Chapter 300: Sky Murder

Lu Chuan exclaimed, and at almost the first glance, Lu Chuan confirmed the identity of the pursuer.
What really makes Lu Chuan feel unacceptable is that this pursuer is actually equipped with a weapon, and this weapon is not an ordinary weapon, it is a Gatling six-barreled machine gun. Looking at the bullet that is larger than the female finger, Lu Chuan feels it. A chill.
The pursuer has not seen even one in the city.
What Lu Chuan had been thinking about was whether the pursuers did not exist in the city, otherwise it would be impossible to see none of them. Moreover, in the setting of Resident Evil, the chaser can use modern weapons, and the violent effect brought by it has become a classic.
The first product of the fourth-level biochemical plant is the chaser.
Since it was not unlocked, Lu Chuan didn't know the pursuers. He didn't know if it was manufactured and carried a weapon, or if the weapon needs to be equipped with it later?
Now it seems that the pursuers don't need to worry about themselves, they are almost fully armed as soon as they appear.
Aside from Gatlin, he even appeared on the stage with a bazooka on his back. Do you have to be so frightened?
This chaser appeared, and when he stepped into the range of the biochemical factory, he stared at the biochemical factory with ferocious eyes and strode forward. At the same time, the six-tube Gatling spun and entered a state of warm-up circle.
All the performances did not look like zombies at all, but rather like soldiers who had been fighting for a long time.
Lu Chuan's eyes shrank, and the appearance of the pursuers made him realize that this battle will definitely not be easy, it will become extremely difficult, no wonder he gave himself a month of preparation time.
In the sky, the bloodthirsty claws are not slow, appearing as the first echelon.
Hundreds of bloodthirsty claws formed a huge momentum, as if the entire sky had become their sky, and only one voice remained. As if aiming at the target, it started to accelerate.
"Fire, fire."
When the bloodthirsty claw rushed into the attack range, Lu Chuan gave instructions without hesitation.
The zombies controlling the anti-aircraft guns depressed the trigger at the first time. When the power was turned on, the anti-aircraft guns became crazy. With the sound of "sizzling", the shells continued to spray out like no money, and fell to the surroundings. .
With the twin anti-aircraft guns, one shell exploded in the air, and the bloodthirsty claws were very dense. Some of these exploded shells exploded nearby, and some exploded after hitting.
The resulting strangulation will cause many wounds to be torn when the explosion spreads nearby, and if it hits the body, it will be blown into a huge wound, even affecting the flight.
Especially the huge wound that was hit by the flesh wing made the flesh wing lose its balance, unable to support the body of the bloodthirsty claws, struggling in the air or down.
The most unlucky one was actually the one who was hit in the head, and the whole head disappeared and smashed directly down.
Even if it hits the abdomen, the torn wound is much larger than the washbasin, and the internal organs and fluid are constantly falling down. Some even smashed the bones, making them not rigid enough, just struggling in the sky, possible at any time.
Without the painful nerve, there is a special nerve arrangement, so as long as the bloodthirsty claws can fly, the injury will have no effect on them.
Five double anti-aircraft guns set the fire, and the flames could be seen in the daytime, and the orange light chain formed by the shells rushed into the sky, constantly strangling these bloodthirsty claws.
The bloodthirsty claws are very powerful, as long as they don't hit the head, they fly firmly in the sky.
"One can't kill, then two."
Lu Chuan has always been convinced of this double theory, that the anti-aircraft artillery shells are enough, let it be squandered. The bloodthirsty claws who fired frantically were often hit by the next shell without responding.
A huge blood hole appeared in the explosion.
Even if the bloodthirsty claws are zombies and possess an immortal body, when three consecutive cannonballs explode and destroy enough structures, the bloodthirsty claws can’t hold them and lose control of the body. Fell down.
For the first time, Lu Chuan saw the shock brought by the fire of five anti-aircraft guns. It gave Lu Chuan the feeling that when the machines in The Matrix broke through and entered the ground, countless machines poured in, and the firepower below focused on fire. At one point, then countless machines fell down.
