Chapter 1599: King's will

Latest website: When the show was broadcast live again, the number of Chimeras watched exceeded 110 billion, which is definitely the strongest number in history. It is certain that it is difficult for another show to break this undead.
As the protagonist, Lu Chuan made the Chimera people appreciate an ultra-high-level hunting.
Commanding more than 6,000 young Chimeras to kill the fastest beasts on this grassland, none of the young Chimeras died, and only a few were injured.
The corpses of fierce beasts all over the floor are the fruits of young Chimera people.
This passionate killing, the most primitive fight, attracted the cheers of the Chimeras, a sense of racial pride as a Chimera, and made them feel good about this group of young Chimeras, as well as Lu Chuan. It's not an unbelievable love.
It can be said that the current incarnation of Lu Chuan has become the most delighted member of the Chimera people.
Lu Chuan didn't stop, he began to look for the young Chimeras here, and then absorbed them to become a member of the team. For Lu Chuan, it was really simple. With a long scream, an overwhelming pressure they could not resist, they could make them surrender.
No young Chimera can still stand under Lu Chuan's breath. In their concept, they have a sense of respect for the strong from birth, and they are willing to be driven by the strong.
Lu Chuan’s team grew bigger and bigger, from more than 6,000 to 7,000, and then 8,000, 10,000...
When it broke through 10,000 young Chimera people, it was overwhelming, and it was very spectacular.
Under Lu Chuan's control, these 10,000 young Chimera tribes did not seem to be ignorant at all, instead they were full of spirituality. They adapted to the changes Lu Chuan brought to them, and they became stronger.
Roasted meat makes them bigger and longer endurance.
Their daily changes have made many Chimeras even have the illusion that what they see is not young Chimeras, but adult Chimeras.
The king stood in the empty palace, it was holding its head, no one knew what it was thinking.
"King, elders, they are here."
A Wang Wei appeared mysteriously, and no one knew when it appeared and existed here in the darkness.
The Wang nodded, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he said quietly, "Let them come in."
Who could have imagined that a little guy would have shocked the entire civilization and race to the point where it was out of control? And it also felt disappointed with the sent Wang Wei, and it failed to kill this little guy.
Wang would not think that this little guy could escape in Wang Wei's hands. In his opinion, it must have been an elder in the presbytery who had taken the initiative and stopped Wang Wei, allowing the little guy to escape.
Wang Wei refers to the strongest Chimera warrior, not its unique guards, and it is not exclusive to him. In the Presbyterian Church, there is also the existence of Wang Wei, which belongs to the strength of the Presbyterian Church and a means to restrict the royal power.
I always thought that the king wanted to completely disband the elders, but its strength was not enough to do it, and it could only be forbearing.
Soon, dozens of tall Chimeras with sturdy aura came in.
Every elder in the Presbyterian Church is not a simple character. They have amazing fighting power and unknown power. They control the entire civilization and are the most powerful existence besides the king.
Every elder shouted respectfully, whether conservative or progressive, respect the king on the surface.
Wang nodded and said, "This time the Presbyterian Church is discussing how to judge the people who undermine the Chimera tradition. It is funny that a young Chimera can stir up the whole civilization."
Once up, Wang went straight to the subject.
There is no detour as imagined, and nothing is secretly pointed out. The Chimera people's behavior style makes them what they have. They are not like human beings, but they can have countless knowledge in the upper level.
A tall Chimera came out and said, "King, it must be put to death. The traditions of our Chimera must not be lost."
"Wang, this is wrong." Another elder stood up and said: "It is recognized and loved by hundreds of millions of Chimeras. If we do anything against it, it will probably arouse public anger. "
Once I started a head, I couldn't stop.
The originally silent palace became lively.
Except for Wang Zai coldly watching, only the Great Elder remained silent, and had never been added to this topic.
After a long time, when these elders were still undecided after arguing, they gradually stopped and looked at the king and the elder one by one.
"In the name of the king, put it to death." The king said without hesitation, with no room for negotiation in his tone. In the name of the king, this is the supreme power of being a king, and no one can change it.
Wang has already seen that if this little guy doesn't get rid of it as soon as possible, he will definitely bring himself more trouble when he becomes an adult.
Executing a death in the name of a king is like putting a person to death by the will of the human CIMC country. It means that the other party cannot afford to make waves anymore, because no matter how powerful it is, how can it be compared with the will of the state?
