Chapter 1721: The Age of Navigation

Now Lu Chuan finally experienced what is called divine punishment and what is divine might.
In a single thought, the world can be destroyed, billions of trillions of lives can be lost, and a planet can be turned into dust.
In his own eyes, it was just because the water elves needed to recover. This was just a member of the devouring planet, and it was trivial. But in the eyes of life on this planet, this planet is all of them.
Lu Chuan's thoughts are supernatural powers, which determine the direction of this world and represent their will.
At this moment, Lu Chuan truly experienced what it means to be not that you represent you, but that I represent you, and I can decide everything about you at will.
In a simple sentence, these lives are all represented.
Within a few hours, this planet was completely ashes and life ceased to exist, and this kind of swallowing began to turn to the planet.
As the water elves recover, it swallows faster and faster, and it swallows more and more thoroughly. At the end of this planet, it turns into molecules. At this point, in fact, the human eye can no longer see it, but Lu Chuan can use supernatural powers.
At the center of countless molecules, the water spirit revealed its body of light spot.
On the side of the water elves, Lu Chuan's previously inserted sho-gold weapon on the planet was suspended. It was not affected by the water elves' devouring the planet. What's more amazing was that the quality of the sho-gold weapon was not swallowed by the water elves.
At this time, the water spirit emits a special magnetic field, which locks the molecules here. These molecules are scattered in the universe, but they are not out of the control of the water spirit.
Even Lu Chuan is curious, the planet has been transformed into molecules, what else does the water spirit want to do?
The next moment, Lu Chuan's eyes widened.
The water elves are actually devouring the molecules in the universe here. After these molecules fission, they become smaller atoms, which are almost inseparable basic particles in human chemical reactions. And that didn't stop there. In the swallowing of the water elves, the atoms turned into electrons and neutrons, until they completely dissipated in this universe.
What is swallowing, this is called swallowing in the true sense.
The water elf who completed all of this projected into this long sword, and disappeared again.
Lu Chuan stretched out his hand, this long sword turned into light? It shot back into Lu Chuan's hand.
Lu Chuan pulled a sword flower? Then his mind moved? The long sword became an armguard, and he put it on his arm again. The devouring of a planet is small for the recovery of the water elves, but it is also an accumulation.
Without staying here, Lu Chuan raised his head, locked on the brightest star, and immediately disappeared with his thoughts.
Lu Chuan had no purpose, just wandering around? As long as he saw the star of life, he turned into an evil existence, and his sword pierced the starry sky and hit the planet? Then the planet-conscious water elves started to work? A planet swallowed up.
Stop and go, the range of Lu Chuan's movement in one day is not very large.
"Life Star? Try to find those that have not produced civilization."
What Lu Chuan can do is to maintain the final bottom line.
With a civilized planet, all species possess amazing wisdom, and if they destroy them, Lu Chuan can't do anything. It might be better to devour it without thinking, but Lu Chuan still holds his bottom line unchanged.
Anyway, there are too many life stars in the universe. They are all without civilization. There are only primitive species. The burden on Lu Chuan's heart will be much smaller.
I have to say that there are many life stars, but there are not many planets that have produced civilization.
Sometimes within tens of thousands of light years, there is no civilization. In addition to the barbaric planets, there are a large number of life stars, but none of them have civilization. It may take more time for evolution to allow these life stars to have a chance to produce intelligent species, and then slowly form civilization.
On a huge life star, a long sword fell from the sky and plunged into the ground fiercely.
The fierce beasts here are extremely large and cruel. They noticed the strangeness here and did not escape. Instead, they surrounded them and stared at this long sword curiously. They didn't seem to have seen this item.
They have not produced wisdom and cannot realize what they will face next.
The next moment, the long sword lights up.
The water elves were possessed. After just ten minutes, the possession was completed, and then the long sword exuded a terrible aura, shocking countless fierce beasts scrambling to flee. They had a foreboding the infinite destruction.
But their escape was in vain, because the water elves wanted to devour the entire planet.
Outside the starry sky, Lu Chuan looked at this planet with his arms in his arms. It was nothing more than the food of the water elves. Everything in it escaped or not, the result would not change, because everything would be deprived of life.
After half a month.
Lu Chuan finally saw a planet with civilization. It was about the size of Jupiter, and it was already huge in human eyes.
Its quality is basically the same as that of the earth, with little deviation.
Whether it's the temperature or the air here, to gravity, internal mass, etc., there are amazing similarities. If it weren't for its completely different structure from the earth, Lu Chuan would have thought it was back to the earth.
