Chapter 1901: Crack

Latest URL: "The unknown is the most terrible."
Lu Chuan sighed, giving up his impulse and returning to reason.
What is the penalty for abandoning the task, there is no task prompt.
It is this kind of no, which represents the unknown, because you never know whether it is there or not, and what the punishment is. It is possible that abandoning the mission is tantamount to condemning oneself and human beings to death.
A very simple speculation, this is the ultimate task.
Since it is the final task, will it be the most terrifying when it comes to punishment?
Since God has thrown himself here, it is impossible to say that he has given himself an unsolvable task. It seems impossible, but there must be some methods and techniques to accomplish it. According to God's rules, it is not allowed to interfere with itself, so that mankind will lose its leader and annihilate the race.
Lu Chuan knew well the rules of God, so Lu Chuan confirmed that this task can be completed.
But how can it be done?
Lu Chuan stood still in this void, his head spinning at high speed.
What is the greatest advantage of mankind is actually thinking and imagination. It is precisely by virtue of these that human beings can stand on the top of the race and the top of the universe. Otherwise, with the human race that has been born for millions of years, how could it be possible for a race that has been hundreds of millions of years, billions of years, to have all of what it is today?
If mankind is given enough time, in fact, the development of mankind will make all species stunned.
How many races, in hundreds of billions of time, have not yet been able to evolve to the ninth level of civilization, which shows that they are far inferior to humans in many aspects.
Human beings are an accelerated civilization. It took millions of years from birth to primitive, but it only took tens of thousands of years from primitive to civilization. From ancient times to modern times, it only took a few thousand years. And from industrial civilization to space civilization, it is only a few decades.
Maybe if it is given to mankind for a few more decades, what will be the progress of mankind?
Countless civilizations have developed steadily, and even regress in the course of development.
For example, a war will make civilization regress.
However, human beings never stop the growth of civilization because of wars. They often represent wars of destruction, which accelerate the growth and evolution of civilization. This is the terrible thing about human beings, an advantage that countless races can't match.
Lu Chuan saw that there were too many civilizations in the universe. They were indeed advanced, but it took them more than hundreds of millions of years to upgrade civilization to level five or six. Throughout their history, the rhythm of each step is the same, as if something is preventing them from discovering.
Like human beings, a simple physical phenomenon, or a common physical discovery, is very simple.
But in some civilizations, it is not simple. It takes a very long time for them to break through. Technical difficulties, large and small, are all flat, and time will never say that a breakthrough has been made suddenly and new discoveries have been made.
With this, the geometric development of mankind is really terrifying.
In a few decades, from the industrial age to the space age.
In the geometric development, will it take more than ten years to enter the interstellar age?
After the interstellar age, within a few years, the interstellar colonization era was completed?
It takes tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years, or even millions of years for how many races to go from zero-level civilization to first-level civilization. But in the face of the geometric development speed of mankind, this process may have been completed in a mere one or two hundred years.
The farther behind, the more terrifying the speed of human beings.
Lu Chuan is now exerting the greatest advantage of mankind, which is thinking and imagining in thinking. Use human creativity to work hard to find a solution to the immediate predicament.
There is a saying among human beings: There are more solutions than difficulties, and Lu Chuan is convinced.
Lu Chuan stood still in the void, even closing his eyes.
Time is here, as if it is still. For the universe, there is no concept of time. Time is the standard given to the universe by mankind, a reference standard formed by the rotation of the sun and the earth.
And these reference standards have no meaning in the universe.
"Time can flow backwards, which means it can be seems useless."
"Space folding, time folding, the difference between space and time, warped flight, subspace transition..."
Lu Chuan became nagging and kept chanting some nouns.
In Lu Chuan's head, he gradually began to sort out a clear path.
Since time and space can be crossed, the principle here is one of the conditions that Lu Chuan can use, within the laws of the universe.
For example, warp flight, which is a technology of navigating through the air in compressed time. The principle is to use an antimatter-driven warp engine around a moving object to create an artificial curvature field, so that the object can be twisted in this The space-time bubble moves at a speed close to the speed of light.
To put it plainly, the object does not change, but the outside world has changed.
"If you create a huge and incomparable curved force field, place a species in this force field, and then adjust the level of the force field, time will accelerate...what will happen?"
Lu Chuan's eyes lit up, and they couldn't feel the change in the civilization inside. They were advancing at their own pace. For example, one day is one day, and one hour is one hour.
For the ten years in them, after the time acceleration of the curved force field passed, Lu Chuan could even set it to one second.
One second in the outer universe, they are ten years.
According to this conversion, one second is 10 years, and one minute is 600 years.
36,000 years in one hour, one day in the eyes of human beings, is 864,000 years of this species.
What about the year in the eyes of humans?
The answer is nearly 315 million years, a terrifying figure.
