Chapter 1910: modern

In the human earth, since the era of great voyages, Westerners have led the world to move forward.
Even in modern times, Europe and the United States still dominate the world.
However, in the planet Lu Chuan created, it was the Xinxia people who confirmed the direction of the world. For example, the Southern Dynasty is the center of the entire world, the largest dynasty of mankind, dominating the Middle East and the Asian continent.
Africa and Europe, North and South America, including Australia, are still being wanton by beasts, unable to turn around.
They just got rid of the primitive civilization, but they would not know the gap between them and Xinxia.
At the end of the Southern Dynasty, with the emergence of new ideas, the emergence of the Industrial Revolution, and the corruption of the dynasty at that time, a vigorous revolution appeared. At this time, the Southern Dynasty officially entered the era of great navigation and established a huge fleet.
"Finally this is the most magnificent era."
In fact, what Lu Chuan likes the most is this era, which is definitely the era of the birth of countless ideas, and it is also an era of earth-shaking. The world will be changed, and then enter the era of great explosion.
The southern dynasty was still lingering for more than a hundred years at the end. This great dynasty finally ushered in a collapse in the revolutionary uprising.
Various places have entered the age of warlords, dividing the Southern Dynasties into dozens of forces.
With the advent of the industrial age, thermal weapons have officially replaced cold weapons.
A person outside this galaxy observes the emergence of a civilization from the perspective of God. It seems interesting, but it is really boring.
In order to alleviate, Lu Chuan once again entered the planet.
In a huge port city, Lu Chuan saw people coming and going. The terrible fertility has caused an explosive growth in the number of human beings. This is the same whether it is the human earth or this planet.
Appearing in a port city, Lu Chuan took a closer look, almost no different from himself.
This form of human being is already the most complete human being, and its evolution has become very slow, and perhaps there will be no change in a million years.
Looking at the various ships lined up in the harbor, they are of different sizes, from merchant ships to armed ships to warships. You can see them here. The middle stage of the great voyage is actually the peak moment of trade and shipbuilding.
Countless imaginative ships have appeared one after another, and the technological revolution has made these ships outstanding in performance.
Of course, Lu Chuan didn't come here for this.
Lu Chuan is not interested in science and technology. He has all the science and technology from the first to the ninth level in his head. The science and technology of the great nautical era in front of him is really nothing to Lu Chuan.
What Lu Chuan was thinking about was actually to appreciate the local customs.
So the place where Lu Chuan goes is the place close to life. In layman's terms, it is the place where the snacks are located.
Being able to experience these on the way to the task is actually a kind of happiness.
"If it wasn't for keeping my nerves tense, maybe I entered here, but I would have a wonderful time."
The time here allows Lu Chuan to stay here at ease without worrying about the passing of time. Staying here for thirty years, the outside world is only a second, Lu Chuan has time to experience all this.
In a restaurant, Lu Chuan found an archaeological team.
After sitting close, listening to their conversation, they mentioned some discoveries of the ancients.
"You can't believe what the destination we are going to now, what its discovery represents. On the rock wall of the cavemen, we have seen their records, and through research, we can see some of our ancestors. It records the coming of God."
The older archaeology professor was talking enthusiastically.
The students who followed him all showed a curious look.
A student asked: "Professor, is there really a in this world?"
"Yes, Professor, the murals on the cliffs of the cavemen talked about welcoming the gods. According to the cavemen, they have just formed a tribal system, and their evolution is not exactly like ours now, but in their murals, it is described. It has evolved to who we are today..." Another student also raised his own question.
Obviously, these problems are really hard to explain.
This is the most mysterious and great archaeological discovery of mankind so far. Countless scholars are arguing about whether there is a or not.
From the murals, it seems that God has given mankind enlightenment, giving mankind the power of thinking and creativity.
The biggest controversy is here. In the mural, the person who appeared was flying over in the air. He didn't use all the tools. How did this happen?
The current inference is that the cavemen dreamed of all this?
But this one inference, there is no way to stand, because with the intelligence of cavemen, they are unable to imagine human beings who have evolved to today.
More people are willing to believe that God has actually appeared.
Hearing their conversation, the evil taste in Lu Chuan's heart reached its culmination. When I first appeared, I actually wanted to give the archaeological community a surprise. Now that he heard their argument in person, Lu Chuan almost burst into laughter.
Fortunately, the portrayal ability of these cavemen is really too bad, it is impossible to carve out their own features, they just have a supernatural demeanor.
From an archaeological point of view, one can still distinguish the difference between himself and the caveman at that time.
This archeological team, they quickly set off, took a ship to the north, then disembarked at a port in the north, and then went to the place where the cavemen were found to analyze this world-class discovery.
