Chapter 264: trap

Every mercenary in Sudan knows the combat style of helmeted mercenaries.
Yes, it is darkness, that is, night, when the helmeted mercenaries are dispatched. It seems that in the dark night, they can wield their abilities. In the dark night, like a ghost, harvesting human heads.
This is exactly where the counter-armed forces have a headache. You don't come here upright during the day, but you sneak in at night. Is there anything shameful?
After half a year of fighting, the counter-armed forces had to sleep during the day and behave like night cats at night.
The reversed life of black and white makes all the anti-armed forces feel exhausted.
In the afternoon, in the helmet mercenary garrison, armored vehicles and military vehicles were dispatched. Behind a few heavy trucks, they dragged a few anti-aircraft guns and left the garrison.
Except for a dozen zombies left, the rest were all pulled out by Xia Min.
6 Chuan is going, but Xia Min, who only knows to obey, will not refuse, and can only let Chuan act. However, it still sent more than a dozen zombies with the best abilities to stay by Liu Chuan's side.
From the afternoon, the team has been running wildly until the night falls, without any intention of stopping.
6 Chuan sat in the back row of one of the cars and felt the excitement.
"good Morning."
Shi Ruoyu's WeChat came over.
6 Chuan was stunned for a moment, only to remember the jet lag, here is dark night, China is just early in the morning.
"Morning." 6 Chuan replied.
In the past few days, it was the first time Shi Ruoyu took the initiative to come to information.
Shi Ruoyu came with a message: "Today I am going to Ximen Street to taste a hidden shop, are you interested?"
When this message was given, Shi Ruoyu in the dormitory was blushing and a little uncomfortable. Growing up, she invited a boy for the first time.
If it were to change the time and place, 6 Chuan really agreed.
Looking at the darkness outside the window, the team formed a long queue. Six Chuan smiled bitterly and replied: "I'm sorry, I'm afraid it won't work today. I happen to have something, another day?"
Shi Ruoyu, who received the message, was a little bit lost, but still replied: "Okay, I will make an appointment another day."
After closing WeChat, Shi Ruoyu fell on the bed and closed her eyes. She did not expect that her first invitation was rejected. However, Shi Ruoyu cheered up immediately, and she had nothing to do with him, why did people have to agree to herself?
If you refuse, you refuse. Don't you always come through live broadcasts like this?
Liu Chuan, who was in the car, didn't know Shi Ruoyu's thoughts. He received his phone and didn't think much about Shi Ruoyu, but put his thoughts around. Here, he can't use the vision of the biochemical factory, can't know the surrounding situation, in this war-torn place, everything needs to be careful.
Almost six hours of driving can be called a long-distance attack.
The communicator in his ear was silent, and the zombies' combat was different from other troops. There is hardly any reconnaissance at all, it is directly targeted.
In addition, the zombies 6 Chuan did not unlock the sound, they have no speech function.
The convoy is shaking, and there are four hours before it can be put into battle.
Along the way, many roads have been destroyed. Fortunately, the terrain of Sudan is very flat, most of which are deserted and deserted. The roads are destroyed and will not prevent the advancement.
To be honest, after arriving in this area, the land has become worthless. It cannot be cultivated here, and the water shortage is serious. It has almost become an endless desert. Unless the underground resources here are opened up, in the eyes of Liuchuan, there is no meaning here.
Anti-armed forces, they are stationed in these places, which is why the government forces cannot make up their minds.
The zombies all sat upright in the car, wearing helmets, and became members of the famous helmet mercenaries. They have guns, they lack emotions, they don't know what fear is.
These zombies, they are the best soldiers.
To be honest, 6 Chuan suddenly regretted it, why did he follow them out and suffer. The raiding for more than ten hours did not stop, but appeared abruptly more than 600 kilometers away.
"Boss, not far from the destination."
In the headset, Xia Min's voice came.
6 Chuan nodded and said, "Know, you guys be careful."
Tension followed. In addition, the car that 6 Chuan rode in was modified. A thick metal block was installed on the doors on both sides, which could theoretically hold the machine gun fire.
In the headset, Xia Min gave instructions one by one, and the entire convoy entered the alert, but instead of sending out an outpost, it rushed towards the destination with an arrogant aura.
Xia Min has this kind of confidence, it believes in the strength in his hands.
In the face of absolute power, it only needs to crush it. In many cases, this fierce style will make the opponent escape early and give up these towns.
"There is still 5o kilometers, and the other side's checkpoint is ahead."
Xia Min's voice came from the earphone again. At such a close distance, 6 Chuan couldn't help becoming nervous. Looking out of the car window, there was nothing to see, it was all pitch black.
The position of 6 Chuan is not the front of the team, but the safest position in the rear.