This time, it wants to make this little guy never stand up.
The will of a race is so terrible, once the little guy dares to resist, it is the crime of rebelling against the race, and will face the blow of the entire race. When inevitable, the battleship can be used to erase the area where it is.
In front of this kind of racial will, there is only one way to go, and that is death.
As a representative of the progressive faction, the great elder only narrowed his eyes. Facing the final order from the king, he could only bend down slightly and respectfully said: "Follow the king's order."
The struggle is not fierce. After all, the royal power is the royal power, which is supreme among the Chimera.
If you can't pull it off the altar of kings, you can only obey the king's power.
Kingship, in the eyes of the Chimera tribe, is still superior and inviolable. It represents the will of the race. No matter how different opinions are, in front of the king's order, he can only obey and execute the king's order.
"This king does not want any accidents to happen." Wang said coldly, and then left.
With this sentence, the whole clan will unite sincerely and carry out the will expressed by it. Once the race machine is activated, it will be even more terrifying than a country.
The Chimeras have no concept of a country, but only a concept of race.
And this is exactly the most terrifying. Under the premise of only one race, no matter how chaotic, it will be one race after all, and they are powerful and unified without being divided. From ancient times to the present, the Chimeras have never been divided, and they have always been a race without the concept of a country.
When you understand this race, your surprise lies in its variety.
"Yes, Wang..." The elders below all responded.
Once again, this hot program issued an announcement to restructure the program and temporarily stop the live broadcast. The live broadcast time depends on the progress of the program restructuring.
An announcement caused an uproar. For such a hot show, the Chimera people are dissatisfied. But no matter how dissatisfied it is, it can only be mocking their upper-level brain-dead for not knowing to seize the opportunity, so hot but they need to be reformed, I really don't know what thinking it is.
Fortunately, for the Chimeras, there is one less fun. There is no live broadcast of young stars, and live broadcasts of adult stars. Compared with the cruelty and cruelty of adult stars, they are much more cruel.
The Chimera people's dissatisfaction is mainly because they are curious about the young people they have known for their lives.
The closure of the program did not trigger any uncontrollable things.
The outside world only knows that it is the restructuring, but the truth is only known to a few high-level officials. The main thing is that they don't want the Chimeras to see what they don't want to see and avoid some harassment.
The will of the upper class will never change because of the people, but they will try their best to let the people know that everything disappears silently, conceal everything, and then slowly deal with it.
Like now, the first step in their plan is to close the show, at least they will not let the show reopen until they finish processing Lu Chuan. The second step is to find another excuse after Lu Chuan is dealt with. For example, Lu Chuan was killed by a fierce beast. After the program is reopened, the public's reaction will surely calm down in a short time.
Regardless of race, most people are forgetful. After the scars are over, they forget the pain. This is common.
All of this is the simplest way in the eyes of the upper class, but the effect will be very good.
In Lu Chuan's eyes, all these things that only the upper echelons knew were really not secrets.
The existence of planet consciousness has completely controlled the home planet of Chimera. It is impossible to hide the planet consciousness from every move in it, which means that Lu Chuan knows what Wang said and deeds.
When to start, what plan is clear.
Lu Chuan, who knows, is still very plain, because this was originally expected.
After killing the Wang Wei who was sent by the king, Lu Chuan will know the next step of the king, he will use his king power ~ to use the supreme king power to put himself to death. In its view, it is really just a matter of order, very simple, and will soon be solved by itself.
But it seemed to underestimate itself too much, because it hadn't seen how Wang Wei died, otherwise it would not think it was the will of the king and could solve itself.
At the same time, the will of the upper strata was transmitted to the Youth Star’s monitoring center. This space carrier received the order for the first time to kill a young Chimera on the Youth Star.
No matter whether the order violates the regulations or how strange it is, the order from the king and the elders can not be false, so they must be implemented.
It was just to kill a young Chimera. When the commander of the monitoring center received the order, he felt that the four words
extremely dangerous
mentioned above were a bit fussy and didn’t care too much. He just sent a team of 30 A force composed of Chimera warriors and a flying machine broke away from the space carrier and plunged towards the youth star below.
Thirty Chimera fighters, plus this aircraft with good combat effectiveness, no matter how you think about it, dealing with a young Chimera is really a sledgehammer.
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