Chapter 299: Cover the sky

Early in the morning on May 14.
Lu Chuan got up early and ate breakfast in a hurry. He didn't leave a moment, and went straight to the end of the world.
Office of the owner of the biochemical plant.
Using his vision, Lu Chuan first checked whether the position had been approved or not, and after confirming that there was no problem, it was a problem with the layout of the inspection of the zombies. The time, the zombies stayed well.
"Huh, now just waiting for the zombies to arrive."
In the last hour, the red alarm in the horizon disappeared.
Through his vision, Lu Chuan could see the zombies wandering on the street, as if they had received some kind of instruction, they had hidden into the shops and buildings on both sides of the street. The streets that were originally crowded with zombies quickly became empty.
Lu Chuan is no stranger to this scene.
Any time a zombie strikes, the nearby zombies will be emptied.
No matter how top-level zombies are, under this kind of rule, they will be disturbed and have to leave here, give up this area, and let this enter the siege mode.
Lu Chuan silently watched the disappearance of these zombies, and the surroundings became silent, like the tranquility before the arrival of a storm.
After preparing for a month, it is finally time to head-on.
Lu Chuan issued the command, eyes like swords.
Under Lu Chuan's instructions, the first action was a thousand special police zombies. They were divided into four teams, each with two hundred and fifty. These two hundred and fifty special police zombies rushed out, boarded the buildings on both sides of the street, and aimed their guns at the street below.
As long as the zombies pass, they attack from above, and the probability of hitting the head of the zombies below will be high.
These special police zombies are fully armed with guns in their hands.
When he was in Sudan, Lu Chuan had thousands of guns, all of which were moved to the end of the world and thrown into the warehouse. Equipping a thousand rifles to the special police zombies, only used a fraction of them.
The second batch consisted of four hundred ragers. They were divided into four teams, each with one hundred. They stood on the street, between the street and the biochemical factory.
These ragers carry a huge canvas bag with alloy javelins on them.
At the waist of the raging man was a slender long knife, made of alloy under the blade, shining with cold light and white.
A hundred ragers, divided into two rows, lay across the street.
One by one, they appeared on the passage of the position, holding a two-meter long knife, and could hack and kill the zombies that swarmed in the passage at any time.
In addition, there are a large number of ordinary zombies, hiding in the passage, controlling an electric chainsaw.
Hundreds of Hellhounds were arranged to the outermost periphery by Lu Chuan. Their speed destined their positioning to be mobile. Where there is danger, they are the place to rescue. The bite force formed by hundreds of hellhounds is absolutely terrifying.
There were more than two hundred lickers, they were not twisted into a single strand, but scattered on the ground. For the positioning of the lickers, Lu Chuan allowed them to hunt and kill them freely and exert their greatest damage.
Don't underestimate the lickers, they are very single-handed, and their claws can easily dismember zombies.
Fifty tyrants are Lu Chuan's killer.
Like a giant, fifty tyrants stood at the forefront of the battlefield.
In order to allow the tyrant to exert the greatest damage, what Lu Chuan did first was actually to let the tyrant increase his defense. For example, the custom alloy leggings almost wrap the tyrant's thighs and calves. In addition to the big and calf, the abdomen, chest and other places are also wearing alloy splints.
The head of the tyrant, a helmet also made of alloy, looks a bit ugly, but its defensive power is leveraged.
The current tyrant is completely like a steel monster.
As for the weapon, Lu Chuan just let the tyrant carry a huge shield made of alloy, which can be carried with his left hand. And the right arm, the alienated right arm was originally the best weapon, and there was no need to equip it with any weapons.
The five-meter-tall steel monster carries a shield in one hand and an ultra-long alienated arm in the other. Even steel can be cut off, which shows its sharpness.
Fifty tyrants, twelve are arranged in each street, and the remaining two are retreated a little as a maneuver.
From a distance, these twelve tyrants in a team, like a city wall made of steel, just lay across the street. Lu Chuan is sure that this kind of weapon is far from being destroyed by zombies, and it is enough to make the tyrant a killing machine on the battlefield.
The anti-aircraft guns that have been modified on the biochemical factory building are also one of the killers.
Thousands of zombies were scattered outside the biochemical factory, giving Lu Chuan a feeling of arrogance. With such force, Lu Chuan had the confidence to defend the zombies' siege frenzy.
The countdown to the zombie attack, the number of seconds is constantly flipping, and then the driving score is also moving.
Time is already calculated in minutes.
Lu Chuan stood up, and under the holographic projection, the entire biochemical plant was under Lu Chuan's eyes within an area of ​​eight kilometers in diameter. One idea can lock any place within this diameter range, zoom in, and even see millimeter-level details.
Holographic projection, more than AR technology, it brings real-time, more like turning your eyes into the perspective of God, allowing you to see everything.
A feeling of heart palpitations surged into my heart.
"They are here."
Lu Chuan whispered, but his eyes were placed on the holographic projection. In his mind, his field of vision kept getting smaller, but he looked down from a high altitude.
The whole city seemed to be affected and became silent.
I only saw a large number of small black spots appearing in the sky at first, and they quickly formed a group, twisted into a larger black spot, and flew toward the place where the biochemical factory was located.
