Chapter 1790: Celebrate the whole world

Human Bead No. 9564562 Heavy Universe.
This number is the universe where Li Qi is.
As one of the five thousand human inspectors, he has always been highly regarded by Lu Chuan. The reason is simple, because Lu Chuan's family members live on his earth, if it weren't for his important position in the eyes of the boss, it would be impossible to put his relatives under his management.
This is an honor, but also a responsibility.
On this day, the citizens of the entire Earth Federation seemed to be plunged into great happiness.
For no other reason, the federal government suddenly announced a one-time benefit. Every federal citizen will receive a subsidy of 10,000 federal dollars. And this subsidy is not in the form of issuing new bonds, but is completely paid out of federal government funds. It is purely real money.
It seems that 10,000 federal coins are not much, but when you consider that the population of the entire Confederation has reached 35 billion, you know what a huge expenditure this is.
This is a huge subsidy of 350 trillion yuan, without the hands of any department, but sending the money to everyone's personal terminal.
In this way, this sum of money falls into the real place of every federal citizen.
I have to say that this sudden subsidy has made 35 billion citizens bewildered. I don’t know why the Federal Government Foundation acted like this all of a sudden.
When it comes to the Federal Government Foundation, its predecessor is the famous global alliance company, which is one of the factors that enable the federal government to become a federal system. It rules over 70% of the earth’s economic lifeline and almost dominates the world at that time. .
With the establishment of the federal government, this global alliance company was dismantled. At one time, the shareholding of each company under it was only maintained at 1%, and the remaining shares were all divided by the major federal companies at that time. It was definitely a wealth. feast.
The short-term global alliance company disappeared.
And every year, this federal government foundation, which is still controlled by the federal government, announces its wealth figures so that people know how much money it has.
Just a few years ago, it surpassed the wealth of 377 trillion federal currency in one fell swoop, still became the world's richest foundation, and still a jaw-dropping behemoth.
For a long time, countless people have been very wary of this foundation.
Even if this fund is in the hands of the state, its size is still daunting. The most controversial issue is that once an ambitionist controls this fund, will it cause unrest in the federal government?
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But this time the subsidy completely pulled the myth from the altar, and countless people no longer have to worry about the strength of this foundation.
Within the federal government, countless bigwigs were stunned.
The outside world may not know, but as senior federal officials, they know that this subsidy completely bypasses their control. In other words, this federal government foundation sent the money out suddenly, without their consent or even letting them know.
By the time they realized it, it was already inevitable.
This also made them panic, because they simply couldn't imagine, what kind of person, what kind of power, can do this step, can bypass the entire federal government, can let wisdom give this order?
And in an unknown courtyard, Li Qi was looking up at the stars.
"Want to know why?" Li Qi smiled.
Standing in front of Li Qi was a cautious great-great-grandson, Li Tai, the current head of the Li family, a figure behind the scenes hidden under the federal government. As the family that created the Federation first-hand, although the Li family has gradually faded from its halo, no one can ignore the influence of this family on the world.
Li Tai nodded, he was really curious why his ancestor would do this.
In this world, only the ancestors of the Li family have this power who can make this move.
Li Qi pointed to the sky: "In fact, there is nothing. In places you can't see, mankind has experienced an unprecedented battle. Mankind has reached the top of the universe and stood in the forest of all races. This is a big victory, laying the groundwork for The status of human hegemony, so I am happy in my heart and just celebrate with the sky."
In a short sentence, Li Tai was shocked by the information revealed, because the amount of information in it was actually very large.
"Ancestor, can you tell me?" Li Tai asked.
Li Qi shook his head: "You don't need to know, because at this level, your ancestor and I are just one of the ordinary fighters. You only need to know that human beings can have today's peace. Countless people are fighting for mankind, so mankind should cherish the present."
"Yes, ancestor." Li Tai didn't dare to ask any more. He knew his ancestor's power and miraculousness. At the same time, in his heart, like a huge wave, what kind of existence was his ancestor? Turned out to be just an ordinary soldier?
This content alone is enough to make him feel unreal.
Li Qi smiled and said, "Don't doubt, this level can be understood as the level of gods, in other words, the level of super gods."
Li Tai felt astonished. He was able to make the ancestor mention a god, even a super god. Can you imagine what level this would be? From his perspective, it is hard to imagine what this level is like.