The current situation is somewhat similar to this.
After the fire was set, the bloodthirsty claws kept falling, and it was just a black piece, but it became loose.
Lu Chuan's mind is all placed on the anti-aircraft gun. Within this range, he can use his mind to micro-control the zombies, so that the anti-aircraft gun can chase the fluke bloodthirsty claws.
Dozens of corpse dragons broke through in this situation, and their physique was bigger, just like a fighter jet.
Such a large target is not high-altitude flight, for Lu Chuan, it is not difficult to hit them. Just a thought, the five anti-aircraft guns commanded freely to lock the corpse dragon and set fire.
The first unlucky corpse dragon, the moment it was set on fire, the explosive shell shredded it and fell like a mass of rotten meat.
Lu Chuan stared at the tears in the sky without a word. The bloodthirsty claws and the corpse dragons were mixed. They swooped in the sky at an accelerated rate. Their only goal was to hit the biochemical factory.
In the defensive battle, only the zombies need to touch the biochemical factory, which means that the defense has failed, especially now that even the fourth-level products are not produced, and its drop will directly fall back to the second-level.
Therefore, the difficulty of these flying zombies has changed Lu Chuan's expression greatly.
Without thinking about it, Lu Chuan ignored the zombies on the ground a few kilometers away, but instead put his mind in the sky.
Just the first wave of siege zombies, they are extremely fierce, more like a big killer move.
If there is no way to stop this wave, it means failure.
The appearance of flying zombies, and there were a lot of them, definitely caught Lu Chuan by surprise.
Fortunately, Lu Chuan had also considered at the beginning that the five twin anti-aircraft guns that were installed now play a very large role. Had it not been for Lu Chuan's ability at the time, he would have failed now.
Under Lu Chuan's micro-control, the five double anti-aircraft guns did not stop for a moment.
"Boom boom!"
The sound of the shells exploded, and the bloodthirsty claws were knocked down. They may not be hit in the head. However, the characteristic of the anti-aircraft gun is the impact explosion. As long as it is hit, the fuze will detonate the warhead and cause damage.
The bloodthirsty claws flew, and most of them hit their fleshy wings and abdomen. Each shot hit was a wound tens of centimeters in size, tearing the bones, causing them to fall out of balance.
As long as they fall on the ground, the swifts and hellhounds that have been prepared for a long time will be dispatched, rushing up and biting, until the opponent is torn into parts.
The number of bloodthirsty claws and corpse dragons was still a little higher, and a dozen broke through.
"Vulcan Cannon Tyrant."
Lu Chuan roared, he would never think that it was the first wave and he had to show his hole cards.
Following Lu Chuan’s instructions, the six tyrants who had prepared the Vulcan cannon stood out from the cover in the position, divided into six directions and stood in front of the biochemical plant. Their left arm was raised, Vulcan The gun pointed to the sky.
Without any hesitation, Lu Chuan gave the order to fire.
The Vulcan Cannon was warming up, and after a second, it burst into flames, and the bullet shot out like it was money-free, forming a metal storm. The Vulcan cannon has a maximum of 10,000 rounds per minute, but generally there will be one rating, and there will be two ratings, one is 4000 and the other is 6000.
Think about it, let's take 6000 as an example. 6000 bullets are released in one minute, which is really scary.
Lu Chuan prepared only 1,000 bullets for the tyrant. In theory, 10 seconds would consume a certain amount, but in practice, the time would be longer due to the gap.
The fire collection of the Liutiao Vulcan Cannon brought more terrifying effects than anti-aircraft guns.
A corpse dragon rushed down in the sky, and the consequence of the metal storm was that it started from its head and was smashed by a bullet until it formed a mass of fragments scattered in the sky. From a distance, it's more like breathing, it just melts and disappears.
The tyrant's arm moved slightly, and the grayed one was the movement of the Vulcan Cannon, and the tongue of fire was swallowed, tearing the second corpse dragon to pieces.
