Chapter 4: Zombie factory

  Uncle zombie like wood, sitting for half an hour without even moving.
   Lu Chuan can't stand it anymore. Anyway, after a day's time, he also knows that it is harmless to him, so he can rest assured.
   Once he accepted this fact in his heart, Lu Chuan put his curiosity more in the zombie factory of the end times. Before, he was confused and just took a glimpse of the zombie factory, and then inexplicably returned to the long-distance bus.
   Now calm down, and finally I can take a closer look.
   Ignoring the uncle zombie who was sitting like a wood, Lu Chuan wandered to the bed and took out his mobile phone.
   The oppo smart phone with more than one thousand yuan can only be said to be a relatively low-end mobile phone, which is also in line with Lu Chuan's salary level.
   On the desktop, the zombie factory icon is still there.
   Lu Chuan took a few deep breaths, calming himself down, and then tapped this icon with a trembling finger.
   It is not to blame Lu Chuan for being nervous, because he is about to teleport himself into the unknown apocalypse.
The    icon is a little bit, a pattern similar to fingerprint verification appeared, but it flashed past. In the next second, Lu Chuan only felt his head twitch, a painful sensation appeared, and his body was twisted.
   His eyes went dark, it seemed that it was a blink of an eye. When he could see something, Lu Chuan was in the bright and bright factory product exhibition hall.
"calm down."
   "Here, I am the boss."
   "It's safe here."
   gave himself a few self-comforts, but there was no way to calm Lu Chuan's tension.
   Swallowing saliva, Lu Chuan twisted his head hard and looked around.
   Inside the glass cylinder that scared Lu Chuan Soul out before, the zombie was still there, staring at Lu Chuan with its hollow eyes. Only this time, it didn't do anything, just stood blankly.
   Lu Chuan looked around, he was teleported here alone, and the uncle zombie did not follow it.
   Through the self-hypnosis of "I am the boss", Lu Chuan finally walked around this factory.
   Very simple structure.
   This zombie factory can be divided into four parts.
  一: It is the product exhibition hall of Liangtang. It is also the largest part of the zombie factory.
  二: Product Research Department.
  三: Production workshop.
   Four: The boss's office.
   The zombie factory is not big, but it is a complete one, from research to production.
  The only thing I don’t have is the warehouse.
   As the owner and sole owner of this zombie factory, Lu Chuan should have the supreme authority. However, Lu Chuan found tragically that the research department himself could not enter, and the production workshop could not enter. The only ones that could enter were the product exhibition hall and the boss's office.
   The entire factory can be controlled by one's own consciousness.
   As long as a command is issued, the factory will start, the production workshop will start, and the zombies will be produced.
   The production workshop is in a top-secret state, and it is impossible to peek into anything.
   Lu Chuan had no idea how to make a zombie.
   Turn to the product research department, and in Lu Chuan's mind, a panel like a science and technology tree will appear, each grid is dark with a question mark. The grid at the bottom of the technology tree was shining with a halo.
  The consciousness passed, and the message of this grid appeared.
   Zombie: Not researched and developed, three pieces of zombie fragments are needed to activate research and development to unlock, a first-level zombie factory product.
   Obviously, if you want to manufacture this kind of primitive zombies, you still need research and development.
   "What the is the zombie fragment?"
   Lu Chuan feels like he is playing a game. This zombie is like a piece of equipment. It needs to fight so many pieces and then synthesize this piece of equipment?
   Really, in the corner of this grid, there is an explanation about zombie fragments.
   Zombie fragments: Obtained by hunting ordinary zombies.
  In an instant, Lu Chuandan was in pain.
   Feelings It’s not so easy to start the factory.
   The factory that appeared in Lu Chuan's hands is a first-level biochemical factory. From the current point of view, it seems that the only product is the production of zombies.
   Biochemical Factory: This is a concentration camp of horror, the root of the destruction of the world, and it can produce all kinds of biochemical weapons that are beyond your imagination. Believe me, the biochemical weapons it produces will exceed your imagination.
   They can be human-shaped zombies or animal-shaped zombies, and they are more likely to be deified biochemical arms.
   zombies, zombie dogs, lickers, hellhounds, tyrants, chasers, T002, meat shields, judges, maternal bodies...
   There is no imagination but no research and development.
  The products are terrifying, they are unparalleled in power.
  Through the biochemical factory, you can develop and unlock these scary biochemical weapons. They are absolutely loyal to you and make your power supreme in the name of fear.
   In addition, countless additional products from biochemical plants will make you subvert your imagination. The birth, aging, sickness and death of human beings are in your hands.
  The first-level biochemical factory, which can produce zombies, needs to be unlocked.
   Bensheng Chemical Factory has ten levels, unlock a certain number of mass-produced products, and get upgrade permissions. Level up, you can unlock more and more advanced products, they will be more powerful and have more sensitive thinking.
   As the boss of the factory, the factory automatically presents an initial entourage. If you want to have better followers and smarter, please work hard to upgrade the level of the factory.
