Chapter 1621: Aboriginal

The latest website: The alien beasts on this planet are definitely suffering from unexplainable disasters, and the real disaster comes from heaven.
But this scene is really normal in the universe.
The colonization of higher civilizations is often accompanied by slaughter, the slaughter of indigenous people. This kind of slaughter has no mercy, because in the eyes of different races and civilizations, besides them, they are nothing but monsters, such as chickens and ducks in the eyes of humans.
The number of scattered fighter planes is so great that tens of thousands of them fly over this planet, and beams of light falling from the sky are everywhere.
Under this kind of high-tech, these strange beasts have no way to resist, and they were bombarded and killed one after another in their screams.
In this area, it was almost popular with blood.
A planet that has been multiplying for billions of years, there are so many lives here, even if there are differences and food chains, there are still countless different kinds of animals. But at this moment, they were all emptied in this area.
After only half a day's work, the massacre was finally over, and there was no other living animal in the area.
At this point, the huge transport spacecraft in the sky slowly landed.
At the moment it touched the ground, the hatch of the transport spacecraft opened and Chimera soldiers rushed out. They were fully armed, armed with weapons and guarded all around.
Base vehicles of different models and specifications were driven down from the transport spacecraft, and they were specially developed for colonization.
This is where a new colonial city is built. With the help of a computer, the base vehicle moves according to the plan of a city, and then stops at each point.
With an order, the base vehicle was unfolded, and soon a steel structure was formed. It is not like a house, some are like small bases, of different sizes, some are tens of meters in size, and some are several meters in size.
In just two or three hours, a city stretched for tens of kilometers has been formed here.
What the base vehicle brings is only a temporary residence. In the future, the Chimeras will need to build a complete industry here to support a real Chimeras city and form a complete ecological supply.
After the completion of this city, the Chimeras in the transport spacecraft were allowed. They got off the spacecraft, looked outside carefully, and stepped onto the ground of this planet.
In the future, this will be their home, and they will live and work here.
With the technology of the third-level civilization, every Chimera has his own personal terminal, which is like a human ID card. They are implanted with biochips and will always be connected to the terminal. What they want to do, they just need Just do it. The biochip will record everything and then hand it over to the background to calculate their behavior, such as consumption.
It should be said that the Chimera is just a moving ID card.
Through this one, the message from this temporary city will be transmitted to every Chimera, let them know where they live, and even generate a virtual indicator arrow in front of them, with They arrive at their destination.
With this function, there is no chaos at all.
Every Chimera will have his own residence, and at the same time will assign work according to their previous work, abilities and social skills. They only need to rest here for three days before they will have a job.
The strict system allocation is accurate to every Chimera tribe. It will not be messy, and it can also make a city circulate in the shortest time.
All of this relies on the management of ten data spacecraft as service centers in space.
In order to cover the entire planet, before they landed, dozens of satellites have been launched from the battleship, orbiting the entire planet. This kind of satellite launched on a space battleship can basically enter a working state as soon as it is launched.
With this kind of technological power, a complete information society can be established in just one or two days.
The whole operation, as if the same machine is operating, everything is in order.
This temporary city has completed its first phase after nearly a million Chimera people moved in.
The second stage started after the completion of the first stage.
The second batch of transport ships entered the planet again, and then landed on the edge of this temporary city. Once again, the city was expanded, and more base vehicles came down and used puzzles to expand the city. .
According to the plan, the fleet carrying 5 billion Chimeras will have a capacity of 10 million in each city.
Ten million Chimeras are divided into ten stages to complete, instead of throwing 10 million Chimeras down in one go, this is unrealistic and also more dangerous.
Ensuring safety is what the colonial fleet emphasizes most.
The entire city will last for several months to colonize, and then it will take several years to establish an industrial system.
The colonial fleet only brought with it the industrial base, and the rest required them to build the foundation and collect resources on-site for development.
Of course, a new fleet will be dispatched from the back of the Chimera home planet, mainly transporting spacecraft, bringing the most needed high-density parts and so on. This is why the colonial fleet sent a message of arrival as soon as it arrived here.
One trip takes eight years. After receiving the news, a new fleet will be dispatched. It will take another eight years to arrive here. Little library
During this period of time, just let the colonial stars here complete the industrial infrastructure.
