Chapter 335: Split the light and shadow department

June 15th.
The Baichuan Guihai Company, which had been silent before, finally got some news. It will hold a press conference again on June 25. At the same time, it will formally split the light and shadow department and establish Baichuan Guihai Light and Shadow Company.
Not only that, this press conference also sent invitations to the most loyal fans of the official website forums, inviting them to appear at this press conference to feel the charm of the most cutting-edge technology.
This news came out, followed by countless comments.
Some analysts said that this also means that Baichuan Guihai's AR technology has finally moved from concept to market.
If the previous videos seem to be real technologies, they are still in the conceptual stage. After all, technologies that cannot be marketed cannot be called real technologies.
But now, Baichuan Guihai has split up this department, and the meaning is obvious. The light and shadow technology in AR technology must go to the market and be commercialized. This is the standard for true technical maturity.
As soon as the information came out, the valuation of Baichuan Guihai Company was also reported in an article that once the light and shadow technology is launched into the market, the current valuation of Baichuan Guihai Company will increase by 20 billion to reach 70 billion US dollars. level.
For this press conference, look forward to more.
The previous amazing technology has made countless people look forward to it, thinking about when it can be marketed.
And just after more than a month, Baichuan Guihai Company began to market. This speed all shows that Baichuan Guihai Company is leading in technology.
Once it is truly market-oriented, it will be a disaster for many companies that use AR technology, a cutting-edge technology.
Only super-large companies can bear the pressure and continue research and development, but small companies will face the catastrophic consequences of divestment and capital rupture. After all, everyone has already been marketed, and you are still playing with concepts, meaningless.
It can be said that this focus is once again concentrated on the Baichuan Guihai Company.
Each family of media, this time learning smart, the next moment they received the news, they directly sent reporters to Handong City, and at the same time issued a note to Baichuan Guihai Company, hoping to get a media seat.
On the Internet, netizens are already boiling.
Don't look at the fact that the Baichuan Guihai Company really appeared in less than two months, but it has a lot of fans.
The forums on the official website have more than tens of thousands of registrations, which shows how much the technology brought by Baichuan Guihai Company has caused a sensation. And these tens of thousands of registrations will only be in the early stage. Once Baichuan Guihai has its own real products, the registrations it owns will be the real explosion.
What is the most loyal fan?
For this one, the number of posts on the forum has increased more than tenfold. How many people are frantically scrolling through posts to improve their forum level and posting volume.
Are these two standards to measure whether a person is the most loyal fan?
The number of registrations has also begun to rise. How many people rushed in just to try their luck and see if they can get this qualification to attend.
After the announcement by the Baichuan Guihai Company, the popularity of the Ye Lingwei incident suddenly dropped. In the end, the Baichuan Guihai Company squeezed to the top and became the new headline.
This shows the current weight of Baichuan Guihai Company.
On the 16th, Lu Chuan arrived at the wolf's nest in the last days.
This time Lu Chuan came alone, but he never aroused suspicion. Lu Chuan is the identity of the alienated new human, everyone in the wolf's nest knows it, and Lu Chuan still has a powerful force on his back, and they also know it.
The respect for Lu Chuan is already in the bones.
The people in the wolf's nest are all loyal to Lu Chuan. For more than half a year, they seemed to have been brainwashed.
Lu Chuan nodded. After entering the wolf's nest, Lu Chuan went to the light and shadow department first.
In the wolf’s nest, there is no concept of working time. Anyway, after eating and sleeping, waking up to a cycle, there is no difference between day and night. Here, only work can pass the boring time.
Therefore, the work efficiency here is beyond imagination.
"How are the lighting effects I requested?" Lu Chuan entered the lighting department and said directly. There are almost thirty people working here, no longer like modern times, using computers, but optical projectors.
The light and shadow projected by the light projector can sense the human finger to make an operation.
Standing here will definitely give you a sense of science fiction.
In the end times, the folding computer is actually just an outdated computer tool. It is amazing in the modern era, but in the end times, it is only a backward technology.
Seeing the arrival of the boss, everyone here puts down their work.
"Boss, it's done."
Zhao Beijiang, the real person in charge, was not there. A 40-year-old man who was a little obese, stood up and answered Lu Chuan's question.
"Send it to me." Lu Chuan took out his optical projector, and connected it to the local area network already established in the wolf's nest. Through wireless technology, the light and shadow effect that Lu Chuan ordered had already been transmitted to the optical projector in Lu Chuan's hand. .
After chatting with the people here about light and shadow, Lu Chuan was leaving.
Lu Chuan's second stop was the Optical Projector Department.