Immediately, Li Tai became excited again.
Although he doesn't know who the enemy is facing humans and what the cruelty of the battle is, what he heard from the mouth of the ancestors is that humans have risen to the pinnacle of the race, and they have become the overlord of the universe. This news is worth his excitement.
If this is the case, no wonder the ancestors had such a big hand.
"Li Tai, remember that money is just a set of numbers, and it has no meaning for us. I also took advantage of this matter to solve the foundation problem they have been taboo, so that they can feel at ease. Go ahead with the Federation."
"With me, the Federation cannot cause chaos, and chaos is not allowed."
In Li Qi's eyes, there was a murderous look.
The situation that mankind has finally gotten, anyone who destroys, he will not be soft. When he reached his level, he had seen too many situations, and there was nothing he couldn't deal with.
Now is the best situation for mankind. He can give subsidies and blessings to all mankind, but it can also bring despair and death to some scum that destroys humanity.
This is his world, and everything is under his control.
Li Tai nodded: "Ancestor, I understand."
There are many inspectors and supervisors like Li Qi doing this. At this exciting moment, many inspectors use this method to make humans feel the joy of reaching the top.
In this world, there is nothing more exciting than just sending money out rudely.
When Li Qi returned to the city of competition, it was still beaming.
The one who asked the most about the benefits each other gave to the human beings.
In fact, giving money is the most direct and the most worry-free, without sequelae. Since it is assigned to everyone, the impact on the economy is only a stimulus, rather than causing other negative effects.
Compared to long-term benefits, it will eventually increase the burden on the government.
The entire city of sports is full of joy. In the streets and alleys, the rankings of human beings' top positions are played over and over again. This is the greatest source of happiness for every inspector, inspector, and celebrant.
First, they never thought of it.
How weak and small the human beings were, they were once ranked outside more than 3,000, and once they knew their achievements, they were once desperate.
But who could have imagined that under the leadership of Lu Chuan, human beings could burst out with such a huge energy, climbing all the way with an incredible speed. Constantly surpassing the races that human beings once needed to look up to.
From the appearance of the rankings to the present, it has only taken a long time for humans to become the first with a sweeping momentum.
In this process, the alien race will only call humans a dark horse.
Generally in theory, the probability of a dark horse going all the way to dark is the smallest. Because you win once, win twice, win three times...Doesn't mean that you will win every time, there will be one day you will lose. The dark horse mainly refers to a weak person, but unexpectedly walking down all the way, the dark horse is more likely to attract countless eyes.
Human beings are under this kind of situation, and when they think they will die again and again, they use a kind of kingly aura to move forward again.
When they realize that mankind has become unstoppable, mankind is indeed unstoppable.
Floating on the island.
All the inspectors are all drinking here. For them, it is indeed a free drink, because they drink so much. The boss is not limited to providing drinks. This is a rare opportunity. You must know that there are many which can be redeemed with points.
Except for those who are still unable to be present in the reincarnation space, almost all that can come are here.
Some of the inspectors who had only come back and missed this battle were all hammer-chested. For them, being unable to participate in this battle was too much to make them feel sorry.
No one will blame them, because they are not deserters.
On the contrary, those who can enter the space of reincarnation are all direct warriors and heroes. It was them who supported the human soul, because once the reincarnation space died, Lu Chuan could not bring them back to life. Maybe one day, but definitely not now.
Since it is now impossible to resurrect and enters the space of reincarnation, it is conceivable that what needs to be faced is true death.
If you are not a true warrior, you would not dare to enter.
Although it was a pity, the victory of mankind made them still excited.
The arrival of Lu Chuan made everyone cheer. Lu Chuan took Victoria and An Yuran's hands and appeared one by one. At this festive moment, Victoria did not oppose An Yuran's appearance with her. In other words, she had lived and died side by side in this battle.
For Lu Chuan, this is also a good result, otherwise An Yuran has always been hiding in her own world, always making Lu Chuan feel ashamed.
This blessing of all people makes Lu Chuan really happy.
Not only because of this, but also because human beings have come to today under their own leadership, and they are worthy of where they are.
"These fruit drinks have a mysterious source and are definitely the best wine on the competitive planet. They are provided with unlimited permissions today. After today, it will be difficult to drink them." Lu Chuan held the cup. This sentence made the atmosphere of the scene even better. Be warm.
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