Chapter 1577: Resettlement of biochemical plants

Standing in the warehouse of the biochemical factory, everything from the past continued to emerge in front of Lu Chuan, as if it had been yesterday.
Becoming the Chosen One, and then constantly blessing with luck, let Lu Chuan finally come to where he is today. Of course there is luck, but it is more Lu Chuan's perseverance that made Lu Chuan where he is today.
From the appearance of the first zombie to the first floor being filled with ordinary zombies by himself.
The first harvest, and then the sorting of zombies, turned the warehouse into a garbage collection station.
This scene continued to surface, making Lu Chuan smile.
Since becoming an inspector, Lu Chuan has rarely dealt with the biochemical plant, and has hardly been able to take a good look at it. It allows itself to rise, why is it not like a hero?
Placing the biochemical factory here, according to Lu Chuan's thinking at the time, even if human exploration reaches Mercury, it is limited by the temperature here, it is only a near-orbit exploration, and even the ground will not come.
Moreover, if humans want to explore here, they will not be able to do it for a long time, because Mercury's environment is really bad and requires higher technological support. Otherwise, even the lander will not be able to land. How to uncover the mystery of Mercury?
Lu Chuan was thinking about guarding against humans, but he didn't expect that the Parasitic Governor broke in and discovered the existence of a biochemical factory so easily.
Is the solar system big?
In the eyes of human beings, it is indeed extremely huge, more than a light-year in diameter.
But in the universe, it is so small and dusty.
The Governor dominates the billion-trillion cosmos of the pearl. A solar system is too small for the Governor. Taking Lu Chuan now, he can create a three-dimensional space with a diameter of 100,000 light-years. Everything is included, and the subtleties can be observed.
When the governor of the parasitic race reaches the solar system, it only needs to visit one planet one by one, and through perception, it can discover the existence of a biochemical factory.
With the governor's ability, it is difficult to hide the existence of biochemical factories.
This is a weakness. Once the opponent catches this weakness, he will be like a parasite governor who can threaten himself at any time.
The Parasite Governor wants his own body, so it is only a threat.
If it is replaced by another race governor, some of it will only be destroyed, it will not consider so much at all. Once discovered, it is the beginning of destruction.
Therefore, from this point of analysis, Lu Chuan should be thankful that he met the governor of the Parasitic tribe, not the governors of other races.
It is not too late.
The entire solar system is in fact not safe anymore, because the solar system is too small, not to mention the governor, it is the arrival of the inspectors of other races, and the existence of biochemical factories can be easily discovered.
Lu Chuan was staring at the biochemical plant in a trance. He was thinking about how to install the biochemical plant.
Obviously the solar system is not good, it is the Milky Way. If a fourth-level governor arrives, it is easy to find the existence of a biochemical factory.
In theory, there is no way for biochemical factories to leave the galaxy, which is a limitation.
"In the galaxy, the difficulty of finding it will increase countless times. It is very difficult for ordinary governors to find it. But this is not the real way to hide it. The fourth-level governor still can't prevent it."
The observable range of the fourth-level governor is one hundred thousand light-years, which is exactly the diameter of the Milky Way, which means that no matter where the biochemical factory is placed in the Milky Way, it has a chance of being discovered.
"All zombies enter the biochemical factory."
After hundreds of years, Lu Chuan finally gave orders to the zombies.
Like the ninth-level zombies with statues in this dungeon, they are like eternity, time did not make them collapse, but remained intact. The ninth-level zombies, in the strict sense, can no longer be regarded as zombies, but a powerful existence similar to monsters.
They are still here, more like hibernating.
With one instruction, they were like resurrected, one by one opened their eyes, stretched their hands and feet, and then walked in toward the biochemical factory. Each one, if placed in an ordinary racial civilization, is a destruction-level existence, but at this time, they are simply not erased because of Lu Chuan's old memories.
In the huge warehouse of the biochemical factory, it is not a problem to accommodate these ninth-level zombies.
After the dungeon became empty, Lu Chuan wrapped the biochemical factory with his mind, and the mind moved, and Lu Chuan and the biochemical factory disappeared on Mercury together, leaving only the empty dungeon here.
In the future, no one will know all this, because Mercury will be swallowed by the sun first, and all traces will disappear.
Lu Chuan did not leave the Milky Way, but appeared on a desolate celestial body. It was huge, but there was nothing at all. It did not have the possibility of becoming a living planet, and he did not know how many billions of years it had gone through, it still remained like this.
A huge celestial body, its suction force will capture all meteorites, asteroids, small celestial bodies, etc. passing by it.
Every time it catches, it will cause an impact, leaving too many deep pits on its body after the impact. The potholes are like the surface of the moon, showing how many impacts it has received, beyond imagination.
Appearing here, the biochemical factory also appeared, giving people the feeling that Lu Chuan was carrying a building at any time.
"This is not a hiding place either." Lu Chuan looked around for a week, his thoughts covering the celestial body, and after exploring, he came to this conclusion.
After thinking about it, Lu Chuan immediately modeled the Milky Way.
In the blink of an eye, the entire Milky Way galaxy appeared in front of Lu Chuan. It had shrunk by several times, and a three-dimensional figure appeared. In Lu Chuan's mind, it continued to expand and contract, and countless celestial bodies flashed by before disappearing.
