Chapter 1839: Half

Even as the governor, he is still restricted by communication.
It is not an exaggeration to say that whoever controls communications will have absolute superiority.
For the Baxing tribe, if they have a beeper, they can notify the governor of the Baxing tribe. If they rush back, they may be able to make a difference, at least not allowing Lu Chuan to succeed so easily.
But it does not have a beeper, the Competitive Planet has been attacked, but the Governor of the Baxing tribe has no idea outside.
When King Kong maintained the breaking of the competitive planet, the Governor of the Baxing tribe, who was far away in a certain bead, suddenly turned pale, because it felt the cosmic energy in its body, and it was rapidly dissipating.
"Do not……"
The Governor of the Baxing tribe suddenly yelled, his face twisted.
"what is going on?"
The roar, but there was no response.
At this time, the Governor of the Storm Clan and the Governor of the Sinking Banshee Clan, who were together with the Baxing Clan, looked at the Governor of the Basing Clan who had suddenly cramped with a look of astonishment on their faces. .
It's just that the current Governor of the Pakistani tribe can't pay attention to the shocked eyes of the two alliances.
The cosmic energy is rapidly dissipating, giving it a very bad premonition. It feels death approaching itself.
The governor dignified, death would hardly threaten him, but now the governor of the Pakistani tribe felt that he had touched death.
What is the reason?
It is not a strong enemy, because there is no strong breath.
The cosmic energy in his body is fading, and this is the reason why death is approaching.
The Governor of the Baxing tribe didn't know why this happened, and at this moment it panicked.
As the fourth race, it has great ambitions and ambitions. It is its greatest motivation and a must to compete for any position in the top three. Take the Baxing tribe to become the strongest race, and let the Baxing tribe stand tall in this universe and become the overlord.
For these goals, it has been working hard.
I have clearly seen hope, but now why is death coming?
"The Bashin clan's competitive planet was destroyed, and the Basing clan lost the qualifications of the Chosen Clan, and the race was obliterated.
In the universe, an extremely cold broadcast rang.
In an instant, the governor of the Baxing tribe turned pale.
At this moment, it finally knew why it felt death, because the competitive planet was destroyed. Racial obliteration, the most severe punishment, came to him.
"Do not……"
The Governor of the Baxing tribe roared, it was not reconciled, it wanted to struggle.
But under the power of the law, its unwillingness and struggle are so ridiculous. All it can do is subconsciously look at the Governor of the Storm Race and the Governor of the Sinking Banshee Race next to it.
Needless to say, humans must have begun to do it.
Only humans have the ability to destroy the competitive planet.
Human hands must be aimed at the following races, not only the Bastar tribe, but also the Storm tribe, they are also inevitable.
As if thinking of something, the Baxing tribe had an urge to laugh because it felt ridiculous. In front of humans, whether it is the Baxing clan or the Stormwind clan, even if the Sinking Banshee clan is added, it may be insignificant in the eyes of humans.
The three clans have no resistance in front of human beings.
Like now, humans have destroyed their competitive planet, but they don't even know it.
If he didn't even make any resistance, he would face obliteration.
The Governor of the Baxing tribe refused to accept it, and the humans attacked themselves in such a despicable and shameless manner, causing themselves to die aggrieved. It is really unwilling, even if it is allowed to fight and die vigorously, it will recognize it.
But humans did not give it such a chance.
The Governor of the Baxing tribe found himself transformed into a little bit of starlight, dissipating in this universe.
The human death storage space exploded, exploding all the things it had collected throughout its life, covering this star field.
Until this moment, the Governor of the Storm Clan and the Sinking Banshee Clan had not reacted.
At the moment they heard the broadcast of the universe, their eyes were locked on the Governor of the Basing tribe, and then they saw a scene that they will never forget. The governor of the Basing tribe, a super powerful, disappeared silently. , Turned into countless stars, and then disappeared completely.
Only now have they realized that they seem to be governors, in charge of the universe, and dominate billions of creatures.
But in the end, it was so fragile.
A word of obliteration disappeared in this universe, along with the entire race.
Before, they also knew this kind of cruelty to obliterate the race, but it was far less shocking than the feeling it now gives them, because they witnessed the death of the Governor of the Baxing tribe right in front of them.
The governor of the Baxing tribe, the fourth-ranked governor of the race, is their leader.
But for such a character, if you die, you die. How can you not surprise them?
Looking at the countless items exploded here, they almost buried them deep inside.
In just a moment, the two governors of the Stormwind Tribe and the Sinking Banshee Tribe stared at each other with a look of jealousy on their faces.
If the Governor of the Baxing tribe is gone, the alliance ceases to exist.
So, are the two ally or enemy? In other words, they must find new allies?
I am afraid it will not be easy, because the following three races have formed a tri-racial relationship, and they are actually the prey of these three races. This is definitely not good news, the position of the two of them is very embarrassing.
"Should we get together and stay together?"
The Governor of the Storm Clan said tentatively, but its eyes were still fixed on the Governor of the Sinking Banshee Clan, and did not dare to relax.
