Chapter 1710: Announce coordinates

The latest website: "The Bobby Governor announced the coordinates of the Crocodile Race Planet, the coordinates are ζHSY39251."
The cosmic broadcasting came so suddenly.
I have to say that the news stimulated Lu Chuan to arouse his spirits and wake up from this kind of numbness. Then, I just felt that my whole body became more comfortable, and finally there was something for me to find an excuse to get out of this boring job.
Swallowing the planet is necessary, but work and rest can be combined.
To comfort himself, Lu Chuan began to attach importance to this cosmic broadcast.
To be sure, this cosmic broadcast will definitely shock and then excite countless Governors.
It's no wonder that they are excited. The reason is that a governor dared to do this and announced the coordinates of the competitive planet. This is the first time a governor has played this way. It's like the beginning of an era. Naturally, this kind of feeling doesn't need to be said. When I suddenly heard it, what I thought of in my head was it.
Lu Chuan touched his chin: "Bobbys? This stuff seems to be ranked in the hundreds, but the crocodile clan... is somewhat impressed, it should be more than a hundred."
From the perspective of the first echelon, they are just small roles and can't make waves.
But the meaning is different, as long as you start a head, you will be messy in the future. You will announce it today, and I will threaten you to announce it tomorrow. In the future, it is possible that the position of the competitive planet will be transparent.
But regardless of the future, at least for now, these two races are going to be famous.
It should be said that the crocodile tribe is in trouble.
Together with Universe Broadcasting, all the Governor's attention is on it, and it must be famous. But it might be...the death of the family.
"It depends on whether the opponent belongs to the bastard. As long as it stays in the competitive planet, the governors can't help it. To break the guardian's defense, you need planet consciousness, but the governor with planet consciousness A few, they can't take it rashly."
Lu Chuan quickly thought of this, and if he changed himself, he would not be in full view, nor would he expose his planet consciousness.
Competitive Planet was announced, only to say that the governors would come and leave as they wanted, and would not hinder the normal operation of the other party. As long as the opponent can hold it back, just move through the Competitive Planet Mind, it will be fine if it is announced.
Even if the Governor of this species is impulsive, like the Governor of Cyclops? Then it is a tragedy.
Lu Chuan, who is boring to the extreme, puts it in the usual time? It may not be necessary to join in the fun? But now it is different. You must find some fun. Presumably so many governors are here, yet another gang fight?
Isn't this the Judgment Star? Can it die and be resurrected? Will it recover after a few days after being wounded? This group of fights definitely requires caution.
Lu Chuan took the Water Elf away and thought for a moment, but he still didn't show up, separated it from the Shu-gold weapon and put it in the storage space. Lu Chuan also thought about it? Try not to expose the existence of the water elves? And there might be a conflict? He must have a golden weapon.
Finished packing? Lu Chuan left directly, first returning to Judgment Star.
The Judgment Star is the transit star? It is connected to five thousand beads, and is the only transit point leading to these beads.
The coordinates were announced? Naturally, it caused a sensation.
Whether the crocodile clan is strong or not? The key is that it is now famous. How could the governors miss this opportunity? So on the Judgment Star, I saw a large number of Governors. They first looked at the leaderboard and then left in a hurry.
This time, no one wants to fight here anymore. It's better to go to the crocodile clan and do a real fight.
For the tyrannical governor, this is definitely a feast. They usually cannot find other governors, but this time, there must be many governors appearing. They don’t get a good vote and push their points to a new high. Row?
Usually the governors are looking for each other, just want to find a governor, just like finding a needle in a haystack.
These are such good opportunities that they cannot be missed.
Regarding the changes on the rankings, the name of the governor like the Cyclops has been lost. Many governors have seen it, but they don't care. The first is that the ranking of the Cyclops Governor is not too prominent, and there will be no. Second, on the rankings, reincarnation of life and death is normal, and the dozen or so names that have been defeated are the best portrayal.
Lu Chuan was not provoked this time. He glanced at the rankings, and after recording the rankings, he did not stay here, and went directly to the beads of the crocodile tribe.
Here, since Lu Chuan has entered for the first time, he will appear on the edge of the universe.
I don't know how many times Lu Chuan has admired the expansion of the universe. He didn't feel anything new here, but a habit. The violent cosmic energy is rampant here, and the cosmic energy shock wave here is also the largest, and it needs to tear this chaotic land.
What is outside the universe?
No one can answer, it is estimated that only God can know. Like here, the expansion of the universe is like a mouse punching holes, but there is no way of knowing what is outside the soil. This is the unknown secret of the universe, even Lu Chuan has no way of knowing it now.
"Go to ζHSY39251."
Lu Chuan muttered silently, and then moved directly.
Why is it a terrible thing to say that the coordinates are announced? Because no matter who it is, once this coordinate is obtained, it can be directly moved to this coordinate in any universe of the bead, anywhere in the universe.