But at this flash, Lu Chuan already knew it well.
With the terrifying ability, Lu Chuan sorted out the Milky Way in just half an hour. What disappointed Lu Chuan was that he did not find a suitable planet, even if it was an inconspicuous planet, under the magnification of this magical power, It's still like being observed under a microscope.
"Is there a way to avoid perception?" Lu Chuan touched his chin.
Obviously, there is no such place in the galaxy.
Only a few seconds later, Lu Chuan patted his thigh: "I really am a pig."
There is no galaxy, but the problem is that you can create this place yourself. Don't forget that after the inspector, he has the ability to create a planet, but the ability of the inspector is not strong, the size of the created planet is more like an asteroid, not like a planet.
After arriving at the inspector, it is not difficult to create a planet the size of the earth.
And Lu Chuan's ability can create a galaxy.
Not only galaxies, but also some of the most terrifying existence in the universe, like neutron stars and black holes, are also within the scope of Lu Chuan's creation. In other words, in theory, all things in the universe can be created by Lu Chuan as he wants.
"In this case, why don't I create a hidden place in the galaxy and hide the biochemical factory here?"
Lu Chuan smiled. For such a simple question, he had been unable to figure it out before, and he was really stuck.
Lu Chuan swiped his hand again, observing it in this three-dimensional model of the Milky Way that has shrunk countless times.
Don't underestimate Lu Chuan's move. If there is life in this galaxy, they will definitely feel that they are being peeped at by something. It is very short and even makes them unaware.
But this kind of peeping makes them no longer have secrets.
All the galaxies and planets in the Milky Way were completely exposed under Lu Chuan's observation.
When encountering some strange planets, Lu Chuan would also pull his hands and zoom in on the entire planet to see the most subtle points. Lu Chuan is like a god. He can clearly know everything about this planet, including the substances it contains.
It is also the first time that Lu Chuan has observed the Milky Way in such a detailed manner, and it is also the first time to understand the galaxy where his hometown is.
It took more than an hour before Lu Chuan stopped this observation.
Soon, Lu Chuan was near the edge of the Milky Way. It was a gray zone with hundreds of millions of asteroids, large and small meteorites, and the debris of some celestial bodies. It was not subject to the gravitational pull of the surrounding celestial bodies. It moves along with the rotation of the Milky Way, and the time for the Milky Way to turn around one week, according to human calculations, took nearly 300 million years to complete.
In other words, it will take nearly 300 million years for this ruin belt to turn around the Milky Way for a week.
Like this kind of ruin zone, there are at least 100 million in the entire galaxy. If the biochemical factory does not produce fluctuations, it is almost impossible to find it if it is hidden in it.
Just do it when he thinks about it, Lu Chuan's eyes locked on this ruin zone, and the next moment he disappeared with the biochemical factory.
By the time Lu Chuan appeared, he was already on a piece of celestial remains that had been gnawed away in half. It would not be an exaggeration to call it a super-large meteorite. It should be that the planet was hit by something and lost half of it. Due to the impact force, it was caused. It broke away from the original gravitational system and was captured by this ruin, becoming a new member of this ruin belt.
Lu Chuan fell here, waved his hand, and the light covered the remains of this planet.
All this is nothing surprising, but Lu Chuan closed his eyes, and his creativity began to portray on this planet. On this planet, Lu Chuan created a system that can completely shield the biochemical plant.
What seemed impossible was very simple in Lu Chuan's eyes.
A few minutes later, Lu Chuan opened his eyes and showed a The interior of this planet has been hollowed out by Lu Chuan, and the substance inside this planet has been transformed by Lu Chuan, it becomes A special planet wreckage.
With a move, Lu Chuan disappeared on the surface of the debris of the planet together with the biochemical factory, and entered it.
It is said to be a wreck, but in fact it is much larger than the earth, and human beings are still terrifyingly small here. And Lu Chuan just dug a special space inside it.
Yes, it is a special space. It belongs to an independent body, exists in the Milky Way, but is separated from the Milky Way.
The principle of use is similar to storage space.
The storage space belongs to the biochemical factory. Lu Chuan cannot install the biochemical factory in the storage space, but he can use his creativity to create a special independent space that can completely shield all perceptions and put the biochemical factory Here, Lu Chuan is completely relieved.
The whole remains of the planet was changed by Lu Chuan. Even if it collided with a neutron star, its hardness would not collapse, enough to ensure the safety of space.
It runs in the Milky Way galaxy, it is mobile, and it is a piece of billions of meteorites. After shielding its perception, the existence of a biochemical factory is far more vague than finding a needle in a haystack.
In the space, Lu Chuan personally placed the biochemical factory here, took a deep look, and for a moment, people had appeared on the surface of the planet's debris.
The moving speed of this ruin zone is very fast, hundreds of kilometers are moving in one second, causing the meteorites and asteroids here to move so fast that they are already gone in the blink of an eye.
Lu Chuan looked around for a week, grinned with satisfaction, and the person disappeared.
The biochemical factory was resettled so that Lu Chuan could let go of the stone in his heart. Lu Chuan did not allow the incident of the Parasitic Governor to happen again.
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