Chapter 501: Water ghost

The chaser is subdivided from the tyrant T-002, and in terms of body, there is no difference between the two.
What Lu Chuan wanted to express was that it was not necessary to develop a new armor for the tyrant T-002. It was enough to directly arm the tyrant with the armor of the pursuer, saving time and effort.
The only thing that was not enough was the armor's defensive power, which was far from what Lu Chuan wanted.
After all, the reason was that Lu Chuan couldn't get qualified materials.
Really qualified materials are in the hands of the military, and it is difficult for ordinary people to access these materials. Not only that, the top materials are also extremely expensive.
A set of armor may cost millions of dollars.
"Forget it, just use the corpse sea tactics if you don't have the conditions." Lu Chuan didn't force it either.
After reading the Tyrant T-002, the number of 50 is indeed a bit less, but now Lu Chuan's funds are tight. Before new funds are added, the number will be less.
Speaking of it, the dignified richest man in the world has less than 10 million dollars in his hands, and no one would believe it.
50 Tyrant T-002s are few, but once they appear in groups, it will definitely make people feel frightened. One tyrant T-002 is enough to sweep an ordinary army. Now that 50 tyrant T-002 appear at the same time, an army of terror will be quickly destroyed.
After relaxing, Lu Chuan finally has time to focus on another thing, which is the third product in the fourth level.
"Water Ghost: 0/10."
The avatar of the third product is a monster similar to an octopus, except that the octopus head presents a beast-like head. Although it is not completely, it can be seen faintly.
Because it is an avatar, the performance seems to be rotten, but not much.
Apart from this, there is no way to get more information. After all, this icon is gray and in an unlocked state.
"Water ghost? What kind of zombie is this?"
Lu Chuan feels awkward, and the name Water Ghost is too direct, giving people a sense of creepy.
It is not difficult to understand literally, it should belong to the kind of zombie that exists in the water.
"When can zombies evolve like this?" Lu Chuan only felt that he couldn't see through this world more and more. It really was dangerous everywhere. Virus infection is not only humans, but also animals.
The evolution of human infection seems to be far more thorough than that of non-animals, and it doesn't seem strange that zombies like water ghosts have evolved.
It is not surprising that there are top super zombies like King Kong, top flying zombies like dragon crocodile, and water ghosts. It should be said, of course.
There are those who walk on the ground, those who fly in the sky, and those who swim in the water are normal.
Maybe in the future, there will be drills in the ground?
The use of zombies in the water, as far as Lu Chuan is concerned, must be very limited. Zhongzhou City is an inland city with rivers, but it is limited to rivers.
From this point of view, at the end of the world, the water ghost is a bit tasteless.
It needs to be unlocked whether it is used or not, because only when it is unlocked will the next zombie be unlocked.
What's more, even if the water ghost is temporarily unavailable, it can also be used for technical reserves.
Too many companies in the world have technical reserves, and the technology may not be used for a while, but it cannot be without. In many cases, this kind of technical reserve can play a role in turning things around.
What Lu Chuan thought was actually Xia Min.
The manor in Somalia is by the sea. If someone uses a sea ship to attack with long-range missiles and naval guns, there will be no fight back. Lu Chuan has no way to obtain ship-to-ship missiles, nor can it be obtained through arms dealers.
Arms dealers are actually the minions of some powerful nations. What can be sold and what can’t be sold. They have a yardstick. They look like their own, which is just a deal for scattered personnel. It is already rare to be able to buy a large number of bombs. Up.
"Water Ghost!"
Lu Chuan was reciting this name, and he was not curious about not encountering a zombie like a water ghost in such a long time, because the area where the water ghost lived must be a place with water.
Lu Chuan activated the light projector and appeared on the map of Zhongzhou City. After zooming out, the map of Zhongzhou City appeared in front of Lu Chuan.
Lu Chuan's eyes fixed on the central lake of Zhongzhou City.
The central lake is a lake in the city. It is not small. It presents a lake in the form of a circle. It is almost as big as two city blocks. It is so obvious on the map.
As the only city center lake in Zhongzhou City, Lu Chuan is sure that there will definitely be water zombies here.
Since there are water ghosts and other top-level water zombies, it is not surprising.
Just as Lu Chuan was staring at the map in a daze, a stern alarm sounded, and flashing red appeared in the entire biochemical factory. Especially in front of Lu Chuan's eyes, there was crimson red everywhere, I am afraid it was extremely.
Fortunately, this crimson color only lasted for five seconds before it faded and disappeared.
But the stern alarm sound did not stop.
Lu Chuan was startled, but in the next second, he calmed down.
"The fourth time the zombie came, the countdown has finally entered."
I don't know why, Lu Chuan breathed a sigh of relief, like a puzzle, finally got the answer, no need to worry about what it is, when will the zombie attack come.