   Manufacturing products requires input of material costs. Due to the collapse of the financial system in the last days, the currency used by this factory is the real world currency, initially bound to RMB.
   can shuttle between the two worlds, how can you get the big killer of storage space? As long as you activate the first product, you will have a first-class storage space, which is a must for your home travel, murder and arson.
  As the boss of a biochemical factory, you need to control more resources to keep you alive.
   In the eyes of survivors of the end times, you are the most unusual survivor in this world. Everything you have will make them crazy. If you want not to be eliminated, use your mind to think about how you can avoid the fate of being eliminated.
   This is not a journey of development, but a journey of survival.
   Don’t doubt, with this factory, your future path will get darker and darker.
   Seeing the last sentence, Lu Chuan completely broke down. What does it mean to get darker and darker, and feelings themselves are still a heinous villain?
   And looking at the introduction here, it is completely factory manufacturing of zombies.
  Think about it carefully. It seems that some monsters like zombies were indeed artificially created in the laboratory at the beginning. The original purpose of making them was to make them the most powerful biochemical weapons.
   Unfortunately, it was obvious that the game collapsed in the end, and the world was almost destroyed.
   The emergence of the biochemical factory was unreasonable and incredible, but now Lu Chuan has accepted it.
   Although it was mentioned at the end of the introduction that he might have gone all the way to the dark, Lu Chuan could not refuse the temptation, confusion, and enticement in front of him. Become the boss of a biochemical factory and create extremely powerful biochemical weapons.
   storage space is definitely an iconic function of traveling through time and space.
   Without this thing, you are ashamed to say that you have the ability to travel through time and space.
   Knowing that there is this function, Lu Chuan said that it is deceptive not to be excited. Its appearance, the convenience it brings, and the benefits it brings to himself are hard to estimate. When eschatological and modern items need to be inter-modulated, they rely on it.
   storage space is a must-have for the peak of life.
  As for the additional products of the biochemical plant, Lu Chuan just glanced at it, his eyes were round and almost protruding.
   Leukemia, AIDS, cervical cancer, rabies...
   Regenerative limbs, biochemical heart, biochemical kidney...
   This is a terminal illness in the world. Almost all the supplements of this biochemical factory have therapeutic drugs.
   From the most common colds and fevers to all kinds of terminal illnesses, there are all medicines that can be treated here. The price also varies with these symptoms. Any disease related to the terminally ill treatment point is extremely expensive.
  Like regenerative limb technology, people who have lost arms or limbs can regenerate a new limb. This kind of biochemical technology is absolutely incomparable.
  Even all kinds of cancer, there are medicines for treatment. If people on the earth see all this, it will definitely make people crazy.
   Lu Chuan was of course crazy, but looking at the prices of medicines and items listed on it, like a basin of cold water poured over, Lu Chuan calmed down. The additional items of the biochemical plant are in units of billions of dollars for each movement. In a short time, it is like a chicken rib.
   The calculation of the biochemical plant is based on the modern renminbi calculation unit. The selling price is 100 million yuan. For Lu Chuan, who has a deposit of no more than 10,000, it is like a mountain that cannot be exceeded.
  The difficulties are now, and the future is bright. At least it gives Lu Chuan hope.
   When the time comes to 100 million, I will buy a drug that can treat cancer, and then sell it to those local tyrants who are terminally ill, and sell him 800 million. In the face of Xiao Ming, they are not rushing to buy it?
   The only trouble is the origin of the drug, and it may also cause complications.
   Despite the peddling of this drug, Lu Chuan just thought about it and might not act on it, but with this expectation, just think about it, and it will make people excited.
   The gate of Niucha's life is already open.
   First set a small goal, for example, make it 100 million first?
   The last days, in Lu Chuan's eyes, is definitely synonymous with gold everywhere.
   A city where no one has only zombies, countless resource wealth, the wealth of the entire world is like no owner, waiting for your possession.
  A world without order, you who control a group of zombies, will ascend to the pinnacle of power and step on the zombies and survivors. You can do whatever you want with absolute power.
   Everything you want is at your fingertips.
  Unconsciously, Lu Chuan's thinking floated.
   "Ah, I think too far."
Lu Chuan was a little embarrassed. The current biochemical factory is still in a state of the art, and the products it produces are still the most basic ordinary zombies. This kind of goods, as long as the survivors with a little brain, can choose ten from one, and then give the survivors another one. Guns, twenty ordinary zombies are not enough for people to stuff their teeth.
   Those who can survive in this complex, dangerous, and terrifying world are not simple characters.
   With the current biochemical plants, I think too much about everything.
   What's more, even the most common zombies are currently in an unlocked state, and they are still playing with fur. He screamed when he saw an uneven road, and when the other party saw the tyrant standing behind him, he immediately got down to lead him to death. No need to count on, he thought too much.
   Pulling back his thinking, Lu Chuan had to lament the power of this biochemical factory.
   "Now the first step is to unlock the first product."
  No matter how weak ordinary zombies are, as long as they are used well and their advantages are used, they are still very threatening. Putting it on Lu Chuan can be understood as a sense of security.
   How to say it is better than nothing.
   (Fourth update, the recommended ticket for robbery... There are thousands of people, can you give me some help?)
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