Here, what is also produced is a humanoid civilization, a species similar to humans.
Only in terms of facial features, they have a slight difference from human beings. Their eyes are very big and their hair is very thick, unlike human beings. Regardless of the abnormalities of hair and eyes, it is not very different from humans.
Lu Chuan was also surprised when he discovered this civilization.
As a species that has just broken away from primitive civilization, their technological level should be similar to that of humans in the seventeenth and eighth centuries. This is also a planet composed of 60% of the oceans, huge sea areas, and divided plates, allowing them to enter the same era as the great nautical era in human history.
Here, they are also called the Age of Great Navigation.
Technology has given them extremely high fingerings on sailboats, and huge ships have allowed them to conquer the sea continuously.
Of course, in an era of low technology, it is difficult to unify the world, and war is more of a means of peace. Countries with close neighbors are often outraged. Coupled with conflicts of interest in maritime trade, it is normal for all kinds of naval wars to occur.
For any civilization, no matter what level it is, war has always been the theme song, and it cannot be absent.
Lu Chuan had a sense of surprise, because he encountered so many civilizations, but only this one, and its history and development were extremely similar to humans. Especially in the great nautical era, the lack of China at the beginning has always been a shortcoming in the history of China's people, and it is also the beginning of China's prosperity from its prosperity.
Lu Chuan's ability is to make the earth's time go back to any point in time, and time going back is not difficult for Lu Chuan.
But there is no need for this. Lu Chuan used to play games like the great nautical era, but it does not mean that humans need to return to this era. After all, his identity and vision have escaped national boundaries and stood at the level of all mankind.
China is missing the era of great voyage, but it is not important to put it on the level of human beings, because human beings have experienced this era.
At the level of Lu Chuan, the problem is the problem of all mankind, not the skin color and race.
However, as a Chinese, Lu Chuan's feelings for Huaxia are naturally deeper, but that's only the case, because Lu Chuan sees problems and rises to the level of all mankind.
For Lu Chuan, he has discovered such an incomparable civilization, which is definitely a surprise.
"Maybe these can also be called humans, but they belong to the humans in the universe where the Titan Beads are located, not humans under their own management."
Lu Chuan just thought for a while, but didn't delve into this issue anymore. He was just a passer-by, and there was no need to really figure out whether it was or not. They are not in the same universe anymore, so naturally they will not be real human beings.
Turning into a light, without sound, Lu Chuan appeared in a huge coastal city.
Some buildings are similar to European buildings, but they contain many Chinese elements, and are mixed with several architectural styles. They are not weird, but they are well integrated. Being in this kind of city, Lu Chuan seems to have returned to human society.
The different place is the people here. For the time being, they are called people. Their eyes are a little big, and their hair is generally composed of dozens of hairs. They are very thick, but they are well trimmed and form a variety of shapes. Hair style.
Lu Chuan smiled and shook his head. Lu Chuan already had the same appearance as them, an authentic native.
The hustle and bustle of the city gave Lu Chuan a place in Europe from the fifteenth to the seventeenth centuries. At this point in time, it was the period when the European era of great navigation came to an end. UU reading www.uukanshu. com For more than two hundred years, this era has influenced the process of mankind and is known as the most important process that has promoted human civilization.
The population of this civilization is very large, divided into hundreds of countries, like the port city that Lu Chuan sees now, the population of Lu Chuan just swept away with his spiritual sense, and he got an extremely accurate figure of 3.61 million .
This number is unimaginable in any European city in the great nautical era of the earth.
It is even said that this figure is already the same as the total population of a country.
The huge population has led to the huge and prosperous city.
At the huge borderless dock, countless ships gather here, making it the most lively and prosperous trading city. From this scale, it is not difficult to find that it has attracted attention from all over the world and is a very famous port city.
Walking on the streets of the city, carriages are everywhere, pedestrians are like weaving, and sailors can be seen entering and leaving the bars and other places here.
Lu Chuan had an illusion that he had returned to a certain European country in the great nautical era of the earth.
"From the information we have, it seems that the technology of this world is a little more advanced, but considering that this planet is comparable to Jupiter, it is too big. Although many continents have been discovered, they are left for the exploration of civilized nations. It's still too big, and there is still a part of the land undiscovered, still waiting for the brave and lucky people to discover it."
Lu Chuan walked with his hands in his hands, very leisurely.
Walking through the streets and alleys here, Lu Chuan changed some tricks to pass some gold coins from some sailors, and soon he was full of food.
Traveling in the endless sea of ​​stars, it does not seem to be a bad thing to have such a place to relax and rest temporarily.
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