Chapter 1810: Shura Annihilation

Shaped like a volcanic eruption, the death of the governor of the Shura tribe, the items in its storage space spewed out and scattered this area.
King Kong pumped his hands and stood proudly in the sky.
King Kong never imagined that killing a governor by himself would be so simple. It can be said that it was a face-to-face, killing the governor of the Shura tribe, as easy as killing an inspector.
Facing the sprinkled objects of the Shura Governor, King Kong didn't have much interest.
And Tishna in the distance, the spear shook in the void, and the shock wave formed shook countless Asura inspectors close to her, forming a huge blank space, but her hand was a move. , A touch of golden light shot at her.
The golden weapon of the Governor of the Asura clan flew into her hands at this moment.
In a few milliseconds, this masterless weapon was imprinted by Tishna's brand, and it became the gold that she could use.
Tishna’s approach was to raise the gold in her hand, pat the bone wings, and directly blend them into her own bone wings, causing the originally pale bone wings to suddenly emit a golden light, being absorbed in, and being absorbed. Used by Tishna.
In order to suppress the strength of his own race, the governor of the Shura tribe did not focus on earning trial points, but on collecting gold. Therefore, the Shuo Jin it possesses is amazing, which is why the Shura Governor's strength is superior.
If there is no water spirit to suppress it, I am afraid King Kong may not be its opponent, how can it be easily beheaded?
King Kong took the points, Tishna got the gold...
Of course, Tishna’s gains are far more than this. A light spot, which was swung by Tishna’s hand, was directly pinched in her palm, and then in her mind, it was thrown into her own. Inside the storage space.
No matter what you can do, it is still in the storage space.
The planetary consciousness of the governor of the Asura tribe, after its death, became a no-owner, and Tishna naturally laughed.
Compared with Shuo Jin, this is the most precious thing.
Tishna, who possesses planetary consciousness, will be even more powerful.
Lu Chuan did not oppose Tishna's acquisition of planetary consciousness, because in Lu Chuan's eyes, his teammates naturally need to be stronger, so as to be more in line with his own interests. The stronger the team, the stronger the competitiveness.
As for worrying about Tishna threatening him, Lu Chuan was not worried.
The water spirit in his hand is an evolved planetary consciousness, which can completely suppress Tishna's newly acquired planetary consciousness. For planetary consciousness to evolve, great opportunities are needed, such as cosmic flowers. But the cosmic flower is something you can't find, it's rare to make people crazy.
Lu Chuan stood with his hands in the high air, and now he is not lacking for both of them. Let Tishna and King Kong grow up, and the benefits to mankind will be even greater.
To judge the points, Lu Chuan only needs to think about it, and it is not difficult to get it.
This time the opportunity to give to two people can be regarded as making this alliance stronger.
"King Kong, ruined the competitive planet."
Lu Chuan's indifferent voice sounded, he couldn't leave now, letting the Asura clan still have a chance to rise.
Now that you have done it, you need to be thorough and avoid trouble.
Tishna's spear stabbed and burst in the sky, stunned the patrolling envoy who was coming, clearing a space.
King Kong nodded. It was originally in the sky. After receiving Lu Chuan's order, it did not hesitate to fall, and instantly increased its speed to the terrifying speed of light, which completely violated human knowledge of physics.
King Kong roared, its body burst into a terrifying golden light, and endless energy enveloped it.
The next moment, King Kong launched a dimensionality reduction strike.
The guardian of the race can only be dealt with inside the planet, after breaking through its illusion, and then using the impact of dimensionality reduction, using the power of the law to rub it on the ground, and only this way can kill the race. protector.
Otherwise, when you move to the planet, its legal power will be restored.
The instant dimensionality reduction is naturally aimed at the Shura race planet.
A light-year star, with a phenomenon that cannot be cleavable, becomes two-dimensional, like a light-year-level painting.
The impact of the speed of light, and the mass of King Kong at this moment, is completely the mass of a super neutron star. This collision force is like the collision between a galaxy and a galaxy. This energy reaches the light-year star, enough to change the light-year star. As vulnerable.
The impact of the speed of light, even a drop of dust, is enough to destroy a huge space battleship, let alone the existence of the King Kong level?
Within milliseconds, King Kong hit a street in the city of competition, and the huge energy generated at this moment penetrated the entire crust. And this force formed by the King Kong arbitrarily within the planet, and then the energy folds and spreads, and each fold spans hundreds of millions of kilometers.
Why can a governor-level person easily destroy a light-year star? Everything is this kind of energy folding, which is the same as the theory of space folding, that is, the space is folded to conduct energy.
It's like a node. This energy jumps in the node, but every time it jumps, it destroys the planet.