Interstellar colonization is definitely not just sending a spaceship to land randomly, then building a base, and living in some people. It involves a terrifying industrial base, and it does not depend on the transportation of transport spacecraft for everything.
With the industrial system in place, the next thing that needs to be built is a shipyard and a space port that can provide supplies and repairs.
After a series of events, it will take at least ten years for a colonial star to basically stabilize.
The first small galaxy.
This is a temporary naming. The three small galaxies are named in sequence, the first, second, and third small galaxies...This is only temporary and the official naming will be determined after the colonization is completed.
Unlike the planet occupied by the alien beasts before, the planet in front of them has already given birth to civilization, a low-level civilization.
The Chimeras also have a systemic certification of civilization. This low level of civilization is about 0.5, which is equivalent to human beings during World War II. It was mainly active in the planet, and a few satellites have appeared in the orbit of the planet.
A civilization that does not even reach the first level, the Chimera tribe would never take it seriously.
After the dispatched reconnaissance spacecraft confirmed the reconnaissance, a battleship measuring 127 kilometers long broke into this planet at one end, and after breaking through the atmosphere, it entered the interior of the planet, and then hovered high in the sky. .
The one hundred and twenty-seven-kilometer-class battleship, placed on this low-level civilization planet, is really a super terrifying existence, incredible.
They have only one kind of aircraft that utilizes aerodynamic ascent. They are similar to human aircrafts, but they are not the same. Their design ideas are more like animal forms, so what appears to the Chimera people is the oddly shaped aircraft. Very thin.
The largest aircraft is only seven to eighty meters wide. Compared with the one hundred and twenty-seven kilometers warship, it is really out of proportion.
"Conquer them."
This is the order of the commander of the battleship. Under this order, the battleship scanned the area of ​​the planet called a military target for the first time. The main gun was not used, only the secondary gun was attacked, just like an atomic bomb. After a shot went down, an area of ​​tens of kilometers around was gone, forming a huge crater, and nothing was left inside.
Unlike human movies, aliens are mentally handicapped.
Although the Chimeras are warlike, they are definitely not stupid. Taking advantage of the warships, they propped up energy shields, and then madly output, destroying military targets one by one.
From the battleship rushing into the planet and then firing, in just a few short minutes, this civilized government agency did not even react, and was still in a state of bewilderment, let alone resistance.
The technology of World War II level, their weapons can't even reach the height of this warship, let alone attack.
The blow of covering the head and covering the face is totally unreasonable.
Under the bombardment of this terrifying energy weapon, the military power of the entire planet almost disappeared in less than half a day. During this period, the opponent's aircraft hit the battleship again and again, but it was shot down before it got close, and there was no residue left.
This civilization was completely messed up, and every member of the tribe shivered and looked desperately at this huge ship in the sky.
After completing the elimination of military power, the battleship began to fire on huge cities without a trace of pity. Each shot was the disappearance of a city. Millions and tens of millions of aborigines were buried with this city.
In the eyes of the Chimera people, these aborigines are ant nests, and there is no trace of fluctuation when they move their hands, as if they kill a nest of ants.
The entire planet has become a on earth.
After almost destroying the cities on the planet, the warship stopped.
The remaining cities are either too small or just some villages and towns, and it is not worth the battleship to do any more.
But the battleship stopped because its mission was completed, and then a large number of aircraft were continuously released from the battleship, and they roared in the sky of this planet, killing wantonly.
Several huge spaceships entered from space and then landed under the protection of battleships.
Lines of Chimera warriors descended from the spaceship and marched towards the remaining cities. Their arrival means that this planet is already under control. What they have to do next is to control the Inhabited, conquered them and made them a slave race of the Chimera.
For races with civilization, the Chimeras do not eliminate them, but turn them into slaves to serve the Chimeras.
The Chimera tribe’s colonial experience is naturally very rich. Using this method, first wipe out the military power of the aborigines, then massacre the aborigines, and completely collapse them, and the conquest will naturally go smoothly.
With such a huge technological generation gap, the armors of Chimera soldiers cannot be destroyed by them. They are almost invincible. What do they use to resist?
Any indigenous people who rebel need to die, and the Chimeras will not have any softness.
If it weren't for this race's poor appearance, in the eyes of the Chimera people, they might not be meat.
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