Chapter 1776: Rooted in the earth

"Ridiculous human."
A tree clan inspector who was flying to the earth showed a look of disdain.
Just now, all ten of them were attacked by nuclear weapons.
They can avoid this kind of attack, but they don't, because the seemingly powerful nuclear weapons are nothing to them. Nuclear weapons are powerful, but their appearance can be created only by level 0.75 civilization. Weapons that do not even reach the first level of civilization represent backwardness.
Not to mention that the weapon strikes of the first-level civilization are the weapon strikes of the ninth-level civilization. They are also fearless when they are prepared.
Playing with fear, they naturally have a hand.
What is more desperate and frightening than letting them discover that their greatest support is useless?
"They think it hurts us, they are still too naive."
"Stupid humans, they won't know what they are facing."
"I'm familiar with level one to level nine technology. How can I be afraid of this nuclear strike?"
"Humans now should be shaking."
The other tree clan inspectors all laughed. In their eyes, this was just a game. And opponents... forgive them, in their eyes, ordinary humans are not worthy of being their opponents.
"I really don't know what human beings think. Their governor is so powerful, but human development is still so backward?"
A tree clan inspector raised his own question. It really didn't understand this question.
The other tree clan inspectors, even the best in every universe, the king... but they can’t answer. God knows what human thinking is like?
Can only say, stupid.
Such a powerful strength should allow mankind to rise and become a super invincible civilization.
During the conversation, the earth became gleaming, but there were tens of thousands of nuclear weapons flying into the sky. The targets of the strike were naturally them.
"Stupid human beings, do you really think we are annoying?" A tree inspector was angry, and it waved a branch and said: "Leave it to me, I want humans to experience real despair. Struggle, more Struggling, the deeper the experience of despair."
The other tree clan inspectors did not compete with it for this one.
Only saw the tree clan inspector speed up a little bit and stood in front of the other tree clan inspectors.
The branch was waving, and only the space in front of it was distorted. The missiles that were launched, as if frozen by space, were frozen in space.
The incredible power stunned human beings.
In fact, this kind of ability is really not very clever, as long as the inspector can do it, it is nothing more than freezing time. In the universe, there is no concept of time, which is a concept given to the universe by mankind.
In this way, time can be frozen, and this is what this tree clan inspector uses.
Through the screen, this scene appeared in the eyes of countless people. The most powerful attack is like a child's play. How can it not make people feel broken? A wave of unmatched despair came to my heart, and some people absolutely broke down to cry.
Death is truly shrouded in human heads.
The tree clan inspector who had frozen time, moved the branch again. These nuclear weapons were shrouded by supreme power, and then exploded, but they were always confined in a very small space. The terrifying energy was abruptly suppressed, just like setting off a firecracker.
The incredible ability stunned any human being.
With a look of contempt on his face, the tree clan inspector completed this move, but it did not prevent them from breaking through the atmosphere and officially entering the earth.
"A beautiful and beautiful planet."
With this kind of sigh, ten tree clan inspectors broke into the earth.
The earth's oxygen gives them a sense of suffocation, which is too weak for them to breathe. Fortunately, they have already broken away from the level that needs to breathe, otherwise they would not be able to stay with the earth's thin oxygen.
The home planet of the tree family is not known how much larger than here, and it is a world full of plants. All kinds of tall plants provide a lot of oxygen. Compared with this, the earth is simply weak.
The moment they entered the interior of the earth, they were still attacked.
Some purely physical weapons, like anti-aircraft guns, etc...
"It's really a bunch of little bugs that refuse to give up." A tree clan inspector sneered, but his face was disdainful. These little bugs will soon be its nourishment.
Ignoring these attacks, even nuclear weapons can't hurt the roots, let alone these attacks?
Insert an app: Perfectly re-engrave the old version of the book-chasing artifact, an interchangeable app-Mimi Reading.
"Bring terror to them."
A tree clan inspector let out a cruel laugh. Compared with the previous methods, they will experience fear and despair, and they will have a new definition of these two words.
The other tree clan inspectors all laughed.
Countless humans raised their heads at this moment and looked up at the sky.
In the sky, ten huge figures appeared. With the naked eye, you can already see ten giant trees that were hung into the sky. They are extremely tall, and they are somewhat inadequate to describe them as towering giant trees. The height of the tree body is thousands of meters, breaking through the understanding of trees on earth.
The human beings who had known them for a long time screamed.
In the cities, panicked people are running, trying to escape. The streets are extremely crowded and difficult to move. The conflicts between them have caused chaos here. At this point, even the police no longer maintain order here, because their proportion is too small at this moment.
I only saw the giant tree appearing in the sky, making a screaming sound and falling sharply from the sky.
