Chapter 292: AR technology is coming

Hou Kangping sat in the backstage, neither nervous nor calm. ()
The speech has long been memorized, as long as it is not very nervous, it should not be mistaken. What's more, his experience, whether there is a speech or not, is actually the same. He often does this when he speaks out of paper.
In China, Hou Kangping is obviously strange to people, but in the circle, he is not simple.
After graduating from Cambridge, the first job was at Microsoft, and then he was dug to Apple. The third job was at Google.
This resume is absolutely dazzling. It is not a real top talent. It is impossible to work for three top companies.
Just a month ago, Hou Kangping was found by a headhunting company. With the headhunting company, he was a vice president of Baichuan Guihai Company. The other party just brought a mobile phone in front of him. After demonstrating the operation, he proposed to resign the next day and worked for this little-known Baichuan Guihai company a week later.
It seemed like a crazy move, but Hou Kangping knew why he came.
For a person who pursues technology and management, whether it is to Microsoft, Apple, or even Google... In fact, they want to use their talents. But in these companies, even if your light is dazzling, it is only a bunch of more brilliant light.
But the Baichuanguihai company is different. Only in this company that is destined to skyrocket can he shine with more dazzling light.
Needless to say, what moved him is actually the AR technology that can already be used in mobile phones.
Looking at the time, Hou Kangping found that he was a little excited.
The reason is of course needless to say, there is a box on my hand with just a mobile phone inside. It seems not expensive, but Hou Kangping knows its value. It is no exaggeration to say that it is the starting point for building a top company.
"President Hou, there are five minutes left."
The secretary came over carefully to remind that there is no room for error in today's press conference.
Hou Kangping nodded and said, "Then prepare."
Said it is preparation, but there is no need to prepare, because everything is ready. This sentence of preparation is more for Hou Kangping to calm himself down. He who has seen strong winds and waves, can be seen as a vice president, and rely more on his ability.
on site.
As time passed bit by bit, the multi-functional meeting room, which was still noisy before, gradually calmed down. Especially on the stage, some staff members started to be busy, which made people quiet.
What was brought out was a table, covered with a piece of white silk. Although it was empty, I don't know how many people were watching it.
If you think about it with your toes, you all know that this table will definitely put products on.
What product?
Baichuan Guihai Company is famous for hyping AR, which is naturally an AR product.
Everyone present became expectant.
It's exactly nine o'clock.
With a clear sound, except for the lights on the main stage in the multifunctional conference room, everything went off and dimmed. The lights on the main stage have also changed and become some spotlights scattered on the stage.
Everyone is looking forward to it, and they all put their eyes on the stage. It is a mule or a horse. I believe it will soon be known. After so long of hype, four amazing videos will reveal their true colors at this moment.
Why is there still nothing on the desktop after nine o'clock?
What about the product that everyone expected?
Under the spotlight, Hou Kangping finally walked out of the background.
"Welcome everyone to come to this press conference of Baichuan Guihai Company. I am Hou Kangping."
A very plain beginning, without any surprises.
Hou Kangping didn’t care, he smiled:
Here, let’s say sorry to all standing friends, because we didn’t know that this press conference could attract so many friends. After all, our company is really The name is unknown."
The people below laughed.
Indeed, at any small company's press conference, it is amazing to be able to come to several media outlets. Who would have thought that there are hundreds of them now?
"At the same time, I am honored to be able to participate in this press conference."
The spotlight hit one by one.
At this moment, many people noticed that, unconsciously, they did not know how many prominent figures had arrived. Although some people are not bosses, they represent a top company.
Hou Kangping pressed it with his hand, and then made an OK action: "Well, before returning to business, I hope everyone present can maintain the current order. Then, the purpose of everyone's arrival is actually to see If we look at the authenticity of the video content, we will go straight to the subject."
Hearing what Hou Kangping said, there was a flash of flashing frantically below.
"Many people will wonder, why do you put a table here, but it is so empty?" Hou Kangping continued, but walked to the table and touched it with his hand.
Just this sentence attracted the eyes of unknown people and focused on Hou Kangping's stroking hand.
Hou Kangping did not say it for the first time, but was laughing.
Most of the people below are whispering, they really can't guess why this table is empty, shouldn't it be said, is it a product?
After Hou Kangping was equal for a moment, he looked frustrated and made a helpless move: "In fact, it is very simple. Baichuan Guihai Company has no way to put products here."
In a word, as if it had detonated something, everyone below was dumbfounded.
And all the reporters were all excited, and there was no way to put the product on it, which means that Baichuan Guihai Company does not have any AR technology at all, but it is just a hype.
