Chapter 1877: committed to

The latest website: The number of inspectors for each race is as small as 200 to 300 million, and as many as 700 to 800 million.
With such a large number, it is impossible for every patrol envoy to perform counter-reconnaissance in every aspect, without making any mistakes. And this kind of huge number will increase the possibility of exposing the competitive planet and race home planet, and it is a very high probability.
Competitive planet's anti-reconnaissance methods are much smaller than its parent star. After all, Competitive planet is the only one in the billion-trillion-weight universe.
But the mother star, the billion-trillion-weight universe, represents hundreds of millions of mother stars.
When each inspector returns to the home planet, although there are some anti-reconnaissance methods, it is still possible to track them. In particular, the mother planet has no planetary consciousness. If you hide it well, you don't even know that you are being tracked.
In this way, exposing the parent star becomes normal.
No race's home planet is undiscovered, because countless races will send tracking inspectors to track down the home planet of this race, or even the location of the competitive planet.
This is why the more beautiful races are, the more they will be targeted by more races.
This is the principle of shooting the first bird.
As human beings are the first and the leader of the tri-ethnic alliance, they are naturally the one with the highest degree of attention. Each of the following races will spy on humans, not for provocation, but for self-protection. They need to figure out everything about humans, including what they will do and what race they will target.
If you don’t know anything, what if humanity is targeting your race?
Prevention before it happens is what every race needs to do.
Just like this, Lu Chuan has always known that sooner or later the home planet of mankind will be exposed to other races. This is inevitable, and even if Lu Chuan has great powers, there is no way to prevent this kind of exposure.
As for the transfer of the home planet, Lu Chuan can do it, but other inspectors can't.
Lu Chuan's response method is the pager.
A large number of pagers can be found in the first time when there is a change in the earth, so that you can quickly deal with it.
Don't underestimate this point. It's a hundred times better than other races when dealing with it. This is an advantage.
at this time……
On a huge planet defined by the Alliance of Hundred Races as the Allied Star, the Governor of the Sinking Banshee Clan built a huge palace here, cut out one of the areas, and then floated in the sky to form a huge palace. Floating island.
For the strength of the Governor of the Sinking Banshee Race, this is nothing, it can be done easily.
Animals on this planet, they have not yet opened their minds, naturally they don't know all of this, they are just curious why a good area has risen into the sky. But the huge lakes that followed have filled this area with more vitality.
A planet without civilization is just a primordial star of life.
Sufficient food and full life chain make the animals here have huge physiques. Like the ancient Jurassic world of humans, there are many fierce animals, they are very tall and rule this planet.
The huge floating island has a beautiful environment, and the huge palace exudes a touch of breath.
The headquarters of the Hundred Races Alliance is naturally necessary. Otherwise, how can it serve the purpose of command and united front?
Choose here, and then give the coordinates to the Governors of the Hundred Clan, so that they can gather here as soon as possible. At the same time, inspectors of all ethnic groups are equipped here as liaison officers to solve communication problems.
The way is a bit primitive, but before there is no other means, it is the best way.
In the main hall of the palace.
The Governor of the Sinking Banshee Clan sits in the position of a tall queen. In this empty palace, there is a cracking sound. The floor is exquisite to the extreme, but it seems to be penetrated by something, a terrifying one. The head came out of the ground.
Just a head, almost filled the main hall of the entire palace.
"Queen, can you build the palace bigger, it's very inconvenient." This popped head said in the governor's common language.
The Governor of the Sinking Banshee Tribe just glanced at it lightly, but did not answer.
The bigger it is, the more empty it is, and the more insecure it is, and it will also appear lonely. Of course, it won't tell the other party about these, because it's not necessary. It is now the queen, it is impossible to confide this.
"Is there any result of what I asked you to do?" The Governor General of the Sinking Banshee Clan said calmly.
The heads that emerged were from the Sharon tribe. Their heads were actually like a huge handicap with countless teeth, which was very scary. It raised its head and said in a deep voice, "Queen, I have found it."
A smile appeared on the corner of the banshee clan governor's mouth, and the result would be good.
Silently, in front of the Governor of the Sinking Banshee Race, a huge picture that resembled a human neuron appeared. The Governor of the Sinking Banshee Clan knew that this was the map of the universe, and then the map of the universe continued to enlarge, and countless galaxies were flying by.
After a while, when the screen freezes on a certain galaxy, a coordinate is listed on it.
If humans are here, you can tell at first glance that this is the Milky Way.
The picture moved again, and after zooming in, it was accurate to the position of the solar system, showing a small spot of light. Zooming in again, the eight planets of the solar system are all on it, and the position and arrangement of each one are all very clear.
The final picture stopped on an extremely blue planet.
"Queen, this is the mother planet of mankind, they call it the earth." said the Sharon tribe governor.
