Chapter 306: Fragments

The siege is over.
What appeared in front of Lu Chuan was a scene full of holes.
Countless buildings were destroyed, the ground of the streets was shattered, and the ground was full of corpses that were crushed into meatloaf by Roshan. The jet black liquid covered the street, exuding a stench.
The smoke from the explosion skyrocketed, and Lu Chuan was not sure whether these would be discovered by survivors outside the city.
The four Roshans, even if they were blown up to the point, are like mountains blocking the streets.
There are no rewards, no upgrades, and the benefits are just that Lu Chuan has a large number of zombie fragments that can be used.
Mainly because the biochemical factory has been upgraded before, the reward is actually the corpse dragon.
It is precisely because this time that the defensive battle is very difficult, it will be upgraded first before the zombies attack the city. The advantage of this is that after the biochemical plant is upgraded, Lu Chuan can have more opportunities to know what zombies will be in the fourth level and what zombies will be in the fifth level.
To be honest, if it weren't for rewarding the corpse dragon, Lu Chuan would not have realized the murderous intent from the sky. When the horrible corpse dragon appeared, because he did not have air defense weapons, his defense had failed.
And his vision gave Lu Chuan a better opportunity to send what kind of troops.
Of course, there are crises. Once they fail, they will be directly downgraded to the second level, and all the previous upgrades will be taken back.
Fortunately, this time the preparations are sufficient, at least it is a victory.
The benefits have been obtained in advance, and what Lu Chuan cares about is actually the benefits brought by the siege zombies in his hands.
The number of siege zombies is not limited to reasonableness. For example, in a city, it is impossible to have hundreds of tyrants in the same area. But in the siege mode, the tyrants are in groups.
In this way, in the siege mode, level fragmentation is completely wiped out.
If you want a piece of debris, you have to work hard and keep searching. But now, they appear directly in front of you in groups, letting you kill them.
In addition to quantity, it is quality.
Siege zombies are often the evolving elite humans, and the fragments obtained by hunting them are almost instinctive fragments, and there are very few sayings of blank fragments. Finally, the probability of high-level fragments is very high, and blue and orange fragments have a high probability. It is not surprising that legendary fragments will appear.
It should be said that the zombie attack is a feast.
The siege is over, now is the time to truly enjoy this feast.
Lu Chuan set aside the huge loss and began to examine the storage space. All of these fragments will be automatically stored here. Lu Chuan doesn't understand the technical principles. He only knows that this kind of function is very good. It is difficult to evaluate the function of the storage space if it is black technology.
The biochemical factory is originally an existence that is difficult to distinguish with science, and it is not difficult for the storage space to have this function.
In Lu Chuan's mind, the fragments in the storage space, their information is automatically presented.
Storage space, it is no exaggeration to call it smart processing.
First-level blank fragments: 34681 pieces.
First-level white instinct fragment: 2486 pieces.
First-level blue instinct fragment: 1568 pieces.
First-level green instinct fragment: 984 pieces.
First-level yellow instinct fragment: 278 pieces.
Grade 1 orange instinct fragment: 118 pieces.
First-level purple instinct fragment: 27 pieces.
Grade 1 red instinct fragment: 5 pieces.
This information was presented in front of Lu Chuan, allowing Lu Chuan to clearly know how many pieces of debris of each level are in the first-level debris. Once Lu Chuan's ideas are placed on one of them, there will be detailed data, such as what kind of instinct will be possessed among so many fragments, and how many pieces of this instinct will be.
Red is actually legendary fragments, with an output rate of 1 in 10,000, which is extremely scarce. The fragments he possessed were almost 40,000 pieces, which meant that the number of ordinary zombies that Lu Chuan killed had reached the level of 40,000.
Every time you kill a zombie, there will be a fragment, the difference is whether it is a blank fragment or a fragment with instinct.
The first-level fragments, no matter how good they are, for Lu Chuan, their effect is only ordinary. Only fragments above orange will make Lu Chuan feel excited. Ordinary zombies, no matter how hard they are strengthened, they can't be so.
Lu Chuan wanted these fragments above the orange, mainly to strengthen them into the zombies, and then bring the other party to modern times.
Ordinary zombies, only in modern times, can they exert their instincts.
Don't underestimate ordinary zombies. Some of them are elite humans, but the genes in them prevent them from evolving into more advanced and more forms of zombies.
Judging from the increase in the number of fragments, the number of ordinary zombies just siege was about 20,000.
No wonder the bullets in the hands of the special police zombies will hit the air, almost being consumed by ordinary zombies.
Thinking about it, it really makes people feel terrible. These are 20,000 ordinary zombies, and 10,000 of them pounced every way. If there were no guns in the hands of the special police zombies to attack from above, they really couldn't deal with them.
Next, Lu Chuan headed towards the secondary debris.
The number of second-level fragments has also reached almost 6,000, the base number is small, this kind of natural legendary fragment is difficult to have, but there is no legendary fragment.
But a purple fragment still made Lu Chuan happy.
Secondary purple instinct fragment: electric welding.
Only when he saw this instinct, Lu Chuan frowned. The skill of electric welding is really not very effective, it can be said that it is like a tasteless existence.
In modern society, in the face of fully automatic electric welding robots, human electric welding is almost not worth mentioning, not bad, but the efficiency is too low. No matter how strong an individual's welding ability is, it is only used in a few cases.
Moreover, the second-level enhancement is no longer what Lu Chuan is pursuing. After all, the second-level enhancement zombies do not play a big role in the apocalypse, and more of them are already in the second line.
Lu Chuan just glanced at the third-level fragments, and when he found that there was no purple or red, he skipped it again.
What really moved Lu Chuan was actually Level 4 and Level 5.
This time there were a lot of zombies at level 4, not to mention the level 5 zombies.
Level 4 blank fragments: 49 pieces.
Four-level green instinct fragment: 277 pieces Four-level yellow instinct fragment: 41 pieces.
Level four orange instinct fragment: 22 pieces.
Four-level purple instinct fragment: 9 pieces.
Four-level red instinct fragment: 2 pieces.
Looking at this set of numbers, this is what really makes Lu Chuan feel happy. This is a fourth-level instinct fragment, which is a green start. This is simply too good for friends.
After removing his eyes from the fourth level, Lu Chuan's eyes fell to the fifth level again.
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