What kind of breaking news will this be?
Baichuan Guihai Company is definitely doing it to death. How many people will it offend if it does this. For reporters like them, if they are deceived, they will definitely be verbal abuse at that time. Isn't this company bad?
Hundreds of media at the same time screamed at the same time. This is also spectacular. This Baichuanguihai company is famous but notorious. This type of company wants to raise money? Totally impossible.
The big guys sitting below also frowned. It's just that they are not short-sighted people. Some people have some information and some general information. What's more... If this is the case, how can you, a senior Google engineer, Kangping, say you quit your job and go to a fraud company? From this point, the big guys present are calm.
When Kangping Hou saw the "buzzing" sound below, he smiled and said loudly: "The reason why Baichuan Guihai Company can't put it up is because the product is in my pocket."
With that said, Hou Kangping took a mobile phone out of his pocket and shook it in the spotlight.
This mobile phone is very common. It is a mobile phone owned by Huawei.
Of course, this is not the point. The point is...Everyone knows that among the four videos, one of the videos is a picture of the operation on the mobile phone. Does the mobile phone in Hou Kangping’s hand mean that this is An AR phone?
AR technology can be applied to many industries, and the combination with mobile phones is natural.
The scene, from the noise just now, became quiet, and everyone's eyes became eager. This Hou Kangping is really scary. If you have something, can you say it all at once?
"Presumably everyone is eager to see through. If I drag on, I will definitely be drowned by everyone's saliva." Hou Kangping made a joke, and everyone below laughed kindly.
Nonsense, Hou Kangping has a dazzling resume in China, but at this moment, who really wants to listen to you?
Hou Kangping stood at the table and put the phone on the table.
The spotlight hit Hou Kangping's body and also hit the tabletop. And Hou Kangping stretched out his hand and prepared to turn on the phone. His move made everyone on the scene hold their breath. Anyone who understands technology knows that the light and shadow in AR technology are currently difficult to solve. In fact, Just how to let light and shadow stay in the air. The other is how to solve the problem of light and shadow being interfered by other lights.
Looking at Hou Kangping's appearance, it seems that he is not afraid of these spotlights?
When I pressed it, I saw the phone's screen suddenly lit up.
The next moment, on the screen of the mobile phone, it looked like a beam of light was formed. It turned out to be directly floating the entire mobile phone's operation interface into the air, as if this operation interface jumped out of the air.
All the media who have been staring at it are all dumbfounded.
This kind of technology, which was only seen in synthetic videos and movies before, appeared in front of me alive. AR technology, this is the real AR technology that can be used in reality. This mobile phone is just one of Huawei’s mobile phones, which means its technological maturity.
The whole venue boiled, and the reporters blushed because the trip was so worthwhile.
On the Internet, hundreds of millions of netizens watching on live broadcast platforms were also dumbfounded and excited. This kind of excitement is the excitement of the anticipation of science and technology, and the excitement of a new kind of creature.
The AR technology that has been touted for so long is coming.
Every local tyrant is already clamoring to buy dozens of units, and their relatives have one. Such a dazzling mobile phone, even if it sells for tens of thousands, this AR mobile phone will not become the focus of everyone as long as it is taken out?
Some netizens who don't know the truth are asking about this mobile phone, when did Huawei produce such a dazzling mobile phone?
Not to mention the reporters and netizens, it is the representatives of the venture capital companies that are truly trembling with excitement.
With this one in front, even if it only achieves this effect, it can be seen that AR technology is absolutely the world's leading, and it will become the darling of AR technology. After this type of company has overcome the most difficult key technologies, The rest is hardly a problem. This kind of company is the most worthy of their investment, and it is also a visible return.
Hou Kangping was not satisfied with this. He clicked on the application already installed on the phone, but opened the Tencent video icon During the tumbling, Hou Kangping randomly selected one of the free movies.
In the next moment, this film was originally only a flat film, but under the powerful AR technology, it was transformed into a three-dimensional film. It appeared in the air, more like a space film.
A mobile phone can be operated in this way, it is dazzling to have no friends.
Hou Kangping operated and opened the picture again.
It's just a flat picture. Under rendering, the characters inside are as if they were 3D modeled, more like a living person standing in front of you, floating in front of you.
Crazy, at this moment, the whole venue is crazy.
If the projection of the interface just said that the other party has a certain amount of AR technology, but through this simple operation, it is all announcing to the world that the real AR technology has come.
Even the most calm big guys stood up one by one, staring at the phone operated by Hou Kangping.
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