The stretched convoy, a few minutes after Xia Min reminded him, there was a firefight.
The leading armored car opened fire, and the machine gun on it shot towards the checkpoint. The bullet chain looked so dazzling in the darkness. The light chain formed by the bullet shot across the level, sparking a little spark.
There was a counterattack on the level, and it was also in response to a burst of fire. A beam of light hit the convoy, but it was extinguished the next moment.
Xia Min didn't send out zombies, but put the anti-aircraft gun into a flat-fire state and aimed at this level.
With the firing of the anti-aircraft guns, 6 Chuan really saw what ferociousness is. The entire checkpoint, in front of the flat-fire anti-aircraft gun, was beaten like cream to be crippled.
Less than ten seconds before and after, the level is in a dead silence.
The dozens of anti-militants stationed here were smashed to pieces within a few seconds.
"Good hanging." Six Chuan was dumbfounded. For the first time he witnessed the horror of anti-aircraft guns shooting flat. The thick concrete walls were punched out one by one, and the people hidden inside were hit, which was directly broken into two pieces. Extremely.
A checkpoint has not yet been placed in Xia Min's eyes.
Did not sneak out of this level, in fact Xia Min just wanted to send a message to the counter-armed forces, this is the helmet mercenary here.
This one alone can scare the opponent to retreat.
It was completely driven by a rolling method, and the convoy stopped a few kilometers away.
With a few armored vehicles at the head, the zombies and soldiers jumped out of the car one after another, then scattered, holding the guns in their hands, and moved towards this town.
There was no light in the whole town.
6 Chuan found a relatively hidden place and leaned against the body protector. Because of tension, his breathing became thicker. The so-called sword without eyes, if a bullet bites you, you won't know who you are.
Level 3 genetic enhancement is not enough to hold a bullet.
Xia Min used the Batley that was captured. It was holding it in one hand, and it rushed in the dark, but it did not follow the big goal of the armored vehicle.
Xia Min is a swift man. It runs very fast. In the dark, no one will notice this faint shadow.
6 Chuan looked at this quiet town, always feeling a little secretive.
When the armored vehicle rushed to more than 200 meters, there was a strange noise in the town. Suddenly, the spotlights came on, directly hitting the armored vehicle.
One by one flares lifted into the sky, turning a radius of several kilometers into a day.
Not only the armored vehicles were exposed to the flares, but also the zombies and soldiers scattered behind appeared in the day. Even the rear team was illuminated.
Amid the deafening sound, a bullet from a heavy sniper rifle roared and slammed into the driver's position of an armored vehicle. There was a strong impact, and a burst of sparks appeared. The bullet penetrated the armor and shattered the chest of a zombie in the cab.
The bullet didn't stop, it pierced the seat again, until it punched a hole in the back, and finally got stuck on a metal plate, it turned into a metal ball and stopped.
The violent kinetic energy caused a big wound on the chest of this zombie, and the back was almost completely beaten.
Such a serious injury, if it is a human, will be killed immediately.
However, this zombie with driving instincts could not die. Its eyes blinked, and some functions controlled its arms and feet, making this armored vehicle still moving forward.
Next, it slammed over again, this time it hit its neck and the whole head was lifted off, finally causing the armored vehicle to lose control and rush to the side.
A rocket fell below an armored vehicle, and the huge explosive force shook the armored vehicle and was destroyed by explosion, causing a huge fire.
The zombie soldiers inside rushed out of the fire, some were burned, but they were ignored.
With this flares, Liu Chuan can clearly see that a few holes were opened on a wall, and who had opened a few holes. Inside, the barrels of the twin anti-aircraft guns protruded, aimed at the armored vehicles and the zombie soldiers.
"His hiss..."
Unlike the rattling sound of guns, these twin anti-aircraft guns fired with only a sizzling sound, and countless bullet shells popped out, beating and falling to the ground. In the blink of an eye, a pile of hundreds of bullet shells was formed.
Several double anti-aircraft guns brought killing.
Under this kind of firepower, the leading armored vehicle was hit with sparks, but in the next moment, a violent explosion occurred. Several zombie soldiers who had not had time to leave were torn apart in the explosion. .
They are immortal, but this kind of explosive power is enough to turn them into parts.
As for the flat-fired double anti-aircraft gun, its shells hit the zombie, and the body armor he was wearing turned into a joke, which was directly penetrated, leaving a huge meat hole. Some even hit the chest, ripped apart into two pieces.
Many of the helmets were hit. These alloy helmets directly showed a blood hole, and the entire head became pieces of meat.
Within a few seconds, dozens of zombie soldiers were broken and fell to the ground.
In the face of this brutal firepower, not to mention humans, even zombies are extremely vulnerable. The terrifying kinetic energy hit the body, at least it was a hole as big as a bowl.
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