The Governor of the Sinking Banshee Clan narrowed his eyes and said, "Yes, but this must be left to me."
The Governor of the Sinking Banshee Clan stretched out his hand and pointed at a distance.
The Governor of Stormwind shook his head: "I'm afraid this won't work."
Among the countless items, the weapons of the Governor of the Baxing tribe were scattered. This is a golden weapon. Among the governors, it is definitely one of the treasures that exist. Now the Governor of the Baxing tribe is dead, and its gold weapons are scattered here, becoming a thing of no owner.
The two of them are here, and naturally this unowned thing has become a mastered thing.
The amount of money of a governor is definitely very large. If he can get it, his strength will increase dramatically.
If the judgement points are the rank of race, then Shuo Jin is a breakthrough in the Governor's personal strength value. The strength or weakness of having a golden weapon determines the strength or weakness of a person.
Just imagine. They don’t have to worry about looking for the gold, but now there is a weapon of gold here. How can they not let them go crazy?
The Governor of the Baxing tribe is not dead, it is impossible for them to worry about its golden weapon.
But now the Pakistani clan has become history, and the alliance has existed in name only. Under this circumstance, who can obtain this golden weapon will undoubtedly increase their strength and increase their bargaining chips.
The Governor of the Sinking Banshee Clan showed a sneer: "The Baxing Clan is over. Next, I'm afraid it will be our two races facing humans. Do you want to fight to the death?"
The Governor of the Storm Clan certainly understands this truth, but understands a truth, but it is impossible to give up this golden weapon.
But if it fought against the Sinking Banshee Race, it would definitely be the result of both losers.
The gap between fifth and sixth is actually far from what you imagined. It is possible that you are not careful between the two, and if the other party has more trial points, it may surpass yourself. And this kind of ranking cannot determine who is strong or weak in race governor.
Judgment points determine the ranking, but it does not determine whether the Governor is really strong.
The Governor of the Storm Clan has always been afraid of sinking into the Banshee Race, mainly because he does not know how strong the Governor of the Banshee Race is.
"One and half." The Governor of Stormwind thought for a while and came up with this final plan.
Really fighting, I really don't know who is cheaper.
The Governor of the Sinking Banshee Clan narrowed his eyes and seemed to be thinking about this plan.
The governor of the Stormwind tribe said: "The human governor must be eyeing our three tribes. He hesitates here and will only miss time. We should go back earlier and gather the tribe to resist the human governor together."
"Okay, just one person and half." The Governor of Sinking Banshee Clan nodded.
The golden weapon of the Governor of the Baxing tribe, suspended in this space, is extremely dazzling.
The two governors of the Storm Clan and the Sinking Banshee Clan stood in front of this golden weapon.
"I'll divide it." The Banshee Clan said first. It stared at the Governor of the Stormwind Clan, with vigilance in its eyes. Obviously the Governor of the Banshee Clan did not fully trust the Governor of the Stormwind Clan.
It is not difficult, but not easy, to divide the gold weapon into two halves.
Whoever comes into contact with the Shu-gold weapon first may take it as an existing one. At that time, you only need to move your mind and you can escape.
The Governor of Stormwind sneered and said, "If you trust me, give it to me to divide it."
The Governor of the Sinking Banshee Clan shook his head, but it was beginning to think. frowned. If everyone stays in such a stalemate, I am afraid it will be of no benefit to anyone. Humans have launched an extermination action against the Baxing tribe, which means that they will be the next human goal.
"Okay." The Governor of the Sinking Banshee Race finally nodded.
After weighing the pros and cons, it had to trust the Governor of Stormwind.
"But..." said the Governor of the Ups and Downs Banshee Race: "It's not that you don't trust you, but you and I need to support the space-time fortress together to ensure that you won't get it and leave directly."
The Governor of Stormwind raised his brows and said, "No problem."
Support each other's time and space fortresses, in order to prevent each other from getting the gold weapons and leaving. It can be said that these are two double shells, both of which cover each other, which is a fair and reliable method.
Seeing the Governor of the Storm Clan promised, the Governor of the Sinking Banshee Clan also showed a smile.
Without hesitation, the Governor of the Sinking Banshee Race took the lead to prop up the space-time barrier. With time and space barriers, if the Governor of the Stormwind tribe wants to move away, he must break this time and space barrier. With the strength of both, it is impossible, unless the Governor of the Stormwind tribe attacks the Governor of the Sinking Banshee tribe.
The Governor of Stormwind also did not hesitate, but also propped up a space-time barrier.
The two space-time barriers overlapped, so that two shells appeared in this star field.
In this way, the Governor of the Sinking Banshee Race and the Governor of the Storm Race were relieved.
Trust is ridiculous, but with these measures, it is somewhat of a guarantee.
"Time is limited, let's start." The Governor of the Sinking Banshee Race said.
The Governor of the Stormwind tribe nodded, and with a move, it had just floated this golden weapon, flew at it, and soon suspended in front of the Governor of the Stormwind tribe. At the next moment, a group of flames appeared, burning this golden weapon in the package.
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