to know what Lu Chuan was thinking. It said: "In fact, you humans are really genius and amazing. You have not experienced the universe, but you can come up with the concept of the Dark Forest Law. In fact, most of the universe is here. It runs under one concept."
Lu Chuan knew what the law of the dark forest was.
Any civilization will hide itself. Once a civilization discovers the other party, you cannot be sure whether the other party will threaten you or whether it is a friend or an enemy. The only thing you can do is to shoot in advance to eliminate the other party first. Any act of exposing oneself may usher in a disaster.
In Fermi's Paradox, it is believed that there are more than 100,000 advanced civilizations in the Milky Way, but why can humans not discover them?
In fact, these civilizations have hidden themselves, just as humans have been hidden in the solar system. If one day, when mankind discovers a certain civilization, it is when mankind is destroyed.
They don't think about whether you are threatening it, but what they have to do is to shoot you to death the first time.
The means of higher civilizations have always been crushing. They will not tolerate a trace of resistance. They will directly destroy the solar system and will not give you a chance.
The exposure of two civilizations often ends with the destruction of the other civilization.
It's cruel, but it's true.
In fact, before the change, Lu Chuan really couldn't refute it, but this rule is sometimes not absolute. Lu Chuan has been to countless galaxies and encountered countless races and civilizations, but that was not all.
This law exists because it is determined that the resources of the universe are fixed, and civilization's use of resources has prompted the emergence of this dark forest law.
From another perspective, the universe is infinite, and the resources are also infinite. It is obviously impossible to fully utilize these resources. Some galaxies are wealthy galaxies, and their resources are enough to allow several civilizations, even hundreds of civilizations, to squander for tens of billions of years. Under such circumstances, there will be harmony, race and race, civilization. It is really possible to coexist with civilization.
How to describe it, who is full and has nothing to do and wants to beat others to death and death?
There is still a fusion of race and civilization.
With more knowledge, Lu Chuan can be sure that the definition of the laws of the universe cannot be based on one-sided words, but it cannot be denied. It should be said that there will be countless paradoxes in the universe, which cannot be generalized.
Some galaxies apply this rule, and some galaxies are not. The true core is still the resource.
Unfortunately, the current Lu Chuan cannot escape this rule, the law of the dark forest.
Become a governor. Out of a total of 5,000 governors, you never know who is your friend or enemy. As long as you meet, the best way is to kill. Therefore, the encounter between the governor and the governor is often an earth-shattering battle.
Not only that, the number of places is limited, there are only three, the resources are infinitely small, the more it increases the cruelty of this rule.
Putting aside these, resources like Shuo Jin are limited, and all you can do is grab them from other clan. Such a precious thing will certainly not be easily obtained, it must be life and death.
Any competition is a struggle for resources and falls within the scope of the Dark Forest Law.
Why the Governor of the Parasitic Race might threaten him is because the coordinates of human beings have been exposed, so it has come to hold him back, and he can only obey, otherwise mankind will perish.
Fortunately, the parasitic governor does not need these resources, so he has the conditions to exchange with the parasitic governor, which is used as a parasite.
Lu Chuan just smiled bitterly, knowing what to do, he still needs to act under these rules.
At this time, the parasitic governor, the liquid that wrapped Lu Chuan, receded like water, and then returned control of his body to Lu Chuan.
After regaining his control of his hands and feet, Lu Chuan moved a bit and showed a smile. This feeling was really good. He sighed, his expression turned serious again, and his whole body entered a state of vigilance. The muscles are tight.
Killing a million tree tribe inspectors, the tree tribe governor must have received a prompt, that is, it may appear here at any time.
The real battle has just begun.
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