Of course, this is an accelerating number in Lu Chuan's imagination. Whether it is feasible or not, whether it can be tolerated or not is unknown. All of this requires Lu Chuan to experiment and make adjustments until he finds the most reasonable range that the created species can bear.
The other one, Lu Chuan’s curvature field, needs to cover the entire galaxy to ensure their active space.
Aside from this one, when civilizations reach a certain level, they will have the ability to leave the galaxy. Lu Chuan also needs to set the conditions under which they cannot leave, keep them trapped in this galaxy, and let them think that the galaxy is the whole world.
The more I thought about it, Lu Chuanyue realized that there were too many things that he needed to involve.
Thinking of the end, even Lu Chuan was shocked by himself.
Creating a civilization and raising it to level 9 seemed unimaginable. Its complexity challenged Lu Chuan's nerves. With Lu Chuan's ability, driving this thing is full of challenges.
"God gave the purpose of this task, what will it be?"
Lu Chuan couldn't know, but now Lu Chuan was excited because he discovered the opportunity to complete the task, which was a new discovery.
A sudden sense of openness finally gave Lu Chuan a smile on his face.
"Thousands of tall buildings rise from the ground...The first thing to do is actually to build a galaxy."
Having calmed down, Lu Chuan had to face this problem.
It is hard for a clever woman to cook without rice, and this sentence is not wrong. No matter how good your cooking is, it doesn’t matter what you want, what can you do?
Lu Chuan's conception is based on the possession of a galaxy.
"No matter whether it succeeds or not, you need to try it."
If all goes well, it only takes one or two years to complete the task of reincarnation space. At this point in time, humans will not be in danger, and everything is under their control.
It should be said that this is also the most effective way that Lu Chuan can think of.
Sure enough, God will not give an unfinished task. The difficult thing is how to face it and how to crack it.
In other words, the governors who don't know how many races will never be able to complete this task in their minds, and they will not know how many years they have been stuck here. Some may be dead and will be consumed here.
Lu Chuan's eyes narrowed, and with a stroke of his hand, something similar to a sand table appeared in front of him.
It is really not easy to build a stable galaxy, and it needs to be deduced.
Lu Chuan didn't start creating the planet in the first time, but planned to realize it first on this simulated sand table. In contrast, this sweeping everything on the sand table is too simple, and the ideas can be generated together. The fact of creating a planet is not that simple, and it involves too much.
Lu Chuan, who has been to countless universes, has a wealth of knowledge about galaxies. No matter how he didn't pay attention before, there are so many galaxies scanned by Lu Chuan's divine consciousness.
In addition, the Milky Way and the Solar System can be used as references, making it easier.
"First, build a small galaxy similar to the solar system, just follow the solar system." Together with Lu Chuan's idea, in the simulated sand table, in the originally empty sand table universe, first there is the sun, and then to Mercury, Venus, and the earth. ...
It took Lu Chuan more than ten minutes to complete the setting of the solar system.
This solar system in the simulated sand table universe began to operate when it was born. They are the same as human modeling on computers. It should be said that the sweeping sand table universe in front of Lu Chuan is more like a simulator, which can simulate everything.
When the solar system is moving, Lu Chuan's next task is to observe.
Every celestial body, the outer layer of the solar system, as large as the sun, as small as a meteorite, and even cosmic dust, moved under Lu Chuan's surveillance.
As time passes bit by bit, this solar system is not moving perfectly, but problems continue to arise, such as the deviating orbit of the planet during its movement, and so on. Lu Chuan needs to adjust these issues immediately.
In addition to these, there are some special factors, such as the movement of the meteorite, whether it will hit the planet, and so on.
The unimaginable experience allowed Lu Chuan to devote his energy to it, and he felt like never tired of it. This kind of experience was unprecedented for Lu Chuan.
Even if it is a simulation of the universe in the sand table, it is the same as the outer universe. Once everything inside is operating normally, it means that Lu Chuan's settings for the small galaxy are correct, and it will not have problems during operation.
Simulating the sandbox universe, UU Reading is more like an emulator, and it’s simply too simple to accelerate.
The force field, in other words, is it not a simulator that can be controlled by Lu Chuan?
Under acceleration, it is firstly double the speed of light, then ten times, one hundred times...At this speed, this small galaxy created by Lu Chuan according to the solar system, in the simulated sand table universe, is hundreds of times in the blink of an eye. Light years.
To be honest, when the timeline stretches, all balance will be broken in front of time, and Lu Chuan doesn't know if there will be a deviation.
"A ninth-level civilization needs hundreds of millions of years to reach the ceiling of civilization. That is to say, the running time of a galaxy needs to be stable for billions of years."
In this way, the difficulty will increase geometrically.
"Ten thousand times faster."
Lu Chuan had to speed up the time in the simulated sand table universe, completely in the blink of an eye.
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