Don't look at this kind of destruction, the horror of its energy burst, a planet like the sun, can't bear even one burst, and it will fall apart.
The light-year star is too large, so its endurance is incomparable to the sun, but with this kind of energy folding, it can conduct energy across the distance of light-years in just a few tens of seconds. The speed surpassed the speed of light and formed the destruction of the entire planet.
The light-year star is too huge, and it takes tens of seconds to destroy it, but its disintegration requires a long process.
When King Kong shot, everything had actually been decided. This was the fate of the Asura clan.
Countless Asura clan inspectors, they are not reconciled, nor give up, and furiously counterattack. The death of the family...their deaths are small, but the family destruction... is something they cannot bear and cannot accept.
As long as there is a chance, they are impossible to give up.
What if the egg hits the stone, now they have been forced to a desperate situation.
The governor is dead, and the enemy is still inside the competitive planet, they can't push the enemy back, they all die. And the countless Shura people in the billions of universes will be killed, completely obliterated, and there is no more Shura in the universe.
With such terrible consequences, how could they allow King Kong to do things?
"Stop them when you die..."
One by one, the supervisors have fulfilled their duties as the leader.
Hundreds of thousands of Asura clan inspectors, they completely regarded their lives as grass, pounced on King Kong, on Tishna, and then on Lu Chuan.
It's just that they can't stop King Kong, they can only watch King Kong crash into the performance of the planet, and then arouse earth-shattering energy, setting off an endless layer of mud. The next moment, endless flames rose to the sky, the earth shook and shattered, and the end of the world came.
"Do not……"
At this moment, the Asura clan inspectors all made a desperate roar.
The worst result came, and they just witnessed it.
Tishna's face was cold, and every time the spear flicked, tens of thousands of Asura inspectors were bombarded and killed. The Asura inspectors were strong, but Tishna’s strength was too simple to kill them. , It's a complete killing.
Only at this moment, these Asura clan inspectors are like discouraged balls, no longer the craziness before, but one by one staring at the doomsday.
Lu Chuan has no expression on his face, and in the face of this kind of competition, there is no pity. Put yourself and imagine, if you change humans, will they sympathize with humans? I'm afraid they are enjoying this kind of killing fun right now?
"Let's go!"
With a light sigh, Lu Chuan decided to leave.
The final fate of a race was too tragic, and Lu Chuan didn't want to see it.
Tishna nodded and glanced at the Asura clan inspectors who lost their souls, and disappeared directly with Lu Chuan. Next, their fate will come soon, because the competitive planet has actually been destroyed.
King Kong, who rushed into the planet, was also distorting, and his mind moved and disappeared.
When the three of them left the Asura race planet, they appeared in a void billions of kilometers away from the competitive planet. Here, you can see that the competitive planet has turned into a huge red star, the core of the planet. In wanton, there was a terrifying explosion, squeezing the planet into countless pieces.
Indeed, billions of kilometers away, the light-year star is still big in Lu Chuan's eyes, so big that as long as they face it, all their eyes can see are it.
"The Asura clan's competitive planet was destroyed, and the Asura clan lost the qualifications of the Chosen Clan, and the race was obliterated."
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The disintegration of the Asura race planet was judged, and the cosmic broadcast appeared and reached the ears of the first race governor. UU Reading www.uukanshu. Com all let them lose their minds for a while. The heaviest punishment is this one, and it is also the worst result.
In the Asura race planet, countless Asura clan inspectors also heard this desperate cosmic broadcast, but they didn't have any expressions, because their bodies were gradually turning to ashes and dissipating in the air.
In fact, their lives have ended in an instant.
Not only them, in this billions of universes, in countless universes, on the home planet where the Asuras are located, planets colonized by the Asuras, wherever there are Asuras, they are frozen. Then it turned into ashes.
Everything related to the Shura tribe disappeared.
Especially the mother star of the Asura clan, all traces of the Asura clan have disappeared, allowing the entire parent star to return to its original state. Perhaps after hundreds of millions of years, new intelligent species were born here, but they would never know that before them, there was a race called the Asura tribe, which had endless glory.
All traces are the news, and there will be no trace of existence. This is the obliteration, the complete obliteration.
Lu Chuan had already seen it, and his expression was naturally plain.
But Tishna and King Kong were different, their complexions changed drastically, their eyes were blurred, and they became frightened.
The racial obliteration is really too powerful for Tishna and King Kong.
"This is race competition, winning or losing the crown... it should be more cruel than this one. If you don't want to be like this, you know how to do it, because if you don't work hard, maybe the end of the Asura clan will be the end of your race. "Lu Chuan's voice rang.
Tishna and King Kong nodded, their eyes filled with extremely cold expressions.
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