This department can be said to be the most important thing. Like the optical projectors used today, all come from Zhongzhou City. Wolf's Nest has no way to manufacture this kind of optical projectors. Like virtual devices, they need to be manufactured by manufacturers.
In the industrial park, there is an optical projector manufacturing plant, but the technology is more complex than virtual equipment and needs to be thoroughly understood.
Lu Chuan is only a layman now, so he just glanced around and left. According to this progress, it is already very fast to be able to understand this year.
"There is still a lack of people to make trouble."
After each department walked down, Lu Chuan knew how badly the wolf's nest lacked people.
But there is no other way. There are too many people in the stronghold. When they are not taken down, what does the people inside have to do with themselves? It seems that the plan of the stronghold needs to be accelerated.
In the wolf's nest, Lu Chuan also has his own office.
After staying inside for a while, Zhao Beijiang and the others arrived, reporting on their work during this period of time.
The wolf's nest is set up here, naturally, it is unremarkable, except for work, it is difficult for zombies to find here, and life here is very safe. In addition, the supply is abundant, either vegetables or meat, and it is like living in heaven.
As the godfather of AR technology, Zhao Beijiang is naturally familiar with AR.
What Lu Chuan talked about was actually about AR technology.
There is no way, you have to stand at the front desk, and you definitely need to understand AR technology. No need to say anything to the outside world, but at least you have to know a little bit of knowledge involved.
Return to the villa in the afternoon.
Perhaps because of Lu Chuan's habits, Zhou Yanhong's call came in not long after.
"Boss, the day after tomorrow is the time for the board meeting. Do you think you have time?" Zhou Yanhong asked. Just today, she and the whole team finished their break, and she naturally devoted herself to work.
Holding a board meeting is naturally a matter of declaring the holding and electing a new chairman.
This matter will not cause too many waves.
When it has completely reached the point of holding, Sunshine Housekeeping Company will naturally speak for itself. As for the high-level turmoil, Zhou Yanhong had anticipated this for a long time, but did not have too much worry. The period of time she has worked in can completely end the turmoil in the shortest possible time and restore the company to normal.
At that time, he will become the CEO of Sunshine Housekeeping Company as Junlin.
Lu Chuan frowned, shook his head and said, "You can handle the affairs of Sunshine Housekeeping Company with full authority. I can't go away temporarily. Later, I will fax an appointment letter and appoint you as CEO."
Sunshine Housekeeping Company is the number one housekeeping company in Handong City, but its value is several hundred million yuan. In Lu Chuan's eyes, it is of little importance.
Acquisition is nothing more than fulfilling the original promise.
What's more, Lu Chuan would leave the country for a while, and Xia Min had already called several times and had to leave. Just the day before yesterday, the helmeted mercenaries completed another commission and destroyed an armed stronghold.
The death of more than a thousand people is naturally big news.
The helmet mercenaries suffered a lot of battle damage. There was one supplement and another repair.
The reason Xia Min urged Lu Chuan was because of some damaged zombies. For example, they had their chests shattered, but they were still alive. They couldn't have a big hole in their chests. They were still alive and kicking, right?
There are not a few who have broken hands and legs. They are placed in the back, but their injuries are bloodless, and they lack even the miserable howling. After a long time, it will inevitably make people doubt.
Zombies are secrets and are not allowed to be exposed.
To remove this possibility of exposure, they must be repaired, or they must disappear and be replaced with new zombies to ensure the combat effectiveness of the helmeted mercenaries.
Zhou Yanhong was a little disappointed, but quickly cheered up. Now that the stage is already there, it's time for her to show her fists.
After hanging up Zhou Yanhong’s call, Lu Chuan shook his head. Sunshine Housekeeping and Baichuan Guihai Company are two companies with two concepts. Between the front and the heavy, Sunshine Housekeeping is in Lu Chuan’s heart. It is not enough. He will let Zhou Yanhong go. Such tossing.
After thinking about it, Lu Chuan called Yi Ran again.
"Boss." Yi Ran's voice came out, causing Lu Chuan's mind to imprint its childlike appearance. Thinking about it now, seductiveness is seductive, but for men, it is a torture.
"Are the tickets ready?" Lu Chuan plane went directly to Germany at 7:30 in the evening. The current situation in Syria is very chaotic. It is a little troublesome to get in. But now it has been arranged, and someone will take it along the way. "Yi Ran replied.
Almost all the passages in Syria are now blocked, and it is not easy to enter or exit.
Of course, this is only relative.
In this world, under the influence of money, no place can be completely blocked. What Yi Ran found was that a certain leader of a local organization, with a generous sum of US dollars, directly opened the channel.
There is no way, like repairs, which can only be carried out when it is close to eight kilometers.
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