Chapter 405: Blood capital

"Coordinate East 5779..."
"Coordinate confirmation."
"Launch 1 to 9."
"Order confirmation, launch."
When the news from the front confirmed that the helmeted mercenaries were indeed in the mountains, the three guided-missile destroyers of the Mediterranean Fleet, nine Tomahawk cruise missiles lifted off, and the coordinates returned from the front special forces began. Implement a crackdown.
The nine Tomahawk cruise missiles are just the beginning.
"Target area, launch number 10 to 18."
"Order confirmation, launch."
Just one minute apart, each of the three guided missile destroyers launched three Tomahawk cruise missiles. In the second wave, another nine missiles were lifted into the air. After they rose into the air, they made a parabola, and then entered a state of ultra-low altitude flight.
There are 18 Tomahawk cruise missiles in two waves, which fly fast against the surface of the sea.
"Your Excellency, the combat style and tenacity of the helmeted mercenaries are the most secretive I have ever seen. When fighting, they are more like fighters. Axe missile strikes are still not strong enough. Each of our soldiers is precious, and I don’t want too many casualties."
The commander of the special forces in front showed caution when talking to the general.
Before the action, he had been studying the combat case of this helmeted mercenary. The more you study, the more alarming, because this mercenary often fights more with less, and the record has not yet lost.
Several battles are very classic.
For such a unit, the other party knew the actions of the others and dare to come to this mountain. It was obviously prepared.
The 18 Tomahawk cruise missiles really can’t make him feel at ease, although this time the missile is the top-notch warhead, which is the highest cost of 1.2 million US dollars. In addition to the 450 kg warhead, it also carries a considerable number. Little bomb.
A "tomahawk" covers a large area, and 18 to deal with troops with less than a thousand people is already a luxury, but he still feels that it is far from enough.
We must know that the training cost of each soldier in the special forces is more than one million US dollars. With equipment, it is far more expensive than a Tomahawk cruise missile.
It is no exaggeration to say that every special soldier is piled up with millions of dollars.
"Well, I hope you are right." The black general was silent for a while and agreed to this request.
In fact, the general does not approve it in his heart, but everyone knows that the U.S. military has a lot of money and a few more, but it is an increase in military expenditures of several million, which has not been put in his mind.
Under order, another 9 Tomahawk cruise missiles were launched in the third wave.
The 27 "Tomahawk" cruise missiles, this kind of strike force is really too amazing, the specifications are high, this helmet mercenary should feel honored, there are really not many people who have this kind of treatment.
Almost during the launch, Russia easily captured the launch source.
European countries are aware of the US fleet in the Mediterranean Sea. In fact, they are also monitoring these three warships. They knew it almost at the time of launch, but they wouldn't say anything because they belonged to the United States.
Russia also has a lot of reconnaissance ships in the Mediterranean, so the moment the US launched the missile, they captured it.
"Quickly, spread the news. The United States has launched 27 Tomahawk cruise missiles."
The panicked voice made the people on the reconnaissance ship tremble. He didn't know what Mei wanted to do. It would only provoke a war by doing so. How dare they break this deadlock?
In fact, it is only about 300 kilometers from the surface of the sea to the target.
At the speed of a cruise missile, it only takes 20 minutes.
20 minutes seems to be a lot, but the United States has already calculated the efficiency of the Russian side. When they actually notify the helmet mercenaries, the time left for the helmet mercenaries will not exceed three minutes.
In three minutes, the helmeted mercenaries had lost their chance.
Lebanese coast.
A group of people are moving mysteriously here. A large truck is parked on the coastline. If you look closely, you can see a large number of antennas sticking out of this truck.
Soon, the quiet people in the truck became excited and began to get busy.
Within a minute, a phone call was made.
After a few simple sentences, the truck began to put all the antennas away, and some of these people also left one after another. For them, any of theirs has been completed.
In fact, they have been here for a long time, just for this moment.
The equipment in this truck is actually a tester that can capture the heat of the missile. They had long expected that this heat energy could only appear in the sea, and they would wait for it here.
In fact, they used a total of five test vehicles, distributed on the coast of Lebanon.
Now that their task has been completed, naturally there is no need to stay.
"Boss, the remote strike has begun."
Xia Min put down the satellite phone, without a trace of expression on his face, as if the news it received was not important.
In fact, this was a rain of bullets formed by 27 missiles, and everyone was panicked.
What the U.S. did not expect was that helmet mercenaries, who they thought had no means, had many channels. Yi Ran is indeed amazing and can contact many amazing organizations.
As it is now, the intelligence provided by an organization that is in conflict with the United States is worth five million dollars.
