Chapter 336: Meat ticket

Seven o'clock in the evening.
Lu Chuan boarded the flight abroad, this time he did not bring zombie bodyguards.
At present, the strongest under Lu Chuan is the tyrant, but the size of the tyrant, in modern times, none of them is below the two-meter level. The height of more than two meters will be eye-catching no matter where it is placed.
This time, Lu Chuan only wanted to keep a low profile, not to make a public appearance.
There is no way. It is the Western countries who let yourself get offended now, and it is better to keep a low profile if you get offended several at a time. Otherwise, it’s not good to be invited to drink tea.
In this way, it is unrealistic to take the tyrant as a bodyguard.
Like Zhang Li, it is only a second-level rager, it is ordinary and ordinary, but don't forget that Lu Chuan himself is now a fourth-level genetic enhancement, far from comparable to Zhang.
For Lu Chuan, what did he encounter, to flash to the end of the world, and bring out a bunch of tyrants, it was a matter of millions for Lu Chuan.
Lu Chuan's position was by the window of the first class cabin. After sitting down, he picked up a magazine in his hand.
"The largest terrorist organization: Helmet mercenaries."
The magazine in hand caught the eye, but it was such a title.
Today's magazines are not as good as before. Except for some public places, few people subscribe to them. For example, on flights, some are prepared, both at home and abroad. After all, this is an international flight. It is impossible to have all Chinese magazines and newspapers.
The copy that Lu Chuan picked up was a domestic magazine, but most of it was translated internally from foreign magazines.
Seeing the helmet mercenary, Lu Chuan became interested.
To be honest, my own boss is really dereliction of duty sometimes. I don't know much about helmet mercenaries. After a long time, I always feel that helmet mercenaries make money for themselves, it is more like a tool.
People have emotions, even if a zombie is just an inanimate monster, how can it be regarded as a dead thing if it obeys its orders, works and makes money for itself?
Once their expressions are unlocked, how are they different from real people?
Lu Chuan looked through it a few times, and it was listed that the helmeted mercenaries had amazing performances in Sudan, and even more brilliantly in Syria. Defined as a terrorist organization, the main thing is to stabbing the chrysanthemum of the United States, and naturally it will be blacklisted.
This is also the usual method of the United States. As long as those who oppose them are directly defined as terrorist organizations, they can send troops to fight.
This method makes the teacher famous.
Lu Chuan sneered. It seemed that the United States was really angry. The first step they want to deal with is to buckle the hat first, and then throw the missiles after the righteousness is gained, let the plane fly a few times, throw bombs or something.
Anyone who understands knows that this is the American side eyeing the helmeted mercenary.
Close the magazine, Lu Chuan closed his eyes and leaned back on the chair.
One after another, people on the flight continued to board the plane, and then during the announcement of the stewardess, the plane started up, slowly drove onto the runway, and got off the ground while accelerating.
Arrive in Berlin, Germany, then transfer to Beirut, Lebanon.
Lebanon is adjacent to Syria. To enter Syria, crossing the border from Lebanon is the best way. Lebanon's national strength is not strong, the border is like a sieve, and entry and exit are similar to undefended.
Because of the jet lag, when I arrived in Berlin, it was daytime.
After a turnaround, when Lu Chuan appeared in Beirut, it was night again.
As the capital of Lebanon, Beirut is also one of the most popular tourist cities in the world. When Lu Chuan came here, he would not arouse suspicion at all, he would just treat it as a tourist.
After leaving the airport, I made a phone call, and soon a local man took Lu Chuan to an off-road vehicle waiting outside the airport.
The driver who was driving was a bearded man. His eyes were sharp. When he saw Lu Chuan, he didn't say a word, but pointed to the passenger seat. After getting into the car in Lu Chuan, he immediately drove.
On the back row, plenty of water and food are prepared.
Leaving the city all the way, entering the highway, and then speeding west.
Take flight and so on, will leave a record, only use the car, will leave nothing. Although it was a bit slower, it was better in secrecy and could reach the destination silently.
Speeding all the way, when it was about to dawn, it was already at the border.
The off-road vehicle stopped in a barren mountain, and after making a few secret signals, some light came up in the darkness. After connecting his head, the driver pointed to the opposite side.
Lu Chuan got out of the car, and five people in local costumes walked out in the dark. They covered their veils. After spelling out Lu Chuan's name in English, they connected their heads.
"Cross here, you will enter the territory of Syria."
"Follow us."
After simple communication, set off immediately.
Moving forward in the dark, if you are not very familiar with this place, it is impossible to find a way. It is very desolate here, the mountains are full of cliffs, only some trails dug by the locals pass.
Syria does not care about crossing borders like this, and Lebanon turns one eye and closes the other, and naturally wants to smuggle. It is very simple.
Of course, the simple premise is that you have money.
This channel was only opened after Yi Ran put down a dollar, and ordinary people don't need to count on it.