You don't need breath and footprints, you can come directly, because the coordinates are specific.
At the moment when his mind moved, milliseconds later, Lu Chuan had already appeared in front of a hidden planet.
Only at the first glance, Lu Chuan confirmed that this is the competitive planet.
For the first time, Lu Chuan sensed at least hundreds of powerful energy fluctuations, right beside him. Needless to think about it, these are the governors who have arrived long ago.
Sure enough, in this area, hundreds of governors were suspended in space, no one did it, all staring at each other vigilantly.
With Lu Chuan's arrival, many Governors frowned and subconsciously avoided.
The humans in the past have not paid attention to them, but the current humans are already fourth. If they don't take it seriously, it is not called self-confidence, but stupid. If there is no real material, can human beings break through so many races and stand fourth?
If you even look down on the fourth, and despise your heart, this would be a bit arrogant and reckless.
It is not a fool to be a governor.
It is precisely because humans have risen too fast during this period of time, and it can be confirmed that he killed the Parasite Governor, no Governor dare to despise Lu Chuan. What's more, there are faint clues that point to Lu Chuan not only killing the Parasitic Governor, but even the Governor of the Tree Tribe may have been the work of a human Governor.
Just imagine, who dares to despise the human governor?
The appearance of Lu Chuan can be regarded as a generation of top governor powerhouses, so other governors will subconsciously give way.
Sneak attack?
It doesn't exist, here hundreds of governors are eagerly watching, and they really do it, just like stabbing a hornet's nest. Once a group fights, I don't know who will be unlucky. But it is certain that the governor who is in his early days will definitely be set on fire.
This time it came because of the competitive planet of the crocodile tribe. This is what the governors should pay attention to.
Lu Chuan glanced around, then stepped forward a few steps, appeared in a relatively empty position, then hovered in the space with his arms, and looked around with interest.
The governors one by one, this time not in groups, but each occupying a position, and all of them are in a state of vigilance.
It’s not surprising that Judgment Star can die and resurrect, but here, death means death. Who would dare to get together? In case of encountering a madman, he will run away directly, and he will not finish the donkey?
With hundreds of governors, Lu Chuan saw a dozen of the top 100 governors, but the top three governors of the tree tribe, the giant stone tribe, and the bone-wing tribe did not appear.
"In other words, here, I became the boss?" Lu Chuan was happy.
Sure enough, there are no tigers in the mountains at the moment, and the monkey himself is the king, no wonder every governor is afraid of himself.
The Competitive Planet of the Rat Crocodile Race was announced by the Bobby Governor. After the Bobby Governor was announced, he just fled. He didn't dare to plunge into the muddy water after thinking about it. The governor of the rat crocodile family absolutely wants to kill now, is the governor of the Bobby tribe, but unfortunately the other party has already run away, and the governor of the rat crocodile tribe is staring at him. Naturally, the governor of the rat crocodile does not dare to move.
It felt absolutely uncomfortable to be watched by hundreds of governors.
"Governor of the Bobby tribe, you just wait for our endless revenge!" The roar of the governor of the tribe came from the Competitive Planet, with incomparable anger and anger in his voice.
The governors did not say anything, and now they watch the excitement more.
If you want to try to attack the competitive planet, it's definitely not now. Attacking in full view, what if other governors take the opportunity to attack yourself? No one is so stupid, do it at this time.
Lu Chuan smiled. The Governor of the Rat Crocodile Clan was a little clever. Other Governors must have heard it, but Lu Chuan did.
This yelling at the Governor of the Bobby tribe is actually a disguised warning to these governors not to act rashly, otherwise they will suffer endless revenge from the crocodile tribe. But it can't speak to a certain governor. This will only anger the governor. The best way is to let the governors present as a roar from the Bobby tribe governor.
"The IQ of the Governor of the Rat Crocodile Clan is not low." Lu Chuan laughed dumbly.
In fact, in Lu Chuan’s eyes, this is just a cry for the weak. The strong will not warn. As long as you dare to take a step further, you will be Only the weak will issue these kinds of them. Think boldly shouting.
Fortunately, no governor is interested in taking them at the moment, otherwise the current ranking strength of the crocodile clan will probably be pushed out.
It is good to have the Guardian of the Competitive Planet, and let this place temporarily become a copper wall.
There are many Governors who have heard the potential meaning of the Rat Crocodile Clan, but they don't have any expressions. Hundreds of Governors are watching this competitive planet from different positions in this kind of mystery.
In the planet, the rat crocodile tribe's governor and his subordinates, inspectors and supervisors, are all shrunk in the city, and they dare not jump out to make a battle.
The current situation is too complicated. If one is not good, the crocodile tribe may become history.
At this time, the rat crocodile tribe almost broke their teeth. The Bobby Governor, a bitch, dare to do so and announce the coordinates of the competitive planet. It swears that after this crisis, it will do its best to fight the Bobby clan to the end.
You can't be polite to a bitch.
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