Chapter 177: Find

   On a street six kilometers away from the biochemical factory, a zombie dog is running.
This street is full of abandoned cars.
Many of the signs on the shops have been damaged. They are constantly swaying in the cold wind and may fall off at any time. A lot of house glass is broken, and I don’t know what caused it.
The bones that can be seen everywhere are here, proving how cruel it was when the end of the world came.
Countless zombies wandered through this street, forming a scene unique to the end times.
This zombie dog from the biochemical factory walked through the street, passing from the bottom of the car from time to time, sometimes from the top of the car, and striding forward quickly.
It walks among the zombies, and no zombie will notice its abnormality.
In the distance, a tyrant is moving, like a crab that runs rampantly. One by one, the zombies were knocked off by it, and unfortunately they were even crippled by it.
The zombie dog passed by and left quickly.
The tyrant was not its target, so the zombie dog did not pay attention to it and did not send out a signal.
Along the way, I have encountered a lot of senior zombies, but the zombie dog walked around without moving. It is no different from ordinary zombie dogs, and these senior zombies may not have noticed it.
As long as it does not hit the muzzle, there is almost no danger.
Leaving this tyrant far away, after turning a street corner, the zombie dog stopped abruptly.
On a tall building on the side of the street, the huge curtain wall shattered.
A licker appeared. It was climbing on a tall building. Its sharp claws didn't know how many walls it broke.
The favorite thing for lickers is to climb on the wall, chisel into the wall with its sharp claws, and move between tall buildings. Wherever it crawled, a huge trace was left.
The violent roar rang, and the zombie dog roared.
Suddenly, this licker's eyes locked on the zombie dog, moving quickly on the high-rise building, but the target was the zombie dog.
The roar of the zombie dog also aroused the restlessness of the nearby zombies.
But this zombie dog didn't notice anything, and was still barking happily. The zombie thinking with a tendon in its head made it scream non-stop after discovering the target, regardless of its own safety.
Even if it attracted the attention of the zombies, it roared like this.
Away from the holographic projection, Lu Chuan couldn't know the situation here, but the violent reaction from the zombie dog let Lu Chuan know that there must be a licker at its location.
With this information, it is enough.
When Lu Chuan received the information, his eyes widened and several instructions were given.
The 50 swifts who had been waiting a long time ago, under Lu Chuan's instructions, immediately took action.
In addition to these 50 strengthened swifts, there are 10 swifts. All of them have an explosive bag tied to their chests. They will be like death squads, and when they encounter something impossible when.
Lu Chuan, who has tested the power of the dynamite bag, knows that an dynamite bag, when used well, can turn a licker into a pool of rotten meat.
At this time, Lu Chuan was wearing a helmet on his head and a pair of high-fake ancient armor all over his body.
This pair of Gaoxin's ancient armor was brought back to the warehouse by the zombies who never knew where, and it should have been customized by an ancient military enthusiast to satisfy his own desire for collection.
By the end of the world, it will naturally be nothing.
The zombies carried out Lu Chuan's instructions and kept moving things, but no matter what they were, they all moved back.
While sorting out the warehouse, Lu Chuan found this armor. Naturally, it became Lu Chuan's armor.
With it, Lu Chuan's safety factor will be much higher, at least not easily injured by the zombies.
As for its weight of almost sixty kilograms, Lu Chuan's ability to strengthen his genes at Level 3 is not a problem at all. Wearing it on the body is no different from wearing a piece of clothing.
With it, Lu Chuan can be like the swifts, without fear of zombies, and can quickly walk through the streets.
Lu Chuan, neatly dressed, appeared on the construction site.
After giving the order, Lu Chuan led the team to rush.
As he moved forward, Lu Chuan gave instructions one by one. On the route to this place, ordinary zombies and zombie dogs provided information for Lu Chuan.
In this way, it can be ensured that no high-level zombies will appear when you advance quickly.
Senior zombies, they will bombard and kill some abnormal zombies, which is an instinct. With a strange outfit like myself now, coupled with fast running, 100% will be spotted.
Those who can be called high-level zombies are at least level five.
The third-level licker is already incomparable. If it is the fifth-level, Lu Chuan is sure that if it wants to kill himself, it is really easy.
The licker appeared, but the zombie dog still didn't stop, still barking endlessly.
The long tongue rolled out suddenly, like lightning, and it hit the zombie dog in an instant, and then the tongue shrank, bringing the whole zombie dog up, and shrank to the mouth severely.
The licker with his mouth wide open bit down without hesitation, and bit off the zombie dog's waist.
Until this moment, the zombie dog struggled.
However, it didn't work. Its waist was bitten off and it lost its Its struggle was useless.
The licker let go and threw the whole zombie dog away.
If it is a human, the licker will swallow it, but the zombie dog, which is also a zombie, is not excited. Especially the zombie dogs that have not been alienated have no qualifications to become its food.
It was just a zombie dog that had been bitten off. It was still alive, its forelimbs were moving, crawling tenaciously.
The zombie dog continues to die, not because it is not afraid, but because it is completely afraid, and the zombie's thinking makes it all driven by instinct to make these reactions.
The instructions Lu Chuan gave it were just like that, it would do so.
The ferocious eyes of the licker fell on its head again, and then the tongue flew out of its mouth again, rolling up the head of the zombie dog and sending it into his mouth.
The head of the zombie dog shattered, and the world finally returned to a quiet state.
Killing an annoying zombie dog, for the licker, there is no sense of accomplishment at all. It spit out the wreckage in its mouth and looked up on this street.
At its level, it is no longer as rigid as ordinary zombies.
The original meaning of the virus was originally created for human evolution, but it is only when the virus appears abnormal that it eventually becomes the root cause of large-scale human infection.
The more advanced zombies, they are under the virus, constantly evolving, strengthening their power.
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