Lu Chuan glanced at the watch on his wrist. After confirming the time, he calculated the speed of the famous American Tomahawk cruise missile and said, "I expect to arrive here in 13 minutes."
Thirteen minutes was just a blink of an eye.
The bad news seems to be more than this one.
Xia Min's satellite phone rang again. After it answered it, his face remained silent, and he said quietly: "Boss, the news that I just received, five fighter planes took off in the 207 military base."
This is indeed bad news, and it is definitely worse.
The power of modern fighters, five are enough to send his helmeted mercenary into hell.
"The land, sea and air are combined, it seems that they must kill us." Lu Chuan sighed lightly, this old beauty is really rich and powerful, and it's all about using money.
Changing to other countries, the greatest possibility is actually to send ground troops to encircle and suppress.
Lu Chuan was sighing lightly, but his brows raised at this moment, and then he smiled: "I found them."
Hundreds of hellhounds have been scattered for almost ten minutes. It is not surprising to find these special forces. Originally, Lu Chuan knew that they were nearby, but there was no way to confirm the exact location.
"I heard that Lao Mei trained a special soldier and it cost almost 5 million US dollars. Hey, I wonder if they will vomit blood this time?" Lu Chuan smiled lightly, but his eyes were cold.
Since I found them, there is nothing to say, either he died or he lives.
With a shake of his hand, a special car appeared mysteriously in front of Lu Chuan.
This special car is covered with a lot of artificial leaves. You can't think of it as a car from the air and from a distance. This confuses the satellite very well.
With the fastest speed, Lu Chuan activated the equipment inside, and the high-power electronic jammer began to work.
After completing all of this, Lu Chuan slammed again, exploding at his own speed, moving fast in this mountain, and at the same time issuing instructions with his mind.
Hundreds of mercenary zombies moved, they moved in the mountains, leaving this place destined to be covered by navigation.
Lu Chuan knew that cruise missiles could change the target, but what about it, he was fighting the opponent right now, and when he saw a large number of his own people at that time, they dared to really blow it down.
How fast Lu Chuan is, in this mountain, it is like stepping on the ground.
In fact, when a dog appeared, the special forces knew they were exposed. They are actually very scattered, scattered among the mountains in units of combat teams.
Each of their positions will form a crossover point. According to their calculations, even in the face of 5,000 troops, under this kind of crossfire, there is no need to worry about them breaking through.
What is special forces?
In fact, like this kind of head-to-head battle, they have to try their best to avoid it, but this time is too special, and they just hand it over to them without sending too many troops.
Joint combat by sea, land and air is to wipe out the helmeted mercenaries.
This helmeted mercenary not only wiped out their four combat teams, but more importantly, their presence disrupted a strategic deployment, especially in Syria, and disrupted the US strategy. group.
In this way, this helmeted mercenary is on the mortal list.
"Fack, the other party turned on electronic interference."
"Ready to fight."
Their communicators and electronic devices suddenly lost their function, making them aware that the other party was moving.
In the shouts of each other, every soldier became tense. No matter how confident they were, the strength of this helmeted mercenary was really too cruel. For more than a month, they all watched and studied this employment. The army naturally understands how powerful this opponent is.
It is because of understanding that they have to treat it with caution, and they have raised the spirit of twelve points, and dare not look down on it.
In the maritime command, all the signals of the special forces suddenly disappeared, which immediately evoked panic. Of course, they knew that it was impossible to be eliminated suddenly, but this helmeted mercenary blocked the signal in this area.
"Let the fighter speed up."
The command post was very calm and issued a series of instructions.
Lu Chuan, who was running wild, showed a cruel expression.
Now all the mercenary zombies are moving, Lu Chuan is equipped with the same equipment as them, so don't worry about what happens to the can make Lu Chuan run wildly.
When he was still three kilometers away from the other party, Lu Chuan stopped again.
Hidden to a location where the opponent could not be found, Lu Chuan disappeared silently. However, Lu Chuan just disappeared and reappeared immediately, less than a minute later.
But Lu Chuan did not appear on his own.
With Lu Chuan as the center point, three thousand Hellhounds appeared, a large area. They are tall, with indifferent eyes, and their sharp teeth even show a cold light. After the three thousand hellhounds are laid out, they are densely packed.
Since the U.S. military has paid for it, he has also paid for it. Isn't it hundreds of millions? I can still afford it.
Lu Chuan raised his head, staring at the distant sky, with a faint halo, and dawn seemed to be coming.
Under indifferent instructions, the three thousand Hellhounds turned into a torrent, jumping and running frantically here, rushing towards the target three kilometers away.
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