This kind of sound pierced the human eardrum.
After just a few seconds, a loud noise came, shaking the ground.
In the center of an international city in North America, the strong impact force caused the curtain walls of many tall buildings to shatter in an instant. Under this impact force, some old buildings directly collapsed and turned into ruins.
Amid the screams of people, a tree clan inspector smashed into the center of the city from high altitude.
The root system, hundreds of meters high and millions of roots, turned into a sharp sword and plunged directly into the streets of the city. The thick cement surface, like tofu residue, is effortlessly pierced in by the root system.
From a distance, it looks like a towering giant tree has risen in the city, covering half of the city, and it looks extremely beautiful.
But in fact, only this tree clan inspector smashed down without slowing down, and the impact formed, none of the humans in the center of the city could be spared. They were directly shattered by the energy of the impact, and blood flowed like a river. living hell.
Ten of this scene occurred in the earth.
The tree clan inspectors who crashed down had their roots plunged directly into the soil.
Looking at the panic and panic of the tiny humans below, their struggle drew waves of pleasure from the inspectors of the Tree Clan. I don't know why, they have never been as excited as they are now. Compared to conquering other races, they have achieved greater achievements now.
This is human, the second race on the list, now shivering at their roots. How can other races give this kind of satisfaction?
"Humanity, now is just the beginning!"
The tree clan inspector roared, and then it burst out, and its root system began to thicken and grow. And more root systems were generated, and then plunged into the ground. Some of these root systems were originally tens of meters thick, but in the blink of an eye, they became hundreds of meters.
The squeeze of the root system is the fragmentation of the cement road. Some high-rise buildings penetrated by the root system, after the root system thickens, directly shattered into ruins and fell.
The tree clan inspector, who was originally several thousand meters high, is constantly getting bigger.
In ten seconds, its height has exceeded tens of thousands of meters, completely covering the entire city.
Then, its root system began to extend in all directions, swallowing the entire city under its root system. The humans in the city, under this kind of devastation, the survivors are already very small. They struggled and screamed, but they could not do anything, and the result would not change.
These root systems radiated light, and directly absorbed the dead or living human beings and turned them into the nutrients it needs.
For the tree clan inspector, this is just a meal.
The death and life of human beings have no meaning in its eyes, they are nothing but nutrients, and nothing more.
Cruelty is just the idea of ​​the low-end species. When you stand on the high-end, there is no cruelty to all the behaviors of the low-end species. People slaughter a pig, who would think about cruelty? I can only think about how to eat it. Is it braised in brown sauce or in soup? Is the braised pork knuckle very exciting?
In the eyes of the inspector of the tree clan, human beings are nourishment. How can it be cruel?
The tree clan inspector's envoy grew bigger and continued.
Ten thousand meters, twenty thousand meters, thirty thousand meters...
Some of its root systems have been so thick that they are thousands of meters in diameter, and have penetrated deeply into the earth, and then continue downward. The identity of the inspector made its root system ignore the high temperature below the earth, and its root system penetrated the earth's lava layer and rushed toward the inner core.
In the face of this kind of power, human beings have completely lost their square inch, and what they can do is to watch all this happen and can do nothing.
Humans previously imagined the terrible each other, but at this point, they realized that before the comparison, it was simply out of proportion. Who could have imagined that when the tree tribe people fell on the earth, such astonishing changes would erupt, and they would incarnate into a giant tree of tens of thousands of meters and continue to grow.
When they exceed 100,000 meters, outside the earth, they can already see their canopies break through the atmosphere and emerge out of space.
And their root system has penetrated deeply into the interior of the earth.
All the human power, in the face of this level of power, is insignificant.
At the command center of the earth, up to the president, down to the ordinary soldiers, there is no extra action at all, looking at the giant tree that has broken through the sky, waiting for the trial of fate. Thinking of the previous act of smoking, imaginative people have realized something.
"They want to up the earth, they want to up the earth..."
This answer is really correct.
The ten tree clan inspectors have now implemented the tree clan governor's order well and brought endless fear to mankind. They use this method, the most distinctive method of the tree clan, to destroy the earth.
It is not finished yet, because their root system has not yet firmly entangled the earth.
This is only a matter of tens of seconds. When their root system broke the earth's inner core, the earth became extremely unstable and fragmented everywhere. These fragments can directly squeeze a plate apart. In the face of this kind of planet-level disaster, human beings are too small.
The ten tree clan inspectors who have completed rooting, started to at the same time.
The first is billions of plants, in a matter of seconds, they become dead and lose their lives. Next came the animals. Countless animals walked around, but they fell all over, turned into dryness, and then turned into a pile of powder.
People are included.
Finally, the earth, countless materials disappeared, the soil turned gray, and then turned into powder.
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