On the ground, under the holographic projection, Lu Chuan could only see the zombies gathering at a very far distance, and eventually a wave of black corpses was formed, moving towards the biochemical factory through the street.
Zombies appeared in all directions, forming a five-stranded zombie group with emptiness on all sides.
"As I thought, there really are flying zombies." Lu Chuan's face changed slightly. Although he was prepared, he still couldn't accept it when he expected it.
Air is Lu Chuan’s weak link. Looking at the black spots in the sky now, it seems that the scale is not small.
"To air, to air."
Lu Chuan issued instructions to the zombies installed on the building of the biochemical plant. These zombies operating the anti-aircraft guns moved, constantly mobilizing the muzzle of the anti-aircraft guns and pointed directly at the sky.
According to Lu Chuan's estimation, these flying zombies must be the first to attack.
There are flying zombies. If the flying zombies are not solved first, there is no way for the anti-aircraft gun to lower the angle to support the ground.
It was another instruction for the ragers who threw guns. One rager took out the alloy javelins with the barbed hooks from their backhands. They held them in their hands and could throw them out at any time.
"Ten minutes left."
The countdown is still dwindling. In addition to the holographic projection, the zombies have actually arrived, but they have not stepped into the range of the biochemical factory, they will not launch a charge, nor are they regarded as launching an attack.
The whole city center is terribly quiet at the moment.
Lu Chuan stared at the position nervously, making sure that nothing went wrong.
"Ding, the siege begins."
Ten minutes passed quickly, and the countdown disappeared, which meant that the attack had finally begun.
When the first zombie stepped into the field of vision of the biochemical factory, it seemed to be irritated by something, and when it pulled off its thigh, it ran wildly, and the target was the biochemical factory.
This is an ordinary female zombie. It is badly decomposed and has a slender figure. According to the visual inspection, it is at least 1.75 meters high. Her hair has long disappeared, revealing a big rotten bald head.
It ran desperately, as if there was something in front of it attracting it.
In the next moment, behind it, zombies came out like they don't need money, and they all stepped on their thighs and ran wildly.
In the sky.
As Lu Chuan had guessed, the first to break in was actually flying zombies. Lu Chuan is very familiar with this kind of flying zombies. It is bloodthirsty claws, and looks a bit like a combination of bats and humans.
There are a lot of bloodthirsty claws, and the total number in the four directions is three to hundreds.
They rushed into the range of the biochemical factory, slapped their flesh wings frantically, and suddenly accelerated towards the metal wall where the biochemical factory was located.
And after the bloodthirsty claws, Lu Chuan was also very familiar with the corpse dragon.
Dozens of corpse dragons, under their wings, formed a larger scale than bloodthirsty claws.
"Good guy."
Three or several hundred flying zombies seem to be few, but their flexibility is very difficult to deal with. To be honest, Lu Chuan would rather deal with three or several thousand zombies than three or several hundred flying zombies.
"There are two flying types in the fourth and fifth levels, one is bloodthirsty claws, the level cannot be determined, and the other is the corpse dragon, which belongs to the fifth level zombies."
Just from here, Lu Chuan got a lot of information.
In the field of vision, flying zombies came in first, and then the four streets leading to the biochemical factory were crowded with zombies, and they rushed in frantically. As the number continued to rise, some raging and swift people followed. They were mixed among ordinary zombies and it was difficult to identify them.
Only the swift will be noticeable, because they are faster.
A licker sprang up from the tide of zombies, but climbed on the street buildings. Wherever its sharp claws went, the cement and bricks were all broken, and a claw mark was caught to make it. Stable as Mount Tai.
Just one, certainly impossible, dozens of lickers appear, like a group of geckos.
Amidst the roar, a few tyrants appeared, and they walked on foot into the area of ​​the biochemical factory. The next moment, these tyrants were irritated and started running wildly with their legs open.
With the size of a tyrant, once it ran wildly, its momentum was absolutely huge. Some zombies that could not evade were kicked by its calf, and it was kicked out ten meters away, like a complete wheat field, where the tyrant passed. , The zombies were overwhelmed by a large area.
In Lu Chuan's view, the zombies that are coming now are completely covering the sky and the earth, making people breathless, as if the ground and sky are all occupied by zombies and turned into a gloomy area.
With an abnormal sound, Lu Chuan thought that his perspective had already locked the source of the sound.
A sturdy man-like zombie with a height of two meters, five or six appeared. It was wearing a ragged camouflage uniform because of its swelling body, which caused the camouflage uniform on its body to swell, revealing a lot of solid muscles.
Its head was also swollen, but its mouth was rotten, revealing two rows of teeth. And its eyes, as if covered by fleshy membranes, looked hideous and terrifying.
In terms of size, the tyrant is even taller and stronger.
However, Lu Chuan's eyes were wide open: "Fuck."
Because this kind of zombie was something that Lu Chuan had never seen before, but it was so familiar, because its shape was really classic. On its arm, there was a tumble of Gatling six-barreled heavy machine gun, and a long bullet chain hung on its body.
On his back, he was carrying a rocket launcher.
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