There is no need to hit their heads. This kind of firepower can completely dissipate them under the heat like ice cream, and finally dismember them in the air.
However, a corpse dragon used a violent method. During the flight, it slammed into the alloy wall of the biochemical factory.
There are as many as dozens of breakthroughs, and it is inevitable that corpse dragons have become fish that slip through the net.
Without the slightest hesitation, under his mind, Lu Chuan cut into this tyrant's micro-manipulation state. Under the slight instructions, a tyrant violently adjusted the Vulcan Cannon, strafing with a series of bullets, and chasing This corpse dragon.
The bullet arbitrarily on the tail of the corpse dragon, instantly smashing the corpse dragon into blood and blood.
Lu Chuan gritted his teeth because this corpse dragon did not stop at all. For the zombies, they had no painful nerves, and countless flesh and blood had been knocked out behind them. To it, it was more like nothing happened.
The firepower of the Vulcan Cannon was fully fired, and the number of bullets was rapidly decreasing.
Like a devouring, the metal storm brought this corpse dragon from the tail to the abdomen.
"Hurry up..."
Seeing the corpse dragon still more than ten meters away, Lu Chuan raised his heart and stayed in the boss's office. He couldn't help but let out a roar. The tyrant pressed the switch firmly to let the Vulcan Cannon play. Maximum attack speed.
Constantly devouring, smashed the second half of this corpse dragon into flesh and blood.
In the next second, Lu Chuan's heart suddenly rose in the air. This sound meant that this tyrant's Vulcan cannon had emptied the bullet.
And this corpse dragon, it was still flying crookedly in the sky.
There was despair in Lu Chuan's eyes. Who would have thought that he would have failed in just the first wave.
Perhaps the unbalanced corpse dragon, which lost the rear half, was almost cut to the root of the fleshy wing by bullets, which seriously affected its flight balance, but one of the fleshy wing bones broke, and it was carried with it. He slammed his head to the ground and made a noise.
And this corpse dragon was less than five meters away from the alloy wall of the biochemical factory, and it only took half a second to hit it.
This kind of escape from the dead gave Lu Chuan no hesitation. A tyrant ran wildly. When the corpse dragon slapped its fleshy wings and struggling to move towards the alloy wall, it leaped up in the sky and raised its alienated right arm. Stabbed hard.
The right arm, which was alienated into a sharp blade, pierced into the head of the corpse dragon accurately, blasting the entire head.
Lu Chuan breathed out, his hanging heart finally fell, only to feel that he was already sweating profusely.
The combination of the anti-aircraft cannon and the Vulcan cannon formed a terrifying firepower that made the bloodthirsty claws and corpse dragons unable to rush through.
Hundreds of bloodthirsty claws were almost completely slaughtered in just a few minutes.
There was no corpse dragon left.
The bullets of the six tyrants all vented out, but because the anti-aircraft guns were not restrained, there were not too many shells left. This made Lu Chuan a little scared and almost missed.
If it weren't for the six tyrants as the killer, Lu Chuan would be sure that there would be a corpse dragon breaking through.
"Grandma's, next time you need to use the near guns. The whole set is here. After improvements, install them here. It doesn't matter how many flying zombies you come." Lu Chuan felt cruel. Of course, the power of the near guns does not need to be said. Everyone knows that it is more fierce than the anti-aircraft gun The key is that its automation is so high that these bloodthirsty claws are difficult to even get close to, and can lock dozens of targets at once.
Its tonnage is heavy, but it is not a problem when installed on land, and the weight can be ignored.
These are all weapons that Lu Chuan will need in the future, and they are necessary for defense. No matter how difficult it is, Lu Chuan intends to get it and install it here.
If there is one, not many, you can completely solve these hundreds of bloodthirsty claws in just ten seconds.
When the last corpse dragon was exploded by the volley, it meant that the first wave of attacks was finally stopped. The danger in this made Lu Chuan's forehead covered with cold sweat and his body was soaked. In just a few minutes, the urgency was staged, and there were many murders.
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