After Lu Chuan's level 4 genes were strengthened, his eyesight naturally didn't have to be said. In this darkness, it was not a problem at all, and he walked more steadily than them.
The journey along the way, although dangerous, is nothing.
It took about three hours to cross this border. When it arrived in Syria, it was already dawn, and a ray of light spewed out, shining on the earth.
In Lu Chuan's eyes, it was an endless desert land, full of wind and sand.
In Lu Chuan's view, apart from oil, this place is definitely a place where birds do not shit. People have lived here for generations, but because of the oil under their feet, their homes are not like homes, and the country is not like a country. It is really guilty.
The five people brought Lu Chuan here. Lu Chuan took out a bundle of US dollars from his pocket and threw them to them.
When they got the money, they turned around and left.
Lu Chuan took out the satellite phone and dialed a number. Soon after, he saw yellow sand in the distance and three off-road vehicles, which turned out to be all Toyota overbearing.
When the off-road vehicle stopped, seven men with weapons in their hands jumped on top of them. They were wearing camouflage uniforms and exuding a sturdy atmosphere. They looked like elites.
Being able to live in this war-torn country is itself an elite.
A rough and tall man jumped down, and he stared at Lu Chuan for a few moments, with curiosity in his eyes. An Asian who spends a lot of money but comes to this war-torn place alone is hard to understand.
Under the blockade of Western countries represented by the United States, entering Syria is no more difficult than fleeing Syria. It does not cost more than a hundred thousand dollars, and it is really impossible to enter.
But with these hundreds of thousands of dollars, who would come here and risk his life to come here?
The man asked with sharp eyes like eagles.
Eddie is an English name that Yiran took to facilitate the connection, meaning Eddie.
Lu Chuan nodded, but was wary. The breath emitted by these people all means that they have been infected. It is not surprising to think about it, who has not killed anyone in this war-torn land?
"My name is Marion, get in the car, let's leave here first." Marion shook his head.
After getting on the leading car, Marion and the others did not stay here much, but left here taking advantage of the early morning.
This is the border, and there will be warplanes patrolling. The U.S. has always blocked the border here. Their mouths are full of morality, but they kill people more cruelly than them.
This is a small town on the border, currently does not belong to any party, it can be said to be a neutral organization.
In Syria, each organization has a lot of power, and if someone has a gun in his hand, he can dominate one side. Here they are order and law.
Yi Ran found this same organization.
This small town was not far in the past, it belonged to the government-controlled area, which is why Yiran sought them out.
From afar, I saw this small town in a desolate land. The war was patronized here, and many buildings were in ruins, but overall, it was not very bad.
At the entrance to the town, armed forces were stationed, consisting of several pickup trucks. Machine guns were placed behind the pickup trucks, and the muzzle was aimed at the small convoy that appeared.
Marion in the vice seat was expressionless.
The vehicle approached, the other side recognized him and waved his hand to indicate that he could enter.
For this kind of war-torn place, Lu Chuan was the first time he went deep. When he was in Sudan, Lu Chuan's first stop was Port Sudan. Port Sudan had not been subjected to war, so naturally he couldn't see anything. Then he ran all the way in the dark and saw nothing.
Lu Chuan had no intuitive understanding of the night attack and the withdrawal during the day.
But now, I see this kind of war-torn country so truly. Like this small town, bullet holes can be seen everywhere in the buildings, which should be caused by the shooting of guns. In some places, there are blood stains that have turned brown.
Entering the town, there are many scrapped vehicles on both sides.
Here, civilians are rarely seen, almost all of them have guns in their hands. They have all ages, and they don’t even lack women. Some thirteen or four-year-olds are carrying ak47 with sophisticated faces and cold eyes. They are obviously soldiers who have seen blood.
In addition to teenagers, some people in their 50s and 60s are also armed with guns. They don't need to charge, and it's okay to get their heads together. You don't need to pay attention to too much physical strength to kill people with guns.
In the small town, Lu Chuan can still see the presence of anti-aircraft guns and even several tanks.
There are also many people carrying RPGs.
From this point on all shows that this is an elite organization with heavy firepower.
"Eddie, you can eat here first."
The convoy stopped when it arrived in front of a house, Marion jumped down with a smile on his face, but in his eyes, there was a flash of light, with a sharp look, like a smile.
Lu Chuan smiled bitterly. He got out of the car and looked at this place. It was basically a soldier's den. You could see soldiers belonging to this organization everywhere. Some of them were on guard, some were sitting together eating and drinking, and some were laughing and shouting.
The number of soldiers here alone is more than a hundred.
At this point, Lu Chuan already knew the other party's intentions.
Lu Chuan hadn't answered yet, but a strong soldier behind Lu Chuan pushed Lu Chuan abruptly and said loudly. Not only that, but the gun was also pointed at Lu Chuan.
In the current situation, it seems that Lu Chuan's script has not been followed, and he has been treached by others and has become a meat ticket. (https://)
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