The unexpected happened the first three times. When the alarm appeared, Lu Chuan had adapted.
"Countdown to the zombie attack: 39 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes and 30 seconds."
This is the countdown that is presented before my eyes. This time the preparation time given is 40 days, which is not less. But Lu Chuan felt that time was very tight, and he even felt regretful in his heart. Why didn't he pay attention to it?
The fourth time the zombies struck, the main force was the third and fourth level zombies, and then there were a large number of first and second level zombies.
The most terrible thing is actually a small chance of zombies appearing one to two levels higher.
For example, there will be level 5 zombies, and there is a small probability that there will be level 6 zombies. With this small probability, Lu Chuan dared not make a profit. The last time a Level 5 corpse dragon appeared, he almost didn't let himself be a tragedy.
The strongest zombie in his hand is only the tyrant T-002, this kind of strength can't deal with the sixth-level zombie at all.
Once a Level 6 zombies appeared, they would pile the opponent to death with a sea of ​​corpses. This kind of loss would definitely make Lu Chuan feel extremely painful. Maybe a zombie attack would cost tens of billions of dollars.
Level 5 zombies, their muscle tissue can already form defenses against bullets. God knows what happens to level 6 zombies?
Lu Chuan thought that he could face it plainly, but now, he felt a sense of tension.
There is no way. Regarding zombies, there are a lot of zombies in his hands, but Lu Chuan has no way to calm down in the face of higher-level zombies that may appear.
When it comes to weapons, Lu Chuan has almost no decent weapons in his hands.
The original plan was to install automated weapons, such as near-defense guns used on ships. This type of weapon is absolutely the best against zombies. But now, where can I get it?
This kind of weapon is used in the military and is one of the military weapons of various countries, and it is almost impossible to sell.
Some can be sold, but they don't have a name to buy them. It is impossible for people to know them, and they can't buy them if they have money.
"It seems that Somalia's strategy needs to be adjusted."
Lu Chuan frowned. Somalia can be used as a deterrent, but it is not appropriate to put it on the surface. To find a channel through which weapons can be bought upright, we can only think of ways from the national level.
At the national level...not China, but other countries.
There are no less than two hundred countries in the world. Some of them are the size of sesame seeds and are not known to the world at all.
But no matter how small a country is, it is also a country, possessing their sovereignty.
If one can seek to control a country, then...the problem of weapons can be easily solved.
When he had this idea, Lu Chuan was also shocked. When would he dare to think so, thinking about trying to control a country? This idea is indeed crazy and bold.
In practice, it seems that it is not as difficult as imagined?
We must know that in some small countries, their populations are only hundreds of thousands, and some are even hundreds of thousands. Like the Pope’s country, with a population of a few thousand, it is completely country China, even urban China. It's just this kind of small country, don't think about it.
With a heartbeat of Lu Chuan, the light projector switched and turned into a modern earth map.
Facing the large and small countries covered with stars above, Lu Chuan stared at them one by one, excluding them one by one.
Anxious to know what a water ghost is like, Lu Chuan naturally has to take action.
Under the instruction, the most elite zombies in his hand concentrated.
Water ghosts live in lakes and rivers. As a result, the kind like Titan, and even the newly-appearing tyrant T-002, have lost their usefulness They can never go into the water. Fight?
"It seems feasible?"
Lu Chuan looked at the zombie troops standing in the warehouse, touching his chin, thinking about this issue.
Of course, it is necessary to test whether it is feasible, but they may not be the main force. Therefore, in the selection, considering that it is to go to the city center lake, the danger is certain, and there is no need to guard against survivors, so Lu Chuan is completely the main force.
50 Tyrant T-002s are needed, and the combination of Titan and Rose cannot be less.
In addition, three hundred lickers were ordered, two hundred hellhounds, and the remaining five hundred strengthened swifts were brought along. These swifts are proficient in marksmanship. Although they are not sharpshooters, their marksmanship is not weak. In dealing with water ghosts, they are even better than the tyrant T-002.
Putting aside these, as a follower of heavy firepower integrators, of course they will not be lost.
There are also 50 pursuers, they are fully armed, just look at them on their backs and the long bullet chain on their bodies to know how fierce their firepower will be. If 50 pursuers fire at the same time, this is 50 doors. The vehicle-mounted Vulcan cannon is enough to form a metal storm.
"not enough."
Lu Chuan felt ruthless, and selected 20 swifts. They were also wearing armor. The difference was that they were carrying a back box with a box of five kilogram bombs inside.
This is the big killer in Lu Chuan's hands, a suicidal person.
Standing in this warehouse with a scale of more than a thousand, Lu Chuan felt a sense of expansion.
Fortunately, Lu Chuan would not swell enough to find King Kong to test it, but Lu Chuan still has the courage to look for zombies like water ghosts that are about to be unlocked.
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