Of course, Lu Chuan didn't have much interest, but instead wandered around the food here.
In the middle of the great nautical era, spices from all continents were already in circulation, so here, you can eat all kinds of gourmet snacks.
But all this is naturally incomparable with modern times.
After staying here, Lu Chuan had been here for several years. After he had been addicted, he left the planet and returned to the outside of the galaxy. All this is just a matter of milliseconds, which can be ignored.
If someone who doesn't know the flow of time, throws him into this planet and lives for hundreds of millions of years, I am afraid he will not realize it.
But Lu Chuan couldn't. He already knew the time ratio. One second to ten years, if Lu Chuan really stayed on this planet, Lu Chuan would definitely go crazy.
Back to the outside of the galaxy, time is indeed only milliseconds past.
When Lu Chuan once again observed this world as an observer, the time ratio brought the world to the end of the era of great navigation and entered the beginning of the industrial revolution.
The entire industrial revolution was very short and ended in just a few decades.
However, the changes brought by these decades have been tremendous.
After more than a hundred years of division of warlords in Xinxia, ​​a powerful regime finally emerged. It has stepped up to the pinnacle of this era from small to large. It took decades to complete the reunification of the country.
Almost a powerful regime established along the old site of the Southern Dynasty, directly named the New Xia Republic.
The rise of Xinxia is accompanied by a new round of reshuffle of other continents.
Lu Chuan is not concerned about these, but the evolution of the world.
Without a world war, the powerful Xinxia suppressed all careerists. No one dared to challenge Xinxia's position, and Xinxia also affected the world. A stable society has brought about a technological explosion, and countless technological breakthroughs have been made.
In the new summer under the rule of new thinking, Lu Chuan is already certain that this country will usher in a very long time of existence.
In a flash, another hundred years.
Outside the galaxy, Lu Chuan saw a world similar to modern Earth.
"This civilization, its current time point should be similar to that of human beings in 2020." Lu Chuan converted the two time worlds. The difference is still very large. Lu Chuan made this judgment mainly because of the current civilized society. , It is too similar to the 2020 of the earth.
In this era, this civilization is already conducting exploration operations into space.
The powerful Xinxia, ​​at this point in time, has already tested the space several times. However, due to Lu Chuan's limitations, they can observe only this galaxy in a series of observations.
In their worldview, the galaxy is all they know.
The size of one hundred thousand light-years is already out of reach for them, so why would they want to have a broader world outside of this galaxy?
"According to their view of the world, will human beings on earth also be restricted by God from exploring the universe? What about everything in the universe is given to mankind by God to know, but mankind does not know about it?"
Lu Chuan thought, this is what he is looking at this tiny world, and why is he not being looked at by God?
One link after another, it makes people feel creepy when they think about it.
This is a modern society, the one that Lu Chuan is most familiar with. It is 70% similar to humans on earth. Whether you admit it or not, human evolution will always have too many similarities.
The difference is that the civilization of this planet has defeated the ancient and ancient fierce beasts, and has drawn Australia out. All these fierce beasts have been driven to Australia, turning Australia into a primitive. The island is a common tourist destination in the world.
Countless tourists come here every year to watch the fierce beasts that are raised in captivity here.
The fierce beasts that have evolved for hundreds of millions of years, more than a billion years, absolutely never imagined that they would become the existence of human onlookers. It has to be said that with the help of technology, human beings have ruled the world, and they can only be reduced to viewing animals.
Australia is a huge zoo.
Human rule has caused too many extinction events, and more than half of the ancient and ancient beasts and animals have become extinct.
How could Lu Chuan let go of such a good era? He once again entered this civilization, feeling the breath that he hadn't had in a long time, such as 5G just appeared, and smartphones still dominate communications...
After taking a break, Lu Chuan did not use his mind to move, but arrived in Australia by plane and took a stroll.
Hundreds of millions of beasts of various types are kept in captivity here, giving Lu Chuan the feeling that it is exactly the scene in the movie Jurassic Park, but the beasts here are much more powerful and dangerous than the dinosaurs. many.
At the last stop, Lu Chuan arrived at the desert launch center and watched the launch of a super rocket, which will carry the cargo needed by the space station to space.
This civilization has never stopped exploring space.
"Looking at the current situation, Xinxia's strength is too strong, and global reunification should not take long."
"After the global unification and the integration of resources, is the interstellar era still far away?"
There are so many people watching the rocket launch here, and they would never think that the father of their ancestors, the origin of mankind, is by their side. Lu Chuan is too inconspicuous, ordinary to the extreme.
Seeing this rocket lift off, everyone around cheered and screamed for the strength of the motherland.
In this extremely warm atmosphere, Lu Chuan silently withdrew from the crowd and left here.
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