The Governor of the Sinking Banshee clan stared at this small planet with a size mark on it. A planet like this size is really nothing in the universe, it can only be said to be small. It is no exaggeration to call a planet with a diameter of only 12,000 kilometers as a dust-class planet.
But who would have thought that mankind was born here, and this universe has become great because of mankind.
Five thousand beads, five hundred billion trillion-level universes, but in this dust-class planet, an overlord was born, ruling these five thousand beads, and overwhelming all the heavenly selections, standing on top of it. , Become the pinnacle family?
In contrast, some races even appear on a super-sized planet like the light-year star, but what's the use? Hasn't it been stepped on by humans?
Someone can't accept the change.
But the current situation is like this, human beings have become the highest among the races.
Staring at the earth, what appeared in the head of the Governor of the Sinking Banshee Race, but the appearance of a human governor, was too similar to his own Sinking Banshee Race. No, it should be said that it was the first time that it had seen the male banshee clan... They were called humans, but in the eyes of the viceroy of the banshee clan, they said it was fine for the banshee clan.
I have to say that for humans, it suddenly has anticipation.
But no matter how resembling it, the Governor of the Sinking Banshee Race knew that this was a human being, not the Sinking Banshee Race. The two races stand in opposition. In a game where either you die or I die, the two parties are destined to become friends.
"The emergence of the Hundred Races Alliance is aimed at the three races headed by humans. It is still in the integration of a hundred races. There is no way to kill the three human races. But for this period of time, we must not let humans idle and let them have plenty Time to prepare." The Governor General of the Sinking Banshee Clan said, with apathy on its face and a cold tone.
"The governor of the Sharon tribe, take your lang'ers to disrupt the human race and let them lose sight of one another."
Disrupting mankind's preparations and making him too poor to deal with it is the plan.
The actual loss is small, or even less effective, but this kind of plan actually aims to harass and slow down the pace of mankind.
Don't underestimate this. Both parties are preparing, but if your preparation is slow, you will lose your advantage.
This is a kind of tactics, a puzzle piece in strategy.
The Sharon Governor’s huge mouth was wide open, and the teeth on it were turning. Of course, he knew that this plan was not simple, and even said it was a bit dangerous. This is humanity, the first human being, and it comes at a price to challenge it.
"Queen, I need a promise." said the Governor of the Sharon tribe.
If the clansmen are all involved in the harassment, the speed of earning points will slow down, the ranking will be pushed farther, and there will be less and less opportunities. Paying these costs, it needs to get benefits, otherwise why would it take the future of the entire race to do these tasks?
What's more, harassing human beings will face the danger of death, which will cause huge losses to the Sharon tribe.
All risks need to be worthy of these risks.
The Governor of the Sinking Banshee Clan frowned slightly, but quickly calmed down...If you want a horse to run, you have to let the horse eat well. This is an eternal truth. It knows that if there is no promise, the Sharon clan How could it be possible to make fun of the fate of the whole clan?
"When the three human races are eliminated, if the Sinking Banshee becomes the number one, you will surely protect your third position of the Sharon Clan." The Governor of the Sinking Banshee said in a deep voice.
In the third position, this promise is definitely enough.
Where is the Sharon tribe now? It can be said that once the promise of the Governor of the Sinking Banshee Race is fulfilled, the Sharon people will rise to the sky in one step and become the real winner. In comparison, the risks and costs they are paying now are nothing at all.
"Thank you Queen..." The Governor of the Sharon tribe grinned, this one promised to be very satisfied.
Although the premise of everything is based on the fact that the three human races were stepped under their feet before the three tribes withdrew. But what does it matter? The establishment of the Hundred Clan Alliance was originally based on this result. If it can’t... the Sharon Clan will have nothing. Among the hundred clans, which race will benefit? I am afraid that if you sink into the Banshee Clan, you will not be able to reap the benefits. UU reading www.uukanshu. cm
The Governor of the Sinking Banshee Clan said coldly: "There is a prerequisite, and this promise is not allowed to be known to any race at this time."
The Hundred Races Alliance has not yet come to work together. If the outside world knows its promise, the Sinking Banshee Race will occupy one place, and there are only two places but there are 99 races competing, which is already a lot of monks and porridge. Now, it is said that he has promised a quota, and the Hundred Races Alliance is not messed up?
The Sharon Governor is not an idiot, of course he knows. Now that the Sharon tribe has taken advantage, how can it be publicized, and the Hundred Clan Alliance might collapse on its own?
"Understand, my queen." The Sharon tribe governor nodded, but his huge head sank and disappeared from the main hall.
The Governor of the Sinking Banshee Clan frowned and looked at this huge bottomless hole. The entire main hall was like ruins. It snorted, and an invisible energy surged. Everything here turned out to be fast. To recover.
But in the blink of an eye, the place was restored to its original condition, and it was restored to a scene of incomparable exquisiteness